public TSSdkSession GetCurrentSession() { JObject json = JObject.Parse(RESTHelper.DoWebRequest(BASE_URL + DB + "/" + CURRENT_SESSION_DOC_ID, "GET", string.Empty)); json.Remove("_id"); json.Remove("_rev"); TSSdkSession sessionFromDB = TSSdkSession.FromJson(json.ToString()); return(sessionFromDB); }
/* * /confirm-key * POST https://{na,eu,ap} * * Allows the developer to ping the api to see if the api key is valid with the expected permissions. * * e.g. * Request body: * { * } * * Response: * { * "Message": "Access is granted with no limitations.", * "Limitaions": "UNLIMITED" * } * * { * "Message": "Access is granted with FastPass limitations.", * "Limitaions": "LIMITED" * } */ public bool ConfirmKey() { string url = BASE_URL_EU + "/confirm-key"; string body = String.Empty; string response = RESTHelper.DoWebRequest(url, POST, body); if (response != null) { return(true); } return(false); }
/* * /session-list * POST https://{na,eu,ap} * * Creates a voice session on the region associated with the api endpoint you are posting to. * * e.g. * Request body: * { * } * * Response: * [ * { * "SessionId": "na-406cae-d1017a-5d7076-7f83ec-134050", * "Region": "na", * "Password": "******", * "Hostname": "", * "UDPPort": "13195", * "DateCreated": "1524077298", * "CustomerLabel": "demo session", * "MaxUsers": "2", * "ApiKey": "04abfe-fb3e09-d915e5-ad09f3-d0388", * "VirtualServerClientsOnline": 0, * "VirtualServerCreatedTimestamp": 1524077298, * "VirtualServerMaxUsers": 2, * }, * { * "SessionId": "na-865ba9-9bb14a-a8ffc2-20d008-e0cf84", * "Region": "na", * "Password": "******", * "Hostname": "", * "UDPPort": "14776", * "DateCreated": "1524537320", * "CustomerLabel": "demo session 2", * "MaxUsers": "6", * "ApiKey": "04abfe-fb3e09-d915e5-ad09f3-d0388", * "VirtualServerClientsOnline": 0, * "VirtualServerCreatedTimestamp": 1524537320, * "VirtualServerMaxUsers": 6, * } * ] * * Error Response: * { * "Message": "Failed to retrieve voice sessions." * } */ public string SessionList() { string url = BASE_URL_EU + "/session-list"; string body = String.Empty; string response = RESTHelper.DoWebRequest(url, POST, body); if (response != null) { return(response.ToString()); } return(null); }
/* * /session-create * POST https://{na,eu,ap} * * Creates a voice session on the region associated with the api endpoint you are posting to. * * e.g. * Request body: * { * "CustomerLabel": "Raid #208052098", * "MaxUsers": "10", * "SDKVersion": "3.0.4" * } * * Response: * { * "CustomerLabel": "Raid #208052098", * "MaxUsers": 10, * "ApiKey": "******", * "SessionId": "na-64a6a6-e10b38-d8bb48-5be140-92cdf4", * "Password": "******", * "UDPPort": 13808, * "Region": "na", * "Hostname": "", * "Message": "Created session." * } * * Error Response: * { * "Message": "Bad request - paramater not set." * } * * { * "Message": "Cannot have greater than 10 MaxUsers per voice server on a limited account." * } * * { * "Message": "No Instances available hosting that SDKVersion." * } * * { * "Message": "Failed to create voice session." * } */ private TSSdkSession SessionCreate() { string url = BASE_URL_EU + "/session-create"; string body = "{\"CustomerLabel\":\"" + CustomerLabel + "\",\"MaxUsers\":\"" + MaxUsers.ToString() + "\",\"SDKVersion\":\"" + SDKVersion + "\"}"; string response = RESTHelper.DoWebRequest(url, POST, body); if (response != null) { return(TSSdkSession.FromJson(response)); } return(null); }
/* * /session-destroy * POST https://{na,eu,ap} * * Destroy's a voice session on the region associated with the api endpoint you are posting to. * For example, we need to post to the endpoint because this session starts with "na". * * e.g. * Request body: * { * "SessionId": "na-64a6a6-e10b38-d8bb48-5be140-92cdf4" * } * * Response: * { * "Message": "Session destroyed." * } */ public bool SessionDestroy() { if (CurrentSession != null) { string url = BASE_URL_EU + "/session-destroy"; string body = "{\"SessionId\":\"" + CurrentSession.SessionId + "\"}"; string response = RESTHelper.DoWebRequest(url, POST, body); if (response != null) { return(true); } } return(false); }
/* * /session-info * POST https://{na,eu,ap} * * Gets the information for a voice session on the region associated with the api endpoint you are posting to. * For example, we need to post to the endpoint because this session starts with "na". * * e.g. * Request body: * { * "SessionId": "na-406cae-d1017a-5d7076-7f83ec-134050" * } * * Response: * { * "SessionId": "na-406cae-d1017a-5d7076-7f83ec-134050", * "Region": "na", * "Password": "******", * "Hostname": "", * "UDPPort": "13195", * "CustomerLabel": "demo session", * "MaxUsers": "2", * "VirtualServerClientsOnline": 0, * "VirtualServerCreatedTimestamp": 1524077298, * "VirtualServerMaxUsers": 2, * } */ public TsSdkSessionInfo SessionInfo() { if (CurrentSession != null) { string url = BASE_URL_EU + "/session-info"; string body = "{\"SessionId\":\"" + CurrentSession.SessionId + "\"}"; string response = RESTHelper.DoWebRequest(url, POST, body); if (response != null) { return(TsSdkSessionInfo.FromJson(response)); } } return(null); }
public void UpdateCurrentSession(TSSdkSession session) { string json = RESTHelper.DoWebRequest(BASE_URL + DB + "/" + CURRENT_SESSION_DOC_ID, "GET", string.Empty); JDocument doc = new JDocument(json); JDocument newDoc = new JDocument(Serialize.ToJson(session)); newDoc.Id = doc.Id; newDoc.Rev = doc.Rev; System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(); Byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes(newDoc.ToString()); using (var client = new System.Net.WebClient()) { client.UseDefaultCredentials = true; client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("admin", "9d12b2051b87"); client.UploadData(BASE_URL + DB + CURRENT_SESSION_DOC_ID, "PUT", data); } }