public ResponseResult IdeaExist(Project proj) { String msg; try { var result = DataService.CheckIdeaExist(proj.UserId); if (result > 0) { msg = "you have already initiated a idea!"; return ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(new { ProjectId = result, }, msg); } else { return ResponseResult.GetErrorObject(); } } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return ResponseResult.GetErrorObject(); } }
public ResponseResult Download(String id) { try { var clientKey = User.Identity.Name; var file = DocsAPI.Models.DocsBAL.GetFileByID(id, clientKey); if (file != null) { return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(new { FileActualName = file.ActualFileName, FileSize = file.ConentLengthInBytes, FileType = file.ContentType, Extension = file.Extension, UniqueID = file.UniqueName })); } else { return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject("Not Found")); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject("Not Found")); } }
public ResponseResult SaveOrder(Order order) { try { var sendEmail = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SendEmail"]); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } if (new DataService().SaveOrder(order)) { if (sendEmail && (order.Customer.Email != null || !order.Customer.Email.Equals(""))) { if (new DataService().SendEmail(order.Customer.Email)) { return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject("Order Has been placed saved & email is sent")); } } } return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(null, "Order Has been placed saved")); }catch (Exception exp) { return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public ResponseResult updateUserProfile(EditUser u) { String msg; try { int isUpdated = DataService.updateUserProfile(u); if (isUpdated == 1) { msg = "User Updated Successfully"; return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(new { IsUpdated = isUpdated }, msg)); } else { msg = "User didn't updated successfully"; return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject(msg)); } } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject("User didn't updated successfully")); } }
//public Object SignOut(Boolean pManualEclockLogout) //{ // try // { // SessionManager.CurrentUser = null; // SessionManager.AbandonSession(); // HttpContext.Current.Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); // HttpContext.Current.Response.Cache.SetExpires(DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(-1)); // HttpContext.Current.Response.Cache.SetNoStore(); // if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["breadcrumbs"] != null) // { // HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("breadcrumbs"); // myCookie.Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1d); // HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add(myCookie); // } // return ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(); // //var result = new // //{ // // success = true, // // error = "" // //}; // //return (result); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); // return ResponseResult.GetErrorObject("Email not correct"); // } //} public ResponseResult ResetPassword(PasswordEntity pass) { if (PUCIT.AIMRL.SFP.UI.Common.SessionManager.LogsInAsOtherUser == true) { return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject("You Are Not Allowed")); } try { var password = pass.NewPassword; if (GlobalDataManager.IgnoreHashing == false) { password = PasswordSaltedHashingUtility.HashPassword(pass.NewPassword); } var flag = DataService.UpdatePassword(pass.Token, "", password, 0, DateTime.UtcNow, false); if (flag) { return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(null, "Password is reset")); } else { return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject("Reset is failed")); } } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public ResponseResult getUsers() { try { var List = DataService.GetAllUsers(); return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(new { UserList = List })); //return (new //{ // data = new // { // UserList = List // }, // success = true, // error = "" //}); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public ResponseResult SearchUsers(UserSearchParam pSearchParam) { try { var result = DataService.SearchUsers(pSearchParam); return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(new { Count = result.ResultCount, UserList = result.Result })); //return (new //{ // data = new // { // Count = result.ResultCount, // UserList = result.Result // }, // success = true, // error = "" //}); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public ResponseResult SaveUsers(User u) { try { String msg; u.Password = PasswordSaltedHashingUtility.HashPassword("123"); var result = DataService.SaveUsers(u, DateTime.UtcNow, SessionManager.CurrentUser.UserId); if (result > 0) { if (u.UserId > 0) { msg = "User Updated Successfully"; } else { msg = "User Added Successfully"; } return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(new { UserId = result, }, msg)); } else { return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public ResponseResult SaveUserRoleMapping(int pUserID, List <int> pRoles) { try { var List = DataService.SaveUserRoleMapping(pUserID, pRoles); return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(new { Roles = List }, "Mappings are saved")); //return (new //{ // data = new // { // Roles = List // }, // success = true, // error = "Mappings are saved" //}); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public ResponseResult GetRolesByUserID(int pUserID) { try { var List = DataService.GetRolesByUserID(pUserID); return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(new { Roles = List })); //return (new //{ // data = new // { // Roles = List // }, // success = true, // error = "" //}); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public ResponseResult GetActivePermissions() { try { var List = DataService.GetAllPermissions().Where(p => p.IsActive == true).ToList(); return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(new { PermissionList = List })); //return (new //{ // data = new // { // PermissionList = List // }, // success = true, // error = "" //}); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public ResponseResult SearchLoginHistory(LoginHistorySearchParam pSearchParam) { try { if (pSearchParam.SDate <= DateTime.MinValue) { pSearchParam.SDate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1); } if (pSearchParam.EDate <= DateTime.MinValue) { pSearchParam.EDate = DateTime.MaxValue; } var result = DataService.SearchLoginHistory(pSearchParam); return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(new { Count = result.ResultCount, LoginHistoryList = result.Result })); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public static ResponseResult GetAllOrders() { try { var query = "Select ord.OrderId,ord.OrderNum, ord.OrderBy,u.Name, ord.CreatedOn,ord.IsPaid, ord.TotalAmount,ord.IsActive,ord.OrderStatus from dbo.Orders ord,dbo.Users u Where ord.OrderBy=u.UserId AND ord.IsActive = 1"; using (DBHelper helper = new DBHelper()) { var reader = helper.ExecuteReader(query); List <OrderDTO> list = new List <OrderDTO>(); while (reader.Read()) { var dto = FillDTO(reader); if (dto != null) { list.Add(dto); } } return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(list)); } } catch (Exception exp) { return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject("Some Error has occured! " + exp)); } }
public ResponseResult getUserInfo(int UserId) { try { User StudentObject = DataService.getUserInfo(UserId); //Section UserSection = DataService.getUserSection(StudentObject.UserId); return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(new { StudentInfo = StudentObject })); //return (new //{ // data = new // { // StudentInfo = StudentObject // }, // success = true, // error = "" //}); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public static ResponseResult GetProductById(int pid) { var sqlQuery = ""; try { using (DBHelper helper = new DBHelper()) { sqlQuery = String.Format(@"Select * from dbo.Products Where ProductId='{0}'", pid); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery); var reader = helper.ExecuteReader(sqlQuery); ProductDTO dto = null; if (reader.Read()) { dto = FillDTO(reader); } return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(dto)); } } catch (Exception exp) { return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public static ResponseResult GetProductsByOrderId(int OrderId) { var sqlQuery = ""; try { using (DBHelper helper = new DBHelper()) { sqlQuery = String.Format(@"select p.ProductId,p.Name, p.Price, p.PictureName, p.CreatedOn,p.CreatedBy, p.ModifiedOn, p.ModifiedBy, p.IsActive from dbo.Products p,dbo.Orders ord, dbo.ProductOrderMapping map WHERE map.ProductId=p.ProductId AND ord.OrderId=map.OrderId AND ord.OrderId={0}", OrderId); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery); var reader = helper.ExecuteReader(sqlQuery); List <ProductDTO> list = new List <ProductDTO>(); while (reader.Read()) { var dto = FillDTO(reader); if (dto != null) { list.Add(dto); } } return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(list)); } } catch (Exception exp) { return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public ResponseResult GetAllModels(int id) { try { using (DBEntitiesModel db = new DBEntitiesModel()) { var data = db.Devices.Where(x => x.ParentID == id && x.IsActive == true). Select(y => new DeviceDTO { DeviceID = y.DeviceID, DeviceName = y.DeviceName, Description = y.Description, ImageName = y.ImageName, IsActive = y.IsActive, ParentID = y.ParentID, CreatedBy = y.CreatedBy, CreatedOn = y.CreatedOn } ).ToList(); return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(data)); } } catch (Exception exp) { return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public static ResponseResult GetAllProducts() { var query = "Select ProductId,Name, Price, PictureName, CreatedOn,CreatedBy, ModifiedOn, ModifiedBy, IsActive from dbo.Products Where IsActive = 1"; try { using (DBHelper helper = new DBHelper()) { var reader = helper.ExecuteReader(query); List <ProductDTO> list = new List <ProductDTO>(); while (reader.Read()) { var dto = FillDTO(reader); if (dto != null) { list.Add(dto); } } return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(list)); } } catch (Exception exp) { return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject("Some Error has occured! " + exp)); } }
public ResponseResult EnableDisableRole(Roles pRoleObj) { String msg = " "; try { bool rowdeleted = DataService.EnableDisableRole(pRoleObj.Id, pRoleObj.IsActive, DateTime.UtcNow, SessionManager.CurrentUser.UserId); if (rowdeleted == true) { var param = (pRoleObj.IsActive == false ? "disabled" : "enabled"); msg = String.Format("Role is {0} successfully", param); } else { msg = " "; } return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(new { RoleId = pRoleObj.Id }, msg)); //return (new //{ // success = true, // error = msg //}); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public static ResponseResult GetOrderById(int OrderId) { var sqlQuery = ""; try { using (DBHelper helper = new DBHelper()) { sqlQuery = String.Format(@"Select ord.OrderId,ord.OrderNum, ord.OrderBy,u.Name, ord.CreatedOn,ord.IsPaid, ord.TotalAmount,ord.IsActive,ord.OrderStatus from dbo.Orders ord,dbo.Users u Where ord.OrderBy=u.UserId AND ord.IsActive = 1 AND OrderId='{0}'", OrderId); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery); var reader = helper.ExecuteReader(sqlQuery); OrderDTO dto = null; if (reader.Read()) { dto = FillDTO(reader); } return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(dto)); } } catch (Exception exp) { return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject("Some error has occured!" + exp)); } }
public ResponseResult updateUserProfilePic() { if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Files.AllKeys.Any()) { // Get the uploaded image from the Files collection var httpPostedFile = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files["UploadedImage"]; //get other form data var username = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["Username"]; string uniqueName = ""; if (httpPostedFile != null) { // Validate the uploaded image(optional) var ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFile.FileName); uniqueName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ext; //You could modify the following code and get the postedfile inputstream, then insert them into database. // Get the complete file path var fileSavePath = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/images/gallery"), uniqueName); // Save the uploaded file to "UploadedFiles" folder httpPostedFile.SaveAs(fileSavePath); } return(Repository.updateUserProfilePic(uniqueName)); } return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); }
// GET: api/Devices/5 public ResponseResult GetDeviceByID(int id) { Device device = db.Devices.Find(id); if (device == null) { return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(device)); }
public ResponseResult SaveDevice(Device device) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject("Invalid Model State")); } db.Devices.Add(device); db.SaveChanges(); return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(new { id = device.DeviceID }, "")); //return CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = device.DeviceID }, device); }
public ResponseResult updateUserProfilePic(string fileName) { try { return(DataService.updateUserProfilePic(fileName)); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); //return ResponseResult.GetErrorObject("Some error has occured in While showing User Projects Wall."); } }
public ResponseResult ValidateUser(Login pLogin) { try { Util.CustomUtility.LogData("Going to validate Login:" + pLogin.UserName); return(Repository.ValidateUser(pLogin.UserName, pLogin.Password, pLogin.Email, true, true)); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public ResponseResult ShareIdea(projectIdea proj) { try { Util.CustomUtility.LogData("Going to add new project idea:" + proj.ProjectTitle); return(Repository.saveProject(proj)); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public ResponseResult IdeaExist(Project proj) { try { Util.CustomUtility.LogData("Going to check weather user have already added project idea or not" + proj.UserId); return(Repository.IdeaExist(proj)); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public ResponseResult ValidateUser(Login pLogin) { try { UserInfoRepository userInfoRepo = new UserInfoRepository(); return(userInfoRepo.ValidateUser(pLogin.UserName, "", "", true, true)); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public ResponseResult Upload() { try { var clientKey = User.Identity.Name; var filesList = GetFilesFromRequestAndSave("~/UploadedFiles", clientKey); return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(filesList)); } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public ResponseResult GetProjectsByUserId(int UserId) { try { List <ProjectDTO> listOfUserProjects = DataService.GetProjectsByUserId(UserId); return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(new { ProjectList = listOfUserProjects })); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject("Some error has occured in While showing User Projects Wall.")); } }