Exemple #1
        public void AddBanter(string message, int gameId, int userTeamId, string who)
            string name = Context.User.Identity.Name;

            foreach (var connectionId in _connections.GetConnections(who))
                Clients.Client(connectionId).testAdd(name + ": " + message, gameId);

            _service.AddBanter(gameId, userTeamId, message);
            var _updatedBanter = _service.GetGameBanter(1);
            BantersDto _bantersDto = new BantersDto()
                {Banter = _updatedBanter, CurrentGameId = gameId, CurrentUserTeamId = userTeamId};

            // this method i create a dummy controller that can return a partialview to the page - thus i can actually get ALL the banter and refresh the entire view instead of appending bits...
            var bogusController = ViewRenderer.CreateController<HomeController>();

                // var partialViewGuts = ViewRenderer.RenderPartialViewToString(bogusController.ControllerContext, "view", model);
                var partialViewGuts = ViewRenderer.RenderPartialView("~/Views/ViewPlayers/banterlist.cshtml", _bantersDto, bogusController.ControllerContext);
            catch (Exception ex)

                Clients.All.addNewBanterToPage("There has been a problem getting the banter");
Exemple #2
        private TeamOverViewViewModel GetTeamOverViewVm(int userTeamId, int? gameId, string footballClub, string searchString, bool getNextTeam)
            BantersDto _bantersDto = new BantersDto()
                {Banter = new List<Banter>(), CurrentGameId = (gameId==null) ? 0 : (int)gameId, CurrentUserTeamId = userTeamId};

            IEnumerable<SelectListItem> _clubs = _players.GetList().OrderBy(p => p.Club).Select(p => new SelectListItem(){Value=p.Club, Text =p.Club }).Distinct();

            // if userTeamId==0, just return banter & clubs.
            if (userTeamId == 0)
                return new TeamOverViewViewModel()
                    PlayersSearchedFor = null,
                    PlayersChosen = null,
                    OtherTeams = null,
                    GameId = 0,
                    GameName = null,
                    GameCurrentOrderPosition = 0,
                    UserTeamId = 0,
                    UserName = null,
                    UserId = 0,
                    UserTeamOrderPosition = 0,
                    AddedPlayerMessage = null,
                    HasEnded = false,
                    Banters = _bantersDto, //_banterForThisGame,
                    Clubs = _clubs
            // else get the userteam & other data for full TeamOverView
                    // setup message to be displayed to User once they have added their chosen player
                    string _addedPlayerMessage = "Current player is {0}.  There are {1} turns left before your go.";
                    int _tmpTurnsLeft = 0;
                    UserTeam _userTeam = null;
                    UserProfile _user = null;
                    IEnumerable<UserTeam_Player> _playersPickedForThisTeam = null;
                    IEnumerable<PlayerDto> _playersNotPickedForAnyTeam = new List<PlayerDto>();
                    Game _game = null;

                    // get this UserTeam, and from it, the User and current Game (the gameid param seems redundant)
                    if (!_userTeams.TryGet(out _userTeam, x => x.Id == userTeamId))
                        throw new ApplicationException();
                    if (!_users.TryGet(out _user, x => x.UserId == _userTeam.UserId))
                        throw new ApplicationException();
                    if (!_games.TryGet(out _game, x => x.Id == _userTeam.GameId))
                        throw new ApplicationException();

                    IEnumerable<UserTeam> _otherUserTeams = _userTeams.GetList(u => u.GameId == _userTeam.GameId);
                    List<UserTeam> _test = _otherUserTeams.ToList();

                    if (_game.HasEnded)
                        //if we want the NEXT userTeam (rather than current), we need to find out where we are in the order of play.
                        if (getNextTeam)
                            int _utCount = _game.UserTeams.Count;
                            int _orderToGet = (_userTeam.OrderPosition + 1 == _utCount) ? 0 : _userTeam.OrderPosition + 1;

                            UserTeam _nextUserTeam =
                                _userTeams.Get(u => u.OrderPosition == _orderToGet && u.GameId == _game.Id);
                            _userTeam = _nextUserTeam;


                        _addedPlayerMessage = "The game has ended.";
                        //_banterForThisGame = _banters.GetList(b => b.GameId == _userTeam.GameId);
                        //_banterForThisGame = GetGameBanter(_userTeam.GameId);
                        _bantersDto = new BantersDto() { Banter = GetGameBanter(_userTeam.GameId), CurrentGameId = _userTeam.GameId, CurrentUserTeamId = userTeamId };

                        _playersPickedForThisTeam = GetAllChosenUserTeamPlayersForTeam(_userTeam.Id);
                        _playersNotPickedForAnyTeam = GetPlayersNotPickedForAnyTeam(_game.Id, footballClub, searchString);
                        //if we want the NEXT userTeam (rather than current), we need to find out where we are in the order of play.
                            int _utCount = _game.UserTeams.Count;
                            int _orderToGet = (_userTeam.OrderPosition + 1 == _utCount) ? 0 : _userTeam.OrderPosition + 1;

                            UserTeam _nextUserTeam =
                                _userTeams.Get(u => u.OrderPosition == _orderToGet && u.GameId == _game.Id);
                            _userTeam = _nextUserTeam;


                        // setup the TeamOverViewViewModel properties
                        _bantersDto = new BantersDto() { Banter = GetGameBanter(_userTeam.GameId), CurrentGameId = _userTeam.GameId, CurrentUserTeamId = userTeamId };
                        _playersPickedForThisTeam = GetAllChosenUserTeamPlayersForTeam(_userTeam.Id);
                        _playersNotPickedForAnyTeam = GetPlayersNotPickedForAnyTeam(_game.Id, footballClub, searchString);

                        List<UserTeam> _userTeamsForGame = _userTeams.GetList(x => x.GameId == _game.Id).ToList();

                        // this next bit is to set the 'turns left' part of the addedplayer message
                        // i don't really need it....

                        // if it's NOT the user's turn
                        if (_userTeam.OrderPosition != _game.CurrentOrderPosition)
                            // get the user who's turn it actually is
                            UserTeam _activeUt =
                                    s => s.OrderPosition == _game.CurrentOrderPosition && s.GameId == _game.Id,
                                    u => u.User);

                            // then get their username
                            string _tmpActiveUserName = _users.Get(x => x.UserId == _activeUt.UserId).UserName;

                            // set a message to display the number of turns left until the user's turn
                            switch (_activeUt.OrderPosition > _userTeam.OrderPosition)
                                case true:
                                    _tmpTurnsLeft = (_userTeam.OrderPosition == _userTeamsForGame.Count)
                                        ? 1
                                        : _activeUt.OrderPosition - _userTeam.OrderPosition;
                                case false:
                                    _tmpTurnsLeft = (_userTeam.OrderPosition == _userTeamsForGame.Count)
                                        ? 1
                                        : _userTeam.OrderPosition - _activeUt.OrderPosition;
                            _addedPlayerMessage = String.Format(_addedPlayerMessage, _tmpActiveUserName, _tmpTurnsLeft);

                    return new TeamOverViewViewModel()
                        PlayersSearchedFor = _playersNotPickedForAnyTeam,
                        PlayersChosen = _playersPickedForThisTeam,
                        OtherTeams = _otherUserTeams,
                        GameId = _userTeam.GameId,
                        GameName = _game.Name,
                        GameCurrentOrderPosition = _game.CurrentOrderPosition,
                        UserTeamId = _userTeam.Id,
                        UserId = _userTeam.UserId,
                        //UserName = _user.UserName,
                        UserName = _userTeam.User.UserName,
                        UserTeamOrderPosition = _userTeam.OrderPosition,
                        AddedPlayerMessage = _addedPlayerMessage,
                        HasEnded = _game.HasEnded,
                        Banters = _bantersDto, //_banterForThisGame,
                        Clubs = _clubs
                catch (Exception _exp)
                        String.Format("GetTeamOverViewViewModel failed. userteam:{0}, footballclub:{1}, searchstring:{2}",
                            userTeamId, footballClub, searchString), _exp, true);