public async Task EllipseRadialGradient () { var canvas = Platforms.Current.CreateImageCanvas (new Size (100)); var rect = new Rect (0, 10, 100, 80); var brush = new RadialGradientBrush ( new Point (0.5, 0.5), new Size (0.5, 0.125), Colors.Green, Colors.LightGray); canvas.DrawEllipse (rect, brush: brush); await SaveImage (canvas, "Brush.EllipseRadialGradient.png"); }
public GradientWrapMode GetGradientWrap(RadialGradientBrush widget) { return ((swm.RadialGradientBrush)widget.ControlObject).SpreadMethod.ToEto(); }
public void SetTransform(RadialGradientBrush widget, IMatrix transform) { ((swm.RadialGradientBrush)widget.ControlObject).Transform = transform.ToWpfTransform(); }
public IMatrix GetTransform(RadialGradientBrush widget) { return ((swm.RadialGradientBrush)widget.ControlObject).Transform.ToEtoMatrix(); }
public void SetGradientWrap(RadialGradientBrush widget, GradientWrapMode gradientWrap) { var brush = (RadialBrushData)widget.ControlObject; brush.WrapMode = gradientWrap; brush.Reset(); }
public string ToImageString(RadialGradientBrush brush) { return(ToRadialGradientString(brush)); }
protected override void OnCreateDeviceResources(WindowRenderTarget renderTarget) { base.OnCreateDeviceResources(renderTarget); // Create an array of gradient stops to put in the gradient stop // collection that will be used in the gradient brush. GradientStop[] stops = new GradientStop[] { new GradientStop(0, Color.FromARGB(Colors.Gold, 1)), new GradientStop(0.85f, Color.FromARGB(Colors.Orange, 1)), new GradientStop(1, Color.FromARGB(Colors.OrangeRed, 1)) }; using (GradientStopCollection gradiendStops = renderTarget.CreateGradientStopCollection(stops, Gamma.Gamma22, ExtendMode.Clamp)) { // The center of the gradient is in the center of the box. // The gradient origin offset was set to zero(0, 0) or center in this case. this._radialGradientBrush = renderTarget.CreateRadialGradientBrush( new RadialGradientBrushProperties( new PointF(330, 330), new PointF(140, 140), 140, 140), BrushProperties.Default, gradiendStops); } this._sceneBrush = renderTarget.CreateSolidColorBrush(Color.FromARGB(Colors.Black, 1)); this._gridPatternBrush = renderTarget.CreateGridPatternBrush(new SizeF(10, 10), Color.FromARGB(1, 0.93f, 0.94f, 0.96f)); }
protected override void OnCreateDeviceResources(WindowRenderTarget renderTarget) { base.OnCreateDeviceResources(renderTarget); this._blackBrush = renderTarget.CreateSolidColorBrush(Color.FromARGB(Colors.Black, 1)); this._yellowGreenBrush = renderTarget.CreateSolidColorBrush(Color.FromARGB(0x9ACD32, 1)); GradientStop[] stops = new GradientStop[] { new GradientStop(0, Color.FromARGB(Colors.Yellow, 1)), new GradientStop(1, Color.FromARGB(Colors.ForestGreen, 1)) }; using (GradientStopCollection collection = renderTarget.CreateGradientStopCollection(stops, Gamma.Gamma22, ExtendMode.Clamp)) { this._linearGradientBrush = renderTarget.CreateLinearGradientBrush( new LinearGradientBrushProperties(new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(150, 150)), BrushProperties.Default, collection); this._radialGradientBrush = renderTarget.CreateRadialGradientBrush( new RadialGradientBrushProperties(new PointF(75, 75), new PointF(0, 0), 75, 75), BrushProperties.Default, collection); } using (Bitmap bitmap = RenderTarget.CreateBitmap(this.GetType(), "fern.jpg")) { this._bitmapBrush = renderTarget.CreateBitmapBrush(bitmap, new BitmapBrushProperties(ExtendMode.Wrap, ExtendMode.Wrap, BitmapInterpolationMode.Linear), BrushProperties.Default); } this._gridPatternBrush = renderTarget.CreateGridPatternBrush(new SizeF(10, 10), Color.FromARGB(1, 0.93f, 0.94f, 0.96f)); }
private static Brush CreateBrush(string solidBrushColor, XElement xComplexBrush) { if (solidBrushColor != null) { return(new SolidColorBrush((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(solidBrushColor))); } else if (xComplexBrush != null) { var nfi = new NumberFormatInfo(); nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."; GradientBrush gBrush = null; if (String.CompareOrdinal(xComplexBrush.Name.LocalName, "LinearGradientBrush") == 0) { var lBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(); if (xComplexBrush.Attribute("StartPoint") != null) { var props = xComplexBrush.Attribute("StartPoint").Value.Split(',', ' '); lBrush.StartPoint = new Point(Double.Parse(props[0], nfi), Double.Parse(props[1], nfi)); } if (xComplexBrush.Attribute("EndPoint") != null) { var props = xComplexBrush.Attribute("EndPoint").Value.Split(',', ' '); lBrush.EndPoint = new Point(Double.Parse(props[0], nfi), Double.Parse(props[1], nfi)); } gBrush = lBrush; } else if (String.CompareOrdinal(xComplexBrush.Name.LocalName, "RadialGradientBrush") == 0) { var rBrush = new RadialGradientBrush(); if (xComplexBrush.Attribute("Center") != null) { var props = xComplexBrush.Attribute("Center").Value.Split(',', ' '); rBrush.Center = new Point(Double.Parse(props[0], nfi), Double.Parse(props[1], nfi)); } if (xComplexBrush.Attribute("GradientOrigin") != null) { var props = xComplexBrush.Attribute("GradientOrigin").Value.Split(',', ' '); rBrush.GradientOrigin = new Point(Double.Parse(props[0], nfi), Double.Parse(props[1], nfi)); } if (xComplexBrush.Attribute("RadiusX") != null) { rBrush.RadiusX = Double.Parse(xComplexBrush.Attribute("RadiusX").Value, nfi); } if (xComplexBrush.Attribute("RadiusY") != null) { rBrush.RadiusY = Double.Parse(xComplexBrush.Attribute("RadiusY").Value, nfi); } gBrush = rBrush; } else { throw new Exception("Unknwon complex brush type: " + xComplexBrush.Name.LocalName); } if (gBrush != null) { var xStops = from s in xComplexBrush.Elements("GradientStop") select new { Offset = (string)s.Attributes("Offset").FirstOrDefault(), Color = (string)s.Attributes("Color").FirstOrDefault() }; foreach (var s in xStops) { var stop = new GradientStop(); if (s.Offset != null) { stop.Offset = Double.Parse(s.Offset, nfi); } if (s.Color != null) { stop.Color = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(s.Color); } gBrush.GradientStops.Add(stop); } return(gBrush); } } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// 将点加入到动画故事版 /// </summary> /// <param name="runPoint">运动的点</param> /// <param name="toEll">达到城市的圆</param> /// <param name="sb">故事版</param> /// <param name="particlePath">运动轨迹</param> /// <param name="l">运动轨迹的直线距离</param> /// <param name="from">来自</param> /// <param name="toItem">去</param> private void AddPointToStoryboard(Grid runPoint, Ellipse toEll, Storyboard sb, Path particlePath, double l, ProvincialCapital from, MapToItem toItem) { double pointTime = l / m_Speed; //点运动所需的时间 double particleTime = pointTime / 2; //轨迹呈现所需时间(跑的比点快两倍) #region 运动的点 TransformGroup tfg = new TransformGroup(); MatrixTransform mtf = new MatrixTransform(); tfg.Children.Add(mtf); TranslateTransform ttf = new TranslateTransform(-runPoint.Width / 2, -runPoint.Height / 2);//纠正最上角沿path运动到中心沿path运动 tfg.Children.Add(ttf); runPoint.RenderTransform = tfg; MatrixAnimationUsingPath maup = new MatrixAnimationUsingPath(); maup.PathGeometry = particlePath.Data.GetFlattenedPathGeometry(); maup.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(pointTime)); maup.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; maup.AutoReverse = false; maup.IsOffsetCumulative = false; maup.DoesRotateWithTangent = true; Storyboard.SetTarget(maup, runPoint); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(maup, new PropertyPath("(Grid.RenderTransform).Children[0].(MatrixTransform.Matrix)")); sb.Children.Add(maup); #endregion #region 达到城市的圆 //轨迹到达圆时 圆呈现 DoubleAnimation ellda = new DoubleAnimation(); ellda.From = 0.2;//此处值设置0-1会有不同的呈现效果 ellda.To = 1; ellda.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(particleTime)); ellda.BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(particleTime);//推迟动画开始时间 等轨迹连接到圆时 开始播放圆的呈现动画 ellda.FillBehavior = FillBehavior.HoldEnd; Storyboard.SetTarget(ellda, toEll); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(ellda, new PropertyPath(Ellipse.OpacityProperty)); sb.Children.Add(ellda); //圆呈放射状 RadialGradientBrush rgBrush = new RadialGradientBrush(); GradientStop gStop0 = new GradientStop(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0), 0); //此为控制点 color的a值设为0 off值走0-1 透明部分向外放射 初始设为255是为了初始化效果 开始不呈放射状 等跑动的点运动到城市的圆后 color的a值才设为0开始呈现放射动画 GradientStop gStopT = new GradientStop(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0), 0); GradientStop gStop1 = new GradientStop(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0), 1); rgBrush.GradientStops.Add(gStop0); rgBrush.GradientStops.Add(gStopT); rgBrush.GradientStops.Add(gStop1); toEll.OpacityMask = rgBrush; //跑动的点达到城市的圆时 控制点由不透明变为透明 color的a值设为0 动画时间为0 ColorAnimation ca = new ColorAnimation(); ca.To = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0); ca.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0)); ca.BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(pointTime); ca.FillBehavior = FillBehavior.HoldEnd; Storyboard.SetTarget(ca, toEll); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(ca, new PropertyPath("(Ellipse.OpacityMask).(GradientBrush.GradientStops)[1].(GradientStop.Color)")); sb.Children.Add(ca); //点达到城市的圆时 呈现放射状动画 控制点的off值走0-1 透明部分向外放射 DoubleAnimation eda = new DoubleAnimation(); eda.To = 1; eda.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); eda.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; eda.BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(particleTime); Storyboard.SetTarget(eda, toEll); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(eda, new PropertyPath("(Ellipse.OpacityMask).(GradientBrush.GradientStops)[1].(GradientStop.Offset)")); sb.Children.Add(eda); #endregion #region 运动轨迹 //找到渐变的起点和终点 Point startPoint = GetProvincialCapitalPoint(from); Point endPoint = GetProvincialCapitalPoint(toItem.To); Point start = new Point(0, 0); Point end = new Point(1, 1); if (startPoint.X > endPoint.X) { start.X = 1; end.X = 0; } if (startPoint.Y > endPoint.Y) { start.Y = 1; end.Y = 0; } LinearGradientBrush lgBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(); lgBrush.StartPoint = start; lgBrush.EndPoint = end; GradientStop lgStop0 = new GradientStop(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0), 0); GradientStop lgStop1 = new GradientStop(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0), 0); lgBrush.GradientStops.Add(lgStop0); lgBrush.GradientStops.Add(lgStop1); particlePath.OpacityMask = lgBrush; //运动轨迹呈现 DoubleAnimation pda0 = new DoubleAnimation(); pda0.To = 1; pda0.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(particleTime)); pda0.FillBehavior = FillBehavior.HoldEnd; Storyboard.SetTarget(pda0, particlePath); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(pda0, new PropertyPath("(Path.OpacityMask).(GradientBrush.GradientStops)[0].(GradientStop.Offset)")); sb.Children.Add(pda0); DoubleAnimation pda1 = new DoubleAnimation(); //pda1.From = 0.5; //此处解开注释 值设为0-1 会有不同的轨迹呈现效果 pda1.To = 1; pda1.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(particleTime)); pda1.FillBehavior = FillBehavior.HoldEnd; Storyboard.SetTarget(pda1, particlePath); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(pda1, new PropertyPath("(Path.OpacityMask).(GradientBrush.GradientStops)[1].(GradientStop.Offset)")); sb.Children.Add(pda1); #endregion }
public static void VCell(Vec location) { Vec index = chunkpos + location; Color cellcolor = BColors.BCList[Globe.GetChunk(index).BiomeID]; Point cellcenter = new Point(Globe.GetChunk(index).BiomeCenter[0], Globe.GetChunk(index).BiomeCenter[1]); Biomes[(int)location[0] + 1, (int)location[1] + 1] = Globe.GetChunk(index).BiomeID; RadialGradientBrush cellbrush = new RadialGradientBrush() { GradientOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5), Center = new Point(0.5, 0.5), RadiusX = 0.5, RadiusY = 0.5 }; cellbrush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(cellcolor, 0.0)); cellbrush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Color.Multiply(cellcolor, (float)0.75), 1.0)); cellbrush.Freeze(); Polygon cell = new Polygon() { Fill = cellbrush }; Cells[(int)location[0] + 1, (int)location[1] + 1] = cell; // voronoi from triangulation algorithm Vec[] t = new Vec[4]; Vec p; Vec q; q = new Vec() { -1, 0 }; p = Globe.GetChunk(index + q).BiomeCenter; t[0] = (Vec)(new Polar(p[0], p[1] / 64)) + origin + (q * 200) + (location * 200); q = new Vec() { -1, -1 }; p = Globe.GetChunk(index + q).BiomeCenter; t[1] = (Vec)(new Polar(p[0], p[1] / 64)) + origin + (q * 200) + (location * 200); q = new Vec() { 0, -1 }; p = Globe.GetChunk(index + q).BiomeCenter; t[2] = (Vec)(new Polar(p[0], p[1] / 64)) + origin + (q * 200) + (location * 200); q = new Vec() { 0, 0 }; p = Globe.GetChunk(index + q).BiomeCenter; t[3] = (Vec)(new Polar(p[0], p[1] / 64)) + origin + (q * 200) + (location * 200); if (!Consts.IsInCirc(t)) { Vec v1 = Consts.Center(t[0], t[1], t[3]); Vec v2 = Consts.Center(t[1], t[2], t[3]); Point p1 = new Point(v1[0], v1[1]); Point p2 = new Point(v2[0], v2[1]); cell.Points.Add(p1); cell.Points.Add(p2); } else { Vec v1 = Consts.Center(t[0], t[2], t[3]); Point p1 = new Point(v1[0], v1[1]); cell.Points.Add(p1); } q = new Vec() { 0, -1 }; p = Globe.GetChunk(index + q).BiomeCenter; t[0] = (Vec)(new Polar(p[0], p[1] / 64)) + origin + (q * 200) + (location * 200); q = new Vec() { 1, -1 }; p = Globe.GetChunk(index + q).BiomeCenter; t[1] = (Vec)(new Polar(p[0], p[1] / 64)) + origin + (q * 200) + (location * 200); q = new Vec() { 1, 0 }; p = Globe.GetChunk(index + q).BiomeCenter; t[2] = (Vec)(new Polar(p[0], p[1] / 64)) + origin + (q * 200) + (location * 200); q = new Vec() { 0, 0 }; p = Globe.GetChunk(index + q).BiomeCenter; t[3] = (Vec)(new Polar(p[0], p[1] / 64)) + origin + (q * 200) + (location * 200); if (!Consts.IsInCirc(t)) { Vec v1 = Consts.Center(t[0], t[1], t[3]); Vec v2 = Consts.Center(t[1], t[2], t[3]); Point p1 = new Point(v1[0], v1[1]); Point p2 = new Point(v2[0], v2[1]); cell.Points.Add(p1); cell.Points.Add(p2); } else { Vec v1 = Consts.Center(t[0], t[2], t[3]); Point p1 = new Point(v1[0], v1[1]); cell.Points.Add(p1); } q = new Vec() { 1, 0 }; p = Globe.GetChunk(index + q).BiomeCenter; t[0] = (Vec)(new Polar(p[0], p[1] / 64)) + origin + (q * 200) + (location * 200); q = new Vec() { 1, 1 }; p = Globe.GetChunk(index + q).BiomeCenter; t[1] = (Vec)(new Polar(p[0], p[1] / 64)) + origin + (q * 200) + (location * 200); q = new Vec() { 0, 1 }; p = Globe.GetChunk(index + q).BiomeCenter; t[2] = (Vec)(new Polar(p[0], p[1] / 64)) + origin + (q * 200) + (location * 200); q = new Vec() { 0, 0 }; p = Globe.GetChunk(index + q).BiomeCenter; t[3] = (Vec)(new Polar(p[0], p[1] / 64)) + origin + (q * 200) + (location * 200); if (!Consts.IsInCirc(t)) { Vec v1 = Consts.Center(t[0], t[1], t[3]); Vec v2 = Consts.Center(t[1], t[2], t[3]); Point p1 = new Point(v1[0], v1[1]); Point p2 = new Point(v2[0], v2[1]); cell.Points.Add(p1); cell.Points.Add(p2); } else { Vec v1 = Consts.Center(t[0], t[2], t[3]); Point p1 = new Point(v1[0], v1[1]); cell.Points.Add(p1); } q = new Vec() { 0, 1 }; p = Globe.GetChunk(index + q).BiomeCenter; t[0] = (Vec)(new Polar(p[0], p[1] / 64)) + origin + (q * 200) + (location * 200); q = new Vec() { -1, 1 }; p = Globe.GetChunk(index + q).BiomeCenter; t[1] = (Vec)(new Polar(p[0], p[1] / 64)) + origin + (q * 200) + (location * 200); q = new Vec() { -1, 0 }; p = Globe.GetChunk(index + q).BiomeCenter; t[2] = (Vec)(new Polar(p[0], p[1] / 64)) + origin + (q * 200) + (location * 200); q = new Vec() { 0, 0 }; p = Globe.GetChunk(index + q).BiomeCenter; t[3] = (Vec)(new Polar(p[0], p[1] / 64)) + origin + (q * 200) + (location * 200); if (!Consts.IsInCirc(t)) { Vec v1 = Consts.Center(t[0], t[1], t[3]); Vec v2 = Consts.Center(t[1], t[2], t[3]); Point p1 = new Point(v1[0], v1[1]); Point p2 = new Point(v2[0], v2[1]); cell.Points.Add(p1); cell.Points.Add(p2); } else { Vec v1 = Consts.Center(t[0], t[2], t[3]); Point p1 = new Point(v1[0], v1[1]); cell.Points.Add(p1); } Cells[(int)location[0] + 1, (int)location[1] + 1] = cell;; Bases.Draw(index, location); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Theme" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="themeName">Name of the theme</param> public Theme(string themeName) { this.Name = themeName; string filePath = Path.Combine("Themes", themeName + ".cattheme"); XmlDocument configFile = new XmlDocument(); configFile.Load(filePath); if (configFile.DocumentElement.Name == "CATTheme") { XmlNode catThemeNode = configFile.DocumentElement; if (catThemeNode.ChildNodes.Count > 0) { foreach (XmlNode n in catThemeNode.ChildNodes) { switch (n.Name) { case "ButtonBorderThickness": { string valueString = string.Empty; if (n.Attributes["Value"] != null) { valueString = n.Attributes["Value"].InnerText.Trim(); } uint valueInt; if (uint.TryParse(valueString, out valueInt)) { this.ButtonBorderThickness = valueInt; } } break; case "ButtonPadding": { string valueString = string.Empty; if (n.Attributes["Value"] != null) { valueString = n.Attributes["Value"].InnerText.Trim(); } uint valueInt; if (uint.TryParse(valueString, out valueInt)) { this.ButtonPadding = valueInt; } } break; case "ButtonCornerRadius": { string valueString = string.Empty; if (n.Attributes["Value"] != null) { valueString = n.Attributes["Value"].InnerText.Trim(); } uint valueInt; if (uint.TryParse(valueString, out valueInt)) { this.ButtonCornerRadius = valueInt; } } break; case "ButtonBorderThickness2": { string valueString = string.Empty; if (n.Attributes["Value"] != null) { valueString = n.Attributes["Value"].InnerText.Trim(); } uint valueInt; if (uint.TryParse(valueString, out valueInt)) { this.ButtonBorderThickness2 = valueInt; } } break; case "ButtonPadding2": { string valueString = string.Empty; if (n.Attributes["Value"] != null) { valueString = n.Attributes["Value"].InnerText.Trim(); } uint valueInt; if (uint.TryParse(valueString, out valueInt)) { this.ButtonPadding2 = valueInt; } } break; case "ButtonCornerRadius2": { string valueString = string.Empty; if (n.Attributes["Value"] != null) { valueString = n.Attributes["Value"].InnerText.Trim(); } uint valueInt; if (uint.TryParse(valueString, out valueInt)) { this.ButtonCornerRadius2 = valueInt; } } break; case "ToggleButtonBorderThickness": { string valueString = string.Empty; if (n.Attributes["Value"] != null) { valueString = n.Attributes["Value"].InnerText.Trim(); } uint valueInt; if (uint.TryParse(valueString, out valueInt)) { this.ToggleButtonBorderThickness = valueInt; } } break; case "ToggleButtonPadding": { string valueString = string.Empty; if (n.Attributes["Value"] != null) { valueString = n.Attributes["Value"].InnerText.Trim(); } uint valueInt; if (uint.TryParse(valueString, out valueInt)) { this.ToggleButtonPadding = valueInt; } } break; case "ToggleButtonCornerRadius": { string valueString = string.Empty; if (n.Attributes["Value"] != null) { valueString = n.Attributes["Value"].InnerText.Trim(); } uint valueInt; if (uint.TryParse(valueString, out valueInt)) { this.ToggleButtonCornerRadius = valueInt; } } break; default: { string valueString = "White"; if (n.Attributes["Value"] != null) { valueString = n.Attributes["Value"].InnerText.Trim(); } string brushType = string.Empty; if (n.Attributes["Type"] != null) { brushType = n.Attributes["Type"].InnerText.Trim(); } string valueString2 = "White"; if (n.Attributes["Value2"] != null) { valueString2 = n.Attributes["Value2"].InnerText.Trim(); } string gradientAngleString = "0"; if (n.Attributes["Angle"] != null) { gradientAngleString = n.Attributes["Angle"].InnerText.Trim(); } string gradientStartString = "0,0"; if (n.Attributes["GradientStart"] != null) { gradientStartString = n.Attributes["GradientStart"].InnerText.Trim(); } string gradientEndString = "0,0"; if (n.Attributes["GradientEnd"] != null) { gradientEndString = n.Attributes["GradientEnd"].InnerText.Trim(); } double gradientAngle = 0; Point gradientStart = new Point(0, 0); Point gradientEnd = new Point(0, 0); double.TryParse(gradientAngleString, out gradientAngle); try { gradientStart = Point.Parse(gradientStartString); } catch (Exception) { } try { gradientEnd = Point.Parse(gradientEndString); } catch (Exception) { } Color brushColor; try { brushColor = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(valueString); } catch (Exception) { brushColor = Colors.Black; } Color brushColor2; try { brushColor2 = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(valueString2); } catch (Exception) { brushColor2 = brushColor; } Brush brush; if (brushType == "LinearGradient") { if (gradientStart == gradientEnd) { brush = new LinearGradientBrush(brushColor, brushColor2, gradientAngle); } else { brush = new LinearGradientBrush(brushColor, brushColor2, gradientStart, gradientEnd); } } else if (brushType == "RadialGradient") { brush = new RadialGradientBrush(brushColor, brushColor2); } else { // Default to brushType == "Solid" brush = new SolidColorBrush(brushColor); } switch (n.Name) { case "Foreground1": this.Foreground1 = brush; break; case "Foreground2": this.Foreground2 = brush; break; case "Foreground3": this.Foreground3 = brush; break; case "Foreground4": this.Foreground4 = brush; break; case "Background1": this.Background1 = brush; break; case "Background2": this.Background2 = brush; break; case "Background3": this.Background3 = brush; break; case "Background4": this.Background4 = brush; break; case "ButtonForeground": this.ButtonForeground = brush; break; case "ButtonForegroundDisabled": this.ButtonForegroundDisabled = brush; break; case "ButtonForegroundPressed": this.ButtonForegroundPressed = brush; break; case "ButtonForegroundMouseOver": this.ButtonForegroundMouseOver = brush; break; case "ButtonBackground": this.ButtonBackground = brush; break; case "ButtonBackgroundDisabled": this.ButtonBackgroundDisabled = brush; break; case "ButtonBackgroundPressed": this.ButtonBackgroundPressed = brush; break; case "ButtonBackgroundMouseOver": this.ButtonBackgroundMouseOver = brush; break; case "ButtonForeground2": this.ButtonForeground2 = brush; break; case "ButtonForegroundDisabled2": this.ButtonForegroundDisabled2 = brush; break; case "ButtonForegroundPressed2": this.ButtonForegroundPressed2 = brush; break; case "ButtonForegroundMouseOver2": this.ButtonForegroundMouseOver2 = brush; break; case "ButtonBackground2": this.ButtonBackground2 = brush; break; case "ButtonBackgroundDisabled2": this.ButtonBackgroundDisabled2 = brush; break; case "ButtonBackgroundPressed2": this.ButtonBackgroundPressed2 = brush; break; case "ButtonBackgroundMouseOver2": this.ButtonBackgroundMouseOver2 = brush; break; case "ToggleButtonForeground": this.ToggleButtonForeground = brush; break; case "ToggleButtonForegroundDisabled": this.ToggleButtonForegroundDisabled = brush; break; case "ToggleButtonForegroundPressed": this.ToggleButtonForegroundPressed = brush; break; case "ToggleButtonForegroundMouseOver": this.ToggleButtonForegroundMouseOver = brush; break; case "ToggleButtonForegroundChecked": this.ToggleButtonForegroundChecked = brush; break; case "ToggleButtonBackground": this.ToggleButtonBackground = brush; break; case "ToggleButtonBackgroundDisabled": this.ToggleButtonBackgroundDisabled = brush; break; case "ToggleButtonBackgroundPressed": this.ToggleButtonBackgroundPressed = brush; break; case "ToggleButtonBackgroundMouseOver": this.ToggleButtonBackgroundMouseOver = brush; break; case "ToggleButtonBackgroundChecked": this.ToggleButtonBackgroundChecked = brush; break; case "ComboBoxForeground": this.ComboBoxForeground = brush; break; case "ComboBoxForegroundDisabled": this.ComboBoxForegroundDisabled = brush; break; case "ComboBoxForegroundMouseOver": this.ComboBoxForegroundMouseOver = brush; break; case "ComboBoxForegroundPressed": this.ComboBoxForegroundPressed = brush; break; case "ComboBoxBackground": this.ComboBoxBackground = brush; break; case "ComboBoxBackgroundDisabled": this.ComboBoxBackgroundDisabled = brush; break; case "ComboBoxBackgroundMouseOver": this.ComboBoxBackgroundMouseOver = brush; break; case "ComboBoxBackgroundPressed": this.ComboBoxBackgroundPressed = brush; break; case "TextBoxForeground": this.TextBoxForeground = brush; break; case "TextBoxBackground": this.TextBoxBackground = brush; break; case "ComboBoxItemForeground": this.ComboBoxItemForeground = brush; break; case "ComboBoxItemBackground": this.ComboBoxItemBackground = brush; break; case "TabControlForeground": this.TabControlForeground = brush; break; case "TabControlBackground": this.TabControlBackground = brush; break; case "TabControlBorderColor": this.TabControlBorderColor = brush; break; case "TabItemForeground": this.TabItemForeground = brush; break; case "TabItemBackground": this.TabItemBackground = brush; break; case "TabItemBorderColor": this.TabItemBorderColor = brush; break; case "TabItemForegroundDeselected": this.TabItemForegroundDeselected = brush; break; case "TabItemBackgroundDeselected": this.TabItemBackgroundDeselected = brush; break; case "TabItemBorderColorDeselected": this.TabItemBorderColorDeselected = brush; break; default: break; } } break; } } } } }
private static readonly MainWindow MainWindow = (MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow; // Cсылка на главное окно public static void ShowNewAchieveWindow(string name, string achieve) // Показываем окно новой ачивки { var window = new Windows.NewAchieve(); switch (achieve) // В зависимости от названия ачивки вибираем сообщение, картинку и кисть { case "A10matchespalyed": window.AchieveName.Content = "\"10 games played\""; window.AchieveImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/OneHundredAndEighty;component/Images/Achieves/10MatchesPlayed.png", UriKind.Relative)); window.AchieveLight.Fill = Brush(achieve); break; case "A100MatchesPalyed": window.AchieveName.Content = "\"100 games played\""; window.AchieveImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/OneHundredAndEighty;component/Images/Achieves/100MatchesPlayed.png", UriKind.Relative)); window.AchieveLight.Fill = Brush(achieve); break; case "A1000MatchesPalyed": window.AchieveName.Content = "\"1000 games played\""; window.AchieveImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/OneHundredAndEighty;component/Images/Achieves/1000MatchesPlayed.png", UriKind.Relative)); window.AchieveLight.Fill = Brush(achieve); break; case "A10MatchesWon": window.AchieveName.Content = "\"10 matches won\""; window.AchieveImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/OneHundredAndEighty;component/Images/Achieves/10MatchesWon.png", UriKind.Relative)); window.AchieveLight.Fill = Brush(achieve); break; case "A100MatchesWon": window.AchieveName.Content = "\"100 matches won\""; window.AchieveImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/OneHundredAndEighty;component/Images/Achieves/100MatchesWon.png", UriKind.Relative)); window.AchieveLight.Fill = Brush(achieve); break; case "A1000MatchesWon": window.AchieveName.Content = "\"1000 matches won\""; window.AchieveImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/OneHundredAndEighty;component/Images/Achieves/1000MatchesWon.png", UriKind.Relative)); window.AchieveLight.Fill = Brush(achieve); break; case "A1000Throws": window.AchieveName.Content = "\"1000 throws made\""; window.AchieveImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/OneHundredAndEighty;component/Images/Achieves/1000Throws.png", UriKind.Relative)); window.AchieveLight.Fill = Brush(achieve); break; case "A10000Throws": window.AchieveName.Content = "\"10000 throws made\""; window.AchieveImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/OneHundredAndEighty;component/Images/Achieves/10000Throws.png", UriKind.Relative)); window.AchieveLight.Fill = Brush(achieve); break; case "A100000Throws": window.AchieveName.Content = "\"100000 throws made\""; window.AchieveImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/OneHundredAndEighty;component/Images/Achieves/100000Throws.png", UriKind.Relative)); window.AchieveLight.Fill = Brush(achieve); break; case "A10000Points": window.AchieveName.Content = "\"10000 points collected\""; window.AchieveImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/OneHundredAndEighty;component/Images/Achieves/10000Points.png", UriKind.Relative)); window.AchieveLight.Fill = Brush(achieve); break; case "A100000Points": window.AchieveName.Content = "\"100000 points collected\""; window.AchieveImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/OneHundredAndEighty;component/Images/Achieves/100000Points.png", UriKind.Relative)); window.AchieveLight.Fill = Brush(achieve); break; case "A1000000Points": window.AchieveName.Content = "\"1000000 points collected\""; window.AchieveImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/OneHundredAndEighty;component/Images/Achieves/1000000Points.png", UriKind.Relative)); window.AchieveLight.Fill = Brush(achieve); break; case "A180x10": window.AchieveName.Content = "\"10x180 hand committed\""; window.AchieveImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/OneHundredAndEighty;component/Images/Achieves/180x10.png", UriKind.Relative)); window.AchieveLight.Fill = Brush(achieve); break; case "A180x100": window.AchieveName.Content = "\"100x180 hand committed\""; window.AchieveImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/OneHundredAndEighty;component/Images/Achieves/180x100.png", UriKind.Relative)); window.AchieveLight.Fill = Brush(achieve); break; case "A180x1000": window.AchieveName.Content = "\"1000x180 hand committed\""; window.AchieveImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/OneHundredAndEighty;component/Images/Achieves/180x1000.png", UriKind.Relative)); window.AchieveLight.Fill = Brush(achieve); break; case "AFirst180": window.AchieveName.Content = "\"It's your first 180 !\""; window.AchieveImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/OneHundredAndEighty;component/Images/Achieves/First180.png", UriKind.Relative)); window.AchieveLight.Fill = Brush(achieve); break; case "A3Bull": window.AchieveName.Content = "\"3-eyed bull\""; window.AchieveImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/OneHundredAndEighty;component/Images/Achieves/3Bull.png", UriKind.Relative)); window.AchieveLight.Fill = Brush(achieve); break; case "AmrZ": window.AchieveName.Content = "\"Absolute zero\""; window.AchieveImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/OneHundredAndEighty;component/Images/Achieves/mr.Z.png", UriKind.Relative)); window.AchieveLight.Fill = Brush(achieve); break; } window.PlayerName.Content = name; window.Owner = MainWindow; MainWindow.FadeIn(); window.ShowDialog(); MainWindow.FadeOut(); Brush Brush(string achieveName) // Выбираем кисть { var brush = new LinearGradientBrush(); switch (achieveName) { case "A10matchespalyed": case "A10MatchesWon": case "A1000Throws": case "A10000Points": case "A180x10": brush.StartPoint = new Point(0.5, 1); brush.EndPoint = new Point(0.5, 0); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FF00420F"), 0)); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FF2DC700"), 1)); brush.RelativeTransform = new RotateTransform(225); break; case "A100MatchesPalyed": case "A100MatchesWon": case "A10000Throws": case "A100000Points": case "A180x100": brush.StartPoint = new Point(0.5, 1); brush.EndPoint = new Point(0.5, 0); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FF050078"), 0)); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FF00B1D8"), 1)); brush.RelativeTransform = new RotateTransform(225); break; case "A1000MatchesPalyed": case "A1000MatchesWon": case "A100000Throws": case "A1000000Points": case "A180x1000": brush.StartPoint = new Point(0.5, 1); brush.EndPoint = new Point(0.5, 0); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FF610000"), 0)); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FF81009E"), 1)); brush.RelativeTransform = new RotateTransform(225); break; case "AFirst180": brush.StartPoint = new Point(0.5, 0); brush.EndPoint = new Point(0.5, 1); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FFFF4600"), 0)); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FF34CF07"), 1)); brush.RelativeTransform = new RotateTransform(250); break; case "AmrZ": brush.StartPoint = new Point(0.5, 0); brush.EndPoint = new Point(0.5, 1); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FF5B5B5B"), 0)); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FFF7F7F7"), 1)); brush.RelativeTransform = new RotateTransform(225); break; case "A3Bull": var gradientBrush = new RadialGradientBrush(); gradientBrush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FFC70900"), 0)); gradientBrush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FF00420F"), 0.577)); gradientBrush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FF360146"), 1)); return(gradientBrush); } return(brush); } }
private void SetColors() { //Rect1 Rect1.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(System.Windows.Media.Colors.White); Rect1.StrokeDashArray.Add(2); Rect1.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(System.Windows.Media.Colors.Red); Rect1.StrokeThickness = 2; //Rect2 //Create new gradient to add to the fill of the rectangle LinearGradientBrush Rect2Gradient = new LinearGradientBrush(); //Create Gradient start and endpoints Rect2Gradient.StartPoint = new Point(0, 0); Rect2Gradient.EndPoint = new Point(1, 1); //Create and add gradient stops GradientStop lightYellow = new GradientStop(Colors.LightYellow, 0.00); Rect2Gradient.GradientStops.Add(lightYellow); GradientStop whitish = new GradientStop(Colors.WhiteSmoke, 0.33); Rect2Gradient.GradientStops.Add(whitish); GradientStop lightBlue = new GradientStop(Colors.LightSkyBlue, 0.66); Rect2Gradient.GradientStops.Add(lightBlue); Rect2.Fill = Rect2Gradient; //Rect3 //Create new gradient to add to the fill of the rectangle LinearGradientBrush Rect3Gradient = new LinearGradientBrush(); //Create gradient start and endpoints Rect3Gradient.StartPoint = new Point(0, 0.5); Rect3Gradient.EndPoint = new Point(1, 0.5); //Create and add gradient stops GradientStop Pink = new GradientStop(Colors.LightPink, 0.0); Rect3Gradient.GradientStops.Add(Pink); GradientStop Lightblue = new GradientStop(Colors.LightBlue, 0.7); Rect3Gradient.GradientStops.Add(Lightblue); Rect3.Fill = Rect3Gradient; //Rect4 //Create new Radialgradient to add to he fill of the rectangle RadialGradientBrush Rect4Gradient = new RadialGradientBrush(); Rect4Gradient.GradientOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5); Rect4Gradient.Center = new Point(0.5, 0.5); //Create and add Gradient stops GradientStop Blue = new GradientStop(Colors.DarkBlue, 0.0); Rect4Gradient.GradientStops.Add(Blue); GradientStop White = new GradientStop(Colors.WhiteSmoke, 0.25); Rect4Gradient.GradientStops.Add(White); GradientStop Blue2 = new GradientStop(Colors.DarkBlue, 0.5); Rect4Gradient.GradientStops.Add(Blue2); GradientStop White2 = new GradientStop(Colors.WhiteSmoke, 0.75); Rect4Gradient.GradientStops.Add(White2); GradientStop Blue3 = new GradientStop(Colors.DarkBlue, 1.0); Rect4Gradient.GradientStops.Add(Blue3); Rect4.Fill = Rect4Gradient; //Rect5 In XAML //Rect6 //Current Directory in the URI is a variable with the current Directory ImageBrush imgBrush = new ImageBrush(); imgBrush.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri(RootDirectory + "Images/oog.png")); Rect6.Fill = imgBrush; }
public void SetGradientWrap(RadialGradientBrush widget, GradientWrapMode gradientWrap) { ((swm.RadialGradientBrush)widget.ControlObject).SpreadMethod = gradientWrap.ToWpf (); }
public IMatrix GetTransform(RadialGradientBrush widget) { var brush = (RadialBrushData)widget.ControlObject; return brush.Transform; }
public void SetTransform(RadialGradientBrush widget, IMatrix transform) { var brush = (RadialBrushData)widget.ControlObject; brush.Transform = transform; }
public async Task TriWithRadGrad () { var canvas = Platform.CreateImageCanvas (new Size (100), transparency: true); var size = new Size (100); var b = new RadialGradientBrush ( new Point (0.5, 1), new Size(1), Colors.Yellow, Colors.Blue); var p = new Path (); p.MoveTo (0, 0, false); p.LineTo (size.Width, 0,false); p.LineTo (size.Width / 2, size.Height,false); p.Close (); p.Brush = b; p.Draw (canvas); await SaveImage(canvas, "ImageCanvas.TriWithRadGrad"); }
public GradientWrapMode GetGradientWrap(RadialGradientBrush widget) { var brush = (RadialBrushData)widget.ControlObject; return brush.WrapMode; }
/// <summary> /// This method creates the render target and all associated D2D and DWrite resources /// </summary> void CreateDeviceResources() { // Only calls if resources have not been initialize before if (renderTarget == null) { // The text format textFormat = dwriteFactory.CreateTextFormat("Bodoni MT", 24, DWrite.FontWeight.Normal, DWrite.FontStyle.Italic, DWrite.FontStretch.Normal); // Create the render target SizeU size = new SizeU((uint)host.ActualWidth, (uint)host.ActualHeight); RenderTargetProperties props = new RenderTargetProperties(); HwndRenderTargetProperties hwndProps = new HwndRenderTargetProperties(host.Handle, size, PresentOptions.None); renderTarget = d2dFactory.CreateHwndRenderTarget(props, hwndProps); // A black brush to be used for drawing text ColorF cf = new ColorF(0, 0, 0, 1); blackBrush = renderTarget.CreateSolidColorBrush(cf); // Create a linear gradient. GradientStop[] stops = { new GradientStop(1, new ColorF(1f, 0f, 0f, 0.25f)), new GradientStop(0, new ColorF(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f)) }; GradientStopCollection pGradientStops = renderTarget.CreateGradientStopCollection(stops, Gamma.Linear, ExtendMode.Wrap); LinearGradientBrushProperties gradBrushProps = new LinearGradientBrushProperties(new Point2F(50, 25), new Point2F(25, 50)); linearGradientBrush = renderTarget.CreateLinearGradientBrush(gradBrushProps, pGradientStops); gridPatternBitmapBrush = CreateGridPatternBrush(renderTarget); solidBrush1 = renderTarget.CreateSolidColorBrush(new ColorF(0.3F, 0.5F, 0.65F, 0.25F)); solidBrush2 = renderTarget.CreateSolidColorBrush(new ColorF(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.65F, 0.5F)); solidBrush3 = renderTarget.CreateSolidColorBrush(new ColorF(0.9F, 0.5F, 0.3F, 0.75F)); // Create a linear gradient. stops[0] = new GradientStop(1, new ColorF(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.25f)); stops[1] = new GradientStop(0, new ColorF(1f, 1f, 0.2f, 1f)); GradientStopCollection radiantGradientStops = renderTarget.CreateGradientStopCollection(stops, Gamma.Linear, ExtendMode.Wrap); RadialGradientBrushProperties radialBrushProps = new RadialGradientBrushProperties(new Point2F(25, 25), new Point2F(0, 0), 10, 10); radialGradientBrush = renderTarget.CreateRadialGradientBrush(radialBrushProps, radiantGradientStops); } }
Visual CreateFillRadialGradientBrush3() { DrawingContext dc; DrawingVisual dv = PrepareDrawingVisual(out dc); Rect rect = new Rect(5, 5, BoxWidth - 10, BoxHeight - 10); double rx = 20; double ry = 20; RadialGradientBrush brush; #if true BeginBox(dc, 1, BoxOptions.Tile, "2 colors, repeat"); brush = new RadialGradientBrush(Colors.DarkBlue, Colors.Orange); brush.RadiusX = 0.1; brush.RadiusY = 0.15; brush.SpreadMethod = GradientSpreadMethod.Repeat; dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(brush, null, rect, rx, ry); EndBox(dc); #endif #if true BeginBox(dc, 2, BoxOptions.Tile, "2 colors, reflect"); brush = new RadialGradientBrush(Colors.DarkBlue, Colors.Orange); brush.RadiusX = 0.1; brush.RadiusY = 0.15; brush.SpreadMethod = GradientSpreadMethod.Reflect; dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(brush, null, rect, rx, ry); EndBox(dc); #endif #if true BeginBox(dc, 3, BoxOptions.Tile, "3 colors, repeat"); brush = new RadialGradientBrush(); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Color.FromRgb(255, 0, 0), 0)); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Color.FromRgb(0, 255, 0), 0.5)); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 255), 1)); brush.RadiusX = 0.1; brush.RadiusY = 0.15; brush.SpreadMethod = GradientSpreadMethod.Repeat; brush.Opacity = 0.8; dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(brush, null, rect, rx, ry); EndBox(dc); #endif #if true BeginBox(dc, 4, BoxOptions.Tile, "3 colors, reflect"); brush = new RadialGradientBrush(Colors.DarkBlue, Colors.Orange); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Color.FromRgb(255, 0, 0), 0)); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Color.FromRgb(0, 255, 0), 0.5)); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 255), 1)); brush.RadiusX = 0.1; brush.RadiusY = 0.15; brush.SpreadMethod = GradientSpreadMethod.Reflect; brush.Opacity = 0.6; dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(brush, null, rect, rx, ry); EndBox(dc); #endif #if true BeginBox(dc, 5, BoxOptions.Tile, "5 colors, repeat"); brush = new RadialGradientBrush(); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Color.FromRgb(255, 0, 0), 0)); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Color.FromRgb(255, 128, 0), 0.25)); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Color.FromRgb(0, 255, 0), 0.5)); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Color.FromRgb(0, 255, 128), 0.75)); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 255), 1)); brush.RadiusX = 0.2; brush.RadiusY = 0.1; brush.SpreadMethod = GradientSpreadMethod.Repeat; //brush.Opacity = 0.6; brush.RelativeTransform = new SkewTransform(20, 40); dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(brush, null, rect, rx, ry); EndBox(dc); #endif #if true BeginBox(dc, 6, BoxOptions.Tile, "5 colors, reflect"); brush = new RadialGradientBrush(Colors.DarkBlue, Colors.Orange); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Color.FromRgb(255, 0, 0), 0)); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Color.FromRgb(255, 128, 0), 0.25)); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Color.FromRgb(0, 255, 0), 0.5)); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Color.FromRgb(0, 255, 128), 0.75)); brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 255), 1)); brush.RadiusX = 0.2; brush.RadiusY = 0.1; brush.SpreadMethod = GradientSpreadMethod.Reflect; //brush.Opacity = 0.6; brush.RelativeTransform = new RotateTransform(30); dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(brush, null, rect, rx, ry); EndBox(dc); #endif //BeginBox(dc, 5, BoxOptions.Tile); //EndBox(dc); //BeginBox(dc, 6, BoxOptions.Tile); //EndBox(dc); //BeginBox(dc, 7, BoxOptions.Tile); //EndBox(dc); //BeginBox(dc, 8, BoxOptions.Tile); //EndBox(dc); dc.Close(); return(dv); }