public static void DrawLargerDiamond(this SKCanvas thisCanvas, SKRect thisRect, SKPaint solidPaint, SKPaint?borderPaint)
            TempPosition temps = GetTempRect(thisRect);
            SKPoint      firstPoint;
            SKPoint      secondPoint;
            SKPoint      thirdPoint;
            SKPoint      fourthPoint;

            firstPoint  = GetActualPoint(200, 2, temps);
            secondPoint = GetActualPoint(398, 200, temps);
            thirdPoint  = GetActualPoint(200, 398, temps);
            fourthPoint = GetActualPoint(2, 200, temps);
            SKPoint[] pts      = new[] { firstPoint, secondPoint, thirdPoint, fourthPoint };
            SKPath    thisPath = new SKPath();

            thisPath.AddLines(pts, true);
            thisCanvas.DrawPath(thisPath, solidPaint);
            if (borderPaint != null)
                thisCanvas.DrawPath(thisPath, borderPaint);
        public static void DrawCardSuit(this SKCanvas thisCanvas, EnumSuitList suitCategory, SKRect thisRect, SKPaint solidPaint, SKPaint?borderPaint)
            TempPosition temps = GetTempRect(thisRect);

            if (solidPaint == null)
                throw new BasicBlankException("All Cards Must Have Solid Brushes");
            if (borderPaint != null && suitCategory == EnumSuitList.Clubs)
                throw new BasicBlankException("Clubs can't have stroke paint currently");
            if (borderPaint != null && suitCategory == EnumSuitList.Spades)
                throw new BasicBlankException("Spades can't have stroke paint currently");
            switch (suitCategory)
            case EnumSuitList.Clubs:
                SKPath thisPath  = new SKPath();        //used proportions here.  seemed to work great.
                var    firstRect = GetActualRectangle(125, 0, 150, 150, temps);
                thisPath.AddOval(firstRect, SKPathDirection.Clockwise);
                var secondRect = GetActualRectangle(0, 150, 150, 150, temps);
                thisPath.AddOval(secondRect, SKPathDirection.Clockwise);
                var thirdRect = GetActualRectangle(250, 150, 150, 150, temps);
                thisPath.AddOval(thirdRect, SKPathDirection.Clockwise);
                SKPoint point1;
                SKPoint point2;
                point1 = GetActualPoint(185, 150, temps);
                point2 = GetActualPoint(150, 200, temps);
                point1 = GetActualPoint(175, 180, temps);
                thisPath.QuadTo(point1, point2);
                point2 = GetActualPoint(150, 250, temps);
                point1 = GetActualPoint(175, 270, temps);
                point2 = GetActualPoint(175, 280, temps);
                thisPath.QuadTo(point1, point2);
                point2 = GetActualPoint(150, 400, temps);
                var tempLine = GetActualPoint(250, 400, temps);
                point1 = GetActualPoint(225, 350, temps);
                point2 = GetActualPoint(225, 280, temps);
                thisPath.QuadTo(point1, point2);
                point1 = GetActualPoint(225, 270, temps);
                point2 = GetActualPoint(250, 250, temps);
                thisPath.QuadTo(point1, point2);
                point2 = GetActualPoint(250, 200, temps);
                point1 = GetActualPoint(230, 180, temps);
                point2 = GetActualPoint(220, 150, temps);
                thisPath.QuadTo(point1, point2);
                thisCanvas.DrawPath(thisPath, solidPaint);

            case EnumSuitList.Diamonds:
                SKPoint[] pts = new SKPoint[4];
                pts[0] = new SKPoint(thisRect.Location.X + (thisRect.Width / 2), thisRect.Location.Y);
                pts[1] = new SKPoint(thisRect.Location.X + (thisRect.Width * 3 / 4), thisRect.Location.Y + (thisRect.Height / 2));
                pts[2] = new SKPoint(thisRect.Location.X + (thisRect.Width / 2), thisRect.Location.Y + thisRect.Height);
                pts[3] = new SKPoint(thisRect.Location.X + (thisRect.Width / 4), thisRect.Location.Y + (thisRect.Height / 2));
                SKPath ThisPath = new SKPath();
                ThisPath.AddLines(pts, true);
                thisCanvas.DrawPath(ThisPath, solidPaint);
                if (borderPaint == null == false)
                    thisCanvas.DrawPath(ThisPath, borderPaint);

            case EnumSuitList.Hearts:
                int avg;
                avg = System.Convert.ToInt32((thisRect.Width + thisRect.Height) / 2);
                int radius;
                radius = System.Convert.ToInt32(avg / (double)2);
                var topleftcorner  = new SKPoint(thisRect.Location.X, thisRect.Location.Y);
                var topleftsquare  = SKRect.Create(topleftcorner.X, topleftcorner.Y, radius, radius);
                var toprightsquare = SKRect.Create(topleftcorner.X + radius, topleftcorner.Y, radius, radius);
                var thisPath       = new SKPath();
                thisPath.ArcTo(topleftsquare, 135, 225, false);
                thisPath.ArcTo(toprightsquare, 180, 225, false);
                thisPath.LineTo(radius + thisRect.Location.X, avg + thisRect.Location.Y);
                thisCanvas.DrawPath(thisPath, solidPaint);
                if (borderPaint == null == false)
                    thisCanvas.DrawPath(thisPath, borderPaint);

            case EnumSuitList.Spades:
                var firstRect = GetActualRectangle(0, 100, 200, 200, temps);
                thisCanvas.DrawOval(firstRect, solidPaint);
                var secondRect = GetActualRectangle(200, 100, 200, 200, temps);
                thisCanvas.DrawOval(secondRect, solidPaint);
                var nextRect = GetActualRectangle(175, 175, 50, 200, temps);
                thisCanvas.DrawRect(nextRect, solidPaint);
                var tempRect = GetActualRectangle(0, 0, 400, 175, temps);
                thisCanvas.DrawTriangle(tempRect, solidPaint, null !);

                throw new BasicBlankException("Must choose one of the 4 suits to draw");