public RepositoryFile(IRepository repository, String path, RepositoryStatus contentsStatus, RepositoryStatus propertiesStatus) { if (path == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("path"); if (path.Trim().Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("Path must be set to a valid path", "path"); if (path[path.Length-1] == '/') throw new ArgumentException("Path must be set to a file, not a directory", "path"); if (propertiesStatus == RepositoryStatus.Added || propertiesStatus == RepositoryStatus.Deleted) { throw new ArgumentException("Properties status cannot be set to Added or Deleted, use Updated", "propertiesStatus"); } this.contentsStatus = contentsStatus; this.propertiesStatus = propertiesStatus; this.repository = repository; SetPathRelatedFields(path); if (fileName.EndsWith(" ")) throw new ArgumentException("Filename cannot end with trailing spaces", "path"); if (fileName.StartsWith(" ")) throw new ArgumentException("Filename cannot begin with leading spaces", "path"); }
public void CanRetrieveTheStatusOfARelativeWorkingDirectory() { string path = SandboxStandardTestRepo(); using (var repo = new Repository(path)) { const string file = "just_a_dir/other.txt"; const string otherFile = "just_a_dir/another_dir/other.txt"; Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, file); Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, otherFile); RepositoryStatus status = repo.RetrieveStatus(new StatusOptions() { PathSpec = new[] { "just_a_dir" } }); Assert.Equal(2, status.Count()); Assert.Equal(2, status.Untracked.Count()); status = repo.RetrieveStatus(new StatusOptions() { PathSpec = new[] { "just_a_dir/another_dir" } }); Assert.Equal(1, status.Count()); Assert.Equal(1, status.Untracked.Count()); } }
public void CanRetrieveTheStatusOfRenamedFilesInWorkDir() { string path = SandboxStandardTestRepo(); using (var repo = new Repository(path)) { Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "old_name.txt", "This is a file with enough data to trigger similarity matching.\r\n" + "This is a file with enough data to trigger similarity matching.\r\n" + "This is a file with enough data to trigger similarity matching.\r\n" + "This is a file with enough data to trigger similarity matching.\r\n"); Commands.Stage(repo, "old_name.txt"); File.Move(Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "old_name.txt"), Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "rename_target.txt")); RepositoryStatus status = repo.RetrieveStatus( new StatusOptions() { DetectRenamesInIndex = true, DetectRenamesInWorkDir = true }); Assert.Equal(FileStatus.NewInIndex | FileStatus.RenamedInWorkdir, status["rename_target.txt"].State); Assert.Equal(100, status["rename_target.txt"].IndexToWorkDirRenameDetails.Similarity); } }
public static bool HasUnstagedChanges(this RepositoryStatus status) { return(status.Untracked.Any() || status.Modified.Any() || status.Missing.Any() || status.RenamedInWorkDir.Any()); }
/// <summary> /// Méthode qui réalise la commande pull de Git /// Cette méthode prend en priorité le fichier sur le serveur /// en cas de conflit /// </summary> public void pullContent() { if (_gitRepoIsOk) { try { RepositoryStatus repoStatus = _repository.RetrieveStatus(); if (!repoStatus.IsDirty) { PullOptions pullOptions = new PullOptions() { MergeOptions = new MergeOptions() { FastForwardStrategy = FastForwardStrategy.Default, FileConflictStrategy = CheckoutFileConflictStrategy.Theirs } }; LibGit2Sharp.Commands.Pull(_repository, _signature, pullOptions); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error PULL : \n" + e.ToString()); } } }
public static bool HasStagedChanges(this RepositoryStatus status) { return(status.Added.Any() || status.Staged.Any() || status.Removed.Any() || status.RenamedInIndex.Any()); }
public RepositoryFile(IRepository repository, String path, RepositoryStatus contentsStatus, RepositoryStatus propertiesStatus) { if (path == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("path"); } if (path.Trim().Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Path must be set to a valid path", "path"); } if (path[path.Length - 1] == '/') { throw new ArgumentException("Path must be set to a file, not a directory", "path"); } if (propertiesStatus == RepositoryStatus.Added || propertiesStatus == RepositoryStatus.Deleted) { throw new ArgumentException("Properties status cannot be set to Added or Deleted, use Updated", "propertiesStatus"); } this.contentsStatus = contentsStatus; this.propertiesStatus = propertiesStatus; this.repository = repository; SetPathRelatedFields(path); if (fileName.EndsWith(" ")) { throw new ArgumentException("Filename cannot end with trailing spaces", "path"); } if (fileName.StartsWith(" ")) { throw new ArgumentException("Filename cannot begin with leading spaces", "path"); } }
public void RetrievingTheStatusOfARepositoryReturnNativeFilePaths() { // Build relative path string relFilePath = Path.Combine("directory", "Testfile.txt"); // Open the repository string repoPath = InitNewRepository(); using (var repo = new Repository(repoPath)) { Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, relFilePath, "Anybody out there?"); // Add the file to the index Commands.Stage(repo, relFilePath); // Get the repository status RepositoryStatus repoStatus = repo.RetrieveStatus(); Assert.Equal(1, repoStatus.Count()); StatusEntry statusEntry = repoStatus.Single(); Assert.Equal(relFilePath, statusEntry.FilePath); Assert.Equal(statusEntry.FilePath, repoStatus.Added.Select(s => s.FilePath).Single()); } }
public void commit() { Commit commit = null; try { using (Repository repo = new Repository(solution_path)) { RepositoryStatus status = repo.RetrieveStatus(); var author = new Signature(,, DateTimeOffset.Now); if (status.IsDirty) { Func <IEnumerable <StatusEntry>, IEnumerable <string> > get_file_paths = entries => entries.Select(mods => mods.FilePath); List <string> file_paths = get_file_paths(status.Missing) .Union(get_file_paths(status.Modified)) .Union(get_file_paths(status.Removed)) .Union(get_file_paths(status.RenamedInIndex)) .Union(get_file_paths(status.RenamedInWorkDir)) .Union(get_file_paths(status.Untracked)) .ToList(); Commands.Stage(repo, file_paths); commit = repo.Commit(string.Format("auto commit - updated: {0}", string.Join(",", file_paths)), author, author); } } } catch (Exception ex) { _alert(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Commit {0} Error {1}", commit, ex.Message)); } }
void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); gitCommand.DoEvents(this.Dispatcher); if (args.Count() > 0) { this.Title = "Agregando archivos al indice"; gitCommand g = new gitCommand(args[1].ToString()); RepositoryStatus status = g.getStatus(); var estados = from y in status where y.State == FileStatus.Untracked select y; int total = estados.Count(); if (total == 0) { this.Close(); } else { lblEstado.Content += total.ToString(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the modifications. /// </summary> /// <param name="from">From.</param> /// <param name="to">To.</param> /// <returns>List of modifications since the last run.</returns> /// <remarks></remarks> public override Modification[] GetModifications(IIntegrationResult from, IIntegrationResult to) { RepositoryStatus result = HgCreateLocalRepository(to); if (result == RepositoryStatus.Created) { Log.Debug("[Mercurial] new repository created."); return(new Modification[0]); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Repository)) { HgPull(to); } int parent = GetSmallestParentId(to); int tip = GetTipId(to); if (result == RepositoryStatus.AlreadyExists && (parent == tip)) { Log.Debug("[Mercurial] no new changesets detected."); return(new Modification[0]); } Modification[] modifications = ParseModifications(HgLog(to, parent + 1, tip), from.StartTime, to.StartTime); if (UrlBuilder != null) { UrlBuilder.SetupModification(modifications); } return(modifications); }
/// <summary> /// Gives the complete repository status /// </summary> /// <param name="org">Unique identifier of the organisation responsible for the app.</param> /// <param name="repository">The name of repository</param> /// <returns>The repository status</returns> public RepoStatus RepositoryStatus(string org, string repository) { RepoStatus repoStatus = new RepoStatus(); repoStatus.ContentStatus = new List <RepositoryContent>(); string localServiceRepoFolder = _settings.GetServicePath(org, repository, AuthenticationHelper.GetDeveloperUserName(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext)); using (var repo = new LibGit2Sharp.Repository(localServiceRepoFolder)) { RepositoryStatus status = repo.RetrieveStatus(new LibGit2Sharp.StatusOptions()); foreach (StatusEntry item in status) { RepositoryContent content = new RepositoryContent(); content.FilePath = item.FilePath; content.FileStatus = (Altinn.Studio.Designer.Enums.FileStatus)(int) item.State; if (content.FileStatus == Enums.FileStatus.Conflicted) { repoStatus.RepositoryStatus = Enums.RepositoryStatus.MergeConflict; repoStatus.HasMergeConflict = true; } repoStatus.ContentStatus.Add(content); } LibGit2Sharp.Branch branch = repo.Branches.FirstOrDefault(b => b.IsTracking == true); if (branch != null) { repoStatus.AheadBy = branch.TrackingDetails.AheadBy; repoStatus.BehindBy = branch.TrackingDetails.BehindBy; } } return(repoStatus); }
private async Task GitCode() { CloneOptions options = new CloneOptions(); options.RepositoryOperationCompleted = new LibGit2Sharp.Handlers.RepositoryOperationCompleted(GotCode); Progress = 0; if (!Directory.Exists($"./{SelectedConfig.Name}")) { Repository.Clone(SelectedConfig.Git, $"./{SelectedConfig.Name}", options); } else { if (!Repository.IsValid($"./{SelectedConfig.Name}")) { Directory.Delete($"./{SelectedConfig.Name}", true); Repository.Clone(SelectedConfig.Git, $"./{SelectedConfig.Name}", options); } else { using (Repository repo = new Repository($"./{SelectedConfig.Name}")) { RepositoryStatus status = repo.RetrieveStatus(); if (status.IsDirty) { repo.Reset(ResetMode.Hard); } Commands.Pull(repo, new Signature(new Identity("random", "*****@*****.**"), DateTimeOffset.Now), new PullOptions()); } CompileSketch(); } } }
public void git_commit(string name, string email, string message) { feed.Logs.WriteText("Commit", "Se hace commit normal de " + this.NombreProyecto); //repo.Index.Remove(estado.FilePath,false); Commit newC = null; RepositoryStatus status = getStatus(); if (status.Modified.Count() > 0) { foreach (var archivo in status.Modified) { repo.Index.Stage(archivo); } } if (status.Modified.Count() > 0 || status.Staged.Count() > 0 || status.Removed.Count() > 0 || status.Added.Count() > 0 || status.Missing.Count() > 0) { Signature signature = new Signature(name, email, DateTimeOffset.Now); try { newC = repo.Commit(message, signature, signature, false); // newC.Parents } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); newC = repo.Commit(message, signature, signature, true); } } }
public override void Run(Result result, ScanResult scanResult) { foreach (var gitRepository in scanResult.Repositories) { using (var repo = new Repository(gitRepository.DirectoryInfo.FullName)) { StatusOptions options = new StatusOptions(); options.Show = StatusShowOption.IndexAndWorkDir; options.DetectRenamesInIndex = true; options.DetectRenamesInWorkDir = true; options.RecurseIgnoredDirs = true; RepositoryStatus status = repo.RetrieveStatus(options); if (!status.IsDirty) { string gitPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GitPath"]; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gitPath)) { ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(); psi.FileName = gitPath; psi.WorkingDirectory = gitRepository.DirectoryInfo.FullName; psi.Arguments = String.Format("clean -xdf \"{0}\"", gitRepository.DirectoryInfo.FullName); Process.Start(psi); } } else { result.AddResultItem(gitRepository, Domain.Enums.EMessageLevel.Warning, "Cannot clean - there are uncommitted changes"); } } } }
public void RetrievingTheStatusOfARepositoryReturnNativeFilePaths() { // Initialize a new repository SelfCleaningDirectory scd = BuildSelfCleaningDirectory(); const string directoryName = "directory"; const string fileName = "Testfile.txt"; // Create a file and insert some content string directoryPath = Path.Combine(scd.RootedDirectoryPath, directoryName); string filePath = Path.Combine(directoryPath, fileName); Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath); File.WriteAllText(filePath, "Anybody out there?"); // Open the repository using (Repository repo = Repository.Init(scd.DirectoryPath)) { // Add the file to the index repo.Index.Stage(filePath); // Get the repository status RepositoryStatus repoStatus = repo.Index.RetrieveStatus(); Assert.Equal(1, repoStatus.Count()); StatusEntry statusEntry = repoStatus.Single(); Assert.Equal(Path.Combine(directoryName, fileName), statusEntry.FilePath); Assert.Equal(statusEntry.FilePath, repoStatus.Added.Single()); } }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { using (RepositoryParameter container = UseOrDiscoverRepository(Repository)) { String[] paths = ArrayUtil.Combine(Path, LiteralPath); if (paths != null) { foreach (String path in paths) { FileStatus state = container.Repository.RetrieveStatus(path); WriteObject(new GitFileSystemStatusEntry(container.Repository.Info.WorkingDirectory, SessionState.Path.CurrentFileSystemLocation.Path, path, state)); } } else { RepositoryStatus status = container.Repository.RetrieveStatus(); foreach (StatusEntry entry in status) { WriteObject(new GitFileSystemStatusEntry(container.Repository.Info.WorkingDirectory, SessionState.Path.CurrentFileSystemLocation.Path, entry.FilePath, entry.State)); } } } }
public void Combine(RepositoryStatus other) { foreach (var otherEntry in other) { Update(otherEntry.FilePath, otherEntry.State); } }
public void AddAll_New_File_And_New_Directory_With_File() { // test AddAll with one file, one new directory and a new file inside that directory var workingDirectory = Path.Combine(trash.FullName, "test"); using (var repo = Repository.Init(workingDirectory)) { var filePath = Path.Combine(repo.WorkingDirectory, "testfile.txt"); var dirPath = Path.Combine(repo.WorkingDirectory, "testdir"); var filePath2 = Path.Combine(dirPath, "testfile.txt"); File.WriteAllText(filePath, "Unadded file"); Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath); File.WriteAllText(filePath2, "Unadded file"); repo.Index.AddAll(); var status = new RepositoryStatus(repo); Assert.IsTrue(status.AnyDifferences); // there should be 2 added files Assert.AreEqual(2, status.Added.Count); // the added file must be the file that was just added status.Added.Contains(filePath); status.Added.Contains(filePath2); status.Added.Contains(dirPath); // no other changes Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Untracked.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Staged.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Missing.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Modified.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Removed.Count); } }
public void AddAll_Ignore_Files() { // test AddAll files added to the DOT_IGNORE file var workingDirectory = Path.Combine(trash.FullName, "test"); using (var repo = Repository.Init(workingDirectory)) { var ignoreFilePath = Path.Combine(repo.WorkingDirectory, GitSharp.Core.Constants.GITIGNORE_FILENAME); // add the name of the test file to the ignore list File.WriteAllText(ignoreFilePath, "*.txt"); repo.Index.Add(ignoreFilePath); repo.Commit("Committing .gitignore file so it won't show up as untracked file"); var filePath = Path.Combine(repo.WorkingDirectory, "testfile.txt"); File.WriteAllText(filePath, "Unadded file"); repo.Index.AddAll(); var status = new RepositoryStatus(repo); // no changes are the file should be ignored Assert.IsFalse(status.AnyDifferences); // there should be 0 added file Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Added.Count); // no other changes Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Untracked.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Staged.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Missing.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Modified.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Removed.Count); } }
public static List <RepositoryStatus> GetGitReposInDir(string rootFolder) { var detectedRepos = new List <RepositoryStatus>(); if (Directory.Exists(rootFolder)) { var repos = Directory.GetDirectories(rootFolder); foreach (var repo in repos) { var path = $"{repo}\\.git"; if (Directory.Exists(path)) { var repoName = GetRepoName(rootFolder, repo); var repoStatus = new RepositoryStatus(repoName, path); detectedRepos.Add(repoStatus); } } } return(detectedRepos); }
public void RetrievingTheStatusOfARepositoryReturnNativeFilePaths() { // Initialize a new repository SelfCleaningDirectory scd = BuildSelfCleaningDirectory(); const string directoryName = "directory"; const string fileName = "Testfile.txt"; // Create a file and insert some content string directoryPath = Path.Combine(scd.RootedDirectoryPath, directoryName); string filePath = Path.Combine(directoryPath, fileName); Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath); File.WriteAllText(filePath, "Anybody out there?"); // Open the repository using (var repo = Repository.Init(scd.DirectoryPath)) { // Add the file to the index repo.Index.Stage(filePath); // Get the repository status RepositoryStatus repoStatus = repo.Index.RetrieveStatus(); repoStatus.Count().ShouldEqual(1); var statusEntry = repoStatus.Single(); string expectedPath = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", directoryName, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, fileName); statusEntry.FilePath.ShouldEqual(expectedPath); repoStatus.Added.Single().ShouldEqual(statusEntry.FilePath); } }
public void RetrievingTheStatusOfTheRepositoryHonorsTheGitIgnoreDirectivesThroughoutDirectories() { char dirSep = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; string path = SandboxStandardTestRepo(); using (var repo = new Repository(path)) { Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "bin/look-ma.txt", "I'm going to be ignored!"); Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "bin/what-about-me.txt", "Huh?"); const string gitIgnore = ".gitignore"; Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, gitIgnore, "bin"); Assert.Equal(FileStatus.Ignored, repo.RetrieveStatus("bin/look-ma.txt")); Assert.Equal(FileStatus.Ignored, repo.RetrieveStatus("bin/what-about-me.txt")); RepositoryStatus newStatus = repo.RetrieveStatus(); Assert.Equal(new[] { "bin" + dirSep }, newStatus.Ignored.Select(s => s.FilePath)); var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("bin/*"); sb.AppendLine("!bin/w*"); Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, gitIgnore, sb.ToString()); Assert.Equal(FileStatus.Ignored, repo.RetrieveStatus("bin/look-ma.txt")); Assert.Equal(FileStatus.NewInWorkdir, repo.RetrieveStatus("bin/what-about-me.txt")); newStatus = repo.RetrieveStatus(); Assert.Equal(new[] { "bin" + dirSep + "look-ma.txt" }, newStatus.Ignored.Select(s => s.FilePath)); Assert.True(newStatus.Untracked.Select(s => s.FilePath).Contains("bin" + dirSep + "what-about-me.txt")); } }
public static string ToCommitMessage(this RepositoryStatus status) { var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var lastState = (string)null; foreach (var state in status.OrderBy(s => s.State)) { var thisState = state.State.ToReadableString(); if (thisState == lastState) { stringBuilder.Append($", {Path.GetFileName(state.FilePath)}"); continue; } stringBuilder.Append($"{(lastState == null ? string.Empty : ", ")}{thisState}: {Path.GetFileName(state.FilePath)}"); lastState = thisState; } var commitMessage = stringBuilder.ToString(); if (commitMessage.Length <= MaxCommitMessageLength) { return(commitMessage); } const string newlineInsert = "...\n\n"; commitMessage = commitMessage[..(MaxCommitMessageLength - 3)] + newlineInsert + commitMessage[(MaxCommitMessageLength - 3)..];
protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { var diffs = FindChangedVersions(); if (diffs.Count != 1) { throw new UserErrorException($"Can only automate a single-package release commit with exactly 1 release. Found {diffs.Count}. Did you mean 'commit-multiple'?"); } var diff = diffs[0]; if (diff.NewVersion is null) { throw new UserErrorException($"Cannot automate a release commit for a deleted API."); } var historyFilePath = HistoryFile.GetPathForPackage(diff.Id); if (!File.Exists(historyFilePath)) { throw new UserErrorException($"Cannot automate a release commit without a version history file."); } var historyFile = HistoryFile.Load(historyFilePath); var section = historyFile.Sections.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Version?.ToString() == diff.NewVersion); if (section is null) { throw new UserErrorException($"Unable to find history file section for {diff.NewVersion}. Cannot automate a release commit in this state."); } string header = $"Release {diff.Id} version {diff.NewVersion}"; var message = string.Join("\n", new[] { header, "", "Changes in this release:", "" }.Concat(section.Lines.Skip(2))); var root = DirectoryLayout.DetermineRootDirectory(); using (var repo = new Repository(root)) { RepositoryStatus status = repo.RetrieveStatus(); // TODO: Work out whether this is enough, and whether we actually need all of these. // We basically want git add --all. AddAll(status.Modified); AddAll(status.Missing); AddAll(status.Untracked); repo.Index.Write(); var signature = repo.Config.BuildSignature(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow); var commit = repo.Commit(message, signature, signature); Console.WriteLine($"Created commit {commit.Sha}. Review the message and amend if necessary."); void AddAll(IEnumerable <StatusEntry> entries) { foreach (var entry in entries) { repo.Index.Add(entry.FilePath); } } } }
private void ValidateNoChanges(Repository repo) { RepositoryStatus status = repo.RetrieveStatus(); if (status.IsDirty) { throw new UserErrorException($"Cannot execute '{Command}' command while the local repository contains uncommitted changes."); } }
void VerCambiosPendientes_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Label lbl = null; RepositoryStatus status = Proyecto.getStatus(); Constantes.DoEvents(vparent.Dispatcher); Constantes.DoEvents(vparent.pnlNavegacion.Dispatcher); logic.Constantes.DoEvents(this.Dispatcher); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("\"nanDesktop.gitAdd.exe\"", "\"" + Proyecto.Path + "\""); foreach (var archivo in status) { lbl = new Label(); lbl.Content = archivo.FilePath; lbl.MinWidth = 350; lbl.MinHeight = 25; //(SolidColorBrush)(new BrushConverter().ConvertFrom("#ffaacc")); Constantes.DoEvents(vparent.Dispatcher); Constantes.DoEvents(vparent.pnlNavegacion.Dispatcher); logic.Constantes.DoEvents(this.Dispatcher); if (archivo.State == FileStatus.Added) { lbl.Background = (SolidColorBrush)(new BrushConverter().ConvertFrom("#FFAAEB81")); } else if (archivo.State == FileStatus.Modified) { lbl.Background = (SolidColorBrush)(new BrushConverter().ConvertFrom("#FFC5DB50")); } else if (archivo.State == FileStatus.Removed) { //#FFDB7878 lbl.Background = (SolidColorBrush)(new BrushConverter().ConvertFrom("#FFDB7878")); } else if (archivo.State == FileStatus.Ignored) { lbl.Background = (SolidColorBrush)(new BrushConverter().ConvertFrom("#FF3FAAB1")); } else if (archivo.State == FileStatus.Untracked) { lbl.Foreground = (SolidColorBrush)(new BrushConverter().ConvertFrom("#FFDB7878")); } lbl.Content = "[" + archivo.State.ToString() + "] " + lbl.Content; if (archivo.State != FileStatus.Ignored && archivo.State != FileStatus.Missing && archivo.State != FileStatus.Untracked) { //Proyecto.git_trackFile(archivo.FilePath); stkArchivos.Children.Add(lbl); } else { stkArchivosIgnorados.Children.Add(lbl); } } }
static bool IsCheckoutBlockingDirty(RepositoryStatus status) { if (status.IsDirty) { return(status.Any(entry => IsCheckoutBlockingChange(entry))); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 提交被忽略的文件列表 /// </summary> private void StageIgnoreFile() { RepositoryStatus status = _repository.RetrieveStatus(); List <string> filePaths_Ignored = status.Ignored.Select(mods => mods.FilePath).ToList(); foreach (var item in filePaths_Ignored) { _repository.Index.Add(item); _repository.Index.Write(); } }
public void CanResetTheIndexWhenARenameExists() { using (var repo = new Repository(SandboxStandardTestRepo())) { repo.Move("branch_file.txt", "renamed_branch_file.txt"); repo.Reset(repo.Lookup <Commit>("32eab9c")); RepositoryStatus status = repo.RetrieveStatus(); Assert.Equal(0, status.Where(IsStaged).Count()); } }
public ChangesViewModel(Repository repository, RepositoryStatus status) { Repository = repository; Status = status; UnstagedFiles = status.Untracked.Concat(status.Missing).Concat(status.Modified).Select(x => x.FilePath).ToImmutableList(); StagedFiles = status.Staged.Select(x => x.FilePath).ToImmutableList(); this.Listen(x => x.SelectedStagedFile).Then(WhenSelectedStagedFileChanged); this.Listen(x => x.SelectedUnstagedFile).Then(WhenSelectedUnstagedFileChanged); }
public void Check_cloned_repo_git() { string toPath = Path.Combine(trash.FullName, "test"); string fromUrl = "git://"; using (Repository repo = Git.Clone(fromUrl, toPath)) { var status = new RepositoryStatus(repo, new RepositoryStatusOptions { ForceContentCheck = false }); Assert.IsFalse(status.AnyDifferences); status = new RepositoryStatus(repo, new RepositoryStatusOptions { ForceContentCheck = true }); Assert.IsFalse(status.AnyDifferences); Assert.IsTrue(Repository.IsValid(repo.Directory)); //Verify content is in the proper location var readme = Path.Combine(repo.WorkingDirectory, "master.txt"); Assert.IsTrue(new FileInfo(readme).Exists); } }
private void doDisplayMergeConflict(RepositoryStatus status) { foreach (string hash in status.MergeConflict) { OutputStream.WriteLine(hash+": needs merge"); } }
private void doDisplayStaged(RepositoryStatus status) { Dictionary<string, int> statusList = GetStagedList(status); if (statusList.Count > 0) { OutputStream.WriteLine("# Changes to be committed:"); OutputStream.WriteLine("# (use \"git reset HEAD (file)...\" to unstage)"); OutputStream.WriteLine("#"); displayStatusList(statusList); OutputStream.WriteLine("#"); } }
public void AddAll_New_Directory() { // test AddAll with one new direcotry is flagged as a new add var workingDirectory = Path.Combine(trash.FullName, "test"); using (var repo = Repository.Init(workingDirectory)) { var dirPath = Path.Combine(repo.WorkingDirectory, "testdir"); Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath); repo.Index.AddAll(); var status = new RepositoryStatus(repo); Assert.IsFalse(status.AnyDifferences); // there should be 0 added file Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Added.Count); // the added direcotry must be the directory that was just added status.Added.Contains(dirPath); // no other changes Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Untracked.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Staged.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Missing.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Modified.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Removed.Count); } }
private static string FormatWorkingDirStatus(RepositoryStatus index) { var untracked = index.Untracked.Count(); var modified = index.Modified.Count(); var missing = index.Missing.Count(); if (untracked == 0 && modified == 0 && missing == 0) return ""; return $" +{untracked} ~{modified} -{missing}"; }
private Dictionary<string, int> GetStagedList(RepositoryStatus status) { //Create a single list to sort and display the staged files by filename. //Sorting in this manner causes additional speed overhead so should be considered optional. //With all the additional testing currently added, please keep in mind it will run twice as fast //once the tests are removed. Dictionary<string, int> stagedList = new Dictionary<string, int>(); HashSet<string> hset = null; if (status.MergeConflict.Count > 0) { hset = new HashSet<string>(status.MergeConflict); foreach (string hash in hset) { //Merge conflicts are only displayed in the modified non-staged area. status.Modified.Remove(hash); status.Staged.Remove(hash); } } if (status.Missing.Count > 0) { hset = new HashSet<string>(status.Staged); hset.IntersectWith(status.Missing); foreach (string hash in hset) stagedList.Add(hash, 1); } if (status.Removed.Count > 0) { hset = new HashSet<string>(status.Staged); hset.IntersectWith(status.Removed); foreach (string hash in hset) stagedList.Add(hash, 2); } if (status.Modified.Count > 0) { hset = new HashSet<string>(status.Staged); hset.IntersectWith(status.Modified); foreach (string hash in hset) stagedList.Add(hash, 3); } if (status.Added.Count > 0) { hset = new HashSet<string>(status.Staged); hset.IntersectWith(status.Added); foreach (string hash in hset) stagedList.Add(hash, 4); } stagedList.OrderBy(v => v.Key); return stagedList; }
public override void Execute() { RepositoryStatus status = new RepositoryStatus(Repository); IgnoreRules rules; //Read ignore file list and remove from the untracked list try { rules = new IgnoreRules(Path.Combine(Repository.WorkingDirectory, ".gitignore")); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { //.gitignore file does not exist for a newly initialized repository. string[] lines = {}; rules = new IgnoreRules(lines); } foreach (string hash in status.Untracked) { string path = Path.Combine(Repository.WorkingDirectory, hash); if (!rules.IgnoreFile(Repository.WorkingDirectory, path) && !rules.IgnoreDir(Repository.WorkingDirectory, path)) { UntrackedList.Add(hash); } } if (status.AnyDifferences || UntrackedList.Count > 0) { // Files use the following states: removed, missing, added, and modified. // If a file has been staged, it is also added to the RepositoryStatus.Staged HashSet. // // The remaining StatusType known as "Untracked" is determined by what is *not* staged or modified. // It is then intersected with the .gitignore list to determine what should be listed as untracked. // Using intersections will accurately display the "bucket" each file was added to. // Note: In standard git, they use cached references so the following scenario is possible. // 1) Filename = a.txt; StatusType=staged; FileState=added // 2) Filename = a.txt; StatusType=modified; FileState=added // Notice that the same filename exists in two separate status's because it points to a reference // Todo: This test has failed so far with this command. HashSet<string> stagedRemoved = new HashSet<string>(status.Staged); stagedRemoved.IntersectWith(status.Removed); HashSet<string> stagedMissing = new HashSet<string>(status.Staged); stagedMissing.IntersectWith(status.Missing); HashSet<string> stagedAdded = new HashSet<string>(status.Staged); stagedAdded.IntersectWith(status.Added); HashSet<string> stagedModified = new HashSet<string>(status.Staged); stagedModified.IntersectWith(status.Modified); stagedModified.ExceptWith(status.MergeConflict); HashSet<string> Removed = new HashSet<string>(status.Removed); Removed.ExceptWith(status.Staged); HashSet<string> Missing = new HashSet<string>(status.Missing); Missing.ExceptWith(status.Staged); HashSet<string> Added = new HashSet<string>(status.Added); Added.ExceptWith(status.Staged); HashSet<string> Modified = new HashSet<string>(status.Modified); Modified.ExceptWith(status.Staged); // The output below is used to display both where the file is being added and specifying the file. // Unit testing is still pending. /*OutputStream.WriteLine("# Staged Tests: StageType + status.Staged"); OutputStream.WriteLine("# Staged Total: " + (stagedModified.Count + stagedRemoved.Count + stagedMissing.Count + stagedAdded.Count)); OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test: Modified Object Count: " + stagedModified.Count); OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test: Removed Object Count: " + stagedRemoved.Count); OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test: Missing Object Count: " + stagedMissing.Count); OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test: Added Object Count: " + stagedAdded.Count); OutputStream.WriteLine("#"); OutputStream.WriteLine("# Modified Tests: StageType w/o status.Staged"); OutputStream.WriteLine("# Modified Total: " + (Modified.Count+Removed.Count+Missing.Count+Added.Count)); OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test: Changed Object Count: " + Modified.Count); OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test: Removed Object Count: " + Removed.Count); OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test: Missing Object Count: " + Missing.Count); OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test: Added Object Count: " + Added.Count); OutputStream.WriteLine("#"); OutputStream.WriteLine("# MergeConflict Tests: " + status.MergeConflict.Count); OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test: Object Count: " + status.MergeConflict.Count); OutputStream.WriteLine("#"); OutputStream.WriteLine("# UnTracked Tests: status.Untracked"); OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test: Untracked Object Count: " + status.Untracked.Count); OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test: Ignored Object Count: Pending"); OutputStream.WriteLine("#");*/ //Display the stages of all files doDisplayMergeConflict(status); OutputStream.WriteLine("# On branch " + Repository.CurrentBranch.Name); //OutputStream.WriteLine("# Your branch is ahead of 'xxx' by x commits."); //Todo OutputStream.WriteLine("#"); doDisplayStaged(status); doDisplayUnstaged(status); doDisplayUntracked(status); if (status.Staged.Count <= 0) { OutputStream.WriteLine("no changes added to commit (use \"git add\" and/or \"git commit -a\")"); } } else if (status.IndexSize <= 0) { OutputStream.WriteLine("# On branch " + Repository.CurrentBranch.Name); OutputStream.WriteLine("#"); OutputStream.WriteLine("# Initial commit"); OutputStream.WriteLine("#"); OutputStream.WriteLine("# nothing to commit (create/copy files and use \"git add\" to track)"); } else { OutputStream.WriteLine("# nothing to commit (working directory clean)"); } //Leave this in until completed. throw new NotImplementedException("The implementation is not yet complete. autocrlf support is not added."); }
public void UpdateStatus(bool limit = false) { // Limit checks to x/second. if (limit && Status.directoriesToVerify != null && (DateTime.Now - updateLimiterLast) < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)) return; updateLimiterLast = DateTime.Now; RepositoryStatus ret = new RepositoryStatus(); IEnumerable<Manifest.SyncItem> outdated = new List<Manifest.SyncItem>(), dirsToCheck = new List<Manifest.SyncItem>(), filesToCheck = new List<Manifest.SyncItem>(); if (!AlwaysAssumeCurrent) { outdated = LatestManifest.sync; if (CurrentManifest != null) outdated = outdated.Where(f => !f.isCurrent(this)); dirsToCheck = outdated.Where(f =>"/")); filesToCheck = outdated.Where(f => !"/")); ret.guesstimatedBytesToVerify = outdated.Sum(n => n.ToTransfer(this)).Clamp(0); ret.maxBytesToVerify = outdated.Sum(n => n.size).Clamp(0); ret.directoryCountToVerify = dirsToCheck.Count(); ret.fileCountToVerify = dirsToCheck.Sum(n => n.count) + filesToCheck.Count(); } ret.directoriesToVerify = dirsToCheck.ToList(); ret.filesToVerify = filesToCheck.ToList(); ret.sizeOnRemote = LatestManifest.sync.Sum(n => n.size); ret.sizeOnDisk = LatestManifest.sync.Sum(n => n.SizeOnDisk(this)); ret.current = LatestManifest != null && CurrentManifest != null && ret.fileCountToVerify == 0 && ret.directoryCountToVerify == 0; this.Status = ret; }
void AssertStatus(RepositoryStatus results, List<string> filesToCheck, string file, params HashSet<string>[] fileStatuses) { Assert.IsNotNull(results); var allStatus = new HashSet<string> [] { results.Added, results.MergeConflict, results.Missing, results.Modified, results.Removed, results.Staged, results.Untracked }; var allStatusName = new string[] { "Added", "MergeConflict", "Missing", "Modified", "Removed", "Staged", "Untracked" }; if (!filesToCheck.Contains (file)) fileStatuses = new HashSet<string>[0]; for (int n=0; n<allStatus.Length; n++) { var status = allStatus [n]; if (((IList)fileStatuses).Contains (status)) Assert.IsTrue (status.Contains (file), "File " + file + " not found in " + allStatusName[n] + " collection"); else Assert.IsFalse (status.Contains (file), "File " + file + " should no be in " + allStatusName[n] + " collection"); } }
public void AddAll_No_New_Files() { // test AddAll with empty directory results in no differences var workingDirectory = Path.Combine(trash.FullName, "test"); using (var repo = Repository.Init(workingDirectory)) { var status = new RepositoryStatus(repo); Assert.IsFalse(status.AnyDifferences); // verify AddAll does nothing as there have been no changes made repo.Index.AddAll(); Assert.IsFalse(status.AnyDifferences); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Added.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Untracked.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Staged.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Missing.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Modified.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Removed.Count); } }
public void AddAll_New_Files() { // test AddAll with one new file in the directory retults in one added file and is flagged as a difference var workingDirectory = Path.Combine(trash.FullName, "test"); using (var repo = Repository.Init(workingDirectory)) { var filePath = Path.Combine(repo.WorkingDirectory, "testfile.txt"); File.WriteAllText(filePath, "Unadded file"); repo.Index.AddAll(); var status = new RepositoryStatus(repo); Assert.IsTrue(status.AnyDifferences); // there should be 1 added file Assert.AreEqual(1, status.Added.Count); // the added file must be the file that was just added status.Added.Contains(filePath); // no other changes Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Untracked.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Staged.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Missing.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Modified.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Removed.Count); } }
public void UpdateStatus(bool limit = false) { // Limit checks to x/second. if (limit && Status.directoriesToVerify != null && (DateTime.Now - updateLimiterLast) < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)) return; updateLimiterLast = DateTime.Now; RepositoryStatus ret = new RepositoryStatus(); IEnumerable<Manifest.SyncItem> outdated = new List<Manifest.SyncItem>(), dirsToCheck = new List<Manifest.SyncItem>(), filesToCheck = new List<Manifest.SyncItem>(); if (!AlwaysAssumeCurrent) { outdated = LatestManifest.sync; if (CurrentManifest != null) { outdated = outdated.Where(f => { if (f.revision != 0) { var f_old = CurrentManifest.sync.Find(_f_old => ==; // No old sync item: new item if (f_old == null) return !f.isCurrent(this); // No old revision: fallback to old check (and don't trigger force updates) if (f_old != null && f_old.revision == 0) return !f.isCurrent(this); // Mismatching revision: always force check if (f_old != null && f_old.revision != f.revision) return true; // Matching revisions still incur the regular check to catch deleted/touched files } return !f.isCurrent(this); }); } dirsToCheck = outdated.Where(f =>"/")); filesToCheck = outdated.Where(f => !"/")); long outdatedSizeLocally = outdated.Select(n => n.SizeOnDisk(this)).Sum(); long outdatedSizeRemote = outdated.Select(n => n.size).Sum(); ret.guesstimatedBytesToVerify = outdatedSizeRemote - outdatedSizeLocally; ret.maxBytesToVerify = outdatedSizeRemote; ret.guesstimatedBytesToVerify = ret.guesstimatedBytesToVerify.Clamp(0); ret.maxBytesToVerify = ret.maxBytesToVerify.Clamp(0); ret.directoryCountToVerify = dirsToCheck.Count(); ret.fileCountToVerify = dirsToCheck.Select(n => n.count).Sum() + filesToCheck.Count(); } ret.directoriesToVerify = dirsToCheck.ToList(); ret.filesToVerify = filesToCheck.ToList(); ret.sizeOnRemote = LatestManifest.sync.Select(n => n.size).Sum(); ret.sizeOnDisk = LatestManifest.sync.Select(n => n.SizeOnDisk(this)).Sum(); ret.current = LatestManifest != null && CurrentManifest != null && ret.fileCountToVerify == 0 && ret.directoryCountToVerify == 0; this.Status = ret; }
private Dictionary<string, int> GetModifiedList(RepositoryStatus status) { //Create a single list to sort and display the modified (non-staged) files by filename. //Sorting in this manner causes additional speed overhead. Performance enhancements should be considered. Dictionary<string, int> modifiedList = new Dictionary<string, int>(); HashSet<string> hset = null; if (status.MergeConflict.Count > 0) { hset = new HashSet<string>(status.MergeConflict); foreach (string hash in hset) { modifiedList.Add(hash, 5); status.Modified.Remove(hash); status.Staged.Remove(hash); } } if (status.Missing.Count > 0) { hset = new HashSet<string>(status.Missing); hset.ExceptWith(status.Staged); foreach (string hash in hset) modifiedList.Add(hash, 1); } if (status.Removed.Count > 0) { hset = new HashSet<string>(status.Removed); hset.ExceptWith(status.Staged); foreach (string hash in hset) modifiedList.Add(hash, 2); } if (status.Modified.Count > 0) { hset = new HashSet<string>(status.Modified); hset.ExceptWith(status.Staged); foreach (string hash in hset) modifiedList.Add(hash, 3); } if (status.Added.Count > 0) { hset = new HashSet<string>(status.Added); hset.ExceptWith(status.Staged); foreach (string hash in hset) modifiedList.Add(hash, 4); } modifiedList.OrderBy(v => v.Key); return modifiedList; }
private static string FormatWorkingDirStatus(RepositoryStatus index) { var untracked = index.Untracked.Count(); var modified = index.Modified.Count(); var missing = index.Missing.Count(); if (untracked == 0 && modified == 0 && missing == 0) return ""; return string.Format(" +{0} ~{1} -{2}", untracked, modified, missing); }
private void doDisplayUntracked(RepositoryStatus status) { if (UntrackedList.Count > 0) { OutputStream.WriteLine("# Untracked files:"); OutputStream.WriteLine("# (use \"git add (file)...\" to include in what will be committed)"); OutputStream.WriteLine("#"); UntrackedList.OrderBy(v => v.ToString()); foreach (string hash in UntrackedList) OutputStream.WriteLine("# " + hash); } }
public void AlternativeCallbackApiTest() { using (var repo = new Repository(trash.FullName)) { repo.Head.Reset(ResetBehavior.Mixed); writeTrashFile("untracked", ""); writeTrashFile("added", ""); repo.Index.Add("added"); writeTrashFile("a/a1", "modified"); repo.Index.AddContent("a/a1.txt", "staged"); repo.Index.Remove("b/b2.txt"); var status = repo.Status; Assert.AreEqual(1, status.Added.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, status.Staged.Count); Assert.AreEqual(6, status.Missing.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, status.Modified.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, status.Removed.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, status.Untracked.Count); var stati = new List<PathStatus>(); var s = new RepositoryStatus(repo, new RepositoryStatusOptions { PerPathNotificationCallback = path_status => { stati.Add(path_status); switch (path_status.WorkingPathStatus) { case WorkingPathStatus.Missing: Assert.IsTrue(status.Missing.Contains(path_status.Path)); break; case WorkingPathStatus.Modified: Assert.IsTrue(status.Modified.Contains(path_status.Path)); break; case WorkingPathStatus.Untracked: Assert.IsTrue(status.Untracked.Contains(path_status.Path)); break; } switch (path_status.IndexPathStatus) { case IndexPathStatus.Added: Assert.IsTrue(status.Added.Contains(path_status.Path)); break; case IndexPathStatus.Removed: Assert.IsTrue(status.Removed.Contains(path_status.Path)); break; case IndexPathStatus.Staged: Assert.IsTrue(status.Staged.Contains(path_status.Path)); break; } } }); var dict = stati.ToDictionary(p => p.Path); Assert.IsTrue(dict.ContainsKey("untracked")); Assert.IsTrue(dict.ContainsKey("added")); Assert.IsTrue(dict.ContainsKey("a/a1")); Assert.IsTrue(dict.ContainsKey("a/a1.txt")); Assert.IsTrue(dict.ContainsKey("b/b2.txt")); } }
private void doDisplayUnstaged(RepositoryStatus status) { Dictionary<string, int> statusList = GetModifiedList(status); if (statusList.Count > 0) { OutputStream.WriteLine("# Changed but not updated:"); OutputStream.WriteLine("# (use \"git add (file)...\" to update what will be committed)"); OutputStream.WriteLine("# (use \"git checkout -- (file)...\" to discard changes in working directory)"); OutputStream.WriteLine("#"); displayStatusList(statusList); OutputStream.WriteLine("#"); } }
public WorkingTree(string path, RepositoryStatus status) { Path = path; RelativePath = ""; RepositoryStatus = status; }
public void AddAll_Directory_Recursive() { // test AddAll with one new directory with a directory within it and each these directories containing a new file within it // root folder also contains one new file var workingDirectory = Path.Combine(trash.FullName, "test"); using (var repo = Repository.Init(workingDirectory)) { var dirPath = Path.Combine(repo.WorkingDirectory, "testdir"); var dirPath2 = Path.Combine(dirPath, "testdir2"); var filePath = Path.Combine(repo.WorkingDirectory, "testfile.txt"); var filePath2 = Path.Combine(dirPath, "testfile.txt"); var filePath3 = Path.Combine(dirPath2, "testfile.txt"); Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath); Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath2); File.WriteAllText(filePath, "Unadded file"); File.WriteAllText(filePath2, "Unadded file"); File.WriteAllText(filePath3, "Unadded file"); repo.Index.AddAll(); var status = new RepositoryStatus(repo); Assert.IsTrue(status.AnyDifferences); // there should be 3 added files Assert.AreEqual(3, status.Added.Count); // the added file must be the file that was just added status.Added.Contains(dirPath); status.Added.Contains(dirPath2); status.Added.Contains(filePath); status.Added.Contains(filePath2); status.Added.Contains(filePath3); // no other changes Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Untracked.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Staged.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Missing.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Modified.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, status.Removed.Count); } }
public override void Execute() { RepositoryStatus status = new RepositoryStatus(Repository); IgnoreRules rules; //Read ignore file list and remove from the untracked list try { rules = new IgnoreRules(Path.Combine(Repository.WorkingDirectory, ".gitignore")); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { //.gitignore file does not exist for a newly initialized repository. string[] lines = {}; rules = new IgnoreRules(lines); } foreach (string hash in status.Untracked) { string path = Path.Combine(Repository.WorkingDirectory, hash); if (!rules.IgnoreFile(Repository.WorkingDirectory, path) && !rules.IgnoreDir(Repository.WorkingDirectory, path)) { results.UntrackedList.Add(hash); } } if (status.AnyDifferences || results.UntrackedList.Count > 0) { // Files use the following StatusTypes: removed, missing, added, and modified, modified w/staged, and merge conflict. // The following StatusStates are defined for each type: // Modified -> Unstaged // MergeConflict -> Unstaged // Added -> Staged // ModifiedStaged -> Staged // Removed -> Staged // Missing -> Staged // The StatusState known as "Untracked" is determined by what is *not* defined in any state. // It is then intersected with the .gitignore list to determine what should be listed as untracked. HashSet<string> hset = new HashSet<string>(status.MergeConflict); foreach (string hash in hset) { results.ModifiedList.Add(hash, StatusType.MergeConflict); status.Staged.Remove(hash); status.Modified.Remove(hash); } hset = new HashSet<string>(status.Missing); foreach (string hash in hset) results.ModifiedList.Add(hash, StatusType.Missing); hset = new HashSet<string>(status.Modified); foreach (string hash in hset) results.ModifiedList.Add(hash, StatusType.Modified); hset = new HashSet<string>(status.Staged); foreach (string hash in hset) results.StagedList.Add(hash, StatusType.ModifiedStaged); hset = new HashSet<string>(status.Added); foreach (string hash in hset) results.StagedList.Add(hash, StatusType.Added); hset = new HashSet<string>(status.Removed); foreach (string hash in hset) results.StagedList.Add(hash, StatusType.Removed); results.UntrackedList.Sort(); results.ModifiedList.OrderBy(v => v.Key); results.StagedList.OrderBy(v => v.Key); } IndexSize = Repository.Index.Size; }
public WorkingFile(string path, RepositoryStatus status) : base(path, status) { }