int finalLayer; //layer mask for raycast; // Use this for initialization void Start() { playerColli = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>(); finalLayer = (1 << 8) | (1 << 11); // layer mask for enemy and wall only lineRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent <LineRenderer>(); lineRenderer.enabled = true; lineRenderer.useWorldSpace = true; lineRenderer.sortingLayerName = "Bullet"; lineRenderer.material.color =; Ray2D ray = new Ray2D(transform.position, transform.up); lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, transform.position); playerColli.enabled = false; hit = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, Input.mousePosition - Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform.position), distance, finalLayer); playerColli.enabled = true; if (hit.collider) { lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, hit.point); if (hit.collider.tag == "Enemy") { EnemyTakeDamage EnemyDamageScript = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <EnemyTakeDamage>(); EnemyDamageScript.takeDamage(damage); } } else { lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, ray.GetPoint(distance)); } }
public void ServerShoot(GameObject shotBy, Vector2 direction, string bulletName, BodyPartType damageZone, bool isSuicideShot) { PlayerMove shooter = shotBy.GetComponent <PlayerMove>(); if (!shooter.allowInput || shooter.isGhost) { return; } Shoot(shotBy, direction, bulletName, damageZone, isSuicideShot); //This is used to determine where bullet shot should head towards on client Ray2D ray = new Ray2D(shotBy.transform.position, direction); ShootMessage.SendToAll(gameObject, ray.GetPoint(30f), bulletName, damageZone, shotBy); if (SpawnsCaseing) { if (casingPrefab == null) { casingPrefab = Resources.Load("BulletCasing") as GameObject; } ItemFactory.SpawnItem(casingPrefab, shotBy.transform.position, shotBy.transform.parent); } }
public void Intersect_OnePointInCircle() { var ray = new Ray2D(); var circle = new Circle2(); foreach (var center in originPoints2) { = center; for (int radius = 1; radius < 22; radius += 10) { circle.radius = radius; for (int rayAngle = 0; rayAngle < 360; rayAngle += 10) { Vector2 down = Vector2.down.RotateCW(rayAngle); ray.origin =; ray.direction = down; Vector2 onCircle = ray.GetPoint(circle.radius); True_IntersectPoint(ray, circle, onCircle); ray.origin = + down * 0.5f; True_IntersectPoint(ray, circle, onCircle); onCircle = circle.GetPoint(rayAngle + 135); float distance = Mathf.Sqrt(2 * circle.radius); ray.origin = onCircle - down * distance * 0.1f; True_IntersectPoint(ray, circle, onCircle); ray.origin = onCircle - down * distance * 0.9f; True_IntersectPoint(ray, circle, onCircle); } } } }
List <Vector2> raycastRecursive(Ray2D ray, bool wallAlreadyHit = false) { List <Vector2> list = new List <Vector2>(); RaycastHit2D hitWall = Physics2D.Raycast(ray.origin, ray.direction, 1080, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer(Common.LAYER_WALL_LINE)); RaycastHit2D hitBall = Physics2D.Raycast(ray.origin, ray.direction, 1080, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer(Common.LAYER_BALL)); if (hitBall.collider != null || ray.direction.Equals( { Vector2 nextPoint = hitBall.point; int dist = wallAlreadyHit ? 175 : 500; if (Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Distance(ray.origin, hitBall.point)) > dist) { nextPoint = ray.GetPoint(dist); } Debug.DrawLine(ray.origin, nextPoint,; list.Add(nextPoint); return(list); } if (hitWall.collider != null) { Debug.DrawLine(ray.origin, hitWall.point,; Vector2 oppositePoint = findOppositePoint(ray.origin, hitWall.point); Vector2 dir = oppositePoint - hitWall.point; list.Add(hitWall.point); //Debug.DrawRay(hitWall.point+dir.normalized,dir*800,; list.AddRange(raycastRecursive(new Ray2D(hitWall.point + dir.normalized, dir), true)); } return(list); }
public void ClosestPoints_TwoPoints() { var ray = new Ray2D(); var circle = new Circle2(); float offset = 1; foreach (var center in originPoints2) { = center; for (int radius = 1; radius < 22; radius += 10) { circle.radius = radius; for (int rayAngle = 0; rayAngle < 360; rayAngle += 10) { Vector2 direction = Vector2.down.RotateCW(rayAngle); ray.origin = - direction * circle.radius; ray.direction = direction; ClosestPoints_TwoPoints(ray, circle, ray.origin); ray.origin = - direction * (circle.radius + offset); ray.direction = direction; ClosestPoints_TwoPoints(ray, circle, ray.GetPoint(offset)); Vector2 expectedA = circle.GetPoint(rayAngle + 45); Vector2 expectedB = circle.GetPoint(rayAngle + 135); direction = (expectedB - expectedA).normalized; ray.origin = expectedA - direction * 0.1f; ray.direction = direction; ClosestPoints_TwoPoints(ray, circle, expectedA); } } } }
private void WhileDrawing() { //This is the obect rotation Vector3 mouseSet = Input.mousePosition; mouseSet.z = zAxis; Vector3 mousePosition = convert.ScreenToWorldPoint(mouseSet); Vector2 dot = mousePosition - drawnObjects[0].ropePieces[0].transform.position; float angle = -Mathf.Atan2(dot.x, dot.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; // Radials to degrees drawnObjects[0].ropePieces[0].transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, angle); // Set the angle that was converted to degrees as Z axis //This is the object scale float dist = Vector2.Distance(mousePosition, mouseStart); drawnObjects[0].ropePieces[0].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().size = new Vector2(drawnObjects[0].ropePieces[0].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().size.x, dist); //This will spawn a new part of the rope if it's reached its limit if (drawnObjects[0].ropePieces[0].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().size.y > limitSizePerPiece) { mouseStart = mousePosition; drawnObjects[0].ropePieces[0].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().size = new Vector2(drawnObjects[0].ropePieces[0].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().size.x, limitSizePerPiece - 0.001f); //still need the right pos help pls! Vector3 dir = mousePosition - drawnObjects[0].ropePieces[0].transform.position; Ray2D cast = new Ray2D(drawnObjects[0].ropePieces[0].transform.position, dir); Vector3 spawnPos = cast.GetPoint(drawnObjects[0].ropePieces[0].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().size.y - offsetMark); spawnPos.z = 0; drawnObjects[0].ropePieces.Insert(0, Instantiate(ropeTexture, spawnPos, transform.rotation, parentToRope)); drawnObjects[0].ropePieces[0].GetComponent <HingeJoint2D>().connectedBody = drawnObjects[0].ropePieces[1].GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); } }
public void CalcularRayo(float radio) { rayo = new Ray2D(origen, puntoRelativoAOrigen.normalized); cantHits = Physics2D.Raycast(origen, puntoRelativoAOrigen, filtroVacio, hits, radio); if (cantHits > 0) { if (hits[0].distance < distancia * .999f) { rayoInterrumpido = true; } else { if (hits[0].distance * .999f < distancia && hits[0].collider == padre) {//choco con vertice clave toqueVerticeClave = true; if (!esHorizonte && padre.OverlapPoint(rayo.GetPoint(hits[0].distance / .999f))) {//vertice clave igual es como un coso grueso y en realidad interrumpe rayoInterrumpido = true; cantHits = 1; } else { if (cantHits > 1) {//choco con algo mas ademas de vertice clave /*hits[0].point = hits[1].point; * hits[0].distance = hits[1].distance; * hits[0].normal = hits[1].normal;*/ hits[0] = hits[1]; } else {//no choco con nada mas que vertice clave hits[0].point = origen + rayo.direction * radio; hits[0].distance = radio; hits[0].normal = -rayo.direction; } } } } } else { //No choco nada? inventale el vertice final if (distancia > radio) { //esta muy lejos, inventale un choque pero con limite luz rayoInterrumpido = true; distancia = radio; distancia2 = distancia * distancia; hits[0].point = origen + rayo.direction * radio; } else { hits[0].point = origen + rayo.direction * radio; } hits[0].distance = radio; hits[0].normal = rayo.direction; cantHits = 1; } puntoHit = hits[0].point; distanciaLejana = hits[0].distance; }
void UpdateInput() { if (!initialized) { Initialize(); } pickupOrThrowPressed = player.GetButtonDown("PickUp/Throw"); throwPressed = player.GetButton("PickUp/Throw"); throwReleased = player.GetButtonUp("PickUp/Throw"); if (playerState == PlayerState.Normal || playerState == PlayerState.Pickup) { float x = speed * player.GetAxis("MoveX") * Time.deltaTime; float y = speed * player.GetAxis("MoveY") * Time.deltaTime; move = new Vector3(x, y); move = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(move, speed * Time.deltaTime); } if (playerState == PlayerState.Pickup && pickupOrThrowPressed) { throwStrength = 0; throwingDirectionIndex = Mathf.FloorToInt(throwingDirections.Length / 2); ChangeState(PlayerState.Throw); } if (playerState == PlayerState.Throw && throwPressed) { if (player.GetAxis("MoveY") < 0) { throwingDirectionIndex = (FacingLeft) ? (int)Mathf.Lerp(throwingDirectionIndex, 0, aimSmooth) : (int)Mathf.Lerp(throwingDirectionIndex, throwingDirections.Length, aimSmooth); } if (player.GetAxis("MoveY") > 0) { throwingDirectionIndex = (FacingLeft) ? (int)Mathf.Lerp(throwingDirectionIndex, throwingDirections.Length, aimSmooth) : (int)Mathf.Lerp(throwingDirectionIndex, 0, aimSmooth); } throwingDirectionIndex = Mathf.Clamp(throwingDirectionIndex, 0, throwingDirections.Length - 1); var throwDir = (FacingLeft) ? -throwingDirections[throwingDirectionIndex] : throwingDirections[throwingDirectionIndex]; var ray = new Ray2D(transform.position, throwDir); Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[] { transform.position, ray.GetPoint(aimLineLength * (throwStrength / throwStrengthMax)) }; lineRenderer.SetPositions(vertices); lineRenderer.enabled = true; } else if (!throwPressed) { lineRenderer.enabled = false; lineRenderer.SetPositions(new Vector3[0]); } }
// 鼠标抬起事件 private void OnMouseUp() { // 检测是否被点击 if (!clicked) { return; } clicked = false; // 关闭点击效果 Circle.SetActive(false); Dot.SetActive(false); Arrow.SetActive(false); //SoundPlayer.GetComponent<AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(Sound2); // 关闭新手引导 Tip2.SetActive(false); // 鱼死后不可触发碰撞事件 if (!FishScript.CollisionEable) { return; } // 鼠标位置 Vector3 mouseWorldPoint = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); loosePoint = mouseWorldPoint; // 鼠标位置-鱼的位置 Vector2 vecLoosePointToFish = loosePoint - Fish.transform.position; // 设置射线 fishToLoosePointRay.origin = Fish.transform.position; fishToLoosePointRay.direction = vecLoosePointToFish; // 不能超过最大出射速度 if (vecLoosePointToFish.magnitude > maxStretch) { loosePoint = fishToLoosePointRay.GetPoint(maxStretch); } // 给鱼添加出射速度 Vector2 v = Fish.transform.position - loosePoint; addVelocityOnFish(v); // 发射时更新鱼的图片 sprender.sprite = FishScript.jumpRenders[4]; // 向右 if (vecLoosePointToFish.x <= 0) { FishSprite.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); } // 向左 else { FishSprite.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 180, 0); } }
public List <Cell> GetConeTargetCells(Cell mouseOverCell = null) { bool canLimitRange = this.abilityValues.GetConvertedValue("canLimitRange", false); Vector3 userPosition = this.user.transform.position; Vector3 targetPosition = new Vector3(); if (canLimitRange) { if (!this.abilityRangeCells.ContainsKey(mouseOverCell)) { return(new List <Cell>()); } targetPosition = mouseOverCell.transform.position; } else { targetPosition = this.GetLimitedRangeCellPosition( userPosition, mouseOverCell.transform.position - userPosition ); } List <Cell> targetCells = new List <Cell>(); float buffer = this.abilityValues.GetConvertedValue("buffer", 0f); float spread = this.abilityValues.GetConvertedValue("spread", 15f); // Prevent cone from being to thin or too wide spread = Mathf.Clamp(spread, 10f, 89f); Vector3 originPosition = userPosition + ((targetPosition - userPosition).normalized * buffer); Vector2 rayDirection = targetPosition - originPosition; float rayDistance = Vector2.Distance(originPosition, targetPosition); float angledRayDistance = rayDistance / Mathf.Cos((90f - spread) * (2 * Mathf.PI / 360) * -1 + Mathf.PI / 2); Vector3 positiveAngledDirection = Quaternion.AngleAxis(spread, Vector3.forward) * rayDirection; Vector3 negativeAngledDirection = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-spread, Vector3.forward) * rayDirection; Ray2D positiveAngledRay = new Ray2D(originPosition, positiveAngledDirection); Ray2D negativeAngledRay = new Ray2D(originPosition, negativeAngledDirection); foreach (Cell abilityRangeCell in this.abilityRangeCells.Keys.ToList()) { if (AbilityCalculations.VectorInsideTriangle( abilityRangeCell.transform.position, originPosition, positiveAngledRay.GetPoint(angledRayDistance), negativeAngledRay.GetPoint(angledRayDistance)) ) { targetCells.Add(abilityRangeCell); } } return(targetCells.Intersect(this.abilityRangeCells.Keys.ToList()).ToList()); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!alive) { return; } CheckArenaBounds(); var p = UpdatePosition(); m_transform.Translate(p); if (laserOnScreen) { Ray2D ray = new Ray2D(m_transform.position + new Vector3(1.5f, 0), direction); m_lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, ray.origin); m_lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, ray.GetPoint(laserLength)); m_lineRenderer.numCapVertices = 90; if (activeLaser != null) { activeLaser.transform.position = m_transform.position; } } if (charging) { chargePower += chargeRate * Time.deltaTime; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && laserReady) { charging = true; StopCoroutine("ChargingSounds"); StartCoroutine("ChargingSounds"); } if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space)) { if (IsFullyCharged) { StopCoroutine("FireLaser"); StartCoroutine("FireLaser"); } else { PopUp(); } chargePower = 0; charging = false; } }
public override void effect() { Vector2 currentLocation = transform.position; Vector2 cursorLocation = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (Input.mousePosition); Ray2D r = new Ray2D (currentLocation, cursorLocation - currentLocation); Vector2 rangedist = r.GetPoint (2); bigBoltObject.GetComponent<BigBoltObject>().damage = damages [level - 1]; Instantiate(bigBoltObject, rangedist, Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward, cursorLocation - currentLocation) ); }
public void Fire() { // if we are already firing, exit and do nothing if (isFiring) { return; } // set isfiring to true, so no other fire commands can be given isFiring = true; // create a ray for the direction we are currently facing // in 2D we use the transform.up to get the players facing direction ray = new Ray2D(mTransform.position, mTransform.up); // set our end point for the ray, using ray.GetPoint and giving it the range // this will fire our ray to the maximum range // we will change this later in the code if we hit a target endPoint = ray.GetPoint(range); // call physics2d.raycast to fire a ray in the facing direction // this will store the first thing it hits within the range // the mask will filter any hits and only store hits with the matching layer hit = Physics2D.Raycast(mTransform.position, mTransform.up, range, mask); // if the raycast hit something on a matching layer, we check here // if the hit has a transform (the thing it hit) then we actually hit something! if (hit.transform != null) // did we hit anything? { // send the thing we hit some damage // note the last parameter "SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver" // this will stop any errors if the thing we are messaging doesn't have a "TakeDamage" method with an integer hit.transform.SendMessage("TakeDamage", damage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); // set a new end point, the exact position the raycast hit the transform endPoint = hit.point; } // set our line renderers start position to this gameobject // note we set position 0 line.SetPosition(0, mTransform.position); // set the end position of the line renderer // note we set position 1 // the endpoint will either be our maximum range if we didn't hit anything or the exact point we hit something line.SetPosition(1, endPoint); // switch the line renderer component on, so we can see the line line.enabled = true; // set a timer using "fireTime" for the isfiring, so we can fire again Invoke("ResetFire", fireTime); // set a timer using "lineVisibleTime" for the line renderer to switch it off // this timer should be set to a shorter time than the firetime! Invoke("ResetLine", lineVisibleTime); }
public override void effect() { Vector2 currentLocation = transform.position; Vector2 cursorLocation = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); Ray2D r = new Ray2D(currentLocation, cursorLocation - currentLocation); Vector2 target = r.GetPoint(ranges[level - 1]); transform.parent.transform.position = target; }
static int GetPoint(IntPtr L) { LuaScriptMgr.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); Ray2D obj = LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject <Ray2D>(L, 1); float arg0 = (float)LuaScriptMgr.GetNumber(L, 2); Vector2 o = obj.GetPoint(arg0); LuaScriptMgr.PushValue(L, o); return(1); }
//FUNCTION FOR SPAWNING ARROW void ArrowSpawn(Ray2D arrowplace, GameObject arrow) //Takes in Ray2D (to determine position of arrow) and a gameobject to spawn a clone of { if (exists == false) //Condtion if "exists" bool is false { arrclone = Instantiate(arrow, arrowplace.GetPoint(0.8F), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; //Creates an arrow next to the player according to the parameters arrclone.transform.parent = player.transform; //Sets the created clone as child of the player, so that it follows around exists = true; //Sets "bool" to true, so that it does not create any more of that object } }
Vector2 CalculateOpponentAttackPosition() { var attackVector = opponent.GetAttackVector(); Ray2D r = new Ray2D(opponentFoot.transform.position, attackVector); float angle = Mathf.Atan(attackVector.x / attackVector.y); float temp = Mathf.Abs(opponent.rigid.position.x - self.rigid.position.x) / Mathf.Cos(angle); return(r.GetPoint(temp)); }
//MOVING THE PROJECTED OBJECT ACCORDING TO THE RAYCAST void UpdateProjectionLocation() { if (hit) //Puts projected image at point where the ray collides with the wall { projclone.transform.position = hit.point; } else { projclone.transform.position = projection.GetPoint(shiftrange); //Sets the projected image where the raycast ends (max distance) } }
public void ClosestPoints_Parallel() { var rayA = new Ray2D(); var rayB = new Ray2D(); float offset = 30; foreach (var origin in originPoints2) { foreach (var direction in directionPoints2) { Vector2 perpendicular = direction.RotateCW90(); rayA.origin = origin; rayA.direction = direction; rayB.direction = direction; rayB.origin = origin + perpendicular - direction * offset; AreEqual_ClosestPoints(rayA, rayB, origin, rayB.GetPoint(offset)); rayB.origin = origin + perpendicular - direction; AreEqual_ClosestPoints(rayA, rayB, origin, rayB.GetPoint(1)); rayB.origin = origin + perpendicular; AreEqual_ClosestPoints(rayA, rayB, origin, rayB.origin); rayB.origin = origin + perpendicular + direction; AreEqual_ClosestPoints(rayA, rayB, rayA.GetPoint(1), rayB.origin); rayB.origin = origin + perpendicular + direction * offset; AreEqual_ClosestPoints(rayA, rayB, rayA.GetPoint(offset), rayB.origin); rayB.direction = -direction; rayB.origin = origin + perpendicular - direction * offset; AreEqual_ClosestPoints(rayA, rayB, rayA.origin, rayB.origin); rayB.origin = origin + perpendicular - direction; AreEqual_ClosestPoints(rayA, rayB, rayA.origin, rayB.origin); rayB.origin = origin + perpendicular; AreEqual_ClosestPoints(rayA, rayB, rayA.origin, rayB.origin); rayB.origin = origin + perpendicular + direction; AreEqual_ClosestPoints(rayA, rayB, rayA.origin, rayB.GetPoint(1), rayB.origin, rayA.GetPoint(1)); rayB.origin = origin + perpendicular + direction * offset; AreEqual_ClosestPoints(rayA, rayB, rayA.origin, rayB.GetPoint(offset), rayB.origin, rayA.GetPoint(offset)); } } }
public void ChargeDash() { _lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, _firePoint.transform.position); Ray2D ray = new Ray2D(_firePoint.transform.position, _firePoint.transform.up); RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(_firePoint.transform.position, _firePoint.transform.up, _aimRayDistance, _environmentLayerMask); if (hit.collider != null) { if (hit.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("Dashable")) { if (!_isDashLocked) { _isDashLocked = true; _animator.SetBool("IsDashLocked", true); _playerAudio.Play("PlayerDashLocked"); _aimArrowPivot.gameObject.SetActive(true); } _lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, hit.point); _lineRenderer.material.color = _activeAimColor; _dashToPoint = hit.point; _aimArrowPivot.position = hit.point; _aimArrowPivot.up = hit.normal; } else { if (_isDashLocked) { _isDashLocked = false; _animator.SetBool("IsDashLocked", false); _animator.SetBool("IsDashLocked", false); _aimArrowPivot.gameObject.SetActive(false); _dashToPoint =; } _lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, hit.point); _lineRenderer.material.color = _disabledAimColor; } } else { if (_isDashLocked) { _isDashLocked = false; _animator.SetBool("IsDashLocked", false); _animator.SetBool("IsDashLocked", false); _aimArrowPivot.gameObject.SetActive(false); _dashToPoint =; } _lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, ray.GetPoint(_aimRayDistance)); _lineRenderer.material.color = _disabledAimColor; } }
public void CmdShootBullet(GameObject weapon, GameObject magazine, Vector2 direction, string bulletName, BodyPartType damageZone, bool isSuicideShot) { if (!playerMove.allowInput || playerMove.isGhost) { return; } //get componants Weapon wepBehavior = weapon.GetComponent <Weapon>(); MagazineBehaviour magBehaviour = magazine.GetComponent <MagazineBehaviour>(); //reduce ammo for shooting magBehaviour.ammoRemains--; //TODO: remove more bullets if burst //get the bullet prefab being shot GameObject bullet = PoolManager.Instance.PoolClientInstantiate(Resources.Load(bulletName) as GameObject, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); float angle = Mathf.Atan2(direction.y, direction.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; //if we have recoil variance add it, and get the new attack angle if (wepBehavior != null && wepBehavior.CurrentRecoilVariance > 0) { direction = GetRecoilOffset(wepBehavior, angle); } BulletBehaviour b = bullet.GetComponent <BulletBehaviour>(); b.isSuicide = isSuicideShot; b.Shoot(direction, angle, gameObject, damageZone); //add additional recoil after shooting for the next round AppendRecoil(wepBehavior, angle); //This is used to determine where bullet shot should head towards on client Ray2D ray = new Ray2D(transform.position, direction); RpcShootBullet(weapon, ray.GetPoint(30f), bulletName, damageZone); if (wepBehavior.SpawnsCaseing) { ItemFactory.SpawnItem(casingPrefab, transform.position, transform.parent); } if (!isFlashing) { isFlashing = true; StartCoroutine(ShowMuzzleFlash()); } }
// Update is called once per frame void FixedUpdate() { /* Teacher's code for reference =================================================== * Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(mPos); || * Vector3 pos = ray.GetPoint (map.position.z - Camera.main.transform.position.z); || * this.transform.position = pos; || * =================================================================================*/ ray = new Ray2D(player.transform.position, this.transform.localPosition); //Debug.DrawRay(player.transform.position, this.transform.localPosition,; GameObject.FindWithTag("NearCur").transform.position = new Vector2(ray.GetPoint(0.15f).x, ray.GetPoint(0.15f).y + 0.05f); if (!player.GetComponent <CharacterMovement>().Run || player.GetComponent <CharacterMovement>().Run&& player.GetComponent <CharInteracts>().Count > 0) { if (this.transform.localPosition.x < 0) { player.flipX = true; } else { player.flipX = false; } } else { player.flipX = (player.GetComponent <CharacterMovement>().Move.x < 0); } }
private IEnumerator FireLaser() { _lineRenderer.enabled = true; while (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl)) { //audio.PlayOneShot(LaserSound); if (!audio.isPlaying) { audio.volume = 0.5f; audio.PlayOneShot(LaserSound); audio.Play(); } Ray2D ray = new Ray2D(transform.position, transform.right * SignDirectionLaser); RaycastHit2D hit; _lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, ray.origin); hit = Physics2D.Raycast(ray.origin, transform.right * SignDirectionLaser, 100, LaserColliders); if (hit) { Debug.DrawLine(, hit.point,; //print("Punto de choque: " + hit.point); _lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, hit.point); var particleSystem = LaserSparkEffect.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); if (!particleSystem.isPlaying) { Instantiate(LaserSparkEffect, hit.point, Quaternion.identity); } if (hit.collider.tag == "Enemy") { hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <IAEnemy>().ApplyDamage(LaserDamage, hit.point - (Vector2)transform.position); } } else { _lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, ray.GetPoint(100)); } yield return(null); } audio.Stop(); _lineRenderer.enabled = false; }
// Fire rays in the direction of movement private void FireRays(ref Vector3 velocity) { Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, velocity.normalized * radius,; // rays need to be the distance we move in the next frame float rayLength = velocity.magnitude + skinWidth; // Used to find point on circle in the direction we are moving // makes it easier to find tangent of circle collider Ray2D travelDirection = new Ray2D(gameObject.transform.position, velocity.normalized); Vector3 pointOnCircle = travelDirection.GetPoint(radius - skinWidth); Debug.DrawLine(gameObject.transform.position, pointOnCircle,; Debug.DrawRay(pointOnCircle, Vector2.Perpendicular(velocity.normalized) * radius,; Debug.DrawRay(pointOnCircle, -Vector2.Perpendicular(velocity.normalized) * radius, Color.magenta); // Fire a ray perpendicular to the direction of movement // We will have our collision detection originate on this ray Ray2D posPerpRay = new Ray2D(pointOnCircle, Vector2.Perpendicular(velocity.normalized)); // need to go in both directions from tangent point, -1 and 1 for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j += 2) { for (int i = j; i < numberOfRays; i++) { if (i < 0) { continue; } Vector2 rayOrigin = pointOnCircle; rayOrigin += j * posPerpRay.direction * (raySpacing * i + Vector2.Dot(posPerpRay.direction, velocity)); RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(rayOrigin, velocity.normalized, rayLength, CollisionMask); Debug.DrawRay(rayOrigin, velocity.normalized * rayLength, Color.cyan); if (hit) { rayLength = hit.distance; velocity = velocity * (rayLength - skinWidth); print(; } } } }
public void Actualizar(float anguloRadianes, Vector2 desde, ContactFilter2D filtro, float radio = 0f, float umbralAngulo = 180f, Vector2 referenciaAngulo = new Vector2()) { anguloRelativo = this.angulo = anguloRadianes; origen = desde; rayo = new Ray2D(origen, new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(anguloRadianes), -Mathf.Sin(anguloRadianes))); distancia = radio * 1.1f; puntoDestino = rayo.GetPoint(distancia); puntoDestinoRelativo = rayo.direction * distancia; distanciaSq = distancia * distancia; if (umbralAngulo < 180f) { anguloRelativo = Vector2.SignedAngle(puntoDestinoRelativo, referenciaAngulo) * Mathf.Deg2Rad; } else { enRangoAngular = true; } CalcularRayo(filtro, radio); }
public IEnumerator InternalSwingSword() { animator.SetTrigger("Attack"); swordDamageDealer.Active = true; Ray2D r = new Ray2D(centerPoint.position, swordDamageDealer.transform.rotation * Vector2.up); var currentTarget = r.GetPoint(this.swingDistance); var newPos = Vector3.MoveTowards(swordDamageDealer.transform.position, currentTarget, swingTime * Time.deltaTime); while (!(Vector3.Distance(newPos, currentTarget) <= 0.01f)) { r = new Ray2D(centerPoint.position, swordDamageDealer.transform.rotation * Vector2.up); currentTarget = r.GetPoint(this.swingDistance); newPos = Vector3.MoveTowards(swordDamageDealer.transform.position, currentTarget, swingTime * Time.deltaTime); swordDamageDealer.transform.position = newPos; yield return(null); } swordDamageDealer.transform.position = centerPoint.transform.position; swordDamageDealer.Active = false; }
// Minkowski sum surrounding triangle with spheres public bool SphereCollides(Vector3 c, float radius) { Vector2 center = new Vector2(c.x, c.y); // Only need to test one edge because we know that it is the only edge exposed. // Uncomment these for the other two edges (but you also need to calculate the 2 other normals) /*float btld = 0; * while (btld <= btlmax) { * Vector2 btlpoint = basetoleft.GetPoint (btld); * if ((center - btlpoint).magnitude < radius) { * return true; * } * btld += radius; * } * * float btrd = 0; * while (btrd <= btrmax) { * Vector2 btrpoint = basetoright.GetPoint (btrd); * if ((center - btrpoint).magnitude < radius) { * return true; * } * btrd += radius; * }*/ // Outer edge float ltrd = 0; while (ltrd <= ltrmax) { Vector2 ltrpoint = lefttoright.GetPoint(ltrd); if ((center - ltrpoint).magnitude < radius) { return(true); } ltrd += radius; } // Didn't hit any spheres return(false); }
// TODO Only if hits ground void HandleCollisions(RaycastHit2D[] hits, LineRenderer line, Ray2D ray) { line.SetPosition(0, ray.origin); for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; ++i) { if (LayerMask.LayerToName(hits[i].collider.gameObject.layer) == "Ground") { line.SetPosition(1, hits[i].point); break; } else if (LayerMask.LayerToName(hits[i].collider.gameObject.layer) == "Player" && !isWarning) { playerHP.TakeDamage(); } else { line.SetPosition(1, ray.GetPoint(20000)); } } }
float PredictedTargetDirectionAngle(Vector3 targetPosition, Vector3 aimDirection) { Vector3 intersection; LineLineIntersection(out intersection, transform.position, aimDirection, targetPosition, aim90DegreesTurned); Debug.DrawRay(intersection, aim90DegreesTurned,, Time.deltaTime); float intersectionTargetDistanceSqrd = (intersection - targetPosition).sqrMagnitude; float distanceFromIntersection = Mathf.Sqrt(minStrikerCoinDistance * minStrikerCoinDistance - intersectionTargetDistanceSqrd); Ray2D ray = new Ray2D(intersection, (transform.position - intersection).normalized); predictedStrikerPositionWhenHit = ray.GetPoint(distanceFromIntersection); Debug.DrawLine(predictedStrikerPositionWhenHit, targetPosition,, Time.deltaTime); Vector2 predictedDirection = targetPosition - predictedStrikerPositionWhenHit; return((Mathf.Atan2(predictedDirection.y, predictedDirection.x)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg); }
void HandleCollisions(RaycastHit2D[] hits, LineRenderer line, Ray2D ray) { line.SetPosition(0, ray.origin); if (warning) { line.startWidth = 1; line.endWidth = 1; // line.SetWidth(1, 1); } else { // line.SetWidth(5, 5); line.startWidth = 5; line.endWidth = 5; } if (stopLaser) { line.SetPosition(1, ray.origin); return; } for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; ++i) { if (LayerMask.LayerToName(hits[i].collider.gameObject.layer) == "Ground") { line.SetPosition(1, hits[i].point); break; } else if (LayerMask.LayerToName(hits[i].collider.gameObject.layer) == "Player" && !warning) { playerHP.TakeDamage(); } else { line.SetPosition(1, ray.GetPoint(20000)); } } }