public static void DepositIntoAcct() { Console.WriteLine("Enter the Account Number"); string acct = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the Amount to be deposited:"); string amt = Console.ReadLine(); var item_S = s_Acct_List.Where(x => x.Acct_Number == Convert.ToInt64(acct)).FirstOrDefault(); if (item_S != null) { Savings_Acct sc = new Savings_Acct(); sc.Deposit(Convert.ToInt32(amt)); s_Acct_List.Remove(item_S); item_S.Balance = Convert.ToInt32(amt); s_Acct_List.Add(item_S); Console.WriteLine("Amount deposited successfully!"); } else { var item_C = c_Acct_List.Where(x => x.Acct_Number == Convert.ToInt64(acct)).FirstOrDefault(); if (item_C != null) { Current_Acct sc = new Current_Acct(); sc.Deposit(Convert.ToInt32(amt)); c_Acct_List.Remove(item_C); item_S.Balance = Convert.ToInt32(amt); c_Acct_List.Add(item_C); Console.WriteLine("Amount deposited successfully!"); } } }
public static void GetRateOfInterest() { Console.WriteLine("Press S for Savings Account"); Console.WriteLine("Press C for Current Account"); string inp = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.Equals(inp, "S", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var sv = new Savings_Acct(); sv.GetRateofInterest(); } else if (string.Equals(inp, "C", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var sv = new Current_Acct(); sv.GetRateofInterest(); } }
public static void EditExistingAccount() { Console.WriteLine("Enter the Account Number"); string acct = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the new Name"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); var item_S = s_Acct_List.Where(x => x.Acct_Number == Convert.ToInt64(acct)).FirstOrDefault(); if (item_S != null) { Savings_Acct sc = new Savings_Acct(); if (sc.EditAccount(name)) { s_Acct_List.Remove(item_S); item_S.User_Name = name; s_Acct_List.Add(item_S); Console.WriteLine("Account edited successfully!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error processing account!!"); } } else { var item_C = c_Acct_List.Where(x => x.Acct_Number == Convert.ToInt64(acct)).FirstOrDefault(); if (item_C != null) { Current_Acct sc = new Current_Acct(); if (sc.EditAccount(name)) { c_Acct_List.Remove(item_C); item_C.User_Name = name; c_Acct_List.Add(item_C); Console.WriteLine("Account edited successfully!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error processing account!!"); } } } }
public static void TransferAmount() { Console.WriteLine("Enter the account number, from where the amount will be deducted:"); string acctF = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the account number, from where the amount will be added:"); string acctT = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the amount to be transferred to the account:"); string amt = Console.ReadLine(); var item_S = s_Acct_List.Where(x => x.Acct_Number == Convert.ToInt64(acctF)).FirstOrDefault(); if (item_S != null) { Savings_Acct sc = new Savings_Acct(); sc.FromAccount = Convert.ToInt32(acctF); sc.ToAccount = Convert.ToInt32(acctT); if (sc.FromAccount > 0 && sc.ToAccount > 0) { var tpl = new Dictionary <string, object>(); tpl.Add("SAVINGS", s_Acct_List); var data = sc.TransferAmount(tpl, Convert.ToInt32(amt)); s_Acct_List = data.Where(x => x.Key == "SAVINGS") as List <Savings_Acct>; } } else { var item_C = c_Acct_List.Where(x => x.Acct_Number == Convert.ToInt64(acctF)).FirstOrDefault(); if (item_C != null) { Current_Acct sc = new Current_Acct(); sc.FromAccount = Convert.ToInt32(acctF); sc.ToAccount = Convert.ToInt32(acctT); if (sc.FromAccount > 0 && sc.ToAccount > 0) { var tpl = new Dictionary <string, object>(); tpl.Add("CURRENT", s_Acct_List); var data = sc.TransferAmount(tpl, Convert.ToInt32(amt)); c_Acct_List = data.Where(x => x.Key == "CURRENT") as List <Current_Acct>; } Console.WriteLine("Amount transferred successfully!"); } } }
public static void ViewAccount() { Console.WriteLine("Enter the Account Number"); string acct = Console.ReadLine(); var item_S = s_Acct_List.Where(x => x.Acct_Number == Convert.ToInt64(acct)).FirstOrDefault(); if (item_S != null) { var sv = new Savings_Acct(item_S.Balance, item_S.Acct_Number, item_S.User_Name); sv.GetAccountDetails(); } var item_C = c_Acct_List.Where(x => x.Acct_Number == Convert.ToInt64(acct)).FirstOrDefault(); if (item_C != null) { var sv = new Current_Acct(item_C.Balance, item_C.Acct_Number, item_C.User_Name); sv.GetAccountDetails(); } }
public static void OpenNewAcct() { Console.WriteLine("Press S for Savings Account"); Console.WriteLine("Press C for Current Account"); string inp = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("-- Enter user name: --"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter balance to be deposited:"); string bal = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.Equals(inp, "S", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { Savings_Acct acct = new Savings_Acct(); bool isVlaid = acct.OpenAccount(name, Convert.ToInt32(bal)); if (isVlaid) { s_Acct_List.Add(acct); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error processing Account!!"); } } else if (string.Equals(inp, "C", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { Current_Acct acct = new Current_Acct(); bool isVlaid = acct.OpenAccount(name, Convert.ToInt32(bal)); if (isVlaid) { c_Acct_List.Add(acct); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error processing account!!"); } } }
public static void CloseAccount() { Console.WriteLine("Enter the Account Number"); string acct = Console.ReadLine(); var item_S = s_Acct_List.Where(x => x.Acct_Number == Convert.ToInt64(acct)).FirstOrDefault(); if (item_S != null) { Savings_Acct sc = new Savings_Acct(); if (sc.CloseAccount(item_S.Balance)) { s_Acct_List.Remove(item_S); Console.WriteLine("Account closed successfully!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error processing account!!"); } } else { var item_C = c_Acct_List.Where(x => x.Acct_Number == Convert.ToInt64(acct)).FirstOrDefault(); if (item_C != null) { Current_Acct sc = new Current_Acct(); if (sc.CloseAccount(item_C.Balance)) { c_Acct_List.Remove(item_C); Console.WriteLine("Account closed successfully!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error processing account!!"); } } } }