Exemple #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    private void Update(float dt)
        // Wheel controls
        bool isBraking      = _input.GetKeyDown((int)SDL.SDL_Keycode.SDLK_DOWN);
        bool isAccelerating = _input.GetKeyDown((int)SDL.SDL_Keycode.SDLK_UP);

        foreach (Wheel wheel in _wheels)
            // We give priority to braking
            if (isBraking)
                // This function also emit particles
                Wheel.DynamicsData wheelDynamics = wheel.ApplyNonLinearTorque(_horsePower, _maxSpdBwd, true);
                if (wheelDynamics.IsInContact)
                    // If the wheel is in contact, we play the braking sound according to the current work in the wheel
                    if (_soundSource.Sound != _brakeSound || !_soundSource.IsPlaying())
                    _soundSource.Gain = wheelDynamics.Resistance * -1;
                    if (_soundSource.Gain > 1)
                        _soundSource.Gain = 1;
            else if (isAccelerating)
                Wheel.DynamicsData wheelDynamics = wheel.ApplyNonLinearTorque(-_horsePower, -_maxSpdFwd);
                // We set the sound frequency according to the speed and gain according to the work being done
                _soundSource.SetFrequency((wheelDynamics.AngularVelocity / -40 + 1) * 48000);
                _soundSource.Gain += 0.03f;
                if (_soundSource.Gain > 1)
                    _soundSource.Gain = 1;
                _soundSource.Gain += Math.Abs(1 - wheelDynamics.Resistance * 5);
                if (_soundSource.Sound != _accelSound || !_soundSource.IsPlaying())
                // If it's not receiving any input, fades out engine sound or stop other sounds
                if (_soundSource.Sound == _accelSound)
                    _soundSource.Gain -= 0.01f;
                    if (_soundSource.Gain < 0.3f)
                        _soundSource.Gain = 0.3f;

                // We emit surface particles anyway

        // Roll controls
        if (_input.GetKeyDown((int)SDL.SDL_Keycode.SDLK_LEFT))
            _rigidBody.ApplyTorque(_rollForce, true);
        if (_input.GetKeyDown((int)SDL.SDL_Keycode.SDLK_RIGHT))
            _rigidBody.ApplyTorque(_rollForce * -1, true);
        // Debug control for when you rolled over
        if (_input.GetKeyDown((int)SDL.SDL_Keycode.SDLK_SPACE))

        // We apply bit of the vehicle's velocity to the exhaust particles so they look OK
        Vector2 currentVelocity = _rigidBody.GetLinearVelocity();

        _exhaustParticles.Effect.Speed         = Math.Abs(100 + currentVelocity.LengthFast * 20);
        _exhaustParticles.Effect.SpeedVariance = currentVelocity.LengthFast * 10;
        _exhaustParticles.Effect.Angle         = -Node.Rotation2D +
                                                 (float)(Math.Atan2(currentVelocity.X - 5, -currentVelocity.Y) * (360 / (Math.PI * 2))) - 90;

        // Suspension sounds
        foreach (Wheel wheel in _wheels)
            if (wheel.CurrentSuspensionCompression() > 0.7f)
                if (DateTime.Now - lastSuspensionSound > TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500))
                    lastSuspensionSound = DateTime.Now;
                    _suspensionSoundSource.Play(_suspensionSounds[new Random().Next(_suspensionSounds.Length)]);