public void Throw_WhenThePassedRecipeIsNull()
            var            dataMock = new Mock <IHomeMadeFoodData>();
            var            ingredientsServiceMock = new Mock <IIngredientsService>();
            RecipesService recipesService         = new RecipesService(dataMock.Object, ingredientsServiceMock.Object);
            Recipe         recipe = null;

            //Act & Assert
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => recipesService.EditRecipe(recipe));
        public void InvokeDataCommitOnce_WhenThePassedArgumentsAreValid()
            var            dataMock = new Mock <IHomeMadeFoodData>();
            var            ingredientsServiceMock = new Mock <IIngredientsService>();
            RecipesService recipesService         = new RecipesService(dataMock.Object, ingredientsServiceMock.Object);
            List <string>  ingredientNames        = new List <string>()
            List <double> ingredientQuantities = new List <double>()
            List <decimal> ingredientPrices = new List <decimal>()
            List <Guid> foodCategories = new List <Guid>()

            Guid   recipeId = Guid.NewGuid();
            Recipe recipe   = new Recipe()
                Id          = recipeId,
                Title       = "Title Of A New Recipe",
                Describtion = "This is a decsribtion",
                Instruction = "Instructions of the recipe",
                DishType    = DishType.MainDish,
                Ingredients = new List <Ingredient>()
                    new Ingredient()
                        Id                      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        Name                    = ingredientNames[0],
                        FoodCategoryId          = foodCategories[0],
                        RecipeId                = recipeId,
                        QuantityInMeasuringUnit = ingredientQuantities[0],
                        PricePerMeasuringUnit   = ingredientPrices[0]

            dataMock.Setup(x => x.Recipes.Update(It.IsAny <Recipe>()));


            dataMock.Verify(x => x.SaveChanges(), Times.Once);
        public async Task EditShouldChangeRecipe()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).Options;

            var dbContext             = new ApplicationDbContext(options);
            var recipeRepo            = new EfDeletableEntityRepository <Recipe>(dbContext);
            var nutritionRepo         = new EfDeletableEntityRepository <NutritionValue>(dbContext);
            var productRepo           = new EfDeletableEntityRepository <Product>(dbContext);
            var userRepo              = new EfDeletableEntityRepository <ApplicationUser>(dbContext);
            var service               = new RecipesService(recipeRepo, nutritionRepo, productRepo, userRepo);
            var category              = new Category();
            var nutrValue             = new NutritionValue();
            var user                  = new ApplicationUser();
            var prod                  = new Collection <RecipeByIdProductsViewModel>();
            var recipeCreateViewModel = new RecipeCreateViewModel
                CategoryId     = 1,
                CookProcedure  = "cookProc",
                Photo          = "photo",
                Serving        = 1,
                Title          = "addNew",
                CookTime       = 2,
                NutritionValue = new RecipeCreateNutritionValuesViewModel
                    Calories = 1, Carbohydrates = 1, Fats = 1, Fiber = 1, Protein = 1, Salt = 1, Sugar = 1
                Products = new List <RecipeCreateProductsViewModel>(),
            string       userId       = "trayan";
            StringValues sv           = new StringValues("one");
            StringValues sk           = new StringValues("1");
            var          recipeResult = await service.CreateAsync(recipeCreateViewModel, userId, sv, sk);

            var model = new RecipeEditViewModel
                Id            = recipeResult,
                CategoryId    = 5,
                CookProcedure = "five",
                CookTime      = 5,
                Photo         = "fifthPhoto",
                Serving       = 5,
                Title         = "fifthEdit",

            await service.EditRecipe(model, userId);

            Assert.Equal(5, dbContext.Recipes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == recipeResult).CategoryId);