Exemple #1
        private void AddPathSegmentToSkiaPath(SKPath skPath, IPathSegment pathSegment)
            if (pathSegment is IBezierSegment bezierSegment)
                    (float)bezierSegment.Point1.X, (float)bezierSegment.Point1.Y,
                    (float)bezierSegment.Point2.X, (float)bezierSegment.Point2.Y,
                    (float)bezierSegment.Point3.X, (float)bezierSegment.Point3.Y);
            else if (pathSegment is IPolyBezierSegment polyBezierSegment)
                List <Point> points = new List <Point>();
                foreach (Point point in polyBezierSegment.Points)

                if (points.Count % 3 != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"IPolyBezerSegment contains {points.Count} points, which isn't a multiple of 3");

                for (int i = 0; i < points.Count;)
                    var point1 = points[i + 0];
                    var point2 = points[i + 1];
                    var point3 = points[i + 2];

                        (float)point1.X, (float)point1.Y,
                        (float)point2.X, (float)point2.Y,
                        (float)point3.X, (float)point3.Y);

                    i += 3;
            else if (pathSegment is ILineSegment lineSegment)
                skPath.LineTo((float)lineSegment.Point.X, (float)lineSegment.Point.Y);
            else if (pathSegment is IQuadraticBezierSegment quadraticBezierSegment)
                    (float)quadraticBezierSegment.Point1.X, (float)quadraticBezierSegment.Point1.Y,
                    (float)quadraticBezierSegment.Point2.X, (float)quadraticBezierSegment.Point2.Y);
            else if (pathSegment is IPolyLineSegment polyLineSegment)
                var skiaPoints = new List <SKPoint>();
                AddSkiaPoints(polyLineSegment.Points, skiaPoints);
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"IPathSegment type {pathSegment.GetType()} not yet implemented");
Exemple #2
        private void SkiaCanvas_PaintSurface(object sender, SkiaSharp.Views.Forms.SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
            // Draw the four corners of the "card outline".
            SKImageInfo info    = e.Info;
            SKSurface   surface = e.Surface;
            SKCanvas    canvas  = surface.Canvas;


            SKPaint paint = new SKPaint
                IsAntialias = true,
                Style       = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                Color       = SKColors.Blue,
                StrokeWidth = 5,
                StrokeCap   = SKStrokeCap.Square,
                StrokeJoin  = SKStrokeJoin.Round

            SKPath path = new SKPath();

            const float cornerOffset = 50f;
            // Top left
            SKPoint tlBottomLeft = new SKPoint(info.Width * 0.1f, info.Height * 0.1f + cornerOffset);
            SKPoint tlTopLeft    = new SKPoint(info.Width * 0.1f, info.Height * 0.1f);
            SKPoint tlTopRight   = new SKPoint(info.Width * 0.1f + cornerOffset, info.Height * 0.1f);

            path.CubicTo(tlTopLeft, tlTopLeft, tlTopRight);

            // Top right
            SKPoint trTopLeft     = new SKPoint(info.Width * 0.9f - cornerOffset, info.Height * 0.1f);
            SKPoint trTopRight    = new SKPoint(info.Width * 0.9f, info.Height * 0.1f);
            SKPoint trBottomRight = new SKPoint(info.Width * 0.9f, info.Height * 0.1f + cornerOffset);

            path.CubicTo(trTopRight, trTopRight, trBottomRight);

            // Bottom right
            SKPoint brTopRight    = new SKPoint(info.Width * 0.9f, info.Height * 0.9f - cornerOffset);
            SKPoint brBottomRight = new SKPoint(info.Width * 0.9f, info.Height * 0.9f);
            SKPoint brBottomLeft  = new SKPoint(info.Width * 0.9f - cornerOffset, info.Height * 0.9f);

            path.CubicTo(brBottomRight, brBottomRight, brBottomLeft);

            // Bottom left
            SKPoint blBottomRight = new SKPoint(info.Width * 0.1f + cornerOffset, info.Height * 0.9f);
            SKPoint blBottomLeft  = new SKPoint(info.Width * 0.1f, info.Height * 0.9f);
            SKPoint blTopLeft     = new SKPoint(info.Width * 0.1f, info.Height * 0.9f - cornerOffset);

            path.CubicTo(blBottomLeft, blBottomLeft, blTopLeft);

            canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);
Exemple #3
        internal static SKPath BuildRoundedRectangleGeometry(Vector2 offset, Vector2 size, Vector2 cornerRadius)
            float radiusX = Clamp(cornerRadius.X, 0, size.X * 0.5f);
            float radiusY = Clamp(cornerRadius.Y, 0, size.Y * 0.5f);

            float bezierX = (float)((1.0 - CIRCLE_BEZIER_KAPPA) * radiusX);
            float bezierY = (float)((1.0 - CIRCLE_BEZIER_KAPPA) * radiusY);

            SKPath path      = new SKPath();
            var    lastPoint = new SKPoint(offset.X + radiusX, offset.Y);

            // Top line
            path.LineTo(lastPoint + new SKPoint(size.X - 2 * radiusX, 0));
            lastPoint += new SKPoint(size.X - 2 * radiusX, 0);
            // Top-right Arc
                lastPoint + new SKPoint(radiusX - bezierX, 0),                   // 1st control point
                lastPoint + new SKPoint(radiusX, bezierY),                       // 2nd control point
                lastPoint + new SKPoint(radiusX, radiusY));                      // End point
            lastPoint += new SKPoint(radiusX, radiusY);

            // Right line
            path.LineTo(lastPoint + new SKPoint(0, size.Y - 2 * radiusY));
            lastPoint += new SKPoint(0, size.Y - 2 * radiusY);
            // Bottom-right Arc
                lastPoint + new SKPoint(0, bezierY),                             // 1st control point
                lastPoint + new SKPoint(-bezierX, radiusY),                      // 2nd control point
                lastPoint + new SKPoint(-radiusX, radiusY));                     // End point
            lastPoint += new SKPoint(-radiusX, radiusY);

            // Bottom line
            path.LineTo(lastPoint + new SKPoint(-(size.X - 2 * radiusX), 0));
            lastPoint = lastPoint + new SKPoint(-(size.X - 2 * radiusX), 0);
            // Bottom-left Arc
                lastPoint + new SKPoint(-radiusX + bezierX, 0),                  // 1st control point
                lastPoint + new SKPoint(-radiusX, -bezierY),                     // 2nd control point
                lastPoint + new SKPoint(-radiusX, -radiusY));                    // End point
            lastPoint += new SKPoint(-radiusX, -radiusY);

            // Left line
            path.LineTo(lastPoint + new SKPoint(0, -(size.Y - 2 * radiusY)));
            lastPoint += new SKPoint(0, -(size.Y - 2 * radiusY));
            // Top-left Arc
                lastPoint + new SKPoint(0, -radiusY + bezierY),                  // 1st control point
                lastPoint + new SKPoint(bezierX, -radiusY),                      // 2nd control point
                lastPoint + new SKPoint(radiusX, -radiusY));                     // End point


Exemple #4
        private static void AddSegment(this SKPath path, PathSegment segment)
            if (segment is LineSegment)
                var s = segment as LineSegment;
            else if (segment is PolyLineSegment)
                var s = segment as PolyLineSegment;
                path.AddPoly(s.Points.Select(x => x.ToSKPoint()).Reverse().ToArray(), false);
            else if (segment is ArcSegment)
                var s = segment as ArcSegment;
                path.AddArc(new Rect(s.Point, s.Size).ToSKRect(), 180 + -s.RotationAngle.ToFloat(), -180);
            else if (segment is BezierSegment)
                var s = segment as BezierSegment;
                path.CubicTo(s.Point1.ToSKPoint(), s.Point2.ToSKPoint(), s.Point3.ToSKPoint());
            else if (segment is PolyBezierSegment)
                var s = segment as PolyBezierSegment;

                if (s.Points.Count % 3 != 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Number of PolyBezierSegment points must be divisable by 3.");

                for (int i = 0; i < s.Points.Count; i += 3)
                    var p1 = s.Points[i];
                    var p2 = s.Points[i + 1];
                    var p3 = s.Points[i + 2];

                    path.CubicTo(p1.ToSKPoint(), p2.ToSKPoint(), p3.ToSKPoint());
            else if (segment is PolyQuadraticBezierSegment)
                var s = segment as PolyQuadraticBezierSegment;

                for (int i = 0; i < s.Points.Count; i += 2)
                    var p1 = s.Points[i];
                    var p2 = s.Points[i + 1];

                    path.CubicTo(p1.ToSKPoint(), p2.ToSKPoint(), p2.ToSKPoint());
        public void TightBoundsForEnclosedPathIsNotZero()
            var path = new SKPath();

            path.MoveTo(10, 20);
            path.CubicTo(10, 20, 30, 40, 30, 40);
            path.CubicTo(50, 60, 30, 40, 30, 40);

            var bounds = path.TightBounds;

            Assert.AreEqual(SKRect.Create(10, 20, 20, 20), bounds);
        public InfinityColorsPage()
            Title = "Infinity Colors";

            // Create path for infinity sign
            infinityPath = new SKPath();
            infinityPath.MoveTo(0, 0);                                  // Center
            infinityPath.CubicTo(50, -50, 95, -100, 150, -100);         // To top of right loop
            infinityPath.CubicTo(205, -100, 250, -55, 250, 0);          // To far right of right loop
            infinityPath.CubicTo(250, 55, 205, 100, 150, 100);          // To bottom of right loop
            infinityPath.CubicTo(95, 100, 50, 50, 0, 0);                // Back to center
            infinityPath.CubicTo(-50, -50, -95, -100, -150, -100);      // To top of left loop
            infinityPath.CubicTo(-205, -100, -250, -55, -250, 0);       // To far left of left loop
            infinityPath.CubicTo(-250, 55, -205, 100, -150, 100);       // To bottom of left loop
            infinityPath.CubicTo(-95, 100, -50, 50, 0, 0);              // Back to center

            // Calculate path information
            pathBounds          = infinityPath.Bounds;
            gradientCycleLength = pathBounds.Width +
                                  pathBounds.Height * pathBounds.Height / pathBounds.Width;

            // Create SKColor array for gradient
            for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
                colors[i] = SKColor.FromHsl(i * 360f / (colors.Length - 1), 100, 50);

            canvasView = new SKCanvasView();
            canvasView.PaintSurface += OnCanvasViewPaintSurface;
            Content = canvasView;
Exemple #7
        private void DrawOrganicInside(SKRect rect, SKCanvas canvas)
            var quarterWidth = rect.Width / 4f;

            var cMultiplier = new SKPoint(quarterWidth * 0.5f, 0);

            var p0 = new SKPoint(rect.Left, rect.MidY);
            var p1 = new SKPoint(rect.Left + quarterWidth, rect.Top) + DeltaPoint(0);
            var p2 = new SKPoint(rect.Right - quarterWidth, rect.Top) + DeltaPoint(.5f);
            var p3 = new SKPoint(rect.Right, rect.MidY) + DeltaPoint(.9f);
            var p4 = new SKPoint(rect.Right - quarterWidth, rect.Bottom) + DeltaPoint(.65f);
            var p5 = new SKPoint(rect.Left + quarterWidth, rect.Bottom) + DeltaPoint(.4f);

            var qp1 = new SKPoint(rect.Left, rect.Top);
            var qp2 = new SKPoint(rect.Right, rect.Top);
            var qp3 = new SKPoint(rect.Right, rect.Bottom);
            var qp4 = new SKPoint(rect.Left, rect.Bottom);

            var m1 = new SKPoint(rect.MidX, rect.Top) + Multiply(DeltaPoint(.25f), new SKPoint(-1.5f, 2.4f));
            var m2 = new SKPoint(rect.MidX, rect.Bottom) + Multiply(DeltaPoint(.65f), new SKPoint(0.5f, 1.8f));

            var cp1 = p1 + cMultiplier;
            var cm1 = m1 - cMultiplier;

            var cp2 = p2 - cMultiplier;
            var cm2 = m1 + cMultiplier;

            var cp3 = p4 - cMultiplier;
            var cm3 = m2 + cMultiplier;

            var cp4 = p5 + cMultiplier;
            var cm4 = m2 - cMultiplier;

            // Draw path with quadratic Bezier
            using (var path = new SKPath())
                path.QuadTo(qp1, p1);
                path.CubicTo(cp1, cm1, m1);
                path.CubicTo(cm2, cp2, p2);
                path.QuadTo(qp2, p3);
                path.QuadTo(qp3, p4);
                path.CubicTo(cp3, cm3, m2);
                path.CubicTo(cm4, cp4, p5);
                path.QuadTo(qp4, p0);

                canvas.DrawPath(path, _backgroundPaint);
Exemple #8
        void OnCanvasViewPaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs args)
            SKImageInfo info    = args.Info;
            SKSurface   surface = args.Surface;
            SKCanvas    canvas  = surface.Canvas;


            // Draw path with cubic Bezier curve
            using (SKPath path = new SKPath())

                canvas.DrawPath(path, strokePaint);

            // Draw tangent lines
                            touchPoints[1].Center.Y, dottedStrokePaint);

                            touchPoints[3].Center.Y, dottedStrokePaint);

            foreach (TouchPoint touchPoint in touchPoints)
        public ClockPage()
            catEar.MoveTo(0, 0);
            catEar.LineTo(0, 75);
            catEar.LineTo(100, 75);

            catEye.MoveTo(0, 0);
            catEye.ArcTo(50, 50, 0, SKPathArcSize.Small, SKPathDirection.Clockwise, 50, 0);
            catEye.ArcTo(50, 50, 0, SKPathArcSize.Small, SKPathDirection.Clockwise, 0, 0);

            catPupil.MoveTo(25, -5);
            catPupil.ArcTo(6, 6, 0, SKPathArcSize.Small, SKPathDirection.Clockwise, 25, 5);
            catPupil.ArcTo(6, 6, 0, SKPathArcSize.Small, SKPathDirection.Clockwise, 25, -5);

            catTail.MoveTo(0, 100);
            catTail.CubicTo(50, 200, 0, 250, -50, 200);

            Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1f / 60), () =>
Exemple #10
        internal static void GetPathFromData(ShapeData shapeData, SKPath outPath)
            var initialPoint = shapeData.InitialPoint;

            outPath.MoveTo(initialPoint.X, initialPoint.Y);
            var currentPoint = initialPoint;

            for (var i = 0; i < shapeData.Curves.Count; i++)
                var curveData = shapeData.Curves[i];
                var cp1       = curveData.ControlPoint1;
                var cp2       = curveData.ControlPoint2;
                var vertex    = curveData.Vertex;

                if (cp1.Equals(currentPoint) && cp2.Equals(vertex))
                    outPath.LineTo(vertex.X, vertex.Y);
                    outPath.CubicTo(cp1.X, cp1.Y, cp2.X, cp2.Y, vertex.X, vertex.Y);
                currentPoint.X = vertex.X;
                currentPoint.Y = vertex.Y;
            if (shapeData.Closed)
Exemple #11
        public SKPath CreateWaveMaskPath(float width, float height, float controlOffset, float transX, float transY, int waveCount = 1)
            var min    = Math.Min(width, height);
            var startX = (width - min) / 2;

            SKPath sinePath = new SKPath();

            sinePath.MoveTo(new SKPoint(startX + transX, transY));
            var waveWidth = min / waveCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < waveCount * 2; i++)
                sinePath.CubicTo(new SKPoint(startX + transX + waveWidth / 2 + waveWidth * i, transY - controlOffset), new SKPoint(startX + transX + waveWidth / 2 + waveWidth * i, transY + controlOffset), new SKPoint(startX + transX + waveWidth + waveWidth * i, transY));
            //sinePath.CubicTo(new SKPoint(startX + transX + min / 2, transY - controlOffset), new SKPoint(startX + transX + min / 2, transY + controlOffset), new SKPoint(startX + transX + min, transY));
            //sinePath.CubicTo(new SKPoint(startX + transX + min / 2 + min, transY - controlOffset), new SKPoint(startX + transX + min / 2 + min, transY + controlOffset), new SKPoint(startX + transX + min * 2, transY));

            sinePath.LineTo(new SKPoint(startX + transX + min * 2, height + transY));
            sinePath.LineTo(new SKPoint(startX + transX, height + transY));
            sinePath.LineTo(new SKPoint(startX + transX, transY));

Exemple #12
        private void DrawPath(SKCanvas canvas, SKPaint paint, SKPoint[] points)
            var path = new SKPath();


            var last = LineMode == LineMode.Straight ? points.Length : points.Length - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < last; i++)
                if (LineMode == LineMode.Spline)
                    var point       = points[i];
                    var nextPoint   = points[i + 1];
                    var offsetPoint = new SKPoint((nextPoint.X - point.X) * 0.5f, 0);

                    var currentPoint = point + offsetPoint;
                    var next         = nextPoint - offsetPoint;

                    path.CubicTo(currentPoint, next, nextPoint);

            canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);
Exemple #13
        void OnCanvasViewPaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs args)
            SKImageInfo info    = args.Info;
            SKSurface   surface = args.Surface;
            SKCanvas    canvas  = surface.Canvas;


            using (SKPath path = new SKPath())
                path.MoveTo(new SKPoint(0, 0));
                path.CubicTo(new SKPoint(2 * info.Width, info.Height),
                             new SKPoint(-info.Width, info.Height),
                             new SKPoint(info.Width, 0));

                switch ((string)effectStylePicker.SelectedItem)
                case "Translate":
                    pathPaint.PathEffect = translatePathEffect;

                case "Rotate":
                    pathPaint.PathEffect = rotatePathEffect;

                case "Morph":
                    pathPaint.PathEffect = morphPathEffect;

                canvas.DrawPath(path, pathPaint);
Exemple #14
        public MainPage()

            // Make cat ear path
            catEarPath.MoveTo(7, -10);
            catEarPath.LineTo(0, 75);
            catEarPath.LineTo(80, 75);

            // Make Cat eye path
            catEyePath.MoveTo(0, 0);
            catEyePath.ArcTo(50, 50, 0, SKPathArcSize.Small, SKPathDirection.Clockwise, 50, 0);
            catEyePath.ArcTo(50, 50, 0, SKPathArcSize.Small, SKPathDirection.Clockwise, 0, 0);

            // Make eye pupil path
            catPupilPath.MoveTo(25, -5);
            catPupilPath.ArcTo(6, 6, 0, SKPathArcSize.Small, SKPathDirection.Clockwise, 25, 5);
            catPupilPath.ArcTo(6, 6, 0, SKPathArcSize.Small, SKPathDirection.Clockwise, 25, -5);

            // Make cat tail path
            catTailPath.MoveTo(0, 100);
            catTailPath.CubicTo(50, 200, 0, 250, -50, 200);

            Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1f / 60), () =>
        public void Draw(SKCanvas canvas, SKPaint paint, int posH, int PosV)
            foreach (IFragments fragment in items)
                IShape item = fragment.GetFragment();
                item.UpdatePoints(posH, PosV);

                int type = item.GetType();

                if (type == 1)
                    Bezier bezier = item as Bezier;

                    SKPath path = new SKPath();

                    path.CubicTo(bezier.x, bezier.y, bezier.z);

                    canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);
                else if (type == 0)
                    Line line = item as Line;

                    canvas.DrawLine(line.x, line.y, paint);
                    Oval oval = item as Oval;

                    canvas.DrawOval(oval.x.X, oval.x.Y, oval.rx, oval.ry, paint);
Exemple #16
        protected override void OnPaintSurface(SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs e)

            var paint = new SKPaint
                Color       = Color2.ToSKColor(),
                Style       = SKPaintStyle.Fill,
                IsAntialias = true

            var bounds = e.Surface.Canvas.LocalClipBounds;
            var canvas = e.Surface.Canvas;


            var point1 = new SKPoint(0, bounds.Height);
            var point2 = new SKPoint(bounds.Width / 2, bounds.Height);
            var point3 = new SKPoint(bounds.Width / 2, 0);
            var point4 = new SKPoint(bounds.Width, 0);
            var point5 = new SKPoint(bounds.Width, bounds.Height);

            using (var path = new SKPath())
                path.CubicTo(point2, point3, point4);
                canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);
Exemple #17
        void OnCanvasViewPaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs args)
            SKImageInfo info    = args.Info;
            SKSurface   surface = args.Surface;
            SKCanvas    canvas  = surface.Canvas;


            // Draw path with cubic Bezier curve
            using (SKPath path = new SKPath())

                canvas.DrawPath(path, strokePaint);

                // Get path length
                SKPathMeasure pathMeasure = new SKPathMeasure(path, false, 1);

                // Find new text size
                textPaint.TextSize = pathMeasure.Length / baseTextWidth * 10;

                // Draw text on path
                canvas.DrawTextOnPath(text, path, 0, 0, textPaint);

            foreach (TouchPoint touchPoint in touchPoints)
Exemple #18
        void DrawConnectionsNetwork3()
            bool[,] visitedEgdes = DijkstraAlgorithm.GetVisistedEdges();
            DrawConnection(routerX, routerU, visitedEgdes[currentStep, 1]);
            DrawConnection(routerX, routerW, visitedEgdes[currentStep, 11]);
            DrawConnection(routerX, routerY, visitedEgdes[currentStep, 12]);
            DrawConnection(routerU, routerV, visitedEgdes[currentStep, 0]);
            DrawConnection(routerV, routerX, visitedEgdes[currentStep, 8]);
            DrawConnection(routerV, routerW, visitedEgdes[currentStep, 10]);
            //DrawConnections(canvas, routerV, routerY);
            DrawConnection(routerW, routerY, visitedEgdes[currentStep, 13]);
            DrawConnection(routerW, routerZ, visitedEgdes[currentStep, 4]);
            DrawConnection(routerZ, routerY, visitedEgdes[currentStep, 5]);
            SKPoint p       = new SKPoint(xPercent(0.15f), yPercent(0.6f));
            SKPath  curveUY = new SKPath();

            curveUY.CubicTo(routerU, p, routerY);
            if (visitedEgdes[currentStep, 3])
                canvas.DrawPath(curveUY, sk_Visited);
                if (currentStep != maxStep)
                    canvas.DrawPath(curveUY, sk_RouterContour);
        private void SKCanvasView_PaintSurface(object sender, SkiaSharp.Views.Forms.SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
            SKImageInfo info    = e.Info;
            SKSurface   surface = e.Surface;
            SKCanvas    canvas  = surface.Canvas;


            int cornerRadius = info.Width / 14;

            using (SKPath path = new SKPath())
                path.MoveTo(0, 0);
                path.LineTo(info.Width - cornerRadius, 0);

                path.CubicTo(info.Width, 0, info.Width, info.Height, info.Width - cornerRadius, info.Height);
                path.LineTo(cornerRadius, info.Height);

                path.QuadTo(0, info.Height, 0, info.Height - cornerRadius);
                path.LineTo(0, 0);

                SKPaint paint = new SKPaint
                    Style       = SKPaintStyle.StrokeAndFill,
                    Color       = ((Color)App.Current.Resources["secondMessage"]).ToSKColor(),
                    StrokeWidth = 1,
                    IsAntialias = true

                canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);
Exemple #20
        public void DrawDroplet(SKCanvas canvas, string label, bool biggie, SKPoint center, float padRadius, float radius, float textStrokeWidth, SKPaint fillPaint, float strokeWidth, float accentStrokeWidth, Swipe swipe)
            float ratio = radius / padRadius;

            //strokeWidth = strokeWidth * ratio;
            textStrokeWidth   = textStrokeWidth * ratio;
            accentStrokeWidth = accentStrokeWidth * ratio;

            float pull         = 0.75f;
            float accentRadius = radius - (strokeWidth + accentStrokeWidth) / 2.0f;

            var path = new SKPath();

            path.MoveTo(swipe % new SKPoint(center.X, center.Y - radius));
            path.CubicTo(swipe % new SKPoint(center.X + pull * radius, center.Y - radius), swipe % new SKPoint(center.X + radius, center.Y - pull * radius), swipe % new SKPoint(center.X + radius, center.Y));
            path.CubicTo(swipe % new SKPoint(center.X + radius, center.Y + pull * radius), swipe % new SKPoint(center.X + pull * radius, center.Y + radius), swipe % new SKPoint(center.X, center.Y + radius));
            path.CubicTo(swipe % new SKPoint(center.X - pull * radius, center.Y + radius), swipe % new SKPoint(center.X - radius, center.Y + pull * radius), swipe % new SKPoint(center.X - radius, center.Y));
            path.CubicTo(swipe % new SKPoint(center.X - radius, center.Y - pull * radius), swipe % new SKPoint(center.X - pull * radius, center.Y - radius), swipe % new SKPoint(center.X, center.Y - radius));

            var darkPath = new SKPath();

            darkPath.MoveTo(swipe % new SKPoint(center.X + accentRadius, center.Y));
            darkPath.CubicTo(swipe % new SKPoint(center.X + accentRadius, center.Y + pull * accentRadius), swipe % new SKPoint(center.X + pull * accentRadius, center.Y + accentRadius), swipe % new SKPoint(center.X, center.Y + accentRadius));

            var lightPath = new SKPath();

            lightPath.MoveTo(swipe % new SKPoint(center.X - accentRadius, center.Y));
            lightPath.CubicTo(swipe % new SKPoint(center.X - accentRadius, center.Y - pull * accentRadius), swipe % new SKPoint(center.X - pull * accentRadius, center.Y - accentRadius), swipe % new SKPoint(center.X, center.Y - accentRadius));

            using (var strokePaint = new SKPaint {
                Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke, Color = new SKColor(0, 0, 0, 191), StrokeWidth = swipe % strokeWidth, IsAntialias = true
                using (var accentLightPaint = new SKPaint {
                    Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke, Color = new SKColor(255, 255, 255, 191), StrokeWidth = swipe % accentStrokeWidth, StrokeCap = SKStrokeCap.Round, IsAntialias = true
                    using (var accentDarkPaint = new SKPaint {
                        Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke, Color = new SKColor(0, 0, 0, 95), StrokeWidth = swipe % accentStrokeWidth, StrokeCap = SKStrokeCap.Round, IsAntialias = true
                    }) {
                        canvas.DrawPath(path, fillPaint);
                        canvas.DrawPath(darkPath, accentDarkPaint);
                        canvas.DrawPath(lightPath, accentLightPaint);
                        canvas.DrawPath(path, strokePaint);

            DrawDropletLabel(canvas, label, center, radius, textStrokeWidth, biggie, swipe);
Exemple #21
 internal static void AddCubic(IToolContext context, CubicBezierShape cubicBezier, double dx, double dy, SKPath geometry)
     geometry.MoveTo(ToSKPoint(cubicBezier.StartPoint, dx, dy));
         ToSKPoint(cubicBezier.Point1, dx, dy),
         ToSKPoint(cubicBezier.Point2, dx, dy),
         ToSKPoint(cubicBezier.Point3, dx, dy));
Exemple #22
        void OnCanvasViewPaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs args)
            SKImageInfo info    = args.Info;
            SKSurface   surface = args.Surface;
            SKCanvas    canvas  = surface.Canvas;


            // Translate to center
            canvas.Translate(info.Width / 2, info.Height / 2);

            // Draw the circle
            float radius = Math.Min(info.Width, info.Height) / 3;

            canvas.DrawCircle(0, 0, radius, blackStroke);

            // Get the value of the Slider
            float angle = (float)angleSlider.Value;

            // Calculate length of control point line
            float length = radius * 4 * (float)Math.Tan(Math.PI * angle / 180 / 4) / 3;

            // Calculate sin and cosine for half that angle
            float sin = (float)Math.Sin(Math.PI * angle / 180 / 2);
            float cos = (float)Math.Cos(Math.PI * angle / 180 / 2);

            // Find the end points
            SKPoint point0 = new SKPoint(-radius * sin, radius * cos);
            SKPoint point3 = new SKPoint(radius * sin, radius * cos);

            // Find the control points
            SKPoint point0Normalized = Normalize(point0);
            SKPoint point1           = point0 + new SKPoint(length * point0Normalized.Y,
                                                            -length * point0Normalized.X);

            SKPoint point3Normalized = Normalize(point3);
            SKPoint point2           = point3 + new SKPoint(-length * point3Normalized.Y,
                                                            length * point3Normalized.X);

            // Draw the points
            canvas.DrawCircle(point0.X, point0.Y, 10, blackFill);
            canvas.DrawCircle(point1.X, point1.Y, 10, blackFill);
            canvas.DrawCircle(point2.X, point2.Y, 10, blackFill);
            canvas.DrawCircle(point3.X, point3.Y, 10, blackFill);

            // Draw the tangent lines
            canvas.DrawLine(point0.X, point0.Y, point1.X, point1.Y, dottedStroke);
            canvas.DrawLine(point3.X, point3.Y, point2.X, point2.Y, dottedStroke);

            // Draw the Bezier curve
            using (SKPath path = new SKPath())
                path.CubicTo(point1, point2, point3);
                canvas.DrawPath(path, redStroke);
Exemple #23
        internal static SKPath BuildEllipseGeometry(Vector2 center, Vector2 radius)
            SKRect rect = SKRect.Create(center.X - radius.X, center.Y - radius.Y, radius.X * 2, radius.Y * 2);

            float bezierX = (float)((1.0 - CIRCLE_BEZIER_KAPPA) * radius.X);
            float bezierY = (float)((1.0 - CIRCLE_BEZIER_KAPPA) * radius.Y);

            // IMPORTANT:
            // - The order of following operations is important for dashed strokes.
            // - Stroke might get merged in the end.
            // - WPF starts with bottom right ellipse arc.
            // - TODO: Verify UWP behavior

            SKPath path = new SKPath();

            path.MoveTo(new SKPoint(rect.Right, rect.Top + radius.Y));
            // Bottom-right Arc
                new SKPoint(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - bezierY),                  // 1st control point
                new SKPoint(rect.Right - bezierX, rect.Bottom),                  // 2nd control point
                new SKPoint(rect.Right - radius.X, rect.Bottom));                // End point

            // Bottom-left Arc
                new SKPoint(rect.Left + bezierX, rect.Bottom),                      // 1st control point
                new SKPoint(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - bezierY),                      // 2nd control point
                new SKPoint(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - radius.Y));                    // End point

            // Top-left Arc
                new SKPoint(rect.Left, rect.Top + bezierY),                           // 1st control point
                new SKPoint(rect.Left + bezierX, rect.Top),                           // 2nd control point
                new SKPoint(rect.Left + radius.X, rect.Top));                         // End point

            // Top-right Arc
                new SKPoint(rect.Right - bezierX, rect.Top),                       // 1st control point
                new SKPoint(rect.Right, rect.Top + bezierY),                       // 2nd control point
                new SKPoint(rect.Right, rect.Top + radius.Y));                     // End point


Exemple #24
        private void SkCanvas_OnPaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs e)
            SKImageInfo info = new SKImageInfo(e.BackendRenderTarget.Width, e.BackendRenderTarget.Height, e.ColorType);

            SKSurface surface       = e.Surface;
            SKCanvas  surfaceCanvas = surface.Canvas;



            if (_picture == null)
                using (SKPictureRecorder pictureRecorder = new SKPictureRecorder())
                    using (SKCanvas canvas = pictureRecorder.BeginRecording(info.Rect))
                        using (SKPath path = new SKPath())
                             * Draw path with multiple segments(>=3).
                             * Then every time you translate the surfaceCanvas, it consumes more GPU memory.
                            path.CubicTo(150, 50, 200, 125, 300, 25);

                            // path.LineTo(80, 125);
                            // path.LineTo(130, 75);
                            // path.LineTo(200, 205);

                            canvas.DrawPath(path, _paint);

                            // Fine with DrawRoundRect or DrawText
                            // canvas.DrawText("TEXT", new SKPoint(50, 50), _paint);
                            // canvas.DrawRoundRect(120,120,300,220,12,12,paint);

                            _picture = pictureRecorder.EndRecording();


             * Directly drawing on surfaceCanvas is fine.
            // using (SKPath path = new SKPath())
            // {
            //     path.CubicTo(150, 50, 200, 125, 300, 25);
            //     path.LineTo(80, 125);
            //     path.LineTo(130, 75);
            //     path.LineTo(200, 205);
            //     surfaceCanvas.DrawPath(path, _paint);
            // }
Exemple #25
        public void TightBoundsForEnclosedPathIsNotZero()
            const int Precision = 3;

            var rect = SKRect.Create(10, 20, 28.889f, 28.889f);

            var path = new SKPath();

            path.MoveTo(10, 20);
            path.CubicTo(10, 20, 30, 40, 30, 40);
            path.CubicTo(50, 60, 30, 40, 30, 40);

            var bounds = path.ComputeTightBounds();

            Assert.Equal(rect.Left, bounds.Left);
            Assert.Equal(rect.Top, bounds.Top);
            Assert.Equal(rect.Right, bounds.Right, Precision);
            Assert.Equal(rect.Bottom, bounds.Bottom, Precision);
        public MainPage()

            // Make cat ear path
            catEarPath.MoveTo(0, 0);
            catEarPath.LineTo(0, 75);
            catEarPath.LineTo(100, 75);

            // Make cat eye path
            catEyePath.MoveTo(0, 0);
            catEyePath.ArcTo(50, 50, 0, SKPathArcSize.Small, SKPathDirection.Clockwise, 50, 0);
            catEyePath.ArcTo(50, 50, 0, SKPathArcSize.Small, SKPathDirection.Clockwise, 0, 0);

            // Make eye pupil path
            catPupilPath.MoveTo(25, -5);
            catPupilPath.ArcTo(6, 6, 0, SKPathArcSize.Small, SKPathDirection.Clockwise, 25, 5);
            catPupilPath.ArcTo(6, 6, 0, SKPathArcSize.Small, SKPathDirection.Clockwise, 25, -5);

            // Make cat tail path
            catTailPath.MoveTo(0, 100);
            catTailPath.CubicTo(50, 200, 0, 250, -50, 200);

            // Create Shader
            Assembly assembly = GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly;

            using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("SkiaWithXamarin.WoodGrain.png"))
                using (SKManagedStream skStream = new SKManagedStream(stream))
                    using (SKBitmap bitmap = SKBitmap.Decode(skStream))
                        using (SKShader shader = SKShader.CreateBitmap(bitmap, SKShaderTileMode.Mirror, SKShaderTileMode.Mirror))
                            backgroundFillPaint.Shader = shader;

            Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1f / 60), () =>
Exemple #27
        public void TightBoundsForEnclosedPathIsNotZero()
            var delta = 0.001f;

            var rect = SKRect.Create(10, 20, 28.889f, 28.889f);

            var path = new SKPath();

            path.MoveTo(10, 20);
            path.CubicTo(10, 20, 30, 40, 30, 40);
            path.CubicTo(50, 60, 30, 40, 30, 40);

            var bounds = path.ComputeTightBounds();

            Assert.AreEqual(rect.Left, bounds.Left, "Left");
            Assert.AreEqual(rect.Top, bounds.Top, "Top");
            Assert.AreEqual(rect.Right, bounds.Right, delta, "Right");
            Assert.AreEqual(rect.Bottom, bounds.Bottom, delta, "Bottom");
Exemple #28
 public void bezier(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4)
     // Draw path with cubic Bezier curve.
     using (SKPath path = new SKPath())
         path.MoveTo((float)x1, (float)y1);
         path.CubicTo((float)x2, (float)y2, (float)x3, (float)y3, (float)x4, (float)y4);
         _canvas.DrawPath(path, _pen);
        private static void DrawCard(float xOffset, float yOffset, SKCanvas canvas)
            SKPaint paintCard = new SKPaint
                Style       = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                Color       = Color.Black.ToSKColor(),
                StrokeWidth = 2,
            var path = new SKPath();

            var cardWith   = 120.0f;
            var cardHeight = 180.0f;

            path.MoveTo(0.0f, 0.0f);
            path.LineTo(0.0f, 1.0f);
            path.LineTo(0.7f, 1.0f);
            path.LineTo(0.7f, 0.0f);
            path.Transform(SKMatrix.MakeRotation((float)(45.0f * Math.PI / 180), 0.7f, 1.0f));
            path.Transform(SKMatrix.MakeScale(cardWith, cardHeight));
            path.Offset(xOffset, yOffset);

            canvas.DrawPath(path, paintCard);

            var pathHeart = new SKPath();

            pathHeart.MoveTo(0.5f, 1.0f);
            pathHeart.LineTo(0.0f, 0.4f);
            pathHeart.CubicTo(0.0f, 0.0f,
                              0.5f, 0.0f,
                              0.5f, 0.4f);
            pathHeart.CubicTo(0.5f, 0.0f,
                              1.0f, 0.0f,
                              1.0f, 0.4f);
            pathHeart.LineTo(0.5f, 1.0f);
            pathHeart.Transform(SKMatrix.MakeScale(cardWith, cardHeight));
            pathHeart.Offset(xOffset, yOffset);

            canvas.DrawPath(pathHeart, paintCard);
Exemple #30
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void CubicCurveTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x, double y)
            x1 *= _coordinateScale;
            y1 *= -_coordinateScale;
            x2 *= _coordinateScale;
            y2 *= -_coordinateScale;
            x  *= _coordinateScale;
            y  *= -_coordinateScale;

            _path.CubicTo((float)x1, (float)y1, (float)x2, (float)y2, (float)x, (float)y);
Exemple #31
        public void PathPointsAreCorrect()
            using (var path = new SKPath ()) {
                // set up the xamagon
                path.MoveTo (71.4311121f, 56f);
                path.CubicTo (68.6763107f, 56.0058575f, 65.9796704f, 57.5737917f, 64.5928855f, 59.965729f);
                path.LineTo (43.0238921f, 97.5342563f);
                path.CubicTo (41.6587026f, 99.9325978f, 41.6587026f, 103.067402f, 43.0238921f, 105.465744f);
                path.LineTo (64.5928855f, 143.034271f);
                path.CubicTo (65.9798162f, 145.426228f, 68.6763107f, 146.994582f, 71.4311121f, 147f);
                path.LineTo (114.568946f, 147f);
                path.CubicTo (117.323748f, 146.994143f, 120.020241f, 145.426228f, 121.407172f, 143.034271f);
                path.LineTo (142.976161f, 105.465744f);
                path.CubicTo (144.34135f, 103.067402f, 144.341209f, 99.9325978f, 142.976161f, 97.5342563f);
                path.LineTo (121.407172f, 59.965729f);
                path.CubicTo (120.020241f, 57.5737917f, 117.323748f, 56.0054182f, 114.568946f, 56f);
                path.LineTo (71.4311121f, 56f);
                path.Close ();

                // the right number/count
                Assert.AreEqual (25, path.PointCount);
                Assert.AreEqual (25, path.Points.Length);

                // the right value
                Assert.AreEqual (new SKPoint (68.6763107f, 56.0058575f), path.GetPoint (1));
                Assert.AreEqual (new SKPoint (68.6763107f, 56.0058575f), path.Points [1]);