Exemple #1
    public bool CrossObstacle(Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2)
        // Add a small threshold to the Rect
        float threshold = 0.2f;

        // Ray's direction is normalized...
        Vector2 dist    = p2 - p1;
        float   maxDist = dist.magnitude;
        Ray2D   ray     = new Ray2D(p1, dist);
        Rect    obst    = new Rect();

        foreach (int i in obstacles)
            /// Set obstacle
            obst.x    = (i % imageSize.width) - threshold;
            obst.y    = (i / imageSize.width) - threshold;
            obst.size = Vector2.one * (1 + threshold * 2);

            // Set line
            if (ray.Intersect(obst, maxDist))
