Exemple #1
 public abstract PSCredential PromptForCredential(
     string caption,
     string message,
     string userName,
     string targetName,
     PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
     PSCredentialUIOptions options);
Exemple #2
        public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName,
                                                         string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
                                                         PSCredentialUIOptions options)
                if (_settings.PromptForCredentialsInConsole)
                    return(PromptForCredentialFromConsole(caption, message, userName, targetName, allowedCredentialTypes,

            IntPtr handle = _control.GetSafeWindowHandle();

        internal static PSCredential CredUIPromptForCredentials(
            string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName,
            PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options,
            IntPtr parentHwnd = default(IntPtr))
            PSCredential credential = null;

            var info = new CreduiInfo
                pszCaptionText = caption,
                pszMessageText = message

            var pszUserName = new StringBuilder(userName, 0x201);
            var pszPassword = new StringBuilder(0x100);
            int pfSave      = Convert.ToInt32(false);

            info.cbSize     = Marshal.SizeOf(info);
            info.hwndParent = parentHwnd;

            var dwFlags = CreduiFlags.DO_NOT_PERSIST;

            if ((allowedCredentialTypes & PSCredentialTypes.Domain) != PSCredentialTypes.Domain)
                dwFlags |= CreduiFlags.GENERIC_CREDENTIALS;
                if ((options & PSCredentialUIOptions.AlwaysPrompt) == PSCredentialUIOptions.AlwaysPrompt)
                    dwFlags |= CreduiFlags.ALWAYS_SHOW_UI;

            var codes = CredUiReturnCodes.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;

            if ((pszUserName.Length <= 0x201) &&
                (pszPassword.Length <= 0x100))
                codes = CredUIPromptForCredentials(
                    ref info, targetName, IntPtr.Zero, 0, pszUserName,
                    0x201, pszPassword, 0x100, ref pfSave, dwFlags);

            if (codes == CredUiReturnCodes.NO_ERROR)
                string providedUserName = pszUserName.ToString();
                var    providedPassword = new SecureString();

                for (int i = 0; i < pszPassword.Length; i++)
                    pszPassword[i] = '\0';

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(providedUserName))
                    credential = new PSCredential(providedUserName, providedPassword);
Exemple #4
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(
     string caption,
     string message,
     string userName,
     string targetName,
     PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
     PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     using (InternalHostUserInterface.tracer.TraceMethod(message, new object[0]))
         if (this.externalUI == null)
         PSCredential psCredential = (PSCredential)null;
             psCredential = this.externalUI.PromptForCredential(caption, message, userName, targetName, allowedCredentialTypes, options);
         catch (PipelineStoppedException ex)
             LocalPipeline currentlyRunningPipeline = (LocalPipeline)this.parent.Context.CurrentRunspace.GetCurrentlyRunningPipeline();
             if (currentlyRunningPipeline == null)
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(
     string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName,
     PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     return null;
     //throw new NotImplementedException();
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(
     string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName,
     PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     //throw new NotImplementedException();
            string caption,
            string message,
            string userName,
            string targetName,
            PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
            PSCredentialUIOptions options
            if (_externalUI == null)

            PSCredential result = null;
                result = _externalUI.PromptForCredential(caption, message, userName, targetName, allowedCredentialTypes, options);
            catch (PipelineStoppedException)
                //PipelineStoppedException is thrown by host when it wants 
                //to stop the pipeline. 
                LocalPipeline lpl = (LocalPipeline)((RunspaceBase)_parent.Context.CurrentRunspace).GetCurrentlyRunningPipeline();
                if (lpl == null)

            return result;
Exemple #8
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName,
                                                  string targetName,
                                                  PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     return(CredUiPromptForCredential(caption, message, userName, targetName, allowedCredentialTypes,
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Ask for PSCredential from user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="caption">The caption for the message window.</param>
        /// <param name="message">The text of the message.</param>
        /// <param name="userName">The user name whose credential is to be prompted for. If this parameter set to null or an empty string, the function will prompt for the user name first.</param>
        /// <param name="targetName">The name of the target for which the credential is collected.</param>
        /// <param name="allowedCredentialTypes">A bitwise combination of the PSCredentialTypes enumeration values that identify the types of credentials that can be returned.</param>
        /// <param name="options">A bitwise combination of the PSCredentialUIOptions enumeration values that identify the UI behavior when it gathers the credentials.</param>
        /// <returns>A PSCredential object that contains the credentials for the target.</returns>
        public PSCredential GetPSCredential(string caption, string message, string userName,
                                            string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
            PSCredential result = null;

            CredentialsDialog dialog = new CredentialsDialog(targetName, caption, message);

            dialog.Name = userName;

            switch (options)
            case PSCredentialUIOptions.AlwaysPrompt:
                dialog.AlwaysDisplay = true;

            case PSCredentialUIOptions.ReadOnlyUserName:
                dialog.KeepName = true;

            case PSCredentialUIOptions.Default:
            case PSCredentialUIOptions.None:


            if (dialog.Show() == DialogResult.OK)
                result = new PSCredential(dialog.Name, dialog.Password);

            string caption,
            string message,
            string userName,
            string targetName,
            PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
            PSCredentialUIOptions options
            if (_externalUI == null)

            PSCredential result = null;

                result = _externalUI.PromptForCredential(caption, message, userName, targetName, allowedCredentialTypes, options);
            catch (PipelineStoppedException)
                //PipelineStoppedException is thrown by host when it wants
                //to stop the pipeline.
                LocalPipeline lpl = (LocalPipeline)((RunspaceBase)_parent.Context.CurrentRunspace).GetCurrentlyRunningPipeline();
                if (lpl == null)

Exemple #11
        internal static PSCredential CredUIPromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName,
                                                               string targetName,
                                                               PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
                                                               PSCredentialUIOptions options, IntPtr parentHWND)
            PSCredential credential = null;

            CreduiInfo structure = new CreduiInfo();
            structure.pszCaptionText = caption;
            structure.pszMessageText = message;
            StringBuilder pszUserName = new StringBuilder(userName, 0x201);
            StringBuilder pszPassword = new StringBuilder(0x100);
            bool flag = false;
            int pfSave = Convert.ToInt32(flag);
            structure.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(structure);
            structure.hwndParent = parentHWND;
            CreduiFlags dwFlags = CreduiFlags.DO_NOT_PERSIST;
            if ((allowedCredentialTypes & PSCredentialTypes.Domain) != PSCredentialTypes.Domain)
                dwFlags |= CreduiFlags.GENERIC_CREDENTIALS;
                if ((options & PSCredentialUIOptions.AlwaysPrompt) == PSCredentialUIOptions.AlwaysPrompt)
                    dwFlags |= CreduiFlags.ALWAYS_SHOW_UI;
            CredUiReturnCodes codes = CredUiReturnCodes.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
            if ((pszUserName.Length <= 0x201) && (pszPassword.Length <= 0x100))
                codes = CredUIPromptForCredentials(ref structure, targetName, IntPtr.Zero, 0, pszUserName, 0x201,
                                                   pszPassword, 0x100, ref pfSave, dwFlags);
            if (codes == CredUiReturnCodes.NO_ERROR)
                string str = null;
                if (pszUserName != null)
                    str = pszUserName.ToString();
                SecureString password = new SecureString();
                for (int i = 0; i < pszPassword.Length; i++)
                    pszPassword[i] = '\0';
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                    credential = new PSCredential(str, password);
                    credential = null;
                credential = null;
            return credential;
Exemple #12
        internal static PSCredential CredUIPromptForCredentials(
            string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName,
            PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options,
            IntPtr parentHwnd = default(IntPtr))

            PSCredential credential = null;

            var info = new CreduiInfo
                pszCaptionText = caption,
                pszMessageText = message

            var pszUserName = new StringBuilder(userName, 0x201);
            var pszPassword = new StringBuilder(0x100);
            int pfSave = Convert.ToInt32(false);
            info.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(info);
            info.hwndParent = parentHwnd;

            var dwFlags = CreduiFlags.DO_NOT_PERSIST;
            if ((allowedCredentialTypes & PSCredentialTypes.Domain) != PSCredentialTypes.Domain)
                dwFlags |= CreduiFlags.GENERIC_CREDENTIALS;
                if ((options & PSCredentialUIOptions.AlwaysPrompt) == PSCredentialUIOptions.AlwaysPrompt)
                    dwFlags |= CreduiFlags.ALWAYS_SHOW_UI;

            var codes = CredUiReturnCodes.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;

            if ((pszUserName.Length <= 0x201) && (pszPassword.Length <= 0x100))
                codes = CredUIPromptForCredentials(
                    ref info, targetName, IntPtr.Zero, 0, pszUserName,
                    0x201, pszPassword, 0x100, ref pfSave, dwFlags);

            if (codes == CredUiReturnCodes.NO_ERROR)

                string providedUserName = pszUserName.ToString();
                var providedPassword = new SecureString();

                for (int i = 0; i < pszPassword.Length; i++)
                    pszPassword[i] = '\0';

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(providedUserName))
                    credential = new PSCredential(providedUserName, providedPassword);
            return credential;
Exemple #13
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(
     string caption, string message, string userName,
     string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
     PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     throw new NotImplementedException(
               "The method PromptForCredential() is not implemented by MyHost.");
Exemple #14
        public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
            if (Settings.Default.UseCredentialUI)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(caption))
                    caption = "Windows PowerShell credential request";

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                    message = "Please enter your credentials";

                var pfwCredentialsOptions = new CredentialUI.PromptForWindowsCredentialsOptions(caption, message)
                    HwndParent = _control.WindowHandle

                if (allowedCredentialTypes == PSCredentialTypes.Domain)
                    pfwCredentialsOptions.Flags ^= CredentialUI.PromptForWindowsCredentialsFlag.CREDUIWIN_GENERIC;
                // If the targetName was set, we'd have a good way to tell one credential from another, and could save them ...
                // pfwCredentialsOptions.Flags |= CredentialUI.PromptForWindowsCredentialsFlag.CREDUIWIN_CHECKBOX;

                return CredentialUI.PromptForWindowsCredentials(pfwCredentialsOptions, userName, string.Empty);

                // THIS IS HOW PowerShell.exe does it ...
                // But MSDN says we're not supposed to do that anymore.

                //// Defaults to GenericCredentials
                //var credentialsOptions = new CredentialUI.PromptForCredentialsOptions(targetName, caption, message)
                //    HwndParent = _control.WindowHandle
                //if (allowedCredentialTypes.HasFlag(PSCredentialTypes.Domain))
                //    credentialsOptions.Flags ^= CredentialUI.PromptForCredentialsFlag.CREDUI_FLAGS_GENERIC_CREDENTIALS;
                //else if (options.HasFlag(PSCredentialUIOptions.AlwaysPrompt))
                //    credentialsOptions.Flags |= CredentialUI.PromptForCredentialsFlag.CREDUI_FLAGS_ALWAYS_SHOW_UI;

                //// Does this _ever_ happen?
                //if (options.HasFlag(PSCredentialUIOptions.ReadOnlyUserName))
                //     credentialsOptions.Flags |= CredentialUI.PromptForCredentialsFlag.CREDUI_FLAGS_KEEP_USERNAME;

                //// Does this ever _not_ happen?
                //if (options.HasFlag(PSCredentialUIOptions.ValidateUserNameSyntax))
                //    credentialsOptions.Flags |= CredentialUI.PromptForCredentialsFlag.CREDUI_FLAGS_VALIDATE_USERNAME;

                //return CredentialUI.PromptForCredentials(credentialsOptions, userName, String.Empty);

                return _control.PromptForCredentialInline(caption, message, userName, targetName, allowedCredentialTypes, options);
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(
     string caption,
     string message,
     string userName,
     string targetName,
     PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
     PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     throw new NotImplementedException("The method or operation is not implemented.");
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(
                                                  string caption,
                                                  string message,
                                                  string userName,
                                                  string targetName,
                                                  PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
                                                  PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     throw new NotImplementedException("PromptForCredential is not implemented.");
Exemple #17
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(
     string caption,
     string message,
     string userName,
     string targetName,
     PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
     PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     throw new NotImplementedException("PromptForCredential is not implemented.");
 /// <summary>
 /// Prompts the user for credentials by using a specified prompt window
 /// caption, prompt message, user name and target name, credential types
 /// allowed to be returned, and UI behavior options.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="caption">The caption of the message window.</param>
 /// <param name="message">The text of the message.</param>
 /// <param name="userName">The user name whose credential is to be prompted for.</param>
 /// <param name="targetName">The name of the target for which the credential is collected.</param>
 /// <param name="allowedCredentialTypes">PSCredentialTypes cconstants that identify the type of
 /// credentials that can be returned.</param>
 /// <param name="options">A PSCredentialUIOptions constant that identifies the UI behavior
 /// when it gathers the credentials.</param>
 /// <returns>Throws a NotImplementException exception.</returns>
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(
     string caption,
     string message,
     string userName,
     string targetName,
     PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
     PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     throw new NotImplementedException(
               "The method PromptForCredential() is not implemented by MyHost for usage in this application. Contact the system developers if this functionality is needed.");
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(
     string caption,
     string message,
     string userName,
     string targetName,
     PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
     PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     throw new NotSupportedException(
               "'Get-Credential' is not yet supported.");
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Prompts the user for credentials by using a specified prompt window
        /// caption, prompt message, user name and target name, credential types
        /// allowed to be returned, and UI behavior options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="caption">The caption of the message window.</param>
        /// <param name="message">The text of the message.</param>
        /// <param name="userName">The user name whose credential is to be prompted for.</param>
        /// <param name="targetName">The name of the target for which the credential is collected.</param>
        /// <param name="allowedCredentialTypes">PSCredentialTypes cconstants that identify the type of
        /// credentials that can be returned.</param>
        /// <param name="options">A PSCredentialUIOptions constant that identifies the UI behavior
        /// when it gathers the credentials.</param>
        /// <returns>Throws a NotImplementException exception.</returns>
        public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(
            string caption,
            string message,
            string userName,
            string targetName,
            PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
            PSCredentialUIOptions options)
            PromptCredentialsResult result = CredentialUI.PromptForCredentials(targetName, caption, message, userName, null);

            return(result == null ? null : new PSCredential(result.UserName, result.Password.ToSecureString()));
Exemple #21
        private PSCredential ReadPSCredential(string caption, string message, string userName,
                                              string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
            PSCredential psCred = null;

            if (_debuggingService.CallbackService != null)
                psCred = _debuggingService.CallbackService.GetPSCredentialPrompt(caption, message, userName, targetName,
                                                                                 allowedCredentialTypes, options);

        public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName,
                                                         PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
            var promptInput = new EdgePromptInput()
                Caption           = caption,
                Message           = message,
                FieldDescriptions = new List <EdgeFieldDescription>()

            promptInput.FieldDescriptions.Add(new EdgeFieldDescription()
                Name           = "UserName",
                IsArray        = false,
                IsSecureString = false,
                Type           = "String"

            promptInput.FieldDescriptions.Add(new EdgeFieldDescription()
                Name           = "Password",
                IsArray        = false,
                IsSecureString = true,
                Type           = "SecureString"

            var output     = this.promptHandler(promptInput).Result;
            var outputDict = (IDictionary <string, object>)output;
            var user       = string.Empty;
            var password   = string.Empty;

            foreach (var entry in (object[])outputDict["Results"])
                var entryDict = (IDictionary <string, object>)entry;

                if (entryDict["Name"].Equals("UserName"))
                    user = (string)entryDict["Value"];

                if (entryDict["Name"].Equals("Password"))
                    password = (string)entryDict["Value"];

            return(new PSCredential(user, ToSecureString(password)));
Exemple #23
        private PSCredential PromptForCredentialFromConsole(string caption, string message, string userName,
                                                            string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
                                                            PSCredentialUIOptions options)

            var baseMoniker = String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetName) ? "{1}" : "{0}\\{1}";

            var moniker = String.Format(baseMoniker, targetName, userName);
            var prompt  = "Password for user " + moniker + ": ";


            var pwd = ReadLineAsSecureString();

            return(new PSCredential(moniker, pwd));
Exemple #24
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(
     string caption,
     string message,
     string userName,
     string targetName,
     PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
     PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     return(this._serverMethodExecutor.ExecuteMethod <PSCredential>(RemoteHostMethodId.PromptForCredential2, new object[6]
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="promptCaption"></param>
        /// <param name="promptMessage"></param>
        /// <param name="userName"></param>
        /// <param name="targetName"></param>
        /// <param name="allowedCredentialTypes"></param>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(
            string promptCaption,
            string promptMessage,
            string userName,
            string targetName,
            PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
            PSCredentialUIOptions options)
            CancellationTokenSource cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource();

            Task <Dictionary <string, object> > promptTask =
                    new FieldDetails[] { new CredentialFieldDetails("Credential", "Credential", userName) },

            Task <PSCredential> unpackTask =
                    task =>
                if (task.IsFaulted)
                    throw task.Exception;
                else if (task.IsCanceled)
                    throw new TaskCanceledException(task);

                // Return the value of the sole field

            // Run the prompt task and wait for it to return

        public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName,
                                                         PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
            if (!InteractiveIO)
            // TODO: add support for allowedCredentialTypes and options
            // TODO: what does targetName mean? is it a default password, like userName? If so, implement a default value
            //       in SecureStringReader and use it like that
            Write("UserName: "******"Password: ");
            var pw = ReadLineAsSecureString();

            return(new PSCredential(user, pw));
        public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(
            string caption,
            string message,
            string userName,
            string targetName,
            PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
            PSCredentialUIOptions options)
            var password = _communicationAdapter.OnPromptForPassword(message, targetName, userName);

            SecureString secureString = new SecureString();

            foreach (char c in password)


            return(new PSCredential(userName, secureString));
        public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption,
                                                         string message,
                                                         string userName,
                                                         string targetName,
                                                         PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
                                                         PSCredentialUIOptions options)
            if (externalUI == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to prompt user for credential in headless session");

            PSCredential result = externalUI.PromptForCredential(caption,

            SendToSubscribers(s => s.CredentialPrompt(result));

Exemple #29
 /// <summary>
 /// When overridden in a derived class, prompts the user for credentials by using a
 /// specified prompt window caption, prompt message, user name and target name, credential
 /// types allowed to be returned, and UI behavior options.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="caption">The caption for the message window.</param>
 /// <param name="message">The text of the message.</param>
 /// <param name="userName">
 /// The user name whose credential is to be prompted for. If this parameter set to
 /// <c>null</c> or an empty string, the function prompts for the user name first.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="targetName">The name of the target for which the credential is collected.</param>
 /// <param name="allowedCredentialTypes">
 /// A bitwise combination of the <see cref="PSCredentialTypes" /> enumeration values that
 /// identify the types of credentials that can be returned.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="options">
 /// A bitwise combination of the <see cref="PSCredentialUIOptions" /> enumeration values
 /// that identify the UI behavior when it gathers the credentials.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// A <see cref="PSCredential" /> object that contains the credentials for the target.
 /// </returns>
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential
     string caption,
     string message,
     string userName,
     string targetName,
     PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
     PSCredentialUIOptions options
     if (PromptForCredentialsCallback == null)
         throw new NotImplementedException();
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     return this._serverMethodExecutor.ExecuteMethod<PSCredential>(RemoteHostMethodId.PromptForCredential2, new object[] { caption, message, userName, targetName, allowedCredentialTypes, options });
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     return GetCreds(caption, message);
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName,
     PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     return new PSCredential("*****@*****.**", new SecureString());
        public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(caption)) this.Log().Warn(caption.escape_curly_braces());
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message)) this.Log().Warn(ChocolateyLoggers.Important, message.escape_curly_braces());

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userName))
                this.Log().Warn("Please provide username:"******"Please provide password:"******"A userName or password was not entered. This may result in future failures.");

            return new PSCredential(userName, password.to_secure_string());
Exemple #34
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     throw new NotImplementedException("PromptForCredential is not implemented in PowerShell script engine");
Exemple #35
        public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
            var fds = new Collection <FieldDescription>();
            var fd  = new FieldDescription("Credential");


            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                fd.DefaultValue = PSObject.AsPSObject(new PSCredential(userName, new SecureString()));


            var result = this.Prompt(caption, message, fds);

            if (result != null && result.ContainsKey("Credential"))
                return(result["Credential"].BaseObject as PSCredential);
Exemple #36
        public PSCredential PromptForCredentialInline(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes = PSCredentialTypes.Generic, PSCredentialUIOptions options = PSCredentialUIOptions.None)
            Collection<FieldDescription> fields;

            // NOTE: I'm not sure this is the right action for the PromptForCredential targetName
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetName))
                caption = $"Credential for {targetName}\n\n{caption}";

            if ((options & PSCredentialUIOptions.ReadOnlyUserName) == PSCredentialUIOptions.Default)
                var user = new FieldDescription("User");
                user.Label = "Username";
                user.DefaultValue = PSObject.AsPSObject(userName);
                user.IsMandatory = true;

                    fields = new Collection<FieldDescription>(new[] { user });
                    var username = new PromptForObjectEventArgs(caption, message, fields);
                    var login = OnPromptForObject(username);
                    userName = login["User"].BaseObject as string;
                } while (userName != null && userName.Length == 0);

            // I think this is all I can do with the allowedCredentialTypes
            // domain required
            if (allowedCredentialTypes > PSCredentialTypes.Generic)
                // and no domain
                if (userName != null && userName.IndexOfAny(new[] { '\\', '@' }) < 0)
                    userName = $"{targetName}\\{userName}";

            var pass = new FieldDescription("Password");
            pass.Label = "Password for " + userName;
            pass.IsMandatory = true;

            fields = new Collection<FieldDescription>(new[] { pass });
            var pwd = new PromptForObjectEventArgs(string.Empty, string.Empty, fields);
            var password = OnPromptForObject(pwd);

            // TODO: I'm not sure what to do with the PSCredentialUIOptions options, because PowerShell.exe ignores them
            return new PSCredential(userName, (SecureString)password["Password"].BaseObject);
        private PSCredential PromptForCredentialFromConsole(string caption, string message, string userName,
                                                            string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
                                                            PSCredentialUIOptions options)

            var baseMoniker = String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetName) ? "{1}" : "{0}\\{1}";

            var moniker = String.Format(baseMoniker, targetName, userName);
            var prompt = "Password for user " + moniker + ": ";

            var pwd = ReadLineAsSecureString();

            return new PSCredential(moniker, pwd);
Exemple #38
        internal static PSCredential CredUIPromptForCredential(
            string caption,
            string message,
            string userName,
            string targetName,
            PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
            PSCredentialUIOptions options,
            IntPtr parentHWND)
            PSCredential cred = null;

            // From WinCred.h
            const int CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH = (256 + 1 + 256);
            const int CRED_MAX_CREDENTIAL_BLOB_SIZE = 512;
            const int CREDUI_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 1024;
            const int CREDUI_MAX_CAPTION_LENGTH = 128;

            // Populate the UI text with defaults, if required
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(caption))
                caption = CredUI.PromptForCredential_DefaultCaption;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                message = CredUI.PromptForCredential_DefaultMessage;

            if (caption.Length > CREDUI_MAX_CAPTION_LENGTH)
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, CredUI.PromptForCredential_InvalidCaption, CREDUI_MAX_CAPTION_LENGTH));

            if (message.Length > CREDUI_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH)
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, CredUI.PromptForCredential_InvalidMessage, CREDUI_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH));

            if (userName != null && userName.Length > CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH)
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, CredUI.PromptForCredential_InvalidUserName, CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH));

            CREDUI_INFO credUiInfo = new CREDUI_INFO();
            credUiInfo.pszCaptionText = caption;
            credUiInfo.pszMessageText = message;

            StringBuilder usernameBuilder = new StringBuilder(userName, CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH);
            StringBuilder passwordBuilder = new StringBuilder(CRED_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);

            bool save = false;
            int saveCredentials = Convert.ToInt32(save);
            credUiInfo.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(credUiInfo);
            credUiInfo.hwndParent = parentHWND;


            // Set some of the flags if they have not requested a domain credential
            if ((allowedCredentialTypes & PSCredentialTypes.Domain) != PSCredentialTypes.Domain)
                flags |= CREDUI_FLAGS.GENERIC_CREDENTIALS;

                // If they've asked to always prompt, do so.
                if ((options & PSCredentialUIOptions.AlwaysPrompt) == PSCredentialUIOptions.AlwaysPrompt)
                    flags |= CREDUI_FLAGS.ALWAYS_SHOW_UI;

            // To prevent buffer overrun attack, only attempt call if buffer lengths are within bounds.
            CredUIReturnCodes result = CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
            if (usernameBuilder.Length <= CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH && passwordBuilder.Length <= CRED_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH)
                result = CredUIPromptForCredentials(
                    ref credUiInfo,
                    ref saveCredentials,

            if (result == CredUIReturnCodes.NO_ERROR)
                // Extract the username
                string credentialUsername = null;
                if (usernameBuilder != null)
                    credentialUsername = usernameBuilder.ToString();

                // Trim the leading '\' from the username, which CredUI automatically adds
                // if you don't specify a domain.
                // This is a really common bug in V1 and V2, causing everybody to have to do
                // it themselves.
                // This could be a breaking change for hosts that do hard-coded hacking:
                // $cred.UserName.SubString(1, $cred.Username.Length - 1)
                // But that's OK, because they would have an even worse bug when you've
                // set the host (ConsolePrompting = true) configuration (which does not do this).
                credentialUsername = credentialUsername.TrimStart('\\');

                // Extract the password into a SecureString, zeroing out the memory
                // as soon as possible.
                SecureString password = new SecureString();
                for (int counter = 0; counter < passwordBuilder.Length; counter++)
                    passwordBuilder[counter] = (char)0;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(credentialUsername))
                    cred = new PSCredential(credentialUsername, password);
                    cred = null;
            else // result is not CredUIReturnCodes.NO_ERROR
                cred = null;

            return cred;
Exemple #39
 internal static PSCredential CredUIPromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options, IntPtr parentHWND)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(caption))
         caption = CredUI.PromptForCredential_DefaultCaption;
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
         message = CredUI.PromptForCredential_DefaultMessage;
     if (caption.Length > 0x80)
         throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, CredUI.PromptForCredential_InvalidCaption, new object[] { 0x80 }));
     if (message.Length > 0x400)
         throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, CredUI.PromptForCredential_InvalidMessage, new object[] { 0x400 }));
     if ((userName != null) && (userName.Length > 0x201))
         throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, CredUI.PromptForCredential_InvalidUserName, new object[] { 0x201 }));
     CREDUI_INFO structure = new CREDUI_INFO {
         pszCaptionText = caption,
         pszMessageText = message
     StringBuilder pszUserName = new StringBuilder(userName, 0x201);
     StringBuilder pszPassword = new StringBuilder(0x100);
     bool flag = false;
     int pfSave = Convert.ToInt32(flag);
     structure.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(structure);
     structure.hwndParent = parentHWND;
     if ((allowedCredentialTypes & PSCredentialTypes.Domain) != PSCredentialTypes.Domain)
         if ((options & PSCredentialUIOptions.AlwaysPrompt) == PSCredentialUIOptions.AlwaysPrompt)
             dwFlags |= CREDUI_FLAGS.ALWAYS_SHOW_UI;
     CredUIReturnCodes codes = CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
     if ((pszUserName.Length <= 0x201) && (pszPassword.Length <= 0x100))
         codes = CredUIPromptForCredentials(ref structure, targetName, IntPtr.Zero, 0, pszUserName, 0x201, pszPassword, 0x100, ref pfSave, dwFlags);
     if (codes == CredUIReturnCodes.NO_ERROR)
         string str = null;
         if (pszUserName != null)
             str = pszUserName.ToString();
         str = str.TrimStart(new char[] { '\\' });
         SecureString password = new SecureString();
         for (int i = 0; i < pszPassword.Length; i++)
             pszPassword[i] = '\0';
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
             return new PSCredential(str, password);
         return null;
     return null;
      PSCredential IPSConsole.PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, 
         PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)

         Collection<FieldDescription> fields;
         Dictionary<string, PSObject> login, password;

         // NOTE: I'm not sure this is the right action for the PromptForCredential targetName
         if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetName))
            caption = string.Format("Credential for {0}\n\n{1}", targetName, caption);

         if ((options & PSCredentialUIOptions.ReadOnlyUserName) == PSCredentialUIOptions.Default )
            var user = new FieldDescription("User");
            user.Label = "Username";
            user.DefaultValue = PSObject.AsPSObject(userName);
            user.IsMandatory = true;

               fields = new Collection<FieldDescription>(new[] {user});
               login = ((IPSConsole) this).Prompt(caption, message, fields);
               userName = login["User"].BaseObject as string;
            } while ( userName != null && userName.Length == 0);

         // I think this is all I can do with the allowedCredentialTypes
         // domain required
         if (allowedCredentialTypes > PSCredentialTypes.Generic)
            // and no domain
            if (userName != null && userName.IndexOfAny(new[] { '\\', '@' }) < 0)
               userName = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", targetName, userName);

         var pass = new FieldDescription("Password");
         pass.Label = "Password for " + userName;
         pass.IsMandatory = true;

         fields = new Collection<FieldDescription>(new[] { pass });
         password = ((IPSConsole)this).Prompt(String.Empty, String.Empty, fields);

         // TODO: I'm not sure what to do with the PSCredentialUIOptions options, because PowerShell.exe ignores them
         return new PSCredential(userName, (SecureString)password["Password"].BaseObject);
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     throw new NotImplementedException("PromptForCredential1 is not implemented.  The script is asking for input, which is a problem since there's no console.  Make sure the script can execute without prompting the user for input.");
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName,
                                                  PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     throw new Exception("Cannot use run commands that require user input");
        /// <summary>
        /// Prompt for credentials.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName"> name of the user whose creds are to be prompted for. If set to null or empty string, the function will prompt for user name first. </param>
        /// <param name="targetName"> name of the target for which creds are being collected </param>
        /// <param name="message"> message to be displayed. </param>
        /// <param name="caption"> caption for the message. </param>
        /// <param name="allowedCredentialTypes"> what type of creds can be supplied by the user </param>
        /// <param name="options"> options that control the cred gathering UI behavior </param>
        /// <returns> PSCredential object, or null if input was cancelled (or if reading from stdin and stdin at EOF)</returns>

        public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(
            string caption,
            string message,
            string userName,
            string targetName,
            PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
            PSCredentialUIOptions options)
            if (!PromptUsingConsole())
                IntPtr mainWindowHandle = GetMainWindowHandle();
                return HostUtilities.CredUIPromptForCredential(caption, message, userName, targetName, allowedCredentialTypes, options, mainWindowHandle);
                PSCredential cred = null;
                SecureString password = null;
                string userPrompt = null;
                string passwordPrompt = null;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(caption))
                    // Should be a skin lookup

                    WriteToConsole(PromptColor, RawUI.BackgroundColor, WrapToCurrentWindowWidth(caption));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                    userPrompt = ConsoleHostUserInterfaceSecurityResources.PromptForCredential_User;

                    // need to prompt for user name first
                        WriteToConsole(userPrompt, true);
                        userName = ReadLine();
                        if (userName == null)
                            return null;
                    while (userName.Length == 0);

                passwordPrompt = StringUtil.Format(ConsoleHostUserInterfaceSecurityResources.PromptForCredential_Password, userName

                // now, prompt for the password
                WriteToConsole(passwordPrompt, true);
                password = ReadLineAsSecureString();
                if (password == null)
                    return null;

                cred = new PSCredential(userName, password);

                return cred;
 /// <summary>
 /// Prompts the user for credentials by using a specified prompt window 
 /// caption, prompt message, user name and target name, credential types 
 /// allowed to be returned, and UI behavior options.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="caption">The caption of the message window.</param>
 /// <param name="message">The text of the message.</param>
 /// <param name="userName">The user name whose credential is to be prompted for.</param>
 /// <param name="targetName">The name of the target for which the credential is collected.</param>
 /// <param name="allowedCredentialTypes">PSCredentialTypes cconstants that identify the type of 
 /// credentials that can be returned.</param>
 /// <param name="options">A PSCredentialUIOptions constant that identifies the UI behavior 
 /// when it gathers the credentials.</param>
 /// <returns>Throws a NotImplementException exception.</returns>
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(
     string caption,
     string message,
     string userName,
     string targetName,
     PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
     PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
         Log.DebugFormat("Prompting for username");
         var userPrompt = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetName)
                           ? string.Format("Enter username to use to log to {0}", targetName)
                           : "Enter username";
         userName = ReadLine();
     Log.DebugFormat("Prompting for password for {0} at {1}", userName, targetName);
     var passwordPrompt = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetName)
                              ? string.Format("Enter password for user {0} at {1}", userName, targetName)
                              : string.Format("Enter password for user {0}", userName);
     var password = ReadLineAsSecureString();
     return new PSCredential(userName, password);
        public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName,
                                                         string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
                                                         PSCredentialUIOptions options)
                if (_settings.PromptForCredentialsInConsole)
                    return PromptForCredentialFromConsole(caption, message, userName, targetName, allowedCredentialTypes,

            IntPtr handle = _control.GetSafeWindowHandle();
            return NativeUtils.CredUIPromptForCredential(
		public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
			PSCredential reply;
			string str;
			PowwaEvents.PowwaEVENT_DEBUG_LOG0("PromptForCredential(): Enter");
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetName))
					bool flag = (allowedCredentialTypes & PSCredentialTypes.Domain) == PSCredentialTypes.Domain;
					string str1 = "PromptForCredential()";
					string str2 = "domainCredentials";
					if (flag)
						str = "true";
						str = "false";
					PowwaEvents.PowwaEVENT_DEBUG_LOG1(str1, str2, str);
					MessageCreatedEventArgs messageCreatedEventArg = new MessageCreatedEventArgs(new PromptForCredentialMessage(caption, message, userName, flag), true);
					reply = (PSCredential)messageCreatedEventArg.Reply;
					PowwaEvents.PowwaEVENT_DEBUG_LOG1("PromptForCredential(): Invalid Argument", "targetName", "null");
					throw new NotSupportedException(Resources.PromptForCredentialTargetNameNotSupported);
				PowwaEvents.PowwaEVENT_DEBUG_LOG0("PromptForCredential(): Exit");
			return reply;
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, System.Management.Automation.PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     return null;
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     if (this.externalUI == null)
     PSCredential credential = null;
         credential = this.externalUI.PromptForCredential(caption, message, userName, targetName, allowedCredentialTypes, options);
     catch (PipelineStoppedException)
         LocalPipeline currentlyRunningPipeline = (LocalPipeline) ((RunspaceBase) this.parent.Context.CurrentRunspace).GetCurrentlyRunningPipeline();
         if (currentlyRunningPipeline == null)
     return credential;
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     throw new NotImplementedException("PromptForCredential1 is not implemented.  The script is asking for input, which is a problem since there's no console.  Make sure the script can execute without prompting the user for input.");
Exemple #50
        public static PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(caption))
                caption = Res.Me + " Credential Request";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                message = "Enter your credentials.";
            CREDUI_INFO cREDUI_INFO = default(CREDUI_INFO);
            cREDUI_INFO.pszCaptionText = caption;
            cREDUI_INFO.pszMessageText = message;
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(userName, 513);
            StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder(256);
            bool value = false;
            int num = Convert.ToInt32(value);
            cREDUI_INFO.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(cREDUI_INFO);
            cREDUI_INFO.hwndParent = Far.Api.UI.MainWindowHandle; //! works for conemu, too, but the effect is as if we use IntPtr.Zero
            if ((allowedCredentialTypes & PSCredentialTypes.Domain) != PSCredentialTypes.Domain)
                if ((options & PSCredentialUIOptions.AlwaysPrompt) == PSCredentialUIOptions.AlwaysPrompt)
            CredUIReturnCodes credUIReturnCodes = CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
            if (stringBuilder.Length <= 513 && stringBuilder2.Length <= 256)
                credUIReturnCodes = CredUIPromptForCredentials(ref cREDUI_INFO, targetName, IntPtr.Zero, 0, stringBuilder, 513, stringBuilder2, 256, ref num, cREDUI_FLAGS);
            PSCredential pSCredential;
            if (credUIReturnCodes == CredUIReturnCodes.NO_ERROR)
                string text = null;
                if (stringBuilder != null)
                    text = stringBuilder.ToString();
                SecureString secureString = new SecureString();
                for (int i = 0; i < stringBuilder2.Length; i++)
                    stringBuilder2[i] = '\0';
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                    pSCredential = new PSCredential(text, secureString);
                    pSCredential = null;
                //if (credUIReturnCodes != CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_CANCELLED)
                //    throw new InvalidOperationException("Getting credentials error: " + credUIReturnCodes);

                pSCredential = null;
            return pSCredential;
Exemple #51
        internal static PSCredential CredUIPromptForCredential(
            string caption,
            string message,
            string userName,
            string targetName,
            PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
            PSCredentialUIOptions options,
            IntPtr parentHWND)
            PSCredential cred = null;

            // From WinCred.h
            const int CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH      = (256 + 1 + 256);
            const int CRED_MAX_CREDENTIAL_BLOB_SIZE = 512;
            const int CREDUI_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH     = 1024;
            const int CREDUI_MAX_CAPTION_LENGTH     = 128;

            // Populate the UI text with defaults, if required
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(caption))
                caption = CredUI.PromptForCredential_DefaultCaption;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                message = CredUI.PromptForCredential_DefaultMessage;

            if (caption.Length > CREDUI_MAX_CAPTION_LENGTH)
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, CredUI.PromptForCredential_InvalidCaption, CREDUI_MAX_CAPTION_LENGTH));

            if (message.Length > CREDUI_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH)
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, CredUI.PromptForCredential_InvalidMessage, CREDUI_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH));

            if (userName != null && userName.Length > CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH)
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, CredUI.PromptForCredential_InvalidUserName, CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH));

            CREDUI_INFO credUiInfo = new CREDUI_INFO();

            credUiInfo.pszCaptionText = caption;
            credUiInfo.pszMessageText = message;

            StringBuilder usernameBuilder = new StringBuilder(userName, CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH);
            StringBuilder passwordBuilder = new StringBuilder(CRED_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);

            bool save            = false;
            int  saveCredentials = Convert.ToInt32(save);

            credUiInfo.cbSize     = Marshal.SizeOf(credUiInfo);
            credUiInfo.hwndParent = parentHWND;


            // Set some of the flags if they have not requested a domain credential
            if ((allowedCredentialTypes & PSCredentialTypes.Domain) != PSCredentialTypes.Domain)
                flags |= CREDUI_FLAGS.GENERIC_CREDENTIALS;

                // If they've asked to always prompt, do so.
                if ((options & PSCredentialUIOptions.AlwaysPrompt) == PSCredentialUIOptions.AlwaysPrompt)
                    flags |= CREDUI_FLAGS.ALWAYS_SHOW_UI;

            // To prevent buffer overrun attack, only attempt call if buffer lengths are within bounds.
            CredUIReturnCodes result = CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;

            if (usernameBuilder.Length <= CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH && passwordBuilder.Length <= CRED_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH)
                result = CredUIPromptForCredentials(
                    ref credUiInfo,
                    ref saveCredentials,

            if (result == CredUIReturnCodes.NO_ERROR)
                // Extract the username
                string credentialUsername = null;
                if (usernameBuilder != null)
                    credentialUsername = usernameBuilder.ToString();

                // Trim the leading '\' from the username, which CredUI automatically adds
                // if you don't specify a domain.
                // This is a really common bug in V1 and V2, causing everybody to have to do
                // it themselves.
                // This could be a breaking change for hosts that do hard-coded hacking:
                // $cred.UserName.SubString(1, $cred.Username.Length - 1)
                // But that's OK, because they would have an even worse bug when you've
                // set the host (ConsolePrompting = true) configuration (which does not do this).
                credentialUsername = credentialUsername.TrimStart('\\');

                // Extract the password into a SecureString, zeroing out the memory
                // as soon as possible.
                SecureString password = new SecureString();
                for (int counter = 0; counter < passwordBuilder.Length; counter++)
                    passwordBuilder[counter] = (char)0;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(credentialUsername))
                    cred = new PSCredential(credentialUsername, password);
                    cred = null;
            else // result is not CredUIReturnCodes.NO_ERROR
                cred = null;

        public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userName))
                this.Log().Warn("Please provide username:"******"Please provide password:"******"*");
                    password += info.KeyChar;
                    info = possibleNonInteractive ? Console.ReadKey(TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS * 1000) : Console.ReadKey(true);
                else if (info.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                        password = password.Substring(0, password.Length - 1);
                        // get the location of the cursor
                        int pos = System.Console.CursorLeft;
                        // move the cursor to the left by one character
                        System.Console.SetCursorPosition(pos - 1, System.Console.CursorTop);
                        // replace it with space
                        Console.Write(" ");
                        // move the cursor to the left by one character again
                        System.Console.SetCursorPosition(pos - 1, System.Console.CursorTop);
                    info = possibleNonInteractive ? Console.ReadKey(TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS * 1000) : Console.ReadKey(true);
            for (int i = 0; i < password.Length; i++) Console.Write("*");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password))
                this.Log().Warn(ChocolateyLoggers.Important, "A userName or password was not entered. This may result in future failures.");

            return new PSCredential(userName, password.to_secure_string());
Exemple #53
 /// <summary>
 /// Prompt for credential.
 /// </summary>
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     return(_serverMethodExecutor.ExecuteMethod <PSCredential>(RemoteHostMethodId.PromptForCredential2,
                                                               new object[] { caption, message, userName, targetName, allowedCredentialTypes, options }));
Exemple #54
        /// <summary>
        /// Prompt for credentials.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName">Name of the user whose creds are to be prompted for. If set to null or empty string, the function will prompt for user name first.</param>
        /// <param name="targetName">Name of the target for which creds are being collected.</param>
        /// <param name="message">Message to be displayed.</param>
        /// <param name="caption">Caption for the message.</param>
        /// <param name="allowedCredentialTypes">What type of creds can be supplied by the user.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options that control the cred gathering UI behavior.</param>
        /// <returns>PSCredential object, or null if input was cancelled (or if reading from stdin and stdin at EOF).</returns>
        public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(
            string caption,
            string message,
            string userName,
            string targetName,
            PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
            PSCredentialUIOptions options)
            PSCredential cred           = null;
            SecureString password       = null;
            string       userPrompt     = null;
            string       passwordPrompt = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(caption))
                // Should be a skin lookup

                WriteLineToConsole(PromptColor, RawUI.BackgroundColor, WrapToCurrentWindowWidth(caption));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                userPrompt = ConsoleHostUserInterfaceSecurityResources.PromptForCredential_User;

                // need to prompt for user name first
                    WriteToConsole(userPrompt, true);
                    userName = ReadLine();
                    if (userName == null)
                }while (userName.Length == 0);

            passwordPrompt = StringUtil.Format(ConsoleHostUserInterfaceSecurityResources.PromptForCredential_Password, userName

            // now, prompt for the password
            WriteToConsole(passwordPrompt, true);
            password = ReadLineAsSecureString();
            if (password == null)


            cred = new PSCredential(userName, password);

Exemple #55
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     return NativeMethods.PromptForCredential(caption, message, userName, targetName, allowedCredentialTypes, options);
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
Exemple #57
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     if (!InteractiveIO)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #58
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName,
     PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     if (!InteractiveIO)
     // TODO: add support for allowedCredentialTypes and options
     // TODO: what does targetName mean? is it a default password, like userName? If so, implement a default value
     //       in SecureStringReader and use it like that
     Write("UserName: "******"Password: ");
     var pw = ReadLineAsSecureString();
     return new PSCredential(user, pw);
        public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
            PSCredential result = null;
            CREDUI_INFO  credui = new CREDUI_INFO();

            credui.pszCaptionText = caption;
            credui.pszMessageText = message;
            credui.cbSize         = Marshal.SizeOf(credui);
            uint   authPackage   = 0;
            IntPtr outCredBuffer = new IntPtr();
            uint   outCredSize;
            bool   save      = false;
            int    w32Result = CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials(ref credui, 0, ref authPackage, IntPtr.Zero, 0, out outCredBuffer, out outCredSize, ref save, 1);

            int           maxLength   = 100;
            StringBuilder usernameBuf = new StringBuilder(maxLength);
            StringBuilder passwordBuf = new StringBuilder(maxLength);
            StringBuilder domainBuf   = new StringBuilder(maxLength);

            if (w32Result == 0)
                if (CredUnPackAuthenticationBuffer(0, outCredBuffer, outCredSize, usernameBuf, ref maxLength, domainBuf, ref maxLength, passwordBuf, ref maxLength))

                    SecureString password = new SecureString();
                    foreach (char c in passwordBuf.ToString())

                    string domainName = domainBuf.ToString();

                    if (domainName != null && domainName != string.Empty)
                        result = new PSCredential(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", domainName, usernameBuf.ToString()), password);
                        result = new PSCredential(usernameBuf.ToString(), password);

 /// <summary>
 /// Prompts the user for credentials by using a specified prompt window 
 /// caption, prompt message, user name and target name, credential types 
 /// allowed to be returned, and UI behavior options.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="caption">The caption of the message window.</param>
 /// <param name="message">The text of the message.</param>
 /// <param name="userName">The user name whose credential is to be prompted for.</param>
 /// <param name="targetName">The name of the target for which the credential is collected.</param>
 /// <param name="allowedCredentialTypes">PSCredentialTypes cconstants that identify the type of 
 /// credentials that can be returned.</param>
 /// <param name="options">A PSCredentialUIOptions constant that identifies the UI behavior 
 /// when it gathers the credentials.</param>
 /// <returns>Throws a NotImplementException exception.</returns>
 public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(
                        string caption,
                        string message,
                        string userName,
                        string targetName,
                        PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes,
                        PSCredentialUIOptions options)
     PromptCredentialsResult result = CredentialUI.PromptForCredentials(targetName, caption, message, userName, null);
     return result == null ? null : new PSCredential(result.UserName, result.Password.ToSecureString());