Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add stirrup bars into corbel with given options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">Options for Rebar Creation</param>
        private void PlaceStirrupBars(CorbelReinforcementOptions options)
            var filter = new FilteredElementCollector(options.RevitDoc)
                         .OfClass(typeof(RebarShape)).ToElements().Cast <RebarShape>()
                         .Where <RebarShape>(shape => shape.RebarStyle == RebarStyle.StirrupTie);

            RebarShape stirrupShape = null;

            foreach (RebarShape shape in filter)
                if (shape.Name.Equals("T1"))
                    stirrupShape = shape; break;

            Trapezoid profileCopy = m_profile.Clone();

            profileCopy.OffsetTop(-m_corbelCoverDistance - 0.5 * options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter);
            profileCopy.OffsetLeft(-m_corbelCoverDistance - 0.5 * options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter);
            profileCopy.OffsetBottom(m_hostDepth - m_hostCoverDistance - 0.5 * options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter);
            profileCopy.OffsetRight(-m_corbelCoverDistance - 0.5 * options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter);

            XYZ    extruDir = (m_extrusionLine.get_EndPoint(1) - m_extrusionLine.get_EndPoint(0)).Normalize();
            double offset   = m_corbelCoverDistance + 0.5 * options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter;

            XYZ origin = profileCopy.Vertical.get_EndPoint(0) + extruDir * offset;
            XYZ xAxis  = extruDir;
            XYZ yAxis  = (profileCopy.Vertical.get_EndPoint(1) - profileCopy.Vertical.get_EndPoint(0)).Normalize();

            Rebar stirrupBars = Rebar.CreateFromRebarShape(options.RevitDoc, stirrupShape,
                                                           options.StirrupBarType, m_corbel, origin, xAxis, yAxis);

            double xLength = m_extrusionLine.Length - 2 * offset;
            double yLength = profileCopy.Vertical.Length;

            stirrupBars.SetLayoutAsFixedNumber(options.StirrupBarCount + 1, profileCopy.Top.Length, false, false, true);
            stirrupBars.ScaleToBox(origin, xAxis * xLength, yAxis * yLength);

            double space = profileCopy.Top.Length / options.StirrupBarCount;
            double step  = space * m_profile.Vertical.Length / (m_profile.Bottom.Length - m_profile.Top.Length);

            XYZ dirTop      = (m_profile.Top.get_EndPoint(0) - m_profile.Top.get_EndPoint(1)).Normalize();
            XYZ dirVertical = yAxis;
            XYZ deltaStep   = dirTop * space + dirVertical * step;

            origin = profileCopy.Top.get_EndPoint(0) + extruDir * offset;
            int count = (int)((m_profile.Vertical.Length - m_corbelCoverDistance - 0.5 * options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter) / step);

            for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
                origin += deltaStep;
                Rebar stirrupBars2 = Rebar.CreateFromRebarShape(options.RevitDoc, stirrupShape,
                                                                options.StirrupBarType, m_corbel, origin, xAxis, yAxis);

                stirrupBars2.ScaleToBox(origin, xAxis * xLength, yAxis * (yLength - i * step));
        public ConcreteSectionFlexure GetConcreteBeam(double Width, double Height, double fc, bool IsBottomReinforced,
                                                      params RebarInput[] rebarInput)
            IConcreteSection Section = GetRectangularSection(Width, Height, fc);

            List <RebarPoint> LongitudinalBars = new List <RebarPoint>();

            if (IsBottomReinforced == true)
                foreach (var bar in rebarInput)
                    Rebar      thisBar = new Rebar(bar.Area, new MaterialAstmA615(A615Grade.Grade60));
                    RebarPoint point   = new RebarPoint(thisBar, new RebarCoordinate()
                        X = 0, Y = -Height / 2.0 + bar.Cover
                foreach (var bar in rebarInput)
                    Rebar      thisBar = new Rebar(bar.Area, new MaterialAstmA615(A615Grade.Grade60));
                    RebarPoint point   = new RebarPoint(thisBar, new RebarCoordinate()
                        X = 0, Y = Height / 2.0 - bar.Cover
            ConcreteSectionFlexure beam = new ConcreteSectionFlexure(Section, LongitudinalBars, log, ConfinementReinforcementType.NoReinforcement);

        /// <summary>
        /// A special case function that can export a Rebar element as an IfcBuildingElementProxy for view-specific exports where the exact geometry of the rebar matters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exporterIFC">The ExporterIFC object.</param>
        /// <param name="rebarElement">The rebar element to be exported.</param>
        /// <param name="productWrapper">The ProductWrapper object.</param>
        /// <param name="cannotExportRebar">True if we tried to create an IFC entity but failed.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the rebar was exported here, false otherwise.</returns>
        /// <remarks>This functionality may be obsoleted in the future.</remarks>
        private static IFCAnyHandle ExportRebarAsProxyElementInView(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, Element rebarElement, ProductWrapper productWrapper, out bool cannotExportRebar)
            IFCAnyHandle rebarEntity = null;

            cannotExportRebar = false;

            if (rebarElement is Rebar && ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.FilterViewForExport != null)
                // The only options handled here is IfcBuildingElementProxy.
                // Not Exported is handled previously, and ReinforcingBar vs Mesh will be handled later.
                string        ifcEnumType;
                IFCExportType exportType = ExporterUtil.GetExportType(exporterIFC, rebarElement, out ifcEnumType);

                if (exportType == IFCExportType.IfcBuildingElementProxy ||
                    exportType == IFCExportType.IfcBuildingElementProxyType)
                    Rebar           rebar         = rebarElement as Rebar;
                    GeometryElement rebarGeometry = rebar.GetFullGeometryForView(ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.FilterViewForExport);
                    if (rebarGeometry != null)
                        rebarEntity = ProxyElementExporter.ExportBuildingElementProxy(exporterIFC, rebarElement, rebarGeometry, productWrapper);

                    cannotExportRebar = IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(rebarEntity);

        public void LstRebarPopulate()
            List <Point3D> points = new List <Point3D>();

            LstRebar = new List <Rebar>();
            LinearPath stirrupLinPath = (LinearPath)CadColumn.ColPath.Offset(-CadColumn.Cover * 1.2);

            Line[] stirrupBranches = stirrupLinPath.ConvertToLines();
            for (int i = 0; i < stirrupBranches.Length; i++)
                Line  branch = stirrupBranches[i];
                Rebar rebarCorner1, rebarCorner2, rebarMid;

                if (!points.Contains(branch.StartPoint))
                    rebarCorner1 = new Rebar(branch.StartPoint);
                if (!points.Contains(branch.EndPoint))
                    rebarCorner2 = new Rebar(branch.EndPoint);
                rebarMid = new Rebar(branch.MidPoint);
        public void GeneralBeamFlexuralCapacityTopReturnsNominalValue()
            double fc = 4000.0;
            FlexuralSectionFactory sf         = new FlexuralSectionFactory();
            IConcreteMaterial      mat        = GetConcreteMaterial(fc);
            List <Point2D>         PolyPoints = new List <Point2D>()
                new Point2D(-6.0, 0.0),
                new Point2D(-6.0, 12.0),
                new Point2D(6.0, 12.0),
                new Point2D(6.0, 0)

            Rebar             thisBar     = new Rebar(1.0, new MaterialAstmA615(A615Grade.Grade60));
            var               coord       = new RebarCoordinate(0, 1.0);
            List <RebarPoint> RebarPoints = new List <RebarPoint>()
                new RebarPoint(thisBar, coord)
            //GetGeneralSection(List<Point2D> PolygonPoints,
            //ConcreteMaterial Concrete, List<RebarPoint> RebarPoints, double b_w, double d)
            ConcreteSectionFlexure             beam    = sf.GetGeneralSection(PolyPoints, mat, RebarPoints, 12.0, 9.0);
            IStrainCompatibilityAnalysisResult MResult = beam.GetNominalFlexuralCapacity(FlexuralCompressionFiberPosition.Top);
            double M_n = MResult.Moment / 12000;

            double refValue        = 51.32;
            double actualTolerance = EvaluateActualTolerance(M_n, refValue);

            Assert.True(actualTolerance <= tolerance);
Exemple #6
        static public string getShapeNameAtIndex(Rebar rebar, int barPositionIndex)
            string shapeName = "";

            if (rebar == null)
            RebarFreeFormAccessor accessor = rebar.GetFreeFormAccessor();

            if (accessor == null)
            if (rebar.Document == null)

            ElementId  idShape = accessor.GetShapeIdAtIndex(barPositionIndex);
            RebarShape shape   = rebar.Document.GetElement(idShape) as RebarShape;

            if (shape == null)
            shapeName = shape.Name;
        public ConcreteSectionCompression GetConcreteExampleColumn()
            double b   = 16;
            double h   = 16;
            double f_c = 5000;

            List <RebarPoint> LongitudinalBars = new List <RebarPoint>();

            Rebar      thisBar1 = new Rebar(4, new MaterialAstmA615(A615Grade.Grade60));
            RebarPoint point1   = new RebarPoint(thisBar1, new RebarCoordinate()
                X = 0, Y = -h / 2.0 + 2.5


            Rebar      thisBar2 = new Rebar(4, new MaterialAstmA615(A615Grade.Grade60));
            RebarPoint point2   = new RebarPoint(thisBar2, new RebarCoordinate()
                X = 0, Y = h / 2.0 - 2.5


            ConcreteSectionCompression column = GetConcreteCompressionMember(b, h, f_c, LongitudinalBars, CompressionMemberType.NonPrestressedWithTies);

        public void BeamReturnsphiMn()
            var ConcreteMaterial = new Kodestruct.Concrete.ACI318_14.Materials.ConcreteMaterial(6000, ACI.Entities.ConcreteTypeByWeight.Normalweight, null);

            FlexuralSectionFactory flexureFactory = new FlexuralSectionFactory();
            double b   = 16;
            double h   = 40;
            double f_y = 60000;
            RebarMaterialGeneral LongitudinalRebarMaterial = new RebarMaterialGeneral(f_y);

            List <RebarPoint> LongitudinalBars = new List <RebarPoint>();

            Rebar      TopRebar = new Rebar(4, LongitudinalRebarMaterial);
            RebarPoint TopPoint = new RebarPoint(TopRebar, new RebarCoordinate()
                X = 0, Y = h / 2.0 - 3


            Rebar      BottomRebar = new Rebar(4, LongitudinalRebarMaterial);
            RebarPoint BottomPoint = new RebarPoint(BottomRebar, new RebarCoordinate()
                X = 0, Y = -h / 2.0 + 3


            CrossSectionRectangularShape shape = new CrossSectionRectangularShape(ConcreteMaterial, null, b, h);

            IConcreteFlexuralMember fs = new ConcreteSectionFlexure(shape, LongitudinalBars, null,

            ConcreteFlexuralStrengthResult result = fs.GetDesignFlexuralStrength(FlexuralCompressionFiberPosition.Top);
        //Detailed calculation
        public TensionLapSplice
            IConcreteMaterial Concrete,
            Rebar Bar1,
            Rebar Bar2,
            double ClearSpacing,
            double ClearCover,
            bool IsTopRebar,
            double A_tr,
            double s_tr,
            double n,
            TensionLapSpliceClass SpliceClass,
            ICalcLog log
            : base(log)
            this.Concrete     = Concrete;
            this.Bar1         = Bar1;
            this.Bar2         = Bar2;
            this.ClearSpacing = ClearSpacing;
            this.ClearCover   = ClearCover;
            this.IsTopRebar   = IsTopRebar;
            this.A_tr         = A_tr;
            this.s_tr         = s_tr;
            this.n            = n;
            this.SpliceClass  = SpliceClass;

        CurveElement getSelectedCurveElement(Rebar bar, RebarUpdateCurvesData data)
            RebarFreeFormAccessor barAccess = bar.GetFreeFormAccessor();
            ElementId             id        = new ElementId(bar.LookupParameter(AddSharedParams.m_CurveIdName).AsInteger());

            return(data.GetDocument().GetElement(id) as CurveElement);
        //Basic calculation
        public TensionLapSplice
            IConcreteMaterial Concrete,
            Rebar Bar1,
            Rebar Bar2,
            bool MeetsRebarSpacingAndEdgeDistance,
            bool HasMinimumTransverseReinforcement,
            bool IsTopRebar,
            TensionLapSpliceClass SpliceClass,
            ICalcLog log
            : base(log)
            this.Concrete = Concrete;
            this.Bar1     = Bar1;
            this.Bar2     = Bar2;
            this.MeetsRebarSpacingAndEdgeDistance  = MeetsRebarSpacingAndEdgeDistance;
            this.HasMinimumTransverseReinforcement = HasMinimumTransverseReinforcement;

            this.SpliceClass = SpliceClass;
            this.IsTopRebar  = IsTopRebar;
            this.A_tr        = A_tr;
            this.s_tr        = s_tr;
            this.n           = n;

        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            Document       doc    = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
            UIDocument     uidoc  = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument;
            View           view   = doc.ActiveView;
            List <Element> rebars = RebarSelectHelper.GetSelectedOrAll(uidoc);

            using (Transaction t1 = new Transaction(doc, "Set Unobscured in View"))
                foreach (Element rebar in rebars)
                    if (rebar is RebarInSystem)
                        RebarInSystem r = (RebarInSystem)rebar;

                        if (!r.IsUnobscuredInView(view))
                            r.SetUnobscuredInView(view, true);
                    if (rebar is Rebar)
                        Rebar r = (Rebar)rebar;

                        if (!r.IsUnobscuredInView(view))
                            r.SetUnobscuredInView(view, true);
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Add straight bars into corbel Host to anchor corbel stirrup bars.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">Options for Rebar Creation</param>
        private void PlaceCorbelHostBars(CorbelReinforcementOptions options)
            Trapezoid profileCopy = m_profile.Clone();

            profileCopy.OffsetBottom(m_hostDepth - m_hostCoverDistance
                                     - options.HostStraightBarType.BarDiameter * 0.5
                                     - options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter);


            XYZ    extruDir = (m_extrusionLine.GetEndPoint(1) - m_extrusionLine.GetEndPoint(0)).Normalize();
            double offset   = m_corbelCoverDistance + options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter
                              + options.HostStraightBarType.BarDiameter * 0.5;
            XYZ delta = extruDir * offset;

            XYZ pt1 = profileCopy.Bottom.GetEndPoint(0) + delta;
            XYZ pt2 = profileCopy.Bottom.GetEndPoint(1) + delta;

            Curve         barLine   = Line.CreateBound(pt1, pt2);
            IList <Curve> barCurves = new List <Curve>();


            Rebar bars = Rebar.CreateFromCurves(
                options.RevitDoc, RebarStyle.Standard,
                options.HostStraightBarType, null, null, m_corbel.Host, extruDir, barCurves,
                RebarHookOrientation.Left, RebarHookOrientation.Left, true, true);

            bars.GetShapeDrivenAccessor().SetLayoutAsFixedNumber(2, m_extrusionLine.Length - 2 * offset, true, true, true);

 private static string GetDiameter(Rebar rebar)
     Parameter diameterParam = rebar.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.REBAR_BAR_DIAMETER);
     ForgeTypeId unitType = diameterParam.GetUnitTypeId();
     double diameter = diameterParam.AsDouble();
     diameter = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(diameter, unitType);
     return "ø" + diameter.ToString();
Exemple #15
        public override void ReinforcementPopulate()
            LinearPath  BoundaryPath     = new LinearPath(Slab.LinPathSlab.Vertices.Select(e => new Point3D(e.X, e.Y, e.Z - DefaultValues.SlabThinkess + DefaultValues.ColumnCover)).ToArray());
            List <Line> lstBoundaryLines = CadHelper.BoundaryLinesGet(BoundaryPath);

            int nLong       = Convert.ToInt32(lstBoundaryLines[0].Length() / DefaultValues.LongBarSpacing);
            int nTransverse = Convert.ToInt32(lstBoundaryLines[1].Length() / DefaultValues.LongBarSpacing);

            //Vector3D uvLong = MathHelper.UnitVector3DFromPt1ToPt2(lstBoundaryLines[0].StartPoint, lstBoundaryLines[0].EndPoint);

            //Vector3D uvTransverse = MathHelper.UnitVector3DFromPt1ToPt2(lstBoundaryLines[1].StartPoint, lstBoundaryLines[1].EndPoint);

            for (int i = 0; i < nTransverse; i++)
                Line rftTransverse = lstBoundaryLines[0].Offset(DefaultValues.LongBarSpacing * -i, Vector3D.AxisZ) as Line;

                List <Line> lstRftLines = CadHelper.LinesTrimWithPolygon(Slab.LinPathSlab, rftTransverse);

                for (int j = 0; j < lstRftLines.Count; j++)
                    Rebar rebar = new Rebar(new LinearPath(lstRftLines[j].Vertices));

            for (int i = 0; i < nLong; i++)
                Line rftLong = lstBoundaryLines[1].Offset(DefaultValues.LongBarSpacing * -i, Vector3D.AxisZ) as Line;

                List <Line> lstRftLines = CadHelper.LinesTrimWithPolygon(Slab.LinPathSlab, rftLong);

                for (int j = 0; j < lstRftLines.Count; j++)
                    Rebar rebar = new Rebar(new LinearPath(lstRftLines[j].Vertices));

            for (int i = 0; i < Slab.Openings.Count; i++)
                List <Rebar> lstRebar = new List <Rebar>();

                for (int k = 0; k < RFT.Count; k++)
                    if (MathHelper.IsLineSegmentIntersectingPolygon(Slab.Openings[i].LinPathOpening, new Line(RFT[k].LinearPath.StartPoint, RFT[k].LinearPath.EndPoint)))
            for (int i = 0; i < OpeningsRFT.Count; i++)
        public static Dictionary <string, object> StraightBarTensionLapSpliceLengthDetailed(Concrete.ACI318.General.Concrete.ConcreteMaterial ConcreteMaterial, double d_b1, double d_b2,
                                                                                            RebarMaterial RebarMaterial, string RebarSpliceClass = "B", string RebarCoatingType = "Uncoated", string RebarCastingPosition = "Top", double s_clear = 3, double c_c = 1.5,
                                                                                            double A_tr = 0.44, double s_tr = 12, double n = 5, string Code = "ACI318-14")
            //Default values
            double l_st = 0;

            //Calculation logic:
            IRebarMaterial mat = RebarMaterial.Material;

            bool IsEpoxyCoated = false;

            switch (RebarCoatingType)
            case "Uncoated": IsEpoxyCoated = false; break;

            case "EpoxyCoated": IsEpoxyCoated = true; break;

            default: throw new Exception("Unrecognized rebar coating. Please check string input"); break;

            Rebar rebar1 = new Rebar(d_b1, IsEpoxyCoated, mat);
            Rebar rebar2 = new Rebar(d_b2, IsEpoxyCoated, mat);

            bool IsTopRebar = false;

            switch (RebarCastingPosition)
            case "Other": IsTopRebar = false; break;

            case "Top": IsTopRebar = true; break;

            default: throw new Exception("Unrecognized rebar casting position. Please check string input"); break;

            TensionLapSpliceClass _RebarSpliceClass;
            bool IsValidRebarSpliceClass = Enum.TryParse(RebarSpliceClass, true, out _RebarSpliceClass);

            if (IsValidRebarSpliceClass == false)
                throw new Exception("Failed to convert string. RebarSpliceClass not recognzed (A and B are acceptable inputs). Please check input");

            CalcLog log = new CalcLog();

            TensionLapSplice ls = new TensionLapSplice(ConcreteMaterial.Concrete, rebar1, rebar2, s_clear, c_c, IsTopRebar, A_tr, s_tr, n, _RebarSpliceClass, log);

            l_st = ls.Length;

            return(new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "l_st", l_st }
        public static Dictionary <string, object> StraightBarTensionLapSpliceLengthBasic(Concrete.ACI318.General.Concrete.ConcreteMaterial ConcreteMaterial, double d_b1, double d_b2,
                                                                                         RebarMaterial RebarMaterial, string RebarSpliceClass = "B", string RebarCoatingType  = "Uncoated", string RebarCastingPosition = "Top", double ExcessRebarRatio = 1.0,
                                                                                         bool MeetsRebarSpacingAndEdgeDistance = true, bool HasMinimumTransverseReinforcement = false, string Code = "ACI318-14")
            //Default values
            double l_st = 0;

            //Calculation logic:
            IRebarMaterial mat = RebarMaterial.Material;

            bool IsEpoxyCoated = false;

            switch (RebarCoatingType)
            case "Uncoated": IsEpoxyCoated = false; break;

            case "EpoxyCoated": IsEpoxyCoated = true; break;

            default: throw new Exception("Unrecognized rebar coating. Please check string input");

            Rebar rebar1 = new Rebar(d_b1, IsEpoxyCoated, mat);
            Rebar rebar2 = new Rebar(d_b2, IsEpoxyCoated, mat);

            bool IsTopRebar = false;

            switch (RebarCastingPosition)
            case "Other": IsTopRebar = false; break;

            case "Top": IsTopRebar = true; break;

            default: throw new Exception("Unrecognized rebar casting position. Please check string input");

            TensionLapSpliceClass _RebarSpliceClass;
            bool IsValidRebarSpliceClass = Enum.TryParse(RebarSpliceClass, true, out _RebarSpliceClass);

            if (IsValidRebarSpliceClass == false)
                throw new Exception("Failed to convert string. RebarSpliceClass not recognzed (A and B are acceptable inputs). Please check input");

            CalcLog log = new CalcLog();

            TensionLapSplice d = new TensionLapSplice(ConcreteMaterial.Concrete, rebar1, rebar2, MeetsRebarSpacingAndEdgeDistance, HasMinimumTransverseReinforcement, IsTopRebar, _RebarSpliceClass, log);

            l_st = d.Length;

            return(new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "l_st", l_st }
Exemple #18
        public void getSubElement()
            UIDocument uiDoc = this.ActiveUIDocument;

            Document doc = uiDoc.Document;

            View myView = doc.ActiveView;

            Reference myRef = uiDoc.Selection.PickObject(ObjectType.Element, "Pick a rebar...");

            Rebar myRebar = doc.GetElement(myRef) as Rebar;

            TaskDialog.Show("abc", "Has: " + myRebar.NumberOfBarPositions.ToString());

            ReferenceArray myRefAr = new ReferenceArray();

            int myNumberRebar = (int)myRebar.NumberOfBarPositions;

            if (myNumberRebar > 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < myNumberRebar; i++)
                    List <Curve> centerLines = myRebar.GetCenterlineCurves(false, false, false,
                                                                           MultiplanarOption.IncludeOnlyPlanarCurves, 0)
                                               as List <Curve>;

                    foreach (Curve myCurBar in centerLines)
                        if (myCurBar is Line)
                            Line      myLine    = myCurBar as Line;
                            Reference myRefLine = myLine.Reference;

            TaskDialog.Show("abc", myRefAr.Size.ToString());


            XYZ  myDimPoint_1 = uiDoc.Selection.PickPoint("Pick Point To Place Dimension....");
            XYZ  myDimPoint_2 = new XYZ(myDimPoint_1.X + 5, myDimPoint_1.Y, myDimPoint_1.Z);
            Line dimLine      = Line.CreateBound(myDimPoint_1, myDimPoint_2);

            using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "Create linear Dimension"))
                Dimension myDim = doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, dimLine, myRefAr);
        public void LstRebarPopulate()
            LinearPath rftPath = CadWall.LinPathWall.Offset(DefaultValues.WallCover * -1) as LinearPath;

            Line[] rftPathLines = rftPath.ConvertToLines();

            Line longDirLine  = null;
            Line shortDirLine = null;

            double longDirLength  = double.MinValue;
            double shortDirLength = double.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < rftPathLines.Length; i++)
                if (rftPathLines[i].Length() > longDirLength)
                    longDirLine   = rftPathLines[i];
                    longDirLength = rftPathLines[i].Length();

                if (rftPathLines[i].Length() < shortDirLength)
                    shortDirLine   = rftPathLines[i];
                    shortDirLength = rftPathLines[i].Length();

            Vector3D uvLength = MathHelper.UnitVector3DFromPt1ToPt2(longDirLine.StartPoint, longDirLine.EndPoint);

            double dia = DefaultValues.BarDiameter;

            Vector3D uvWidth;

            if (longDirLine.Vertices.Contains(shortDirLine.StartPoint))
                uvWidth = MathHelper.UnitVector3DFromPt1ToPt2(shortDirLine.StartPoint, shortDirLine.EndPoint);
                uvWidth = MathHelper.UnitVector3DFromPt1ToPt2(shortDirLine.EndPoint, shortDirLine.StartPoint);

            int nRebar = Convert.ToInt32(longDirLine.Length() / DefaultValues.LongBarSpacing);

            for (int i = 0; i < nRebar; i++)
                Point3D locationPt1 = longDirLine.StartPoint + uvLength * DefaultValues.LongBarSpacing * i;
                Point3D locationPt2 = locationPt1 + uvWidth * shortDirLength;
                Rebar   rebar1      = new Rebar(locationPt1);
                Rebar   rebar2      = new Rebar(locationPt2);
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Show the given rebar as solid in 3d view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rebar">Rebar to show in 3d view as solid</param>
        private void ShowRebar3d(Rebar rebar)
            var filter = new FilteredElementCollector(rebar.Document)

            foreach (View3D view in filter)
                rebar.SetSolidInView(view, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// The helper function to changed rebar number and spacing properties
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bar">The rebar instance which need to modify</param>
        /// <param name="number">The rebar number want to set</param>
        /// <param name="spacing">The spacing want to set</param>
        protected static void SetRebarSpaceAndNumber(Rebar bar, int number, double spacing)
            // Asset the parameter is valid
            if (null == bar || 2 > number || 0 > spacing)

            // Change the rebar number and spacing properties
            bar.GetShapeDrivenAccessor().SetLayoutAsNumberWithSpacing(number, spacing, true, true, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the rebar at the bottom of beam
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the creation is successful, otherwise false</returns>
        public bool FillBottomBars()
            // get the geometry information of the bottom rebar
            RebarGeometry geomInfo = m_geometry.GetBottomRebar();

            // create the rebar
            Rebar rebar = PlaceRebars(m_bottomType, null, null, geomInfo,
                                      RebarHookOrientation.Left, RebarHookOrientation.Left);

            return(null != rebar);
Exemple #23
 public bool AllowElement(Element elem)
     if (elem is Rebar)
         Rebar rb = elem as Rebar;
         if (rb.LookupParameter("Style").AsInteger() == 1)
Exemple #24
 public bool AllowElement(Element elem)
     if (elem is Rebar)
         Rebar rb = elem as Rebar;
         if (rb.LookupParameter("Type").AsString() == "Lockhead")
 private static string GetComments(Rebar rebar)
     string comments = rebar.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ALL_MODEL_INSTANCE_COMMENTS).AsString();
     if (comments == "")
         return "";
         return " " + comments;
 private static string GetPartition(Rebar rebar)
     string partition = rebar.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.NUMBER_PARTITION_PARAM).AsString();
     if (partition == "")
         return "";
         return "-" + partition;
Exemple #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Get Transformed Centerline curves at position.
 /// This method extracts the centerlinecurves for a rebar set at a given index and transforms them to the correct position.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rebar"></param>
 /// <param name="barPosIndex"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IList<Curve> GetTransformedCenterLineCurvesAtPostition(Rebar rebar, int barPosIndex)
     RebarShapeDrivenAccessor sda = rebar.GetShapeDrivenAccessor();
     Transform transform = sda.GetBarPositionTransform(barPosIndex);
     IList<Curve> curves = rebar.GetCenterlineCurves(false, false, false, MultiplanarOption.IncludeOnlyPlanarCurves, barPosIndex);
     IList<Curve> transformedCurves = new List<Curve>();
     foreach (Curve curve in curves)
     return transformedCurves;
        public ConcreteSectionFlexure GetNonPrestressedDoublyReinforcedRectangularSection(double b, double h,
                                                                                          double A_s1, double A_s2, double c_cntr1, double c_cntr2,
                                                                                          double A_s_prime1, double A_s_prime2, double c_cntr_prime1, double c_cntr_prime2,
                                                                                          ConcreteMaterial concrete, IRebarMaterial rebar, ConfinementReinforcementType ConfinementReinforcementType)
            CrossSectionRectangularShape Section          = new CrossSectionRectangularShape(concrete, null, b, h);
            List <RebarPoint>            LongitudinalBars = new List <RebarPoint>();

            Rebar      bottom1      = new Rebar(A_s1, rebar);
            RebarPoint pointBottom1 = new RebarPoint(bottom1, new RebarCoordinate()
                X = 0, Y = -h / 2.0 + c_cntr1


            if (A_s2 != 0)
                Rebar      bottom2      = new Rebar(A_s2, rebar);
                RebarPoint pointBottom2 = new RebarPoint(bottom2, new RebarCoordinate()
                    X = 0, Y = -h / 2.0 + c_cntr2

            if (A_s_prime1 != 0)
                Rebar      top1      = new Rebar(A_s_prime1, rebar);
                RebarPoint pointTop1 = new RebarPoint(top1, new RebarCoordinate()
                    X = 0, Y = h / 2.0 - c_cntr_prime1

            if (A_s_prime2 != 0)
                Rebar      top2      = new Rebar(A_s_prime2, rebar);
                RebarPoint pointTop2 = new RebarPoint(top2, new RebarCoordinate()
                    X = 0, Y = h / 2.0 - c_cntr_prime2

            CalcLog log = new CalcLog();
            ConcreteSectionFlexure beam = new ConcreteSectionFlexure(Section, LongitudinalBars, log, ConfinementReinforcementType);

 private static string GetSpacing(Rebar rebar)
     Parameter layoutParam = rebar.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.REBAR_ELEM_LAYOUT_RULE);
     if (layoutParam.AsInteger() == 0)
         return "";
     Parameter spacingParam = rebar.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.REBAR_ELEM_BAR_SPACING);
     ForgeTypeId unitType = spacingParam.GetUnitTypeId();
     double spacing = spacingParam.AsDouble();
      spacing =  UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(spacing, unitType);
     return "c" + spacing.ToString("0");
        private void addHookInformation2Rebar( ArrayList data, Rebar rebar, int end )
            if( end != 0 && end != 1 )

              ElementId hookId = rebar.GetHookTypeId( end );
              if( hookId != null && hookId != ElementId.InvalidElementId )
            data.Add( new Snoop.Data.CategorySeparator( "HookType at end: " + end.ToString() ) );
            data.Add( new Snoop.Data.ElementId( "Hook Type", hookId, rebar.Document ) );
            data.Add( new Snoop.Data.String( "HookOrientation", rebar.GetHookOrientation( end ).ToString() ) );
 public CompressionLapSplice(IConcreteMaterial Concrete, Rebar Rebar, 
 ICalcLog log): base(log)
     this.Concrete = Concrete;
     this.Rebar = Rebar;
Exemple #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Set Solid In View
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rebar">Single Rebar</param>
        /// <param name="view">3D View</param>
        /// <param name="solid">Solid</param>
        public static void SetSolidInView(Rebar rebar, Revit.Elements.Views.View3D view, bool solid)
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document document = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument;

            Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.Rebar rebarElement = (Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.Rebar)rebar.InternalElement;
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.View3D viewElement = (Autodesk.Revit.DB.View3D)view.InternalElement;
            rebarElement.SetSolidInView(viewElement, solid);

        private void Stream( ArrayList data, Rebar rebar )
            data.Add( new Snoop.Data.ClassSeparator( typeof( Rebar ) ) );

              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.ElementId( "Bar type", rebar.GetTypeId(), rebar.Document ) );
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.ElementId( "Rebar shape", rebar.RebarShapeId, rebar.Document ) );
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.ElementId( "Host", rebar.GetHostId(), rebar.Document ) );
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Object( "Distribution path", rebar.GetDistributionPath() ) );
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Enumerable( "GetCenterlineCurves(false, false, false)", rebar.GetCenterlineCurves( false, false, false, MultiplanarOption.IncludeOnlyPlanarCurves, 0 ) ) );
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.String( "LayoutRule", rebar.LayoutRule.ToString() ) );
              if( rebar.LayoutRule != RebarLayoutRule.Single )
            data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Double( "Distribution path length", rebar.ArrayLength ) );
            data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Int( "Quantity", rebar.Quantity ) );
            data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Int( "NumberOfBarPositions", rebar.NumberOfBarPositions ) );
            data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Double( "MaxSpacing", rebar.MaxSpacing ) );
            data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Bool( "BarsOnNormalSide", rebar.BarsOnNormalSide ) );

              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.String( "ScheduleMark", rebar.ScheduleMark ) );
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Double( "Volume", rebar.Volume ) );
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Double( "TotalLength", rebar.TotalLength ) );
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Object( "Normal", rebar.Normal ) );

              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Object( "ConstraintsManager", rebar.GetRebarConstraintsManager() ) );

              // Bending data
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Object( "Bending Data", rebar.GetBendData() ) );

              // Hook information
              addHookInformation2Rebar( data, rebar, 0 );
              addHookInformation2Rebar( data, rebar, 1 );
Exemple #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports a Rebar to IFC ReinforcingMesh.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exporterIFC">
        /// The ExporterIFC object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="element">
        /// The element to be exported.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="productWrapper">
        /// The IFCProductWrapper.
        /// </param>
        public static void ExportRebar(ExporterIFC exporterIFC,
           Rebar element, Autodesk.Revit.DB.View filterView, IFCProductWrapper productWrapper)
            IFCFile file = exporterIFC.GetFile();

            using (IFCTransaction transaction = new IFCTransaction(file))
                using (IFCPlacementSetter setter = IFCPlacementSetter.Create(exporterIFC, element))
                    GeometryElement rebarGeometry = ExporterIFCUtils.GetRebarGeometry(element, filterView);

                    // only options are: Not Export, BuildingElementProxy, or ReinforcingBar/Mesh, depending on layout.
                    // Not Export is handled previously, and ReinforcingBar vs Mesh will be determined below.
                    string ifcEnumType;
                    IFCExportType exportType = ExporterUtil.GetExportType(exporterIFC, element, out ifcEnumType);

                    if (exportType == IFCExportType.ExportBuildingElementProxy)
                        if (rebarGeometry != null)
                            ProxyElementExporter.ExportBuildingElementProxy(exporterIFC, element, rebarGeometry, productWrapper);

                    IFCAnyHandle prodRep = null;
                    using (IFCExtrusionCreationData extrusionCreationData = new IFCExtrusionCreationData())

                        if (rebarGeometry != null)
                            ElementId categoryId = CategoryUtil.GetSafeCategoryId(element);

                            BodyExporterOptions bodyExporterOptions = new BodyExporterOptions(true);
                            prodRep = BodyExporter.ExportBody(element.Document.Application, exporterIFC, element, categoryId, rebarGeometry, bodyExporterOptions,
                            if (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(prodRep))

                        double scale = exporterIFC.LinearScale;

                        double barLength = element.TotalLength * scale;
                        if (MathUtil.IsAlmostZero(barLength))

                        int quantity = element.Quantity;
                        if (quantity < 1)

                        ElementId typeId = element.GetTypeId();
                        RebarBarType elementType = element.Document.GetElement(element.GetTypeId()) as RebarBarType;
                        double diameter = elementType == null ? 1.0 / 12.0 : elementType.BarDiameter;
                        double longitudinalBarNominalDiameter = diameter * scale;
                        double longitudinalBarCrossSectionArea = (element.Volume * scale * scale * scale) / barLength;

                        string steelGradeOpt = null;
                        IFCAnyHandle elemHnd = null;

                        string rebarGUID = ExporterIFCUtils.CreateGUID(element);
                        string origRebarName = exporterIFC.GetName();
                        string rebarName = NamingUtil.GetNameOverride(element, origRebarName);
                        string rebarDescription = NamingUtil.GetDescriptionOverride(element, null);
                        string rebarObjectType = NamingUtil.GetObjectTypeOverride(element, NamingUtil.CreateIFCObjectName(exporterIFC, element));
                        string rebarElemId = NamingUtil.CreateIFCElementId(element);

                        if (element.LayoutRule == RebarLayoutRule.Single || (quantity == 1))
                            IFCReinforcingBarRole role = IFCReinforcingBarRole.NotDefined;
                            elemHnd = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateReinforcingBar(file, rebarGUID, exporterIFC.GetOwnerHistoryHandle(),
                                rebarName, rebarDescription, rebarObjectType, extrusionCreationData.GetLocalPlacement(),
                                prodRep, rebarElemId, steelGradeOpt, longitudinalBarNominalDiameter, longitudinalBarCrossSectionArea,
                                barLength, role, null);
                            double meshLength;
                            double longitudinalBarSpacing;
                            double val = element.ArrayLength * scale;

                            if (element.LayoutRule == RebarLayoutRule.NumberWithSpacing)
                                longitudinalBarSpacing = val;
                                meshLength = val * (quantity - 1);
                                meshLength = val;
                                longitudinalBarSpacing = val / (quantity - 1);

                            double meshWidth = diameter * scale; // array is in one direction only.
                            double transverseBarNominalDiameter = longitudinalBarNominalDiameter;
                            double transverseBarCrossSectionArea = longitudinalBarCrossSectionArea;
                            double transverseBarSpacing = longitudinalBarSpacing;

                            elemHnd = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateReinforcingMesh(file, rebarGUID,
                                exporterIFC.GetOwnerHistoryHandle(), rebarName,
                                rebarDescription, rebarObjectType, extrusionCreationData.GetLocalPlacement(), prodRep, rebarElemId,
                                steelGradeOpt, meshLength, meshWidth, longitudinalBarNominalDiameter,
                                transverseBarNominalDiameter, longitudinalBarCrossSectionArea,
                                transverseBarCrossSectionArea, longitudinalBarSpacing,

                        productWrapper.AddElement(elemHnd, setter.GetLevelInfo(), extrusionCreationData, true);

                        PropertyUtil.CreateInternalRevitPropertySets(exporterIFC, element, productWrapper);
Exemple #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Show the given rebar as solid in 3d view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rebar">Rebar to show in 3d view as solid</param>
        private void ShowRebar3d(Rebar rebar)
            var filter = new FilteredElementCollector(rebar.Document)

            foreach (View3D view in filter)
                rebar.SetSolidInView(view, true);
        private void Stream( ArrayList data, Rebar rebar )
            data.Add( new Snoop.Data.ClassSeparator( typeof( Rebar ) ) );

              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.ElementId( "Bar type", rebar.GetTypeId(), rebar.Document ) );
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.ElementId( "Rebar shape", rebar.RebarShapeId, rebar.Document ) );
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.ElementId( "Host", rebar.GetHostId(), rebar.Document ) );
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Object( "Distribution path", rebar.GetDistributionPath() ) );
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Enumerable( "GetCenterlineCurves(false, false, false)", rebar.GetCenterlineCurves( false, false, false ) ) );
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.String( "LayoutRule", rebar.LayoutRule.ToString() ) );
              if( rebar.LayoutRule != RebarLayoutRule.Single )
            data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Double( "Distribution path length", rebar.ArrayLength ) );
            data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Int( "Quantity", rebar.Quantity ) );
            data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Int( "NumberOfBarPositions", rebar.NumberOfBarPositions ) );
            data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Double( "MaxSpacing", rebar.MaxSpacing ) );

              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Object( "ConstraintsManager", rebar.GetRebarConstraintsManager() ) );
Exemple #37
        /// <summary>
        /// The helper function to changed rebar number and spacing properties
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bar">The rebar instance which need to modify</param>
        /// <param name="number">The rebar number want to set</param>
        /// <param name="spacing">The spacing want to set</param>
        protected static void SetRebarSpaceAndNumber(Rebar bar, int number, double spacing)
            // Asset the parameter is valid
            if (null == bar || 2 > number || 0 > spacing)

            // Change the rebar number and spacing properties
            bar.SetLayoutAsNumberWithSpacing(number, spacing, true, true, true);
Exemple #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Present the main dialog for user to prepare the parameters for Rebar creation,
        /// and after that if user click the OK button, a new Rebar will be created.
        /// </summary>
        public void Execute()
            using (NewRebarForm form = new NewRebarForm(m_rvtUIDoc.Document))
                if (DialogResult.OK == form.ShowDialog())
                    RebarBarType barType = form.RebarBarType;
                    RebarShape barShape = form.RebarShape;

                    List<Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ> profilePoints = m_geometryData.ProfilePoints;
                    Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ origin = profilePoints[0];
                    Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ yVec = profilePoints[1] - origin;
                    Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ xVec = profilePoints[3] - origin;

                    m_createdRebar = Rebar.CreateFromRebarShape(m_rvtUIDoc.Document, barShape, barType, m_rebarHost, origin, xVec, yVec);

Exemple #39
        public void getSubElement_geo()
            UIDocument uiDoc = this.ActiveUIDocument;

            Document doc = uiDoc.Document;

            View myView = doc.ActiveView;

            Reference myRef = uiDoc.Selection.PickObject(ObjectType.Element, "Pick a rebar...");

            Rebar myRebar = doc.GetElement(myRef) as Rebar;

            TaskDialog.Show("abc", "Has: " + myRebar.NumberOfBarPositions.ToString());

            ReferenceArray myRefAr = new ReferenceArray();

            TaskDialog.Show("abc", myRebar.IsRebarInSection(myView).ToString());

//			setCurrentViewAsWorkPlan();
//			XYZ myDimPoint_1 = uiDoc.Selection.PickPoint("Pick Point To Place Dimension....");
//			XYZ myDimPoint_2 = new XYZ(myDimPoint_1.X+5, myDimPoint_1.Y, myDimPoint_1.Z);
//			Line dimLine = Line.CreateBound(myDimPoint_1, myDimPoint_2);
//			using(Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "Create linear Dimension"))
//			{
//				trans.Start();
//				Dimension myDim = doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, dimLine, myRefAr);
//				trans.Commit();
//			}