protected override void ProcessRecord() { if (ThrottleLevel.ToLower() == "low" && MaxConcurrentCalls != null) //if Throttle Level is set to Low, you can't set the max concurrent call number. { WriteWarning("When ThrottleLevel is set to Low, MaxConcurrentCalls is automatically set to the default value of 4."); MaxConcurrentCalls = null; } AddWebServiceEndpointRequest req = new AddWebServiceEndpointRequest { WebServiceId = WebServiceId, EndpointName = EndpointName, Description = Description, ThrottleLevel = ThrottleLevel, MaxConcurrentCalls = MaxConcurrentCalls, PreventUpdate = PreventUpdate.IsPresent }; Sdk.AddWebServiceEndpoint(GetWorkspaceSetting(), req); WriteObject(string.Format("Web service endpoint \"{0}\" was successfully added.", EndpointName)); }