public Position Inverse() { return(new Position( rot.Inverse().Xform(-pos), rot.Inverse() )); }
//Apply the hinge rotation limit private Quat LimitHinge(Quat rotation) { // If limit is zero return rotation fixed to axis if (min == 0 && max == 0 && useLimits) { return(Quat.AngleAxis(0, axis)); } // Get 1 degree of freedom rotation along axis Quat free1DOF = Limit1DOF(rotation, axis); if (!useLimits) { return(free1DOF); } // Get offset from last rotation in angle-axis representation Quat addR = free1DOF * Quat.Inverse(lastRotation); float addA = Quat.Angle(Quat.identity, addR); Vec3 secondaryAxis = new Vec3(axis.z, axis.x, axis.y); Vec3 cross = secondaryAxis.CrossProduct(axis); if (cross.DotProduct(addR * secondaryAxis) > 0f) { addA = -addA; } // Clamp to limits lastAngle = Mathf.Clamp(lastAngle + addA, min, max); return(Quat.AngleAxis(lastAngle, axis)); }
public static Quat Slerping(Quat lhs, Quat rhs, float t) { t = Mathf.Clamp(t, 0.0f, 1.0f); Quat d = rhs * lhs.Inverse(); Vector4 AxisAngle = d.GetAxisAngle(); Quat dt = new Quat(AxisAngle.w * t, new MyVector3(AxisAngle.x, AxisAngle.y, AxisAngle.z)); return(dt * lhs); }
public static Quat SLERP(Quat q, Quat r, float t) { t = Mathf.Clamp(t, 0.0f, 1.0f); Quat d = r * q.Inverse(); Vector4 AxisAngle = d.GetAxisAngle(); Quat dT = new Quat(AxisAngle.w * t, new Vector3(AxisAngle.x, AxisAngle.y, AxisAngle.z)); return(dT * q); }
public static float Angle(Quat lhs, Quat rhs) { lhs.Normalize(); rhs.Normalize(); rhs.Inverse(); Quat q = Multiply(lhs, rhs); return(2 * Mathf.Acos(q.w) * Mathf.Rad2Deg); }
void orbit() { angle += Time.deltaTime * orbitSpeed * speedScalar; Quat q = new Quat(angle, new Vector3(0, 1, 0)); //positionVector is used to set how far from the sun the object orbits Vector3 p = positionVector; Quat k = new Quat(1.0f, p); Quat newk = q * k * q.Inverse(); Vector3 newp = newk.GetAxis(); transform.position = newp; }
//function for applying the transformations to the object model public void transformModel() { applyMouseInputs(); Vector3[] TransformedVertices = new Vector3[ModelSpaceVertices.Length]; //set quaternions to rotate by Quat q1 = new Quat(pitchAng - lastpitchAng, new Vector3(1, 0, 0)); Quat q2 = new Quat(yawAng - lastyawAng, new Vector3(0, 1, 0)); Quat q3 = new Quat(rollAng - lastrollAng, new Vector3(0, 0, 1)); //rotate orientation quaternion by pitch yaw and roll quaternion representations; q = ((q * q2) * q1) * q3; for (int i = 0; i < TransformedVertices.Length; i++) { //rotate each vertex by the orientation from model space; Quat K = new Quat(ModelSpaceVertices[i]); Quat newK = q * K * q.Inverse(); Vector3 newP = newK.GetAxis(); Vector3 quatVert = newP; //scale each vertex by the scale multiplier; Matrix4by4 sMatrix = scale(scaleMul); Vector3 scaVert = sMatrix * quatVert; //translate the object so it will be a set distance ahead of the player; Matrix4by4 tMat = translate(new Vector3(0, 0, distanceAhead)); Vector4 ratVert = new Vector4(scaVert.x, scaVert.y, scaVert.z, 1); Vector4 scatVert = tMat * ratVert; //rotate the object around the origin(camera), so it is always in front of the camera; Matrix4by4 yawMatrix = yawRot(g); Matrix4by4 pitchMatrix = pitchRot(y); Matrix4by4 pyMatrix = yawMatrix * pitchMatrix; Vector3 scarotVert = pyMatrix * scatVert; //translate the object so it is correctly positioned in the world; Matrix4by4 tMatrix = translate(new Vector3(pos.x, 0, pos.z)); Vector4 tVert = new Vector4(scarotVert.x, scarotVert.y, scarotVert.z, 1); Vector4 finalVert = tMatrix * tVert; TransformedVertices[i] = finalVert; } //set mesh to the transformed vertices MeshFilter MF = GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); MF.mesh.vertices = TransformedVertices; MF.mesh.RecalculateBounds(); MF.mesh.RecalculateNormals(); //sets angles so it doesn't accumulate and increase speed over time; lastpitchAng = pitchAng; lastyawAng = yawAng; lastrollAng = rollAng; }
public static Vector3f AngularVelocity(Quat previous, Quat rotation, float deltaTime) { // var q = rotation * Quat.Inverse(previous); float length = Math.Sqrt(q.x * q.x + q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z); if (length <= Math.Epsilon) { return(new Vector3f(2f * q.x, 2f * q.y, 2f * q.z)); } float angle = 2f * Math.Atan2(length, q.w); return((new Vector3f(q.x, q.y, q.z)) * (angle / (length * deltaTime))); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { Vector3[] TransformedVertices = new Vector3[ModelSpaceVertices.Length]; angle += Time.deltaTime * 1; Rotation *= new Quat(EulerMaths.DegtoRag(RotationSpeed), VectorMaths.VectorNormalised(new Vector3(0, 1, 0))); for (int i = 0; i < TransformedVertices.Length; i++) { Quat p = new Quat(ModelSpaceVertices[i]); Quat newp = ((Rotation * p) * Rotation.Inverse()); Vector3 newpos = newp.GetAxisAngle(); TransformedVertices[i] = newpos; } MeshFilter MF = GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); MF.mesh.vertices = TransformedVertices; MF.mesh.RecalculateNormals(); MF.mesh.RecalculateBounds(); }
public static void Calculate(Vector3f top, Vector3f mid, Vector3f low, Vector3f target, Vector3f hint, Quat topRotation, Quat midRotation, ref Quat topLocalRotation, ref Quat midLocalRotation) { // Epsilon is used to prevent the chain to be fully extended (in order to prevent float point errors). float epsilon = 0.0001f; float lengthTopMid = (mid - top).length; float lengthMidLow = (low - mid).length; float lengthTopLow = (low - top).length; float lengthTopTarget = Math.Clamp((target - top).length, epsilon, lengthTopMid + lengthMidLow - epsilon); // Get angle difference using current and desired angle for mid. // Axis is multiplied by the inverse of mid global rotation in order to make the new rotation in local space (this is done every time). float currentMidAngle = Math.TriangleAngle(lengthTopLow, lengthTopMid, lengthMidLow); float desiredMidAngle = Math.TriangleAngle(lengthTopTarget, lengthTopMid, lengthMidLow); float midAngleDiff = (currentMidAngle - desiredMidAngle); Vector3f midAxis = Vector3f.Normalize(Vector3f.Cross(top - mid, mid - low)); Quat finalMidRotation = new Quat(midAngleDiff, Quat.Inverse(midRotation) * midAxis); midLocalRotation *= finalMidRotation; // Rotate low in global space. Vector3f rotatedLow = (new Quat(midAngleDiff, midAxis) * (low - mid)) + mid; // Get angle difference by calculating the angle between top-low-target. float topAngleDiff = Vector3f.Angle(rotatedLow - top, target - top); Vector3f topAxis = Vector3f.Normalize(Vector3f.Cross(rotatedLow - top, target - top)); Quat finalTopRotation = new Quat(topAngleDiff, Quat.Inverse(topRotation) * topAxis); topLocalRotation *= finalTopRotation; // Rotate mid and low (again) in global space. Vector3f rotatedMid = (new Quat(topAngleDiff, topAxis) * (mid - top)) + top; Vector3f lastRotatedLow = (new Quat(topAngleDiff, topAxis) * new Quat(midAngleDiff, midAxis) * (low - mid)) + rotatedMid; // Get a plane using top and the normal top-low (rotated). // This will be used to calculate how many degrees needs top to be rotated in order to align mid with hint position (top and low won't be moved). Vector3f planeNormal = Vector3f.Normalize(top - lastRotatedLow); var plane = new Plane(planeNormal, top); Vector3f projectedMid = plane.ClosestPoint(rotatedMid); Vector3f projectedHint = plane.ClosestPoint(hint); float angleDiff = Vector3f.SignedAngle(top - projectedMid, top - projectedHint, plane.normal); Quat finalAdjustTopRotation = new Quat(angleDiff, Quat.Inverse(topRotation) * planeNormal); topLocalRotation = finalAdjustTopRotation * topLocalRotation; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { t += Time.deltaTime * 0.5f; //defining two rotations Quat q = new Quat(Mathf.PI * 1.0f, new Vector3(0, 1, 0)); Quat r = new Quat(Mathf.PI * 0.5f, new Vector3(1, 0, 0)); //slerped value Quat slerped = Quat.SLERP(q, r, t); //define vector that will be rotated Vector3 p = new Vector3(0, 8, 0); //store that vector in a quaternion Quat K = new Quat(p); //newk will have new position inside Quat newK = slerped * K * slerped.Inverse(); //get this position as avector Vector3 newP = newK.GetAxis(); transform.position = newP; }
//rotates the vertices of the planet model using the custom-made quaternions void Rotate() { Vector3[] TransformedVertices = new Vector3[ModelSpaceVertices.Length]; rotAngle += Time.deltaTime * rotSpeed * speedScalar; Quat Rotation = new Quat(VectorMaths.DegToRad(rotAngle), VectorMaths.VectorNormalize(new Vector3(1, 1, 1))); for (int i = 0; i < TransformedVertices.Length; i++) { Quat p = new Quat(ModelSpaceVertices[i]); Quat newp = ((Rotation * p) * Rotation.Inverse()); Vector3 newpos = newp.GetAxisAngle(); TransformedVertices[i] = newpos; } // TransformedVertices[0].x = -300; MeshFilter MF = GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); MF.mesh.vertices = TransformedVertices; MF.mesh.RecalculateNormals(); MF.mesh.RecalculateBounds(); }
void RotatePlanet() //Same concept just x it by all the vertices e.t.c { Vector3[] TransformedVertices = new Vector3[ModelSpaceVertices.Length]; angle += Time.deltaTime * 50; Quat Rotation = new Quat(VectorMaths.DegToRad(angle), VectorMaths.VectorNormalize(new Vector3(1, 1, 1))); for (int i = 0; i < TransformedVertices.Length; i++) { Quat p = new Quat(ModelSpaceVertices[i]); Quat newp = ((Rotation * p) * Rotation.Inverse()); Vector3 newpos = newp.GetAxisAngle(); TransformedVertices[i] = newpos; } // TransformedVertices[0].x = -300; MeshFilter MF = GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); MF.mesh.vertices = TransformedVertices; MF.mesh.RecalculateNormals(); MF.mesh.RecalculateBounds(); }
//function for applying transformation to the demo object, rotating around to always face the player to make it easier to work out the correct orientation. functions the same as transformModel(); public void transformDemo() { Vector3[] TransformedVertices = new Vector3[ModelSpaceVertices.Length]; Quat q1 = new Quat(pitchAng - lastpitchAng, new Vector3(1, 0, 0)); Quat q2 = new Quat(yawAng - lastyawAng, new Vector3(0, 1, 0)); Quat q3 = new Quat(rollAng - lastrollAng, new Vector3(0, 0, 1)); q = ((q * q2) * q1) * q3; for (int i = 0; i < TransformedVertices.Length; i++) { Quat K = new Quat(ModelSpaceVertices[i]); Quat newK = q * K * q.Inverse(); Vector3 newP = newK.GetAxis(); Vector3 quatVert = newP; Matrix4by4 sMatrix = scale(scaleMul); Vector3 scaVert = sMatrix * quatVert; Matrix4by4 yawMatrix = new Matrix4by4(new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(g), 0, -Mathf.Sin(g)), new Vector3(0, 1, 0), new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(g), 0, Mathf.Cos(g)),; Vector3 scarotVert = yawMatrix * scaVert; Matrix4by4 tMatrix = translate(new Vector3(pos.x, 0, pos.z)); Vector4 tVert = new Vector4(scarotVert.x, scarotVert.y, scarotVert.z, 1); Vector4 finalVert = tMatrix * tVert; TransformedVertices[i] = finalVert; } MeshFilter MF = GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); MF.mesh.vertices = TransformedVertices; MF.mesh.RecalculateBounds(); MF.mesh.RecalculateNormals(); lastpitchAng = pitchAng; lastyawAng = yawAng; lastrollAng = rollAng; }
//Returns the limited local rotation. public Quat GetLimitedLocalRotation(Quat localRotation, out bool changed) { // Making sure the Rotation Limit is initiated if (!initiated) { Awake(); } // Subtracting defaultLocalRotation Quat rotation = Quat.Inverse(defaultLocalRotation) * localRotation; Quat limitedRotation = LimitRotation(rotation); changed = limitedRotation != rotation; if (!changed) { return(localRotation); } // Apply defaultLocalRotation back on return(defaultLocalRotation * limitedRotation); }
public static Quat Inverse(Quat q) { return(Quat.Inverse(q)); }
public void Quat4() { FQuat fq = FQuat.Euler(( Fix64 )45, ( Fix64 )(-23), ( Fix64 )(-48.88)); FQuat fq2 = FQuat.Euler(( Fix64 )23, ( Fix64 )(-78), ( Fix64 )(-132.43f)); Quat q = Quat.Euler(45, -23, -48.88f); Quat q2 = Quat.Euler(23, -78, -132.43f); FVec3 fv = new FVec3(12.5f, 9, 8); FVec3 fv2 = new FVec3(1, 0, 0); Vec3 v = new Vec3(12.5f, 9, 8); Vec3 v2 = new Vec3(1, 0, 0); this._output.WriteLine(fq.ToString()); this._output.WriteLine(q.ToString()); this._output.WriteLine(fq2.ToString()); this._output.WriteLine(q2.ToString()); Fix64 fa = FQuat.Angle(fq, fq2); float a = Quat.Angle(q, q2); this._output.WriteLine(fa.ToString()); this._output.WriteLine(a.ToString()); fq = FQuat.AngleAxis(( Fix64 )(-123.324), fv); q = Quat.AngleAxis(-123.324f, v); this._output.WriteLine(fq.ToString()); this._output.WriteLine(q.ToString()); fa = FQuat.Dot(fq, fq2); a = Quat.Dot(q, q2); this._output.WriteLine(fa.ToString()); this._output.WriteLine(a.ToString()); fq = FQuat.FromToRotation(FVec3.Normalize(fv), fv2); q = Quat.FromToRotation(Vec3.Normalize(v), v2); this._output.WriteLine(fq.ToString()); this._output.WriteLine(q.ToString()); fq = FQuat.Lerp(fq, fq2, ( Fix64 )0.66); q = Quat.Lerp(q, q2, 0.66f); this._output.WriteLine(fq.ToString()); this._output.WriteLine(q.ToString()); fq = FQuat.Normalize(fq); q.Normalize(); this._output.WriteLine(fq.ToString()); this._output.WriteLine(q.ToString()); fq.Inverse(); q = Quat.Inverse(q); this._output.WriteLine(fq.ToString()); this._output.WriteLine(q.ToString()); fv = FQuat.Orthogonal(fv); v = Quat.Orthogonal(v); this._output.WriteLine(fv.ToString()); this._output.WriteLine(v.ToString()); fq = FQuat.Slerp(fq, fq2, ( Fix64 )0.66); q = Quat.Slerp(q, q2, 0.66f); this._output.WriteLine(fq.ToString()); this._output.WriteLine(q.ToString()); fq = FQuat.LookRotation(FVec3.Normalize(fv), fv2); q = Quat.LookRotation(Vec3.Normalize(v), v2); this._output.WriteLine(fq.ToString()); this._output.WriteLine(q.ToString()); fq.ToAngleAxis(out fa, out fv); q.ToAngleAxis(out a, out v); this._output.WriteLine(fa.ToString()); this._output.WriteLine(a.ToString()); this._output.WriteLine(fv.ToString()); this._output.WriteLine(v.ToString()); fq = fq.Conjugate(); q = q.Conjugate(); this._output.WriteLine(fq.ToString()); this._output.WriteLine(q.ToString()); fq.SetLookRotation(FVec3.Normalize(fv), fv2); q.SetLookRotation(Vec3.Normalize(v), v2); this._output.WriteLine(fq.ToString()); this._output.WriteLine(q.ToString()); }
public static float AngleTo(Quat from, Quat to) { float result = Mathf.Acos((from.Inverse() * to).Normalized().w) * 2.0f; return(result); }
private static void LegSolvePatch(IntPtr thisPtr, byte boolValue, IntPtr methodPtr) { var kneeMode = IkTweaksSettings.IktKneeMode.Value; if (kneeMode != KneeBendNormalMode.Default && ourLastIkController.field_Private_IkType_0 == IkController.IkType.SixPoint && (thisPtr == ourCachedSolver.LeftLeg.Pointer || thisPtr == ourCachedSolver.RightLeg.Pointer)) { var isLeftLeg = thisPtr == ourCachedSolver.LeftLeg.Pointer; var currentLeg = isLeftLeg ? ourCachedSolver.LeftLeg : ourCachedSolver.RightLeg; var weight = currentLeg.bendGoalWeight; var oldUseKneeTarget = currentLeg.vrcUseKneeTarget; if (weight < 1) { Float3 newNormal; var currentLegBones = isLeftLeg ? ourCachedSolver.LeftLegBones : ourCachedSolver.RightLegBones; if (kneeMode == KneeBendNormalMode.Classic) { newNormal = (Quat)currentLeg.IKRotation * currentLeg.vrcBendNormalRelToFoot; } else { var baseFootUpDirectionG = currentLegBones[1].solverPosition - (Float3)currentLegBones[2].solverPosition; var baseKneeBendGoalDirectionRelToFoot = (Quat)currentLeg.rotation * Quat.Inverse(currentLegBones[2].solverRotation) * baseFootUpDirectionG; var legRootToFoot = (Float3)currentLeg.position - (Float3)currentLegBones[0].solverPosition; var newNormalCandidate = Float3.Cross(baseKneeBendGoalDirectionRelToFoot.normalized, legRootToFoot.normalized); // mix between "dumb" normal and "smart" one based on cross product length; // longer cross = presumably higher precision so mix more of "smart" normal in var newNormalLength = newNormalCandidate.magnitude; var baseNormal = (Quat)currentLeg.IKRotation * currentLeg.vrcBendNormalRelToFoot; newNormal = Float3.Lerp(baseNormal.normalized, newNormalCandidate, newNormalLength).normalized; } // this neat little thing seemingly makes VRC recalculate the normal in some weird way // but also... we set it ourself? whatever currentLeg.vrcUseKneeTarget = false; currentLeg.bendNormal = Float3.Lerp(newNormal, currentLeg.bendNormal, weight); } ourOriginalLegSolve(thisPtr, boolValue, methodPtr); currentLeg.vrcUseKneeTarget = oldUseKneeTarget; return; } ourOriginalLegSolve(thisPtr, boolValue, methodPtr); }
public Vec3 VectorToLocal(Vec3 point) { return(Quat.Inverse(Quat.FromToRotation(Vec3.right, * point); }
public Vec3 PointToLocal(Vec3 point) { return(Quat.Inverse(Quat.FromToRotation(Vec3.right, * (point -; }