public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer) { if (!_drawGizmos) { return; } Vector3 basePos = this.transform.position + Vector3.up * 0.1F; drawer.color =; drawer.DrawSphere(basePos, 0.001F); drawer.color =; drawer.DrawLine(basePos, basePos + Vector3.right * _objSpacePullVectors[0].x * 0.01F); drawer.DrawLine(basePos, basePos + Vector3.right * _objSpacePullVectors[1].x * 0.01F); drawer.color =; drawer.DrawLine(basePos, basePos + Vector3.up * _objSpacePullVectors[0].y * 0.01F); drawer.DrawLine(basePos, basePos + Vector3.up * _objSpacePullVectors[1].y * 0.01F); drawer.color =; drawer.DrawLine(basePos, basePos + Vector3.forward * _objSpacePullVectors[0].z * 0.01F); drawer.DrawLine(basePos, basePos + Vector3.forward * _objSpacePullVectors[1].z * 0.01F); drawer.color =; drawer.DrawSphere(this.transform.TransformPoint(_objSpaceHandOffsets[0]), 0.011F); drawer.DrawSphere(this.transform.TransformPoint(_objSpaceHandOffsets[1]), 0.011F); drawer.color =; drawer.DrawSphere(this.transform.TransformPoint(_objSpacePullVectors[0]), 0.013F); drawer.DrawSphere(this.transform.TransformPoint(_objSpacePullVectors[1]), 0.013F); }
public float evaluateFocalPlane(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer = null) { intersectionPoints = new List <Vector3>(); raytracer.manager.UpdateCalibrationFromObjects(true, true); ARRaytracer.OpticalSystem optics = raytracer.optics; int curDrawing = 0; for (float v = 0f; v < 1.1f; v += 0.1f) { for (float u = 0f; u < 1.1f; u += 0.1f) { List <Ray> intersectRayList = new List <Ray>(); Vector3 convergencePoint = raytracer.eyePerspective.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(u, v, focalDistance)); if (drawer != null) { drawer.color = LeapColor.electricBlue; drawer.DrawSphere(convergencePoint, 0.005f); } optics.eyePosition = transform.position + (transform.right * (pupilDiameter * 0.5f)); Ray firstBounceRay = PointSpreadTracer.traceRay((convergencePoint - optics.eyePosition).normalized, optics, whichToDraw == curDrawing ? drawer : null); intersectRayList.Add(firstBounceRay); optics.eyePosition = transform.position + (transform.right * -(pupilDiameter * 0.5f)); firstBounceRay = PointSpreadTracer.traceRay((convergencePoint - optics.eyePosition).normalized, optics, whichToDraw == curDrawing ? drawer : null); intersectRayList.Add(firstBounceRay); optics.eyePosition = transform.position + (transform.up * (pupilDiameter * 0.5f)); firstBounceRay = PointSpreadTracer.traceRay((convergencePoint - optics.eyePosition).normalized, optics, whichToDraw == curDrawing ? drawer : null); intersectRayList.Add(firstBounceRay); optics.eyePosition = transform.position + (transform.up * -(pupilDiameter * 0.5f)); firstBounceRay = PointSpreadTracer.traceRay((convergencePoint - optics.eyePosition).normalized, optics, whichToDraw == curDrawing ? drawer : null); intersectRayList.Add(firstBounceRay); Vector3 leftRight = PointSpreadTracer.Fit.ClosestPointOnRayToRay(intersectRayList[0], intersectRayList[1]); Vector3 topBottom = PointSpreadTracer.Fit.ClosestPointOnRayToRay(intersectRayList[2], intersectRayList[3]); if (drawer != null) { drawer.color = LeapColor.coral; drawer.DrawSphere(leftRight, 0.0005f); drawer.color = LeapColor.forest; drawer.DrawSphere(topBottom, 0.0005f); } intersectionPoints.Add(leftRight); intersectionPoints.Add(topBottom); curDrawing++; } } optics.eyePosition = raytracer.eyePerspective.transform.position; Vector3 position =; Vector3 normal =; return(PointSpreadTracer.Fit.Plane(intersectionPoints, out planePos, out planeNormal, 200, drawer)); }
void drawRayDisparity(Vector2 canonicalUV, Vector2 measuredRay, RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer) { Vector3 refPoint1 = screenToWorld(canonicalUV); Vector3 testPoint1 = screenToWorld(raytracer.RenderUVToDisplayUV(measuredRay)); drawer.color =; drawer.DrawLine(refPoint1, testPoint1); drawer.color =; drawer.DrawSphere(refPoint1, 0.0009f); drawer.color =; drawer.DrawSphere(testPoint1, 0.0009f); }
public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer) { if (time > 0f) { drawer.DrawSphere(transform.TransformPoint(pos), 0.05f); } }
public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer) { if (!_drawStrokeGizmos) { return; // TODO REMOVE, also this function is expecting two registered pinch detectors } if (_liveStrokeMeshGenerators == null || _liveStrokeMeshGenerators[1] == null) { return; } List <MeshPoint> meshPoints = _liveStrokeMeshGenerators[1].GetSmoothMeshPoints(); List <bool> flipRegisterStates = _liveStrokeMeshGenerators[1].GetFlipRegisters(); if (_drawStrokeGizmos) { for (int i = 0; i < meshPoints.Count - 1; i++) { if (_drawStrokeLine) { drawer.color =; drawer.DrawLine(meshPoints[i].Position, meshPoints[i + 1].Position); if (flipRegisterStates[i]) { drawer.color = Color.yellow; } drawer.DrawSphere(meshPoints[i].Position, 0.002F); } if (_drawRibbonNormals) { Vector3 normalDirection = meshPoints[i].Normal; drawer.color = new Color(1.0F, 0.4F, 0.2F); drawer.DrawLine(meshPoints[i].Position, meshPoints[i].Position + normalDirection * 0.01F); } if (_drawRibbonBinormals) { Vector3 binormalDirection = Vector3.Cross(meshPoints[i].Normal, (meshPoints[i + 1].Position - meshPoints[i].Position)).normalized; drawer.color =; drawer.DrawLine(meshPoints[i].Position - binormalDirection * 0.02F, meshPoints[i].Position + binormalDirection * 0.02F); drawer.DrawSphere(meshPoints[i].Position + binormalDirection * 0.02F, 0.001F); } } } }
public virtual void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer) { if (_gizmosEnabled) { drawer.color =; drawer.DrawSphere(_anchorTransform.transform.position, 0.005F); } }
public void DrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer) { Matrix4x4 m = Matrix4x4.identity; if (transform != null) { m = transform.localToWorldMatrix; } var origDrawerColor = drawer.color; Vector3 center = m.MultiplyPoint3x4(; float radius = m.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.right).magnitude *this.radius; Vector3 x = m.MultiplyVector(Vector3.right); Vector3 y = m.MultiplyVector(Vector3.up); //Vector3 z = m.MultiplyVector(Vector3.forward); // unused // Sphere drawer.color = drawer.color.WithAlpha(origDrawerColor.a * 0.05f); drawer.DrawSphere(center, radius); // Wire lat-long sphere drawer.color = drawer.color.WithAlpha(origDrawerColor.a * 0.2f); int latDiv = 6; float latAngle = 180f / latDiv; float accumLatAngle = 0f; int lonDiv = 6; float lonAngle = 180f / lonDiv; Quaternion lonRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lonAngle, y); Vector3 lonNormal = x; for (int i = 0; i < latDiv; i++) { accumLatAngle += latAngle; drawer.DrawWireArc(center: center + y * Mathf.Cos(accumLatAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * radius, normal: y, radialStartDirection: x, radius: Mathf.Sin(accumLatAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * radius, fractionOfCircleToDraw: 1.0f, numCircleSegments: 22); } for (int i = 0; i < latDiv; i++) { drawer.DrawWireArc(center: center, normal: lonNormal, radialStartDirection: y, radius: radius, fractionOfCircleToDraw: 1.0f, numCircleSegments: 22); lonNormal = lonRot * lonNormal; } drawer.color = origDrawerColor; }
public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer) { if (!Application.isEditor || !drawRuntimeGizmos || !enabled) { return; } if (!Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { Ray cameraRay = mainCamera.ScreenPointToRay(curMousePosition); Vector3 start = filter.transform.InverseTransformPoint(cameraRay.origin); drawer.DrawSphere(filter.transform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(start.x, start.y, 0f)), 0.0075f); } drawer.color =; if (closestVertex != -1) { drawer.DrawSphere(filter.transform.TransformPoint(calibrationMesh.distortedMeshVertices[closestVertex]), 0.01f); } for (int i = 0; i < vertexIndices.Count; i++) { drawer.DrawSphere(filter.transform.TransformPoint(calibrationMesh.distortedMeshVertices[vertexIndices[i]]), 0.005f); } }
public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer) { //DRAW SPHERES IN EDITOR AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF THE MATCHED RAYS for (int j = 0; j < calibrationDevices.Length; j++) { if (!calibrationDevices[j].isConnected) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < _realDots.Count; i++) { drawer.color =; _realDots[i] = calibrationDotsParent.GetChild(i).position; drawer.DrawSphere(_realDots[i], 0.01f); if (calibrationDevices[j].triangulatedDots[i] != { drawer.color = j == 1 ? :; drawer.DrawSphere(calibrationDevices[j].triangulatedDots[i], 0.01f); drawer.color = Color.white; drawer.DrawLine(_realDots[i], calibrationDevices[j].triangulatedDots[i]); } } } }
public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer) { if (_drawControllerRuntimeGizmos) { foreach (var controller in _interactionControllers) { if (controller != null) { controller.OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(drawer); } } foreach (PhysicsUtility.SoftContact contact in _softContactsToDraw) { drawer.DrawSphere(contact.position, 0.01f); drawer.DrawLine(contact.position, contact.position + (contact.normal * 0.02f)); } } }
public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer) { if (stroke == null) { return; } bool colorSet = false; IEnumerator <StrokePoint> pointsEnum = stroke.GetPointsEnumerator(); for (; pointsEnum.MoveNext();) { StrokePoint point = pointsEnum.Current; if (!colorSet) { drawer.color = point.color; } drawer.DrawSphere(point.position, 0.01F * point.pressure); } }
public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer) { for (int i = 0; i < _heat.Length; i++) { _colors[i] = Color.Lerp(Color.cyan,, _heat[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < _indexPosBuffer.Count; i++) { drawer.color = _colors[i]; float radius = 0.005F; if (_heat[i] > 0.8F) { radius = 0.01F; } drawer.DrawSphere(_indexPosBuffer.Get(i), radius); } drawer.color =; drawer.DrawWireSphere(_lastTapPosition, 0.008F); }
private void renderGizmoHand(Hand hand, PinchGesture pinchGesture, ref Color currentGizmoColor, ref float pinchOrbRadius, RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer) { drawer.color = handColor; // Wrist. var wristPos = hand.WristPosition.ToVector3(); var wristRadius = hand.GetPinky().Length * 0.5f; var wristNormal = hand.Arm.Basis.yBasis.ToVector3(); var wristOffsetAlongNormal = hand.GetIndex().bones[3].Length; wristPos += wristNormal * wristOffsetAlongNormal; drawCircle(wristPos, wristRadius, wristNormal, drawer); // Palm. var palmPos = hand.PalmPosition.ToVector3(); var palmRadius = hand.GetMiddle().Length * 0.5f; var palmNormal = hand.PalmarAxis() * -1f; var palmOffsetAlongNormal = hand.GetIndex().bones[3].Length * 2f; palmPos += palmNormal * palmOffsetAlongNormal; drawCircle(palmPos, palmRadius, palmNormal, drawer); // Fingers. for (int fIdx = 0; fIdx < hand.Fingers.Count; fIdx++) { var finger = hand.Fingers[fIdx]; var radius = finger.bones[3].Length * 0.5f; for (int bId = 1; bId < finger.bones.Length; bId++) { var bone = finger.bones[bId]; var boneNormal = bone.Basis.yBasis.ToVector3(); var offsetAlongNormal = radius; var bonePos = bone.NextJoint.ToVector3() + boneNormal * offsetAlongNormal; drawCircle(bonePos, radius, boneNormal, drawer, 16); } } // TRS gizmos. if (leapTRS2 != null && leapTRS2.isEnabledAndConfigured) { // Wrist gizmo color. Color targetGizmoColor; if (!pinchGesture.isEligible) { targetGizmoColor = ineligibleGizmoColor; } else if (pinchGesture.isActive) { targetGizmoColor = activeGizmoColor; } else { targetGizmoColor = eligibleGizmoColor; } currentGizmoColor = currentGizmoColor.Lerp(targetGizmoColor, gizmoColorLerpSpeed * Time.deltaTime); drawer.color = currentGizmoColor; // Wrist gizmo. var wristRot = hand.Arm.Basis.rotation.ToQuaternion(); var stemLength = wristRadius * 0.55f; var stemVector = stemLength * Vector3.forward; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var stemEnd = wristPos + wristRot * stemVector; drawer.DrawLine(wristPos, stemEnd); var arrowLength = stemLength * 0.33f; var arrowPoint = stemEnd + wristRot * Vector3.right * arrowLength + wristRot * Vector3.back * arrowLength; drawer.DrawLine(arrowPoint, stemEnd); arrowPoint = stemEnd + wristRot * Vector3.left * arrowLength + wristRot * Vector3.back * arrowLength; drawer.DrawLine(arrowPoint, stemEnd); wristRot = wristRot * _trsGizmoRotator; } float targetPinchOrbRadius = 0f; if (pinchGesture != null && pinchGesture.isActive) { targetPinchOrbRadius = maxPinchOrbRadius; } pinchOrbRadius = Mathf.Lerp(pinchOrbRadius, targetPinchOrbRadius, pinchOrbLerpSpeed * Time.deltaTime); var pinchOrbColor = Color.Lerp(inactivePinchOrbColor, activePinchOrbcolor, pinchOrbRadius.Map(0f, maxPinchOrbRadius, 0f, 1f)); if (pinchOrbRadius > 0.0001f) { drawer.color = pinchOrbColor; drawer.DrawSphere(hand.GetPinchPosition(), pinchOrbRadius); } } }
public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer) { Quaternion beginningRot = transform.rotation; if (curFocalPoint.ContainsNaN()) { curFocalPoint =; } averagedInterSectionPoints = new List <Vector3>(); ARRaytracer.OpticalSystem optics = raytracer.optics; curDrawing = 0; for (float yRot = -30f; yRot < 30f; yRot += 5f) { for (float xRot = -20f; xRot < 70f; xRot += 5f) { //for (float yRot = -0f; yRot < 25f; yRot += 5f) { // for (float xRot = 5f; xRot < 35f; xRot += 5f) { List <Ray> intersectRayList = new List <Ray>(); for (float i = 0f; i < 91; i += 90) { transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, i);// Quaternion.Euler(xRot, yRot, i); Vector3 convergencePoint = transform.position + ((Vector3.forward) + (Vector3.up * -xRot * 0.01f) + (Vector3.right * yRot * 0.01f)) * focalDistance; optics.eyePosition = transform.position + (transform.right * 0.001f); Ray firstBounceRay = traceRay((convergencePoint - optics.eyePosition).normalized, optics, whichToDraw == curDrawing ? drawer : null); intersectRayList.Add(firstBounceRay); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, i + 180f); //Quaternion.Euler(xRot, yRot, i+180f); optics.eyePosition = transform.position + (transform.right * 0.001f); firstBounceRay = traceRay((convergencePoint - optics.eyePosition).normalized, optics, whichToDraw == curDrawing ? drawer : null); intersectRayList.Add(firstBounceRay); } Vector3 intersectSum =; int numPoints = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (intersectRayList.Count - 1); i += 2) { Vector3 tmp = Fit.ClosestPointOnRayToRay(intersectRayList[i], intersectRayList[i + 1]); drawer.color = i == 0 ? LeapColor.coral : LeapColor.forest; drawer.DrawSphere(tmp, 0.0005f); intersectSum += tmp; numPoints++; } Vector3 ptAverage = intersectSum / numPoints; averagedInterSectionPoints.Add(ptAverage); /*for (int i = 0; i < (intersectRayList.Count - 1); i += 2) { * Vector3 tmp = ClosestPointOnRayToRay(intersectRayList[i], intersectRayList[i + 1]); * drawer.color =; * drawer.DrawLine(tmp, ptAverage); * }*/ //Debug.Log("Average: " + ptAverage); curDrawing++; } } optics.eyePosition = raytracer.eyePerspective.transform.position; //drawer.color = LeapColor.periwinkle; //for (int i = 0; i < averagedInterSectionPoints.Count; i++) drawer.DrawSphere(averagedInterSectionPoints[i], .0005f); Vector3 position =; Vector3 normal =; Fit.Plane(averagedInterSectionPoints, out position, out normal, 200, drawer); newScreen.position = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(newScreen.position - position, normal) + position; newScreen.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(newScreen.forward, normal) * newScreen.rotation; //log the continous fit to the console ///Debug.Log("Position is " + position + " normal is " + normal); transform.rotation = beginningRot; Vector2 CornerOneUV = ARRaytracer.DisplayUVToRenderUV(new Vector2(0f, 0f), optics, 80); Vector2 CornerTwoUV = ARRaytracer.DisplayUVToRenderUV(new Vector2(1f, 0f), optics, 80); Vector2 CornerThreeUV = ARRaytracer.DisplayUVToRenderUV(new Vector2(0f, 1f), optics, 80); Vector2 CornerFourUV = ARRaytracer.DisplayUVToRenderUV(new Vector2(1f, 1f), optics, 80); drawer.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity; traceRay(ARRaytracer.ViewportPointToRayDirection(new Vector3(CornerOneUV.x, CornerOneUV.y, 1f), raytracer.eyePerspective.transform.position, optics.clipToWorld), optics, drawer); traceRay(ARRaytracer.ViewportPointToRayDirection(new Vector3(CornerTwoUV.x, CornerTwoUV.y, 1f), raytracer.eyePerspective.transform.position, optics.clipToWorld), optics, drawer); traceRay(ARRaytracer.ViewportPointToRayDirection(new Vector3(CornerThreeUV.x, CornerThreeUV.y, 1f), raytracer.eyePerspective.transform.position, optics.clipToWorld), optics, drawer); traceRay(ARRaytracer.ViewportPointToRayDirection(new Vector3(CornerFourUV.x, CornerFourUV.y, 1f), raytracer.eyePerspective.transform.position, optics.clipToWorld), optics, drawer); }