private void SetConfigProfileDetails()
     //config path not assigned in cmdlet invocation
     if (ConfigPath == null)
         ConfigPath = util.PromptFullPath($"{CONFIG_FILE_PROMPT} [{DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH}]", CONFIG_FILE_PROPERTY);
         ConfigPath = util.GetSessionAbsPath(ConfigPath);
     //Assume default path if the user didn't enter a path
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigPath))
         ConfigPath = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH;
     Host.UI.WriteLine($"{CONFIG_FILE_INFO} {ConfigPath}");
     if (File.Exists(ConfigPath))
         bool addProfile = util.PromptYesNoChoice($"Config file {ConfigPath} already exists. Do you want add a profile here?" +
                                                  " (If no, you will be prompted to overwrite the file)", true);
         if (addProfile)
             if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProfileName) || ValidateProfileName(ProfileName) == null)
                 ProfileName = util.PromptValidateString(PROFILE_PROMPT, PROFILE_PROPERTY, ValidateProfileName);
             bool deleteConfig = util.PromptYesNoChoice($"File {ConfigPath} already exists. Do you want to overwrite (Removes existing profiles!!!)?", false);
             if (deleteConfig)
                 throw new Exception($"Avoid overwriting existing config at {ConfigPath}. Config setup terminated!");
     //Assume default profile name if the user hasn't specified one
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProfileName))
         ProfileName = DEFAULTPROFILE;
     ProfileName = ProfileName.ToUpperInvariant();