private void MaterialForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { nameTextBox.Text = m_mat.GetName(); countTextBox.Text = m_mat.GetCount().ToString(); if (m_mat.GetMatType() == MAT_TYPE_EX.MAT_EX_RECT) { RectMatEx rectMat = (RectMatEx)(m_mat); Rect2DEx rect = rectMat.GetBoundaryRect(); widthTextBox.Enabled = true; widthTextBox.Text = rect.GetWidth().ToString("0.000"); heightTextBox.Enabled = true; heightTextBox.Text = rect.GetHeight().ToString("0.000"); } else if (m_mat.GetMatType() == MAT_TYPE_EX.MAT_EX_POLY) { PolyMatEx polyMat = (PolyMatEx)(m_mat); Polygon2DEx poly = polyMat.GetMatPolygon(); Rect2DEx rect = poly.GetBoundaryRect(); widthTextBox.Enabled = false; widthTextBox.Text = rect.GetWidth().ToString("0.000"); heightTextBox.Enabled = false; heightTextBox.Text = rect.GetHeight().ToString("0.000"); } }
private void okBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // verify input. try { Convert.ToDouble(widthTextBox.Text); Convert.ToDouble(heightTextBox.Text); Convert.ToInt32(countTextBox.Text); } catch (FormatException exception) { MessageBox.Show("Incorrect input: " + exception.Message, "NestProfessor DEMO"); return; } // update MatEx object. m_mat.SetName(nameTextBox.Text); m_mat.SetCount(Convert.ToInt32(countTextBox.Text)); if (m_mat.GetMatType() == MAT_TYPE_EX.MAT_EX_RECT) { RectMatEx rectMat = (RectMatEx)(m_mat); Rect2DEx rect = new Rect2DEx(0.0, Convert.ToDouble(widthTextBox.Text), 0.0, Convert.ToDouble(heightTextBox.Text)); rectMat.SetMatRect(rect); } this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
// draw the material. static public void DrawMat(MatEx mat, GlViewPortEx viewPort) { viewPort.SetDrawColor(Color.White); viewPort.SetLineWidth(1); if (mat.GetMatType() == MAT_TYPE_EX.MAT_EX_RECT) { RectMatEx rectMat = (RectMatEx)mat; Rect2DEx rect2D = rectMat.GetBoundaryRect(); Polygon2DEx poly = new Polygon2DEx(); poly.AddPoint(new Point2DEx(rect2D.GetXMin(), rect2D.GetYMin())); poly.AddPoint(new Point2DEx(rect2D.GetXMax(), rect2D.GetYMin())); poly.AddPoint(new Point2DEx(rect2D.GetXMax(), rect2D.GetYMax())); poly.AddPoint(new Point2DEx(rect2D.GetXMin(), rect2D.GetYMax())); viewPort.DrawPolygon(poly); } else if (mat.GetMatType() == MAT_TYPE_EX.MAT_EX_POLY) { PolyMatEx polyMat = (PolyMatEx)mat; Polygon2DEx poly = polyMat.GetMatPolygon(); viewPort.DrawPolygon(poly); // draw the useless holes. Poly2DListEx uselessHoles = polyMat.GetUselessHoleList(); for (int i = 0; i < uselessHoles.Size(); i++) { viewPort.DrawPolygon(uselessHoles.GetPolygonByIndex(i)); } } }
// add material to list control. private void AddMat(MatEx mat) { // the boundary rect of the material. Rect2DEx boundaryRect = null; if (mat.GetMatType() == MAT_TYPE_EX.MAT_EX_RECT) { RectMatEx rectMat = (RectMatEx)mat; boundaryRect = rectMat.GetBoundaryRect(); } else if (mat.GetMatType() == MAT_TYPE_EX.MAT_EX_POLY) { PolyMatEx polyMat = (PolyMatEx)mat; Polygon2DEx polygon = polyMat.GetMatPolygon(); boundaryRect = polygon.GetBoundaryRect(); } /************************************************************************/ // add a row to list control. // insert a row. int iCount = matListView.Items.Count + 1; ListViewItem item = matListView.Items.Add(iCount.ToString()); // name column. item.SubItems.Add(mat.GetName()); // material type column. if (mat.GetMatType() == MAT_TYPE_EX.MAT_EX_RECT) { item.SubItems.Add("矩形材料"); } else if (mat.GetMatType() == MAT_TYPE_EX.MAT_EX_POLY) { item.SubItems.Add("不规则材料"); } // the material height. item.SubItems.Add(boundaryRect.GetHeight().ToString("0.000")); // the material width. item.SubItems.Add(boundaryRect.GetWidth().ToString("0.000")); // the material count. item.SubItems.Add(mat.GetCount().ToString()); // hold the ID. item.Tag = mat.GetID(); /************************************************************************/ // select the last row. matListView.SelectedItems.Clear(); matListView.Items[matListView.Items.Count - 1].Selected = true; matListView.Items[matListView.Items.Count - 1].Focused = true; matListView.Items[matListView.Items.Count - 1].EnsureVisible(); }
private void editMatBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection selItems = matListView.SelectedItems; if (selItems.Count != 1) { MessageBox.Show("Please select one row to edit.", "NestProfessor DEMO"); return; } else { ListViewItem item = selItems[0]; long iMatID = (long)item.Tag; MatEx mat = m_matList.GetMatByID(iMatID); if (mat != null) { if (mat.GetMatType() == MAT_TYPE_EX.MAT_EX_POLY) { MessageBox.Show("For irregular material, its width and height can be edited here.", "NestProfessor DEMO"); } MaterialForm matForm = new MaterialForm(mat); if (matForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { /************************************************************************/ // update the list control. // name column. item.SubItems[1].Text = mat.GetName(); if (mat.GetMatType() == MAT_TYPE_EX.MAT_EX_RECT) { RectMatEx rectMat = (RectMatEx)(mat); Rect2DEx rect = rectMat.GetBoundaryRect(); // the material width. item.SubItems[3].Text = rect.GetWidth().ToString("0.000"); // the material height. item.SubItems[4].Text = rect.GetHeight().ToString("0.000"); } // count. item.SubItems[5].Text = mat.GetCount().ToString(); /************************************************************************/ matPreviewWnd.Invalidate(); } } } }
private void newMatBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // create a RectMatEx object. Rect2DEx rect = new Rect2DEx(0, 1200, 0, 2400); RectMatEx rectMat = new RectMatEx("新材料", rect, 1); MaterialForm matForm = new MaterialForm(rectMat); if (matForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { m_matList.AddMat(rectMat); // add material to list control. AddMat(rectMat); } }
static private void SaveMats(XmlDocument xmlDoc, XmlNode matListNode, MatListEx mats, List <KeyValuePair <long, string> > matDxfPath) { for (int i = 0; i < mats.Size(); i++) { MatEx mat = mats.GetMatByIndex(i); XmlElement materialNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Material"); matListNode.AppendChild(materialNode); bool bFromDxf = false; for (int j = 0; i < matDxfPath.Count; j++) { if (matDxfPath[j].Key == mat.GetID()) { XmlElement matPathNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("MatPath"); matPathNode.InnerText = matDxfPath[j].Value; materialNode.AppendChild(matPathNode); // Count { XmlElement countNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Count"); countNode.InnerText = mat.GetCount().ToString(); materialNode.AppendChild(countNode); } bFromDxf = true; break; } } // material is not from dxf. if (!bFromDxf) { RectMatEx rectMat = (RectMatEx)(mat); // name { XmlElement nameNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Name"); nameNode.InnerText = mat.GetName(); materialNode.AppendChild(nameNode); } // Width { XmlElement widthNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Width"); widthNode.InnerText = rectMat.GetBoundaryRect().GetWidth().ToString("0.000000"); materialNode.AppendChild(widthNode); } // Height { XmlElement heightNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Height"); heightNode.InnerText = rectMat.GetBoundaryRect().GetHeight().ToString("0.000000"); materialNode.AppendChild(heightNode); } // Count { XmlElement countNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Count"); countNode.InnerText = rectMat.GetCount().ToString(); materialNode.AppendChild(countNode); } } } }
static private MatListEx LoadMats_V1(string strTaskFilePath, XmlNode matListNode, List <KeyValuePair <long, string> > matDxfPath, NestParamEx nestParam) { MatListEx mats = new MatListEx(); for (int i = 0; i < matListNode.ChildNodes.Count; i++) { XmlNode matNode = matListNode.ChildNodes.Item(i); // whether load material from file. XmlNode pathNode = matNode.SelectSingleNode("MatPath"); if (pathNode != null) { string strMaterialFileFullPath = pathNode.InnerText; if (!File.Exists(strMaterialFileFullPath)) { // the new file path. string strTaskFileFolder = strTaskFilePath.Substring(0, strTaskFilePath.LastIndexOf("\\")); string strMaterialFileName = strMaterialFileFullPath.Substring(strMaterialFileFullPath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1, strMaterialFileFullPath.Length - strMaterialFileFullPath.LastIndexOf("\\") - 1); string strNewMaterialFileFullPath = strTaskFileFolder + "\\" + strMaterialFileName; // try again. if (!File.Exists(strNewMaterialFileFullPath)) { string strMessage = "Cannot find material file: "; MessageBox.Show(strMessage + strMaterialFileFullPath, "NestProfessor DEMO"); continue; } else { strMaterialFileFullPath = strNewMaterialFileFullPath; } } MatEx mat = NestHelper.LoadMatFromDxfdwg(strMaterialFileFullPath, nestParam); mats.AddMat(mat); matDxfPath.Add(new KeyValuePair <long, string>(mat.GetID(), strMaterialFileFullPath)); // count. mat.SetCount(Convert.ToInt32(matNode.SelectSingleNode("Count").InnerText)); } else { RectMatEx rectMat = new RectMatEx(); mats.AddMat(rectMat); // name rectMat.SetName(matNode.SelectSingleNode("Name").InnerText); // width. double dWidth = Convert.ToDouble(matNode.SelectSingleNode("Width").InnerText); // height. double dHeight = Convert.ToDouble(matNode.SelectSingleNode("Height").InnerText); // the material rect. Rect2DEx matRect = new Rect2DEx(0, dWidth, 0, dHeight); rectMat.SetMatRect(matRect); // count. rectMat.SetCount(Convert.ToInt32(matNode.SelectSingleNode("Count").InnerText)); } } return(mats); }
// load boundary polygon from dxf/dwg file. static public MatEx LoadMatFromDxfdwg(String strFilePath, NestParamEx nestParam) { MatEx mat = null; /************************************************************************/ // load all geometry items from the dxf/dwg file. // the file name. int iDotIndex = strFilePath.LastIndexOf('.'); int iSlashIndex = strFilePath.LastIndexOf('\\'); String strFileName = strFilePath.Substring(iSlashIndex + 1, iDotIndex - iSlashIndex - 1); // whether the file is dxf file or dwg file. bool bDwg = true; String strExt = strFilePath.Substring(iDotIndex, strFilePath.Length - iDotIndex); strExt = strExt.ToLower(); if (strExt == ".dxf") { bDwg = false; } else if (strExt == ".dwg") { bDwg = true; } else { return(mat); } // extract geometry items from dxf/dwg file. ImpDataEx impData; if (!bDwg) { impData = NestFacadeEx.ExtractGeomItems(strFilePath); } else { // the temp folder for dxf. String strDxfPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); strDxfPath += "\\"; strDxfPath += new Random().Next(1, 100000).ToString(); strDxfPath += ".dxf"; // save dxf file in tmp path. NestFacadeEx.Dwg2Dxf(strFilePath, strDxfPath); // extract geometry items from dxf file. impData = NestFacadeEx.ExtractGeomItems(strDxfPath); // delete the temp file. File.Delete(strDxfPath); } /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ // get the polygons from the dxf/dwg file. // build the polygons of all the geometry items. GeomItemListEx geomItemList = impData.GetAllGeomItem(); Poly2DListEx polyList = NestFacadeEx.BuildPolyListFromLineArc(geomItemList, nestParam.GetConTol()); // if no closed polygon found, return. if (polyList.Size() == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No closed boundary found.", "NestProfessor DEMO"); return(mat); } // the outer boundary polygon. int iMaxIndex = polyList.GetMaxAreaPoly(); Polygon2DEx outerPoly = polyList.GetPolygonByIndex(iMaxIndex); // the hole polygons. polyList.DelPolygonByIndex(iMaxIndex); Poly2DListEx holePolyList = polyList; /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ // build the material object. // whether the boundary polygon is a rectangle. bool bRectMat = true; if (outerPoly.GetPtCount() != 4) { bRectMat = false; } else if (holePolyList.Size() > 0) { bRectMat = false; } else { // line items in the polygon. ArrayList lineItems = outerPoly.GetLineList(); LineItemEx lineItem1 = (LineItemEx)lineItems[0]; LineItemEx lineItem2 = (LineItemEx)lineItems[1]; LineItemEx lineItem3 = (LineItemEx)lineItems[2]; LineItemEx lineItem4 = (LineItemEx)lineItems[3]; if (Math.Abs(lineItem1.GetLength() - lineItem3.GetLength()) > 0.0001) { bRectMat = false; } if (Math.Abs(lineItem2.GetLength() - lineItem4.GetLength()) > 0.0001) { bRectMat = false; } Vector2DEx vect1 = lineItem1.GetBaseVector(); Vector2DEx vect2 = lineItem2.GetBaseVector(); if (!vect1.OrthogonalTo(vect2)) { bRectMat = false; } } // build the material object. if (bRectMat) { mat = new RectMatEx(strFileName, outerPoly.GetBoundaryRect(), 1); } else { PolyMatEx polyMat = new PolyMatEx(strFileName, outerPoly, 1); polyMat.SetUselessHoleList(holePolyList); mat = polyMat; } /************************************************************************/ return(mat); }