public override void OnInspectorGUI() { SECTR_Sector mySector = (SECTR_Sector)target; base.OnInspectorGUI(); List <SECTR_Member.Child> sharedChildren = mySector.GetSharedChildren(); if (sharedChildren.Count > 0 && GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Fix Shared Children", "Adds Member components to any children that extend beyond this Sector and into other sectors."))) { MakeSharedChildrenMembers(mySector, sharedChildren, "Fix Shared Children"); } if (mySector.GetComponentInChildren <Terrain>()) { terrainFoldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(terrainFoldout, "Terrain Connections"); if (terrainFoldout) { serializedObject.Update(); DrawProperty("TopTerrain"); DrawProperty("BottomTerrain"); DrawProperty("LeftTerrain"); DrawProperty("RightTerrain"); if (GUILayout.Button("Reconnect Neighbors")) { mySector.ConnectTerrainNeighbors(); } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } }
public static void CreateSector() { List <GameObject> rootObjects = new List <GameObject>(8); List <GameObject> selectedObjects = new List <GameObject>(Selection.gameObjects); int numSelectedObjects = selectedObjects.Count; int selectedObjectIndex = 0; while (selectedObjectIndex < numSelectedObjects) { GameObject gameObject = selectedObjects[selectedObjectIndex]; // auto remove portals if selected. if (gameObject.GetComponent <SECTR_Portal>()) { selectedObjects.RemoveAt(selectedObjectIndex); --numSelectedObjects; } else { // Check to make sure nothing selected is already in a Sector. Transform parent = gameObject.transform; while (parent != null) { // Bail out if we encounter any classes that shouldn't be part of the list if (parent.GetComponent <SECTR_Sector>() != null) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Sector Safety First", "Some of the selected objects are already in a Sector. Please unparent them from the current Sector before putting them into a new Sector.", "Ok"); return; } parent = parent.parent; } ++selectedObjectIndex; } } // Build a list of common parents from the selection to try to preserve any existing heirarchy // but without walking all the way up the tree. Complex scenes may have many Sectors parented // under a single transform and we do not want to walk higher than the current selection. for (selectedObjectIndex = 0; selectedObjectIndex < numSelectedObjects; ++selectedObjectIndex) { GameObject gameObject = selectedObjects[selectedObjectIndex]; Transform parent = gameObject.transform; while (parent != null) { if (parent.parent) { int numChildren = parent.parent.childCount; bool allChildrenSelected = true; for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < numChildren; ++childIndex) { if (!selectedObjects.Contains(parent.parent.GetChild(childIndex).gameObject)) { allChildrenSelected = false; break; } } if (allChildrenSelected) { parent = parent.parent; } else { break; } } else { break; } } if (parent != null && !rootObjects.Contains(parent.gameObject)) { rootObjects.Add(parent.gameObject); } } int numRootObjects = rootObjects.Count; string newName = "SECTR Sector"; string undoName = "Create " + newName; SECTR_Sector newSector = null; // If there is just one root, give the open to make that into a Sector. This helps // with scenes that are already well organized. Transform commonParent = numRootObjects == 1 ? rootObjects[0].transform : null; if (commonParent && EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Common Parent Detected", "Selected objects are all a child of " + + ". " + "Would you like to make " + + " into a Sector? If not, a new Sector will be created and " + + " will be parented to it.", "Yes", "No")) { newSector = commonParent.gameObject.AddComponent <SECTR_Sector>(); if (!commonParent.gameObject.isStatic && EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Make Sector Static?", "SECTR can perform additional optimizations on Sectors that are marked as static, provided they " + "do not need to move or change bounds at runtime. Would you like " + + " to be marked as static?", "Yes", "No")) { commonParent.gameObject.isStatic = true; } SECTR_Undo.Created(newSector, undoName); } else { commonParent = numRootObjects > 0 ? rootObjects[0].transform.parent : null; for (int rootIndex = 0; rootIndex < numRootObjects; ++rootIndex) { if (rootObjects[rootIndex].transform.parent != commonParent) { commonParent = null; break; } } GameObject newGameObject = CreateGameObject(newName); newGameObject.transform.parent = commonParent; newGameObject.isStatic = true; SECTR_Undo.Created(newGameObject, undoName); List <Vector3> rootPositions = new List <Vector3>(numRootObjects); for (int rootObjectIndex = 0; rootObjectIndex < numRootObjects; ++rootObjectIndex) { GameObject gameObject = rootObjects[rootObjectIndex]; rootPositions.Add(gameObject.transform.position); SECTR_Undo.Parent(newGameObject, gameObject, undoName); } newSector = newGameObject.AddComponent <SECTR_Sector>(); SECTR_Undo.Created(newSector, undoName); newSector.transform.position =; for (int rootObjectIndex = 0; rootObjectIndex < numRootObjects; ++rootObjectIndex) { GameObject gameObject = rootObjects[rootObjectIndex]; gameObject.transform.position = rootPositions[rootObjectIndex]; } } List <SECTR_Member.Child> sharedChildren = newSector.GetSharedChildren(); if (sharedChildren.Count > 0 && EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Overlap Warning", "Some objects in this Sector overlap other Sectors, which may cause unexpected behavior. Would you like to make them Members instead of children?", "Yes", "No")) { SECTR_SectorEditor.MakeSharedChildrenMembers(newSector, sharedChildren, undoName); } Selection.activeGameObject = newSector.gameObject; }