Exemple #1
        public virtual void Map(int[] data, int cols)
            this.data = data;

            mapWidth  = cols;
            mapHeight = data.Length / cols;
            size      = mapWidth * mapHeight;

            _Width  = _cellW * mapWidth;
            _Height = _cellH * mapHeight;

            quads = Quad.CreateSet(size);

            updated.Set(0, 0, mapWidth, mapHeight);
Exemple #2
        public NinePatch(object tx, int x, int y, int w, int h, int Left, int Top, int Right, int Bottom)
            : base(0, 0, 0, 0)
            texture = TextureCache.Get(tx);
            w       = w == 0 ? texture.Width : w;
            h       = h == 0 ? texture.Height : h;

            nWidth  = _Width = w;
            nHeight = _Height = h;

            vertices       = new float[16];
            verticesBuffer = Quad.CreateSet(9);

            marginLeft   = Left;
            marginRight  = Right;
            marginTop    = Top;
            marginBottom = Bottom;

            outterF = texture.UvRect(x, y, x + w, y + h);
            innerF  = texture.UvRect(x + Left, y + Top, x + w - Right, y + h - Bottom);

Exemple #3
        protected internal virtual void UpdateVertices()
            _Width  = 0;
            _Height = 0;

            if (text == null)
                text = "";

            Quads      = Quad.CreateSet(text.Length);
            RealLength = 0;

            var length = text.Length;

            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
                var rect = ((TextureFilm)font).Get(text[i]);

                var w = font.Width(rect);
                var h = font.Height(rect);

                Vertices[0] = Width;
                Vertices[1] = 0;

                Vertices[2] = rect.Left;
                Vertices[3] = rect.Top;

                Vertices[4] = Width + w;
                Vertices[5] = 0;

                Vertices[6] = rect.Right;
                Vertices[7] = rect.Top;

                Vertices[8] = Width + w;
                Vertices[9] = h;

                Vertices[10] = rect.Right;
                Vertices[11] = rect.Bottom;

                Vertices[12] = Width;
                Vertices[13] = h;

                Vertices[14] = rect.Left;
                Vertices[15] = rect.Bottom;


                _Width += w + font.tracking;
                if (h > Height)
                    _Height = h;

            if (length > 0)
                _Width -= font.tracking;

            Dirty = false;
Exemple #4
        protected internal override void UpdateVertices()
            if (text == null)
                text = "";

            Quads      = Quad.CreateSet(text.Length);
            RealLength = 0;

            // This object controls lines breaking
            var writer = new SymbolWriter(font, MaxWidth, Scale);

            // Word Size
            var metrics = new PointF();

            var paragraphs = Paragraph.Split(text);

            // Current character (used in masking)
            var pos = 0;

            foreach (var words in paragraphs.Select(paragraph => Word.Split(paragraph)))
                foreach (var word in words.Where(word => word.Length != 0))
                    GetWordMetrics(word, metrics);
                    writer.AddSymbol(metrics.X, metrics.Y);

                    var length = word.Length;
                    var shift  = 0f; // Position in pixels relative to the beginning of the word

                    for (var k = 0; k < length; k++)
                        var rect = ((TextureFilm)font).Get(word[k]);

                        var w = font.Width(rect);
                        var h = font.Height(rect);

                        if (Mask == null || Mask[pos])
                            Vertices[0] = writer.x + shift;
                            Vertices[1] = writer.y;

                            Vertices[2] = rect.Left;
                            Vertices[3] = rect.Top;

                            Vertices[4] = writer.x + shift + w;
                            Vertices[5] = writer.y;

                            Vertices[6] = rect.Right;
                            Vertices[7] = rect.Top;

                            Vertices[8] = writer.x + shift + w;
                            Vertices[9] = writer.y + h;

                            Vertices[10] = rect.Right;
                            Vertices[11] = rect.Bottom;

                            Vertices[12] = writer.x + shift;
                            Vertices[13] = writer.y + h;

                            Vertices[14] = rect.Left;
                            Vertices[15] = rect.Bottom;


                        shift += w + font.tracking;



                writer.NewLine(0, font.LineHeight);

            Dirty = false;