Exemple #1
        public void ShouldThrow_WhenGuidIdParameterIsEmpty()
            var            dataMock = new Mock <IHomeMadeFoodData>();
            var            ingredientsServiceMock = new Mock <IIngredientsService>();
            RecipesService recipesService         = new RecipesService(dataMock.Object, ingredientsServiceMock.Object);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => recipesService.GetRecipeById(Guid.Empty));
Exemple #2
        public void ReturnNull_WhenNoRecipeExistsWithThePassesValidId()
            var            dataMock = new Mock <IHomeMadeFoodData>();
            var            ingredientsServiceMock = new Mock <IIngredientsService>();
            RecipesService recipesService         = new RecipesService(dataMock.Object, ingredientsServiceMock.Object);
            Guid           recipeId = Guid.NewGuid();

            dataMock.Setup(c => c.Recipes.GetById(recipeId)).Returns <Recipe>(null);

            Recipe recipeResult = recipesService.GetRecipeById(recipeId);

Exemple #3
        public void ReturnRecipe_WhenIdIsValid()
            var            dataMock = new Mock <IHomeMadeFoodData>();
            var            ingredientsServiceMock = new Mock <IIngredientsService>();
            RecipesService recipesService         = new RecipesService(dataMock.Object, ingredientsServiceMock.Object);
            Guid           recipeId = Guid.NewGuid();
            Recipe         recipe   = new Recipe()
                Id          = recipeId,
                Title       = "Title Of A New Recipe",
                Describtion = "This is a decsribtion",
                Instruction = "Instructions of the recipe",
                DishType    = DishType.MainDish,
                Ingredients = new List <Ingredient>()
                    new Ingredient()
                        Id                      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        Name                    = "Tomato",
                        FoodCategoryId          = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        RecipeId                = recipeId,
                        QuantityInMeasuringUnit = 0.150,
                        PricePerMeasuringUnit   = 0.55m

            dataMock.Setup(c => c.Recipes.GetById(recipeId)).Returns(recipe);

            Recipe recipeResult = recipesService.GetRecipeById(recipeId);

            Assert.AreSame(recipe, recipeResult);