private void BindData() { QueryEmployeeSuper query = new QueryEmployeeSuper(); //分页参数赋值 if (Request.QueryString["EmName"] != null) { query.TrueName = Request.QueryString["EmName"] == "" ? Entities.Constants.Constant.STRING_INVALID_VALUE : Request.QueryString["EmName"].ToString(); } int intval = 0; if (Request.QueryString["GroupID"] != null && int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["GroupID"].ToString(), out intval)) { query.BGID = Request.QueryString["GroupID"] == "-1" ? Entities.Constants.Constant.INT_INVALID_VALUE : int.Parse(Request.QueryString["GroupID"].ToString()); } int userid = BLL.Util.GetLoginUserID(); //当用户选择请选择时,查询条件:数据中的分组 in ( 用户的管辖分组和所属分组 ) if (query.BGID == Entities.Constants.Constant.INT_INVALID_VALUE) { query.BGIDs = BLL.EmployeeSuper.Instance.GetCurrentUserGroupIDs(userid); } //弹出层没有区域查询条件 强斐 2014-12-4 //query.RegionID = BitAuto.ISDC.CC2012.BLL.EmployeeAgent.Instance.GetEmployeeAgentRegionID(userid); //按条件找人:条件-姓名,角色 DataTable dt = BLL.EmployeeSuper.Instance.GetEmployeeSuper(query, "", BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, pageSize, out RecordCount); RptEm.DataSource = dt; RptEm.DataBind(); litPagerDown.Text = BLL.PageCommon.Instance.LinkStringByPost(BLL.Util.GetUrl(), GroupLength, RecordCount, pageSize, BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, 1); }
private void BindData() { int RecordCount = 0; QueryEmployeeSuper query = new QueryEmployeeSuper(); //分页参数赋值 query.BGID = 9; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TrueName)) { query.TrueName = TrueName; } //按条件找人:条件-部门,角色- DataTable dt = BLL.EmployeeSuper.Instance.GetEmployeeSuper(query, "", BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, PageSize, out RecordCount); repterPersonlist.DataSource = dt; repterPersonlist.DataBind(); litPagerDown.Text = BLL.PageCommon.Instance.LinkStringByPost(BLL.Util.GetUrl(), GroupLength, RecordCount, PageSize, BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, 1); }
//private const string P_CUSTHISTORYINFO_INSERT = "p_CustHistoryInfo_Insert"; //private const string P_CUSTHISTORYINFO_UPDATE = "p_CustHistoryInfo_Update"; #endregion #region Select /// <summary> /// 按照查询条件查询 /// </summary> /// <param name="query">查询条件</param> /// <param name="order">排序</param> /// <param name="currentPage">页号,-1不分页</param> /// <param name="pageSize">每页记录数</param> /// <param name="totalCount">总行数</param> /// <returns>集合</returns> public DataTable GetEmployeeSuper(QueryEmployeeSuper query, string order, int currentPage, int pageSize, out int totalCount) { string where = ""; #region 部门条件 if (query.OnlyCCDepart) { where += " AND UserInfo.Status=0 "; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.PartIDType)) { query.PartIDType = "YichePartID"; } string PartIDs = BitAuto.Utils.Config.ConfigurationUtil.GetAppSettingValue(query.PartIDType); int DepCount = PartIDs.Split(',').Length; if (DepCount > 0) { where += " AND ("; for (int i = 0; i < DepCount; i++) { if (i != 0) { where += " OR "; } where += " UserInfo.DepartID IN (SELECT ID FROM SysRightsManager.dbo.f_Cid('" + PartIDs.Split(',')[i] + "')) "; } where += " )"; } } #endregion if (query.UsercodeNotEmpty) { where += " AND SysRightsManager.dbo.UserInfo.UserCode >''"; } if (query.TrueName != Constant.STRING_INVALID_VALUE) { where += " AND TrueName LIKE '%" + Utils.StringHelper.SqlFilter(query.TrueName) + "%'"; } if (query.AgentNum != Constant.STRING_INVALID_VALUE) { where += " AND AgentNum='" + StringHelper.SqlFilter(query.AgentNum.ToString()) + "'"; } if (query.RightType != Constant.INT_INVALID_VALUE) { where += " AND RightType=" + query.RightType.ToString(); } if (query.Role != Constant.STRING_INVALID_VALUE) { where += " AND SysRightsManager.dbo.UserRole.RoleID IN (" + Dal.Util.SqlFilterByInCondition(query.Role) + ")"; } if (query.BGID != Constant.INT_INVALID_VALUE && query.BGID > 0) { where += " AND CC2012.dbo.EmployeeAgent.BGID=" + query.BGID; } else { where += " AND CC2012.dbo.EmployeeAgent.BGID IS NOT NULL "; } if (query.RegionID != Constant.INT_INVALID_VALUE && query.RegionID > 0) { where += " AND CC2012.dbo.EmployeeAgent.RegionID=" + query.RegionID; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.BGIDs)) { //where += " and CC2012.dbo.EmployeeAgent.BGID in (" + Dal.Util.SqlFilterByInCondition(query.BGIDs) + ")"; //包含本人 where += " AND (CC2012.dbo.EmployeeAgent.BGID IN (" + Dal.Util.SqlFilterByInCondition(query.BGIDs) + ") " + "OR SysRightsManager.dbo.UserInfo.UserID=" + query.ContainLoginUserID + ")"; } if (query.UserID != Constant.INT_INVALID_VALUE) { where += " AND SysRightsManager.dbo.UserInfo.UserID=" + query.UserID.ToString(); } if (query.ADName != Constant.STRING_INVALID_VALUE && query.ADName != Constant.STRING_EMPTY_VALUE) { where += " AND SysRightsManager.dbo.UserInfo.ADName='" + StringHelper.SqlFilter(query.ADName.Trim()) + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.SelectUserIdSql)) { where += " AND CC2012.dbo.EmployeeAgent.UserID IN (SELECT UserID FROM #tmp) "; } DataSet ds; SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@where", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 40000), new SqlParameter("@order", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200), new SqlParameter("@pagesize", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@indexpage", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@totalRecorder", SqlDbType.Int, 4) }; parameters[0].Value = where; parameters[1].Value = order; parameters[2].Value = pageSize; parameters[3].Value = currentPage; parameters[4].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(CONNECTIONSTRINGS)) { connection.Open(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.SelectUserIdSql)) { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(connection, CommandType.Text, query.SelectUserIdSql); } ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, P_ZuoxiList_Select, parameters); totalCount = (int)(parameters[4].Value); return(ds.Tables[0]); } }
public DataTable GetAgentInfoByCondition(string Verifycode, AgentInfoCondition AgentInfoCondition, int PageSize, int PageIndex, ref int RecordCount, ref string msg) { try { #region 记接口调用日志 StringBuilder infoSb = new StringBuilder(); infoSb.Append("调用接口GetAgentInfoByCondition!"); infoSb.Append(";验证码:" + Verifycode); if (AgentInfoCondition == null) { infoSb.Append(";条件为空;"); } else { infoSb.Append(";条件:{LoginUserID:" + AgentInfoCondition.LoginUserID + ",UserID:" + AgentInfoCondition.UserID + ",TrueName:" + AgentInfoCondition.TrueName + ",ADName:" + AgentInfoCondition.ADName + "},"); } infoSb.Append(";PageSize;" + PageSize); infoSb.Append(";PageIndex;" + PageIndex); BLL.Loger.Log4Net.Info(infoSb.ToString()); #endregion RecordCount = 0; if (BLL.CallRecord_ORIG_Authorizer.Instance.Verify(Verifycode, 0, ref msg, "根据当前登录者ID或真实姓名,查询坐席信息,授权失败。")) { QueryEmployeeSuper query = new QueryEmployeeSuper(); if (AgentInfoCondition != null) { if (AgentInfoCondition.LoginUserID > 0) { Entities.EmployeeAgent model = BLL.EmployeeAgent.Instance.GetEmployeeAgentByUserID(AgentInfoCondition.LoginUserID); if (model != null && model.BGID != null && model.BGID > 0) { query.BGID = model.BGID.Value; } } if (AgentInfoCondition.BGID > 0) { query.BGID = AgentInfoCondition.BGID; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AgentInfoCondition.TrueName)) { query.TrueName = AgentInfoCondition.TrueName.Trim(); } if (AgentInfoCondition.UserID > 0) { query.UserID = AgentInfoCondition.UserID; } if (AgentInfoCondition.ADName != "") { query.ADName = AgentInfoCondition.ADName.Trim(); } query.OnlyCCDepart = true; } query.PartIDType = "PartID"; DataTable dt = BLL.EmployeeSuper.Instance.GetEmployeeSuper(query, "", PageIndex, PageSize, out RecordCount); return(dt); } else { BLL.Loger.Log4Net.Info("GetAgentInfoByCondition验证失败!msg=" + msg); return(null); } } catch (Exception ex) { msg = ex.Message; BLL.Loger.Log4Net.Info("GetAgentInfoByCondition运行报错!msg=" + ex.StackTrace); return(null); } }
/// 绑定数据 /// <summary> /// 绑定数据 /// </summary> private void BindData() { int RecordCount = 0; int userid = BLL.Util.GetLoginUserID(); QueryEmployeeSuper query = new QueryEmployeeSuper(); query.OnlyCCDepart = true; query.ContainLoginUserID = userid; //分组 query.BGID = CommonFunction.ObjectToInteger(BGID, -2); //下拉框 if (query.BGID <= 0) { string str = ""; foreach (ListItem item in ddlBussiGroup.Items) { str += item.Value + ","; } if (str.Length > 0) { query.BGIDs = str.TrimEnd(','); } else { query.BGIDs = null; } } else { query.BGIDs = null; } //用户名称 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TrueName)) { query.TrueName = TrueName; } #region 特殊条件 if (Action == "createuser") { //创建人-其他任务 query.SelectUserIdSql = "SELECT DISTINCT CreateUserID as UserID INTO #tmp FROM OtherTaskInfo"; } else if (Action == "operuser") { //操作人-其他任务 query.SelectUserIdSql = "SELECT DISTINCT LastOptUserID as UserID INTO #tmp FROM OtherTaskInfo"; } else if (Action == "addblackdatauser") { //添加入—黑名单 query.SelectUserIdSql = "SELECT DISTINCT CreateUserId as UserID INTO #tmp FROM dbo.BlackWhiteList WHERE [type] = 0 and [Status]=0"; } else if (Action == "addwhitedatauser") { //添加人—白名单 query.SelectUserIdSql = "SELECT DISTINCT CreateUserId as UserID INTO #tmp FROM dbo.BlackWhiteList WHERE [type] = 1 and [Status]=0"; } else if (Action == "employee") { //坐席-其他任务 query.SelectUserIdSql = "SELECT DISTINCT UserID as UserID INTO #tmp FROM ProjectTask_Employee WHERE PTID like 'OTH%'"; } else if (Action == "shensuemployee") { //质量管理-申诉统计 query.SelectUserIdSql = "SELECT DISTINCT CreateUserID as UserID INTO #tmp FROM CallRecord_ORIG_Business_qs"; } else if (Action == "workordersubmituser") { //工单记录提交人 query.SelectUserIdSql = "SELECT DISTINCT CreateUserID as UserID INTO #tmp FROM WorkOrderInfo"; } else if (Action == "worderV2submituser") { //工单记录提交人 query.SelectUserIdSql = "SELECT DISTINCT CreateUserID as UserID INTO #tmp FROM WOrderInfo"; } #endregion //按条件找人:条件-部门,角色- DataTable dt = BLL.EmployeeSuper.Instance.GetEmployeeSuper(query, "TrueName", BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, PageSize, out RecordCount); repterPersonlist.DataSource = dt; repterPersonlist.DataBind(); litPagerDown.Text = BLL.PageCommon.Instance.LinkStringByPost(BLL.Util.GetUrl(), GroupLength, RecordCount, PageSize, BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, 201); }
/// <summary> /// 分页获取员工(多条件搜索) /// </summary> /// <param name="query"></param> /// <param name="order"></param> /// <param name="currentPage"></param> /// <param name="pageSize"></param> /// <param name="totalCount"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable GetEmployeeSuper(QueryEmployeeSuper query, string order, int currentPage, int pageSize, out int totalCount) { return(Dal.EmployeeSuper.Instance.GetEmployeeSuper(query, order, currentPage, pageSize, out totalCount)); }