Exemple #1
        private static object SetArraySlice(object target, object[] args)
            var list = (IList)target;

            list[RuntimeServices.NormalizeIndex(list.Count, (int)args[0])] = args[1];
        private Dispatcher EmitFieldDispatcher(FieldInfo field, SetOrGet gos)
            switch (gos)
            case SetOrGet.Get:
                return((target, args) => field.GetValue(target));

            case SetOrGet.Set:
                return((target, args) =>
                    var value = args[0];
                    field.SetValue(target, RuntimeServices.Coerce(value, field.FieldType));
                    return value;

                throw new ArgumentException();
            return(SetOrGet.Get == gos
                                ? new Emitters.GetFieldEmitter(field).Emit()
                                : new Emitters.SetFieldEmitter(field, GetArgumentTypes()[0]).Emit());
Exemple #3
 // Token: 0x060003CF RID: 975 RVA: 0x0004C2F8 File Offset: 0x0004A4F8
 public virtual void Update()
     if (!this.HomeYandere.CanMove)
         if (!this.Loaded)
             this.Loaded = true;
         if (!this.PhotoGallery.Adjusting && !this.PhotoGallery.Viewing && !this.PhotoGallery.LoadingScreen.active && Input.GetButtonDown("B"))
             this.HomeCamera.Destination           = this.HomeCamera.Destinations[0];
             this.HomeCamera.Target                = this.HomeCamera.Targets[0];
             this.HomeCamera.CorkboardLabel.active = true;
             this.PhotoGallery.enabled             = false;
             this.HomeYandere.CanMove              = true;
             this.HomeYandere.active               = true;
             this.HomeWindow.Show = false;
             this.enabled         = false;
             this.Loaded          = false;
             if (RuntimeServices.EqualityOperator(UnityRuntimeServices.GetProperty(this.HomeCamera, "DisablePost"), false))
Exemple #4
        public static IHostBuilder Boot(IHostBuilder hostBuilder, string[] args, ILogger logger, Action <ISImplHostBuilder> configureDelegate)
            var diagnostics = DiagnosticsCollector.Create();

            // Write welcome to console

            // Parse command line arguments
            var flags = ParseArgs(args);

            // Init boot container
            var bootContainer = InitBootContainer(hostBuilder, logger ?? CreateLogger(), flags, diagnostics);

            // Init runtime services
            RuntimeServices.Init(bootContainer.Resolve <IRuntimeServices>());

            // Create .NET Stack host builder
            var dotNetStackHostBuilder = bootContainer.Resolve <ISImplHostBuilder>();

            // Start configuration of the host builder
            dotNetStackHostBuilder.Configure(dotNetStackHostBuilder, stack =>
                // Pre-installed module
                stack.Use(() => new StackRuntimeModule(bootContainer));
                // Installed modules

Exemple #5
 public void Update()
     if (RuntimeServices.EqualityOperator(Status.menuMode, "on"))
         DepthOfFieldEffect depthOfFieldEffect = (DepthOfFieldEffect)this.GetComponent(typeof(DepthOfFieldEffect));
         float deltaTime = Time.get_deltaTime();
         if (Input.GetKey("1"))
             depthOfFieldEffect.focalDistance -= (float)5 * deltaTime;
         if (Input.GetKey("2"))
             depthOfFieldEffect.focalDistance += (float)5 * deltaTime;
         if (Input.GetKey("3"))
             depthOfFieldEffect.focalRange -= (float)50 * deltaTime;
         if (Input.GetKey("4"))
             depthOfFieldEffect.focalRange += (float)50 * deltaTime;
         depthOfFieldEffect.focalDistance = Mathf.Clamp(depthOfFieldEffect.focalDistance, 1f, 50f);
         depthOfFieldEffect.focalRange    = Mathf.Clamp(depthOfFieldEffect.focalRange, 1f, 1000f);
Exemple #6
    public override void endFire()
        this.fireStarted = false;
        if (this.burnP.GetComponent <ParticleEmitter>())
            this.burnP.GetComponent <ParticleEmitter>().emit = false;
        IEnumerator enumerator = UnityRuntimeServices.GetEnumerator(this.burnP);

        while (enumerator.MoveNext())
            object arg_5E_0;
            object expr_44 = arg_5E_0 = enumerator.Current;
            if (!(expr_44 is Transform))
                arg_5E_0 = RuntimeServices.Coerce(expr_44, typeof(Transform));
            Transform transform = (Transform)arg_5E_0;
            if (transform.GetComponent <ParticleEmitter>())
                transform.GetComponent <ParticleEmitter>().emit = false;
                UnityRuntimeServices.Update(enumerator, transform);
 public override void Awake()
     this.moveDirection = this.get_transform().TransformDirection(Vector3.get_forward());
     this._animation    = this.GetComponent(typeof(Animation));
     if (!RuntimeServices.ToBool(this._animation))
         Debug.Log("The character you would like to control doesn't have animations. Moving her might look weird.");
     if (!this.idleAnimation)
         this._animation = null;
         Debug.Log("No idle animation found. Turning off animations.");
     if (!this.walkAnimation)
         this._animation = null;
         Debug.Log("No walk animation found. Turning off animations.");
     if (!this.runAnimation)
         this._animation = null;
         Debug.Log("No run animation found. Turning off animations.");
     if (!this.jumpPoseAnimation && this.canJump)
         this._animation = null;
         Debug.Log("No jump animation found and the character has canJump enabled. Turning off animations.");
Exemple #8
    public override void SpawnPowerUp()
        bool flag = false;
        int  num  = 0;
        int  num2 = 10000;

        while (!flag)
            object   obj      = this.worldSize * 0.5f;
            object   value    = Mathf.Lerp(RuntimeServices.UnboxSingle(RuntimeServices.InvokeUnaryOperator("op_UnaryNegation", obj)), RuntimeServices.UnboxSingle(obj), Random.get_value());
            object   value2   = Mathf.Lerp(RuntimeServices.UnboxSingle(RuntimeServices.InvokeUnaryOperator("op_UnaryNegation", obj)), RuntimeServices.UnboxSingle(obj), Random.get_value());
            Renderer renderer = (Renderer)this.powerUpPrefab.GetComponent(typeof(Renderer));
            float    num3     = (renderer.get_bounds().get_max() - renderer.get_bounds().get_min()).get_magnitude() * 0.5f;
            if (!Physics.CheckSphere(new Vector3(RuntimeServices.UnboxSingle(value), (float)0, RuntimeServices.UnboxSingle(value2)), num3 * (float)2))
                PowerUp powerUp = (PowerUp)Object.Instantiate(this.powerUpPrefab);
                powerUp.get_transform().set_position(new Vector3(RuntimeServices.UnboxSingle(value), (float)0, RuntimeServices.UnboxSingle(value2)));
                flag = true;
                if (num > num2)
	public virtual void  init(RuntimeServices rs) {
	    this.rsvc = rs;

	    *  if a logger is specified, we will use this instead of
	    *  the default
	    System.String loggerName = (System.String) rsvc.getProperty("runtime.log.logsystem.avalon.logger");

	    if (loggerName != null) {
		this.logger = Hierarchy.DefaultHierarchy.getLoggerFor(loggerName);
	    } else {
		*  since this is a Velocity-provided logger, we will
		*  use the Runtime configuration
		System.String logfile = (System.String) rsvc.getProperty(org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeConstants_Fields.RUNTIME_LOG);

		*  now init.  If we can't, panic!
		try {

		    logVelocityMessage(0, "AvalonLogSystem initialized using logfile '" + logfile + "'");
		} catch (System.Exception e) {
		    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("PANIC : Error configuring AvalonLogSystem : " + e);
		    System.Console.Error.WriteLine("PANIC : Error configuring AvalonLogSystem : " + e);

		    throw new System.Exception("Unable to configure AvalonLogSystem : " + e);
Exemple #10
    static int test_0_reflection()
        RuntimeServices r = new RuntimeServices();

Exemple #11
        public static int CalculateArgumentScore(Type paramType, Type argType)
            if (null == argType)
                return(!paramType.IsValueType ? ExactMatchScore : -1);

            if (paramType == argType)
            if (paramType.IsAssignableFrom(argType))
            if (argType.IsAssignableFrom(paramType))
            if (IsNumericPromotion(paramType, argType))
                return(NumericTypes.IsWideningPromotion(paramType, argType) ? WideningPromotion : NarrowingPromotion);
            var conversion = RuntimeServices.FindImplicitConversionOperator(argType, paramType);

            if (null != conversion)
Exemple #12
 public void Update()
     if (this.first_time)
         this.first_time = false;
         if (unchecked (Time.get_time() - this.allPinsTime) >= this.allPinsTimer)
             if (!this.Awake)
                 this.basePinwheelSpeed = 0.2f;
             this.allPinsTimer = Random.Range(this.allPinsTimerMin, this.allPinsTimerMax);
             for (int i = 0; i < Extensions.get_length(this.pinwheels); i++)
                 float[] expr_68 = this.pinwheelRunTimer;
                 expr_68[RuntimeServices.NormalizeArrayIndex(expr_68, i)] = Random.Range(unchecked (this.allPinsTimer - (float)3), this.allPinsTimer);
             this.allPinsTime = Time.get_time();
         for (int i = 0; i < Extensions.get_length(this.pinwheels); i++)
Exemple #13
            public void ShouldResolveAssembliesBasedOnScriptWorkingDirectory()
                // arrange
                var fsmock = new Mock <IFileSystem>();

                fsmock.Setup(a => a.GetWorkingDirectory(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns("c:/scripts");

                var resolvermock = new Mock <IAssemblyResolver>();

                resolvermock.Setup(a => a.GetAssemblyPaths("c:/scripts", false)).Returns(new[] { "foo.dll" });

                _overrides[typeof(IFileSystem)]       = fsmock.Object;
                _overrides[typeof(IAssemblyResolver)] = resolvermock.Object;

                var initializationServices = new InitializationServices(_mockLogger.Object, _overrides);
                var runtimeServices        = new RuntimeServices(

                // act
                var container = runtimeServices.Container;

                // assert
                resolvermock.Verify(x => x.GetAssemblyPaths("c:/scripts", false), Times.Exactly(1));
Exemple #14
    public void Start()
        this.Awake            = true;
        this.first_time       = true;
        this.pin_timers       = new float[8];
        this.current_rotation = new float[8];
        this.spin_start_time  = new float[8];
        this.spinning_up      = new bool[8];
        this.pinwheelRunTimer = new float[8];
        this.allPinsTimer     = Random.Range(this.allPinsTimerMin, this.allPinsTimerMax);
        this.allPinsTime      = Time.get_time();
        this.allPinsSpeed     = (float)1;
        int i = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                float[] expr_89 = this.pin_timers;
                expr_89[RuntimeServices.NormalizeArrayIndex(expr_89, i)] = (float)0;
                float[] expr_99 = this.current_rotation;
                expr_99[RuntimeServices.NormalizeArrayIndex(expr_99, i)] = (float)0;
                float[] expr_A9 = this.spin_start_time;
                expr_A9[RuntimeServices.NormalizeArrayIndex(expr_A9, i)] = Time.get_time();
                bool[] expr_BC = this.spinning_up;
                expr_BC[RuntimeServices.NormalizeArrayIndex(expr_BC, i)] = true;
                float[] expr_D4 = this.pinwheelRunTimer;
                expr_D4[RuntimeServices.NormalizeArrayIndex(expr_D4, i)] = (float)10;
Exemple #15
    public void OnDrawGizmosSelected()
        if (AutoWayPoint.waypoints.get_length() == 0)
        IEnumerator enumerator = UnityRuntimeServices.GetEnumerator(this.connected);

        while (enumerator.MoveNext())
            AutoWayPoint autoWayPoint = (AutoWayPoint)RuntimeServices.Coerce(enumerator.Current, typeof(AutoWayPoint));
            if (Physics.Linecast(this.get_transform().get_position(), autoWayPoint.get_transform().get_position()))
                Gizmos.DrawLine(this.get_transform().get_position(), autoWayPoint.get_transform().get_position());
                UnityRuntimeServices.Update(enumerator, autoWayPoint);
                Gizmos.DrawLine(this.get_transform().get_position(), autoWayPoint.get_transform().get_position());
                UnityRuntimeServices.Update(enumerator, autoWayPoint);
    public virtual float GetBestScoreForLevel(int lvlNr, bool checkUserID)
        if (MFPClassic.Hook.devMode)

        float num1 = 0.0f;

        for (float num2 = new float(); (double)num2 <= 2.0; ++num2)
            int num3 = SavedData.GetInt(CryptoString.Encrypt(RuntimeServices.op_Addition(RuntimeServices.op_Addition(RuntimeServices.op_Addition("lvlScore", (object)lvlNr), "diff"), (object)num2)));
            if ((double)num3 > (double)num1)
                if (checkUserID)
                    string str = SavedData.GetString(CryptoString.Encrypt(RuntimeServices.op_Addition(RuntimeServices.op_Addition(RuntimeServices.op_Addition(RuntimeServices.op_Addition("lvlScore", (object)lvlNr), "diff"), (object)num2), "ID")));
                    if (this.userID == "0" && str != "-1" && str != "-999" || str == this.userID)
                        num1 = (float)num3;
                    num1 = (float)num3;
Exemple #17
    public void BuildingAnimStart()
        GameObject gameObject  = GameObject.Find("sceneLight");
        GameObject gameObject2 = GameObject.Find("PowerBuilding");
        GameObject gameObject3 = GameObject.Find("PetShop");
        GameObject gameObject4 = GameObject.Find("ClothesShop");
        GameObject gameObject5 = GameObject.Find("CogPinata");
        GameObject gameObject6 = GameObject.Find("GagShop");
        GameObject gameObject7 = GameObject.Find("MusicShop");

        if (gameObject2)
            PWR_PowerBuildingControl pWR_PowerBuildingControl = (PWR_PowerBuildingControl)gameObject2.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(PWR_PowerBuildingControl));
            bool flag = RuntimeServices.UnboxBoolean(RuntimeServices.GetProperty(gameObject2.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(PWR_PowerBuildingControl)), "Awake"));
            if (!pWR_PowerBuildingControl)
                MonoBehaviour.print("no randomAnimScript");
                flag = pWR_PowerBuildingControl.IsAwake();
Exemple #18
    public override void Swap(object a, object b)
        object value = this.scoresArray[RuntimeServices.UnboxInt32(a)];

        this.scoresArray[RuntimeServices.UnboxInt32(a)] = this.scoresArray[RuntimeServices.UnboxInt32(b)];
        this.scoresArray[RuntimeServices.UnboxInt32(b)] = value;
Exemple #19
            public void ShouldLogAGeneralWarningOnAnAssemblyLoadFailureWhenRunningInRepl()
                // arrange
                var mock = new Mock <IAssemblyResolver>();

                mock.Setup(a => a.GetAssemblyPaths(It.IsAny <string>(), false)).Returns(new[] { "/foo.dll" });
                _overrides[typeof(IAssemblyResolver)] = mock.Object;
                var initializationServices = new InitializationServices(_mockLogger.Object, _overrides);
                var runtimeServices        = new RuntimeServices(
                    _replType, true,

                // act
                var container = runtimeServices.Container;

                // assert
                _mockLogger.Verify(l => l.Warn(
                                       "Some assemblies failed to load. Launch with '-repl -loglevel debug' to see the details"));
Exemple #20
            public void ShouldLogAGeneralWarningOnAnAssemblyLoadFailureWhenRunningScript()
                // arrange
                var mockResolver = new Mock <IAssemblyResolver>();

                mockResolver.Setup(a => a.GetAssemblyPaths(It.IsAny <string>(), false)).Returns(new[] { "/foo.dll" });
                _overrides[typeof(IAssemblyResolver)] = mockResolver.Object;

                var mockAssemblyUtility = new Mock <IAssemblyUtility>();

                mockAssemblyUtility.Setup(a => a.IsManagedAssembly(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(true);
                _overrides[typeof(IAssemblyUtility)] = mockAssemblyUtility.Object;

                var initializationServices = new InitializationServices(_logProvider, _overrides);
                var runtimeServices        = new RuntimeServices(

                // act
                var container = runtimeServices.Container;

                // assert
                    "WARN: Some assemblies failed to load. Launch with '-loglevel debug' to see the details");
Exemple #21
            public void ShouldLogOnDebugAnAssemblyLoadFailure()
                // arrange
                var mockResolver = new Mock <IAssemblyResolver>();

                mockResolver.Setup(a => a.GetAssemblyPaths(It.IsAny <string>(), false)).Returns(new[] { "/foo.dll" });
                _overrides[typeof(IAssemblyResolver)] = mockResolver.Object;

                var mockAssemblyUtility = new Mock <IAssemblyUtility>();

                mockAssemblyUtility.Setup(a => a.IsManagedAssembly(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(true);
                _overrides[typeof(IAssemblyUtility)] = mockAssemblyUtility.Object;

                var initializationServices = new InitializationServices(_logProvider, _overrides);
                var runtimeServices        = new RuntimeServices(

                // act
                var container = runtimeServices.Container;

                // assert
                    "DEBUG: Failure loading assembly: /foo.dll. Exception: Could not load file or assembly 'foo.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.");
Exemple #22
    public override void ExplodeShip()
        GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Find("Astronaut");

        if (!gameObject)
            MonoBehaviour.print("NO AST");
        object target  = Object.Instantiate(this.asteroidExplosion, gameObject.get_transform().get_position(), gameObject.get_transform().get_rotation());
        object target2 = UnityRuntimeServices.Invoke(target, "GetComponent", new object[]
        }, typeof(MonoBehaviour));

        RuntimeServices.SetProperty(target2, "size", 22);
        AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(this.asteroidExplosionSound, gameObject.get_transform().get_position());
        GameObject gameObject2 = GameObject.Find("CockpitLowerPlane");
        GameObject gameObject3 = GameObject.Find("Windshield1");
        GameObject gameObject4 = GameObject.Find("Windshield2");
        GameObject gameObject5 = GameObject.Find("daiserCylinder");

Exemple #23
        public static string NormalizeIndentation(string s)
            var first = FirstNonEmptyLineOf(s);

            if (first.Length == 0)
            string indent = reg.Match(first).Value;

            if (indent.Length == 0)

            var result = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (string line in TextReaderEnumerator.lines(new StringReader(s)))
                if (line.StartsWith(indent))
                    result.AppendLine(line.Substring(RuntimeServices.NormalizeStringIndex(line, indent.Length)));
Exemple #24
            public void ShouldLogOnDebugAnAssemblyLoadFailure()
                // arrange
                var mock = new Mock <IAssemblyResolver>();

                mock.Setup(a => a.GetAssemblyPaths(It.IsAny <string>(), false)).Returns(new[] { "/foo.dll" });
                _overrides[typeof(IAssemblyResolver)] = mock.Object;
                var initializationServices = new InitializationServices(_mockLogger.Object, _overrides);
                var runtimeServices        = new RuntimeServices(

                // act
                var container = runtimeServices.Container;

                // assert
                _mockLogger.Verify(l => l.DebugFormat(
                                       "Failure loading assembly: {0}. Exception: {1}", "/foo.dll", It.IsAny <string>()));
        /// <summary>   The major meat of VelocimacroProxy, init() checks the # of arguments, patches the
        /// macro body, renders the macro into an AST, and then inits the AST, so it is ready
        /// for quick rendering.  Note that this is only AST dependant stuff. Not context.
        /// </summary>
        public override void init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, INode node)
            base.init(rs, context, node);

             *  how many args did we get?

            int i = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

             *  right number of args?

            if (NumArgs != i)
                rsvc.error("VM #" + macroName + ": error : too " + ((NumArgs > i) ? "few" : "many") + " arguments to macro. Wanted " + NumArgs + " got " + i);


             *  get the argument list to the instance use of the VM
            callingArgs = getArgArray(node);

             *  now proxy each arg in the context
            setupMacro(callingArgs, callingArgTypes);
Exemple #26
            public TheContainerProperty()
                _overrides[typeof(ILineProcessor)] = new List <Type>();
                var mockScriptExecutorType = new Mock <IScriptExecutor>();

                _scriptExecutorType = mockScriptExecutorType.Object.GetType();

                var mockReplType = new Mock <IRepl>();

                _replType = mockReplType.Object.GetType();

                var mockScriptEngineType = new Mock <IScriptEngine>();

                _scriptEngineType = mockScriptEngineType.Object.GetType();

                var initializationServices = new InitializationServices(_mockLogger.Object, _overrides);

                _runtimeServices = new RuntimeServices(
        private Dispatcher CreateSetter(MemberInfo member)
            switch (member.MemberType)
            case MemberTypes.Field:
                var field = (FieldInfo)member;
                    ((o, arguments) => RuntimeServices.SetSlice(field.GetValue(o), string.Empty, arguments));

            case MemberTypes.Property:
                var property = (PropertyInfo)member;
                if (property.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)
                    MethodInfo setter = property.GetSetMethod(true);
                    if (null == setter)
                        throw MissingField();

                return((o, arguments) => RuntimeServices.SetSlice(RuntimeServices.GetProperty(o, _name), string.Empty, arguments));

                throw MissingField();
Exemple #28
 public override void Awake()
     if (!this.cameraTransform && Camera.get_main())
         this.cameraTransform = Camera.get_main().get_transform();
     if (!this.cameraTransform)
         Debug.Log("Please assign a camera to the ThirdPersonCamera script.");
     this._target = this.get_transform();
     if (this._target)
         this.controller = (ThirdPersonController)this._target.GetComponent(typeof(ThirdPersonController));
     if (this.controller)
         CharacterController characterController = (CharacterController)RuntimeServices.Coerce(this._target.get_collider(), typeof(CharacterController));
         this.centerOffset = characterController.get_bounds().get_center() - this._target.get_position();
         this.headOffset   = this.centerOffset;
         this.headOffset.y = characterController.get_bounds().get_max().y - this._target.get_position().y;
         Debug.Log("Please assign a target to the camera that has a ThirdPersonController script attached.");
     this.Cut(this._target, this.centerOffset);
Exemple #29
 public void Warnings_Adding(object sender, CompilerWarningEventArgs args)
     if (RuntimeServices.op_Member(args.Warning.Code, (IList)this._suppressed))
 public void PrintTag(object tagTransform)
     if (RuntimeServices.ToBool(RuntimeServices.Invoke(tagTransform, "CompareTag", new object[]
         MonoBehaviour.print("FOLLOW: picked WayPointA");
     else if (RuntimeServices.ToBool(RuntimeServices.Invoke(tagTransform, "CompareTag", new object[]
         MonoBehaviour.print("FOLLOW: picked WayPointB");
     else if (RuntimeServices.ToBool(RuntimeServices.Invoke(tagTransform, "CompareTag", new object[]
         MonoBehaviour.print("FOLLOW: picked WayPointC");
         MonoBehaviour.print("FOLLOW: compare tag didn't return anything ");
    public void Start()
        float num = 0f;

        this.actionRateFloat = new float[Extensions.get_length(this.IdleActions)];
        this.lastTimeRun     = new float[Extensions.get_length(this.IdleActions)];
        if (IdleLogic.firstTime)
            IdleLogic.actionIndex = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Extensions.get_length(this.IdleActions); i++)
                    float[]    expr_53  = this.actionRateFloat;
                    int        arg_96_1 = RuntimeServices.NormalizeArrayIndex(expr_53, i);
                    Animation  arg_73_0 = this.get_animation();
                    AnimInfo[] expr_66  = this.IdleActions;
                    float      arg_95_0 = arg_73_0.get_Item(expr_66[RuntimeServices.NormalizeArrayIndex(expr_66, i)].anim).get_clip().get_length();
                    AnimInfo[] expr_88  = this.IdleActions;
                        expr_53[arg_96_1] = arg_95_0 * expr_88[RuntimeServices.NormalizeArrayIndex(expr_88, i)].max_dur;
                        float[] expr_9D = this.lastTimeRun;
                        expr_9D[RuntimeServices.NormalizeArrayIndex(expr_9D, i)] = 100f * (float)-1;
                IdleLogic.firstTime = false;
                this.lastTimeRun[0] = Time.get_time();
                this.num_iter       = (int)Random.Range((float)1, this.IdleActions[0].max_dur);
            this.run_length = (float)this.num_iter * this.get_animation().get_Item(this.IdleActions[0].anim).get_clip().get_length();
Exemple #32
	public override void  init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, Node node) {
	    base.init(rs, context, node);

	    * again, don't do squat.  We want the AST of the macro 
	    * block to hang off of this but we don't want to 
	    * init it... it's useless...
	    return ;
 public void ShouldLogOnDebugAnAssemblyLoadFailure()
     var mock = new Mock<IAssemblyResolver>();
     mock.Setup(a => a.GetAssemblyPaths(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(new[] {"foo.dll"});
     _overrides[typeof (IAssemblyResolver)] = mock.Object;
     var initializationServices = new InitializationServices(_mockLogger.Object, _overrides);
     var runtimeServices = new RuntimeServices(_mockLogger.Object, _overrides, new List<Type>(), _mockConsole.Object, _scriptEngineType, _scriptExecutorType, true, initializationServices, "script.csx");
     var container = runtimeServices.Container;
     _mockLogger.Verify(l=>l.DebugFormat("Failure loading assembly: {0}. Exception: {1}", "foo.dll", "Could not load file or assembly 'foo.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."));
 public void ShouldLogAGeneralWarningOnAnAssemblyLoadFailureWhenRunningScript()
     var mock = new Mock<IAssemblyResolver>();
     mock.Setup(a => a.GetAssemblyPaths(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(new[] { "foo.dll" });
     _overrides[typeof(IAssemblyResolver)] = mock.Object;
     var initializationServices = new InitializationServices(_mockLogger.Object, _overrides);
     var runtimeServices = new RuntimeServices(_mockLogger.Object, _overrides, new List<Type>(), _mockConsole.Object, _scriptEngineType, _scriptExecutorType, true, initializationServices, "script.csx");
     var container = runtimeServices.Container;
     _mockLogger.Verify(l => l.Warn("Some assemblies failed to load. Launch with '-loglevel debug' to see the details"));
            public TheCreateContainerMethod()
                var mockScriptExecutorType = new Mock<IScriptExecutor>();
                _scriptExecutorType = mockScriptExecutorType.Object.GetType();

                var mockScriptEngineType = new Mock<IScriptEngine>();
                _scriptEngineType = mockScriptEngineType.Object.GetType();

                var initializationServices = new InitializationServices(_mockLogger.Object, _overrides);
                _runtimeServices = new RuntimeServices(_mockLogger.Object, _overrides, new List<Type>(),  _mockConsole.Object, _scriptEngineType, _scriptExecutorType, false, initializationServices, "script.csx");
	/// <summary> This constructor was added to allow the re-use of parsers.
	/// The normal constructor takes a single argument which
	/// an InputStream. This simply creates a re-usable parser
	/// object, we satisfy the requirement of an InputStream
	/// by using a newline character as an input stream.
	/// </summary>
	public Parser(RuntimeServices rs):this(new VelocityCharStream(new StringReader("\n"), 1, 1)) {

	    * now setup a VCS for later use
	    velcharstream = new VelocityCharStream(new StringReader("\n"), 1, 1);

	    *  and save the RuntimeServices
	    rsvc = rs;
Exemple #37
	/// <summary>
	/// Used by Parser.java to process VMs withing the parsing process
	/// processAndRegister() doesn't actually render the macro to the output
	/// Processes the macro body into the internal representation used by the
	/// VelocimacroProxy objects, and if not currently used, adds it
	/// to the macro Factory
	/// </summary>
	public static void  processAndRegister(RuntimeServices rs, Node node, System.String sourceTemplate) {
	    *  There must be at least one arg to  #macro,
	    *  the name of the VM.  Note that 0 following 
	    *  args is ok for naming blocks of HTML
	    int numArgs = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

	    *  this number is the # of args + 1.  The + 1
	    *  is for the block tree
	    if (numArgs < 2) {

		*  error - they didn't name the macro or
		*  define a block
		rs.error("#macro error : Velocimacro must have name as 1st " + "argument to #macro()");

		return ;

	    *  get the arguments to the use of the VM
	    System.String[] argArray = getArgArray(node);

	    *   now, try and eat the code block. Pass the root.
	    IList macroArray = getASTAsStringArray(node.jjtGetChild(numArgs - 1));

	    *  make a big string out of our macro
	    System.Text.StringBuilder temp = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

	    for (int i = 0; i < macroArray.Count; i++)

	    System.String macroBody = temp.ToString();

	    * now, try to add it.  The Factory controls permissions, 
	    * so just give it a whack...
	    bool bRet = rs.addVelocimacro(argArray[0], macroBody, argArray, sourceTemplate);

	    return ;
Exemple #38
	/// <summary>
	/// Default constructor.
	/// </summary>
	public GetExecutor(RuntimeServices r, System.Type c, System.String key) {
	    rsvc = r;
	    args[0] = key;

	    // NOTE: changed from get to get to get_Item - assumption is that get would be converted to an indexer in .Net
	    // to keep some resembalance to the Java version, look for "Get" and "get" methods as well (both cases for .Net style and java)
	    method = rsvc.Introspector.getMethod(c, "get_Item", args);
	    if (method==null) {
		method = rsvc.Introspector.getMethod(c, "Get", args);
		if (method==null) {
		    method = rsvc.Introspector.getMethod(c, "get", args);
	/// <summary>
	/// Gets the loader specified in the configuration file.
	/// </summary>
	/// <returns>TemplateLoader</returns>
	public static ResourceLoader getLoader(RuntimeServices rs, System.String loaderClassName) {
	    ResourceLoader loader = null;

	    try {
		// since properties are parsed into arrays with commas, something else needed to be used
		loaderClassName = loaderClassName.Replace(';', ',');
		Type loaderType = System.Type.GetType(loaderClassName);
		Object o = System.Activator.CreateInstance(loaderType);
		loader = (ResourceLoader) o;

		rs.info("Resource Loader Instantiated: " + loader.GetType().FullName);

		return loader;
	    } catch (System.Exception e) {
		rs.error("Problem instantiating the template loader.\n" + "Look at your properties file and make sure the\n" + "name of the template loader is correct. Here is the\n" + "error: " + StringUtils.stackTrace(e));
		throw new System.Exception("Problem initializing template loader: " + loaderClassName + "\nError is: " + StringUtils.stackTrace(e));
	/// <summary> This initialization is used by all resource
	/// loaders and must be called to set up common
	/// properties shared by all resource loaders
	/// </summary>
	public virtual void  commonInit(RuntimeServices rs, ExtendedProperties configuration) {
	    this.rsvc = rs;

	    *  these two properties are not required for all loaders.
	    *  For example, for ClasspathLoader, what would cache mean? 
	    *  so adding default values which I think are the safest
	    *  don't cache, and modCheckInterval irrelevant...

	    isCachingOn_Renamed_Field = configuration.GetBoolean("cache", false);
	    modificationCheckInterval = configuration.GetLong("modificationCheckInterval", 0);

	    * this is a must!

	    className = configuration.GetString("class");
            public TheContainerProperty()
                _overrides[typeof(ILineProcessor)] = new List<Type>();
                var mockScriptExecutorType = new Mock<IScriptExecutor>();
                _scriptExecutorType = mockScriptExecutorType.Object.GetType();

                var mockReplType = new Mock<IRepl>();
                _replType = mockReplType.Object.GetType();

                var mockScriptEngineType = new Mock<IScriptEngine>();
                _scriptEngineType = mockScriptEngineType.Object.GetType();

                var initializationServices = new InitializationServices(_logProvider, _overrides);
                _runtimeServices = new RuntimeServices(
            public void ShouldResolveAssembliesBasedOnScriptWorkingDirectory()
                // arrange
                var fsmock = new Mock<IFileSystem>();
                fsmock.Setup(a => a.GetWorkingDirectory(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns("c:/scripts");

                var resolvermock = new Mock<IAssemblyResolver>();
                resolvermock.Setup(a => a.GetAssemblyPaths("c:/scripts", false)).Returns(new[] { "foo.dll" });

                _overrides[typeof(IFileSystem)] = fsmock.Object;
                _overrides[typeof(IAssemblyResolver)] = resolvermock.Object;

                var initializationServices = new InitializationServices(_logProvider, _overrides);
                var runtimeServices = new RuntimeServices(

                // act
                var container = runtimeServices.Container;

                // assert
                resolvermock.Verify(x => x.GetAssemblyPaths("c:/scripts", false), Times.Exactly(1));
Exemple #43
	/// <summary> Return name of this directive.
	/// </summary>

	/// <summary> Return type of this directive.
	/// </summary>

	/// <summary> Store the literal rendition of a node using
	/// the Node.literal().
	/// </summary>
	public override void  init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, INode node) {
	    base.init(rs, context, node);

	    literalText = node.jjtGetChild(0).literal();
	public virtual void  init(RuntimeServices rs) {
	    rsvc = rs;

	    *  since this is a Velocity-provided logger, we will
	    *  use the Runtime configuration
	    logfile = rsvc.getString(RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_LOG);

	    *  now init.  If we can't, panic!
	    try {

		logVelocityMessage(0, "Log4JLogSystem initialized using logfile " + logfile);
	    } catch (System.Exception e) {
		System.Console.Out.WriteLine("PANIC : error configuring Log4JLogSystem : " + e);
	/// <summary> Initialize the ResourceManager. It is assumed
	/// that assembleSourceInitializers() has been
	/// called before this is run.
	/// </summary>
	public virtual void  initialize(RuntimeServices rs) {
	    rsvc = rs;

	    rsvc.info("Default ResourceManager initializing. (" + this.GetType() + ")");

	    ResourceLoader resourceLoader;


	    for (int i = 0; i < sourceInitializerList.Count; i++) {
		ExtendedProperties configuration = (ExtendedProperties) sourceInitializerList[i];
		System.String loaderClass = configuration.GetString("class");

		if (loaderClass == null) {
		    rsvc.error("Unable to find '" + configuration.GetString(RESOURCE_LOADER_IDENTIFIER) + ".resource.loader.class' specification in configuation." + " This is a critical value.  Please adjust configuration.");

		resourceLoader = ResourceLoaderFactory.getLoader(rsvc, loaderClass);
		resourceLoader.commonInit(rsvc, configuration);


	    * now see if this is overridden by configuration

	    logWhenFound = rsvc.getBoolean(NVelocity.Runtime.RuntimeConstants_Fields.RESOURCE_MANAGER_LOGWHENFOUND, true);

	    *  now, is a global cache specified?
	    System.String claz = rsvc.getString(NVelocity.Runtime.RuntimeConstants_Fields.RESOURCE_MANAGER_CACHE_CLASS);
	    System.Object o = null;

	    if (claz != null && claz.Length > 0) {
		try {
		    Type type = System.Type.GetType(claz);
		    o = System.Activator.CreateInstance(type);
		} catch (System.Exception cnfe) {
		    System.String err = "The specified class for ResourceCache (" + claz + ") does not exist (or is not accessible to the current classlaoder).";
		    o = null;

		if (!(o is ResourceCache)) {
		    System.String err = "The specified class for ResourceCache (" + claz + ") does not implement NVelocity.Runtime.Resource.ResourceCache." + " Using default ResourceCache implementation.";
		    o = null;

	    *  if we didn't get through that, just use the default.
	    if (o == null) {
		o = new ResourceCacheImpl();

	    globalCache = (ResourceCache) o;
	    rsvc.info("Default ResourceManager initialization complete.");
 public virtual void init(RuntimeServices rs)
     /* don't need it...*/
	/// <summary>  ctor for current impl
	/// *
	/// takes the reference literal we are proxying for, the literal
	/// the VM we are for is called with...
	/// *
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="contextRef">reference arg in the definition of the VM, used in the VM
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="callerRef"> reference used by the caller as an arg to the VM
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="t"> type of arg : JJTREFERENCE, JJTTRUE, etc
	/// </param>
	public VMProxyArg(RuntimeServices rs, System.String contextRef, System.String callerRef, int t) {
	    rsvc = rs;

	    contextReference = contextRef;
	    callerReference = callerRef;
	    type = t;

	    *  make our AST if necessary

	    *  if we are multi-node tree, then save the size to 
	    *  avoid fn call overhead 
	    if (nodeTree != null)
		numTreeChildren = nodeTree.jjtGetNumChildren();

	    *  if we are a reference, and 'scalar' (i.e. $foo )
	    *  then get the de-dollared ref so we can
	    *  hit our context directly, avoiding the AST
	    if (type == NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.ParserTreeConstants.JJTREFERENCE) {
		if (numTreeChildren == 0) {
		    * do this properly and use the Reference node
		    singleLevelRef = ((ASTReference) nodeTree).RootString;
        /// <summary>  CTOR : requires a runtime services from now
        /// on
        /// </summary>
        public VelocimacroFactory(RuntimeServices rs)
            this.rsvc = rs;

            *  we always access in a synchronized(), so we
            *  can use an unsynchronized hashmap
            libModMap = new Hashtable();
            vmManager = new VelocimacroManager(rsvc);
	/// <summary>  Creates a new logging system or returns an existing one
	/// specified by the application.
	/// </summary>
	public static LogSystem createLogSystem(RuntimeServices rsvc) {
	    // if a logSystem was set as a configuation value, use that.
	    // This is any class the user specifies.
	    System.Object o = rsvc.getProperty(NVelocity.Runtime.RuntimeConstants_Fields.RUNTIME_LOG_LOGSYSTEM);

	    if (o != null && o is LogSystem) {
		((LogSystem) o).Init(rsvc);

		return (LogSystem) o;

	    // otherwise, see if a class was specified.  You
	    // can put multiple classes, and we use the first one we find.
	    // Note that the default value of this property contains both the
	    // AvalonLogSystem and the SimpleLog4JLogSystem for convenience -
	    // so we use whichever we find.
	    IList classes = new ArrayList();
	    System.Object obj = rsvc.getProperty(NVelocity.Runtime.RuntimeConstants_Fields.RUNTIME_LOG_LOGSYSTEM_CLASS);

	    // we might have a list, or not - so check
	    if (obj is IList) {
		classes = (IList) obj;
	    } else if (obj is System.String) {

	    // now run through the list, trying each.  It's ok to
	    // fail with a class not found, as we do this to also
	    // search out a default simple file logger
	    foreach(String clazz in classes) {
		if (clazz != null && clazz.Length > 0) {
		    rsvc.info("Trying to use logger class " + clazz);

		    try {
			System.Type type = System.Type.GetType(clazz);
			o = System.Activator.CreateInstance(type);

			if (o is LogSystem) {
			    ((LogSystem) o).Init(rsvc);

			    rsvc.info("Using logger class " + clazz);

			    return (LogSystem) o;
			} else {
			    rsvc.error("The specifid logger class " + clazz + " isn't a valid LogSystem");
		    } catch (System.ApplicationException ncdfe) {
			rsvc.info("Couldn't find class " + clazz + " or necessary supporting classes in classpath. Exception : " + ncdfe);

	    // if the above failed, then we are in deep doo-doo, as the
	    // above means that either the user specified a logging class
	    // that we can't find, there weren't the necessary
	    // dependencies in the classpath for it, or there were no
	    // dependencies for the default logger.
	    // Since we really don't know,
	    // then take a wack at the log4net as a last resort.
	    LogSystem als = null;
	    try {
		als = new SimpleLog4NetLogSystem();
	    } catch (System.ApplicationException ncdfe) {
		System.String errstr = "PANIC : NVelocity cannot find any of the" + " specified or default logging systems in the classpath," + " or the classpath doesn't contain the necessary classes" + " to support them." + " Please consult the documentation regarding logging." + " Exception : " + ncdfe;



	    rsvc.info("Using log4net as logger of final resort.");

	    return als;
            public void ShouldLogAGeneralWarningOnAnAssemblyLoadFailureWhenRunningScript()
                // arrange
                var mockResolver = new Mock<IAssemblyResolver>();
                mockResolver.Setup(a => a.GetAssemblyPaths(It.IsAny<string>(), false)).Returns(new[] { "/foo.dll" });
                _overrides[typeof(IAssemblyResolver)] = mockResolver.Object;

                var mockAssemblyUtility = new Mock<IAssemblyUtility>();
                mockAssemblyUtility.Setup(a => a.IsManagedAssembly(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(true);
                _overrides[typeof(IAssemblyUtility)] = mockAssemblyUtility.Object;

                var initializationServices = new InitializationServices(_logProvider, _overrides);
                var runtimeServices = new RuntimeServices(

                // act
                var container = runtimeServices.Container;

                // assert
                    "WARN: Some assemblies failed to load. Launch with '-loglevel debug' to see the details");
 public virtual void init(RuntimeServices rs)
     // do nothing with it
Exemple #52
	/// <summary>  CTOR, wraps an ICA
	/// </summary>
	public VMContext(InternalContextAdapter inner, RuntimeServices rsvc) {
	    localcontextscope = rsvc.getBoolean(RuntimeConstants_Fields.VM_CONTEXT_LOCALSCOPE, false);

	    wrappedContext = inner;
	    innerContext = inner.BaseContext;
Exemple #53
	/// <summary>for log msg purposes
	/// </summary>

	/// <summary>for log msg purposes
	/// </summary>

	/// <summary> How this directive is to be initialized.
	/// </summary>
	public virtual void  init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, INode node) {
	    rsvc = rs;

	    //        int i, k = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

	    //for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
	    //    node.jjtGetChild(i).init(context, rs);
 public void ShouldLogOnDebugAnAssemblyLoadFailure()
     var mock = new Mock<IAssemblyResolver>();
     mock.Setup(a => a.GetAssemblyPaths(It.IsAny<string>(), false)).Returns(new[] { "/foo.dll" });
     _overrides[typeof(IAssemblyResolver)] = mock.Object;
     var initializationServices = new InitializationServices(_mockLogger.Object, _overrides);
     var runtimeServices = new RuntimeServices(_mockLogger.Object, _overrides, _mockConsole.Object, _scriptEngineType, _scriptExecutorType, _replType, true, initializationServices, "script.csx");
     var container = runtimeServices.Container;
     _mockLogger.Verify(l => l.DebugFormat("Failure loading assembly: {0}. Exception: {1}", "/foo.dll", It.IsAny<string>()));
	/// <summary>   The major meat of VelocimacroProxy, init() checks the # of arguments, patches the
	/// macro body, renders the macro into an AST, and then inits the AST, so it is ready
	/// for quick rendering.  Note that this is only AST dependant stuff. Not context.
	/// </summary>
	public override void  init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, INode node) {
	    base.init(rs, context, node);

	    *  how many args did we get?

	    int i = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

	    *  right number of args?

	    if (NumArgs != i) {
		rsvc.error("VM #" + macroName + ": error : too " + ((NumArgs > i)?"few":"many") + " arguments to macro. Wanted " + NumArgs + " got " + i);

		return ;

	    *  get the argument list to the instance use of the VM
	    callingArgs = getArgArray(node);

	    *  now proxy each arg in the context
	    setupMacro(callingArgs, callingArgTypes);
	    return ;
	public virtual void Init(RuntimeServices rs) {
	    rsvc = rs;
	public virtual void  initialize(RuntimeServices rs) {
	    rsvc = rs;

	    rsvc.info("ResourceCache : initialized. (" + this.GetType() + ")");
            public void ShouldLogOnDebugAnAssemblyLoadFailure()
                // arrange
                var mockResolver = new Mock<IAssemblyResolver>();
                mockResolver.Setup(a => a.GetAssemblyPaths(It.IsAny<string>(), false)).Returns(new[] { "/foo.dll" });
                _overrides[typeof(IAssemblyResolver)] = mockResolver.Object;

                var mockAssemblyUtility = new Mock<IAssemblyUtility>();
                mockAssemblyUtility.Setup(a => a.IsManagedAssembly(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(true);
                _overrides[typeof(IAssemblyUtility)] = mockAssemblyUtility.Object;

                var initializationServices = new InitializationServices(_logProvider, _overrides);
                var runtimeServices = new RuntimeServices(

                // act
                var container = runtimeServices.Container;

                // assert
                    "DEBUG: Failure loading assembly: /foo.dll. Exception: Could not load file or assembly 'foo.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.");
	public virtual void Init(RuntimeServices rs) {}
	/// <summary> Adds the global namespace to the hash.
	/// </summary>
	internal VelocimacroManager(RuntimeServices rs) {
	    this.rsvc = rs;

	    *  add the global namespace to the namespace hash. We always have that.
