public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { if (!pipelineContext.Faulted) { if (processorContext.TryGetOption(DictionaryKey, out string dictionaryKey)) { if (processorContext.TryGetOption(DefaultValue, out string defaultValue) && defaultValue != default(string)) { pipelineContext.Context = Translate.TextByLanguage(dictionaryKey, Language.Current, defaultValue); } else { pipelineContext.Context = Translate.Text(dictionaryKey); } } else { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; } } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { switch (pipelineContext.Context) { case var item when int.TryParse(item.ToString(), out int intValue): pipelineContext.Context = intValue; break; default: pipelineContext.Faulted = true; break; } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(ModelContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { if (!pipelineContext.Faulted) { if (processorContext.TryGetOption(IdKey, out ID id)) { pipelineContext.Context = Context.Database.GetItem(id); } else if (processorContext.TryGetOption(IdKey, out string path)) { pipelineContext.Context = Context.Database.GetItem(path); } else { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; } } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { switch (pipelineContext.Context) { case string stringValue when Enum.TryParse(stringValue, true, out T value): pipelineContext.Context = value; break; case string stringValue when TryMatchByAttribute(stringValue, out T value): pipelineContext.Context = value; break; default: pipelineContext.Faulted = true; break; } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { if (!pipelineContext.Faulted) { if (processorContext.TryGetOption(ConstantOptionKey, out T constantValue)) { pipelineContext.Context = constantValue; } else { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; } } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { if (!pipelineContext.Faulted) { if (pipelineContext.Context is IEnumerable <TSource> sourceEnumerable) { pipelineContext.Context = sourceEnumerable .Select(i => i.As <TTarget>((pipeline, context) => context.Monitor = pipelineContext.Monitor)) .ToList(); } else { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; } } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { if (!pipelineContext.Faulted) { switch (pipelineContext.Context) { case Item mediaItem when mediaItem.Paths.IsMediaItem: pipelineContext.Context = MediaManager.GetMediaUrl(mediaItem); break; case Item contentItem when contentItem.Paths.IsContentItem: pipelineContext.Context = LinkManager.GetItemUrl(contentItem); break; default: pipelineContext.Faulted = true; break; } } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { switch (pipelineContext.Context) { case ImageField imageField when imageField.MediaItem != null: pipelineContext.Context = imageField.Height; break; default: pipelineContext.Faulted = true; break; } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { if (!pipelineContext.Faulted) { switch (pipelineContext.Context) { case CheckboxField checkboxField: pipelineContext.Context = checkboxField.Checked; break; case Field field when string.Equals(field.Type, "Checkbox", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): pipelineContext.Context = ((CheckboxField)field).Checked; break; default: pipelineContext.Faulted = true; break; } } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { if (!pipelineContext.Faulted) { switch (pipelineContext.Context) { case Item item: pipelineContext.Context = item.Name; break; default: pipelineContext.Faulted = true; break; } } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { switch (pipelineContext.Context) { case ImageField imageField when imageField.MediaItem != null: pipelineContext.Context = imageField.MediaItem.DisplayName ?? imageField.MediaItem.Name; break; case MediaItem mediaItem: pipelineContext.Context = mediaItem.DisplayName ?? mediaItem.Name; break; case Item item: pipelineContext.Context = item.DisplayName ?? item.Name; break; default: pipelineContext.Faulted = true; break; } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { switch (pipelineContext.Context) { case IEnumerable <Item> items: pipelineContext.Context = items.Select(x => x.ID).ToList(); break; case Item item: pipelineContext.Context = item.ID; break; default: pipelineContext.Faulted = true; break; } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
private bool GetPropertyInfo(PropertyContext context, ProcessorSchema processorContext, out PropertyInfo sourcePropertyInfo) { if (!processorContext.TryGetOption(SourcePropertyOptionKey, out string sourceProperty)) { sourceProperty = context.PropertyInfo.Name; } sourcePropertyInfo = context.MappingContext.Input.GetType().GetProperty(sourceProperty); return(sourcePropertyInfo != null); }
public void Run(ModelContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { if (!pipelineContext.Faulted) { switch (pipelineContext.Context) { case LookupField lookupField: pipelineContext.Context = lookupField.TargetItem; break; case ReferenceField referenceField: pipelineContext.Context = referenceField.TargetItem; break; case LinkField linkField: pipelineContext.Context = linkField.TargetItem; break; case MultilistField treeField: pipelineContext.Context = treeField.GetItems(); break; case string stringValue: pipelineContext.Context = Context.Item.Database.GetItem(stringValue); break; case ID idValue: pipelineContext.Context = Context.Item.Database.GetItem(idValue); break; case ImageField imageField: pipelineContext.Context = imageField.MediaItem; break; default: pipelineContext.Faulted = true; break; } } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { if (!pipelineContext.Faulted) { var mediaUrlOptions = new MediaUrlOptions(); if (processorContext.Options.ContainsKey(Width) && int.TryParse(processorContext.Options[Width].ToString(), out int width)) { mediaUrlOptions.Width = width; } if (processorContext.Options.ContainsKey(Height) && int.TryParse(processorContext.Options[Height].ToString(), out int height)) { mediaUrlOptions.Height = height; } switch (pipelineContext.Context) { case ImageField imageField when imageField.MediaItem != null: pipelineContext.Context = HashingUtils.ProtectAssetUrl(MediaManager.GetMediaUrl(imageField.MediaItem, mediaUrlOptions)); break; case MediaItem mediaItem: pipelineContext.Context = HashingUtils.ProtectAssetUrl(MediaManager.GetMediaUrl(mediaItem, mediaUrlOptions)); break; case Item item: pipelineContext.Context = HashingUtils.ProtectAssetUrl(MediaManager.GetMediaUrl(item, mediaUrlOptions)); break; default: pipelineContext.Faulted = true; break; } } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { // Null or Empty value ensure switch (pipelineContext.Context) { // If the context is null, and we have a valid replacement switch context to the replacement. case null when processorContext.TryGetOption(EnsureReplacement, out object replacement): pipelineContext.Context = replacement; break; // If the context is an empty or null string, and we have a valid replacement switch context to the replacement. case string stringValue when string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringValue) && processorContext.TryGetOption(EnsureReplacement, out string replacement): pipelineContext.Context = replacement; pipelineContext.Faulted = false; break; } // Type ensure if (processorContext.TryGetOption(EnsureType, out Type typeToEnsure)) { switch (pipelineContext.Context) { // Best case scenario we have a replacement of the same type to use. case var _ when processorContext.TryGetOption(EnsureReplacement, out object replacement) && typeToEnsure.IsInstanceOfType(replacement) && !typeToEnsure.IsInstanceOfType(pipelineContext.Context): pipelineContext.Context = replacement; pipelineContext.Faulted = false; break; } } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { var parameters = new StringBuilder(); if (processorContext.TryGetOption(DisableWebEditingOptionKey, out bool disableWebEditing)) { parameters.Append($"disable-web-editing={disableWebEditing}"); } if (!pipelineContext.Faulted) { switch (pipelineContext.Context) { case TextField field when processorContext.TryGetOption(RawFieldValue, out bool useRawFieldValue) && useRawFieldValue: pipelineContext.Context = field.Value; break; case TextField field: pipelineContext.Context = FieldRenderer.Render(field.InnerField.Item, field.InnerField.ID.ToString(), parameters.ToString()); break; case ValueLookupField valueLookupField: // Used for Unbound Droplist pipelineContext.Context = valueLookupField.Value; break; default: pipelineContext.Faulted = true; break; } } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { string parameters = string.Empty; if (processorContext.Options.ContainsKey(CssClass)) { parameters = AddParameter(parameters, $"class={processorContext.Options[CssClass]}"); } if (processorContext.Options.ContainsKey(Width) && int.TryParse(processorContext.Options[Width].ToString(), out int width)) { parameters = AddParameter(parameters, $"w={width}"); } if (processorContext.Options.ContainsKey(Height) && int.TryParse(processorContext.Options[Height].ToString(), out int height)) { parameters = AddParameter(parameters, $"h={height}"); } switch (pipelineContext.Context) { case CustomField customField: pipelineContext.Context = FieldRenderer.Render(customField.InnerField.Item, customField.InnerField.ID.ToString(), parameters); break; default: pipelineContext.Faulted = true; break; } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { if (!pipelineContext.Faulted && GetPropertyInfo(pipelineContext, processorContext, out PropertyInfo sourcePropertyInfo)) { pipelineContext.Context = FastPropertyAccessor.GetValue(sourcePropertyInfo, pipelineContext.MappingContext.Input); } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { if (!pipelineContext.Faulted) { FastPropertyAccessor.SetValue(pipelineContext.PropertyInfo, pipelineContext.MappingContext.Output, pipelineContext.Context); } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { if (processorContext.TryGetOption(Marker, out PropertyStageMarker marker)) { if (processorContext.TryGetOption(TypeCheck, out Type checkType)) { if (checkType.IsInstanceOfType(pipelineContext.Context)) { pipelineContext.Stage = marker; } } else { pipelineContext.Stage = marker; } } Next(); }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { if (!pipelineContext.Faulted) { if (pipelineContext.Context is LinkField linkField) { switch (linkField.LinkType.ToLower()) { case "internal" when linkField.TargetItem != null: pipelineContext.Context = LinkManager.GetItemUrl(linkField.TargetItem); break; case "media" when linkField.TargetItem != null: pipelineContext.Context = MediaManager.GetMediaUrl(linkField.TargetItem); break; case "anchor" when !string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkField.Anchor): pipelineContext.Context = $"#{linkField.Anchor}"; break; default: pipelineContext.Context = linkField.Url; break; } } else { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; } } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { string dateTimeFormat = string.Empty; if (processorContext.Options.ContainsKey(DateTimeFormat)) { dateTimeFormat = processorContext.Options[DateTimeFormat].ToString(); } switch (pipelineContext.Context) { case DateField field when !SitecoreContext.PageMode.IsExperienceEditor: pipelineContext.Context = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(field.Value) ? string.Empty : field.DateTime.ToString(dateTimeFormat); break; case DateField field: pipelineContext.Context = FieldRenderer.Render(field.InnerField.Item, field.InnerField.ID.ToString()); break; default: pipelineContext.Faulted = true; break; } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }
public void Run(ModelContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { pipelineContext.Context = $"Source was: '{pipelineContext.Context}'"; Next(); }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { Run((ModelContext)pipelineContext, processorContext); }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { pipelineContext.Context = "Processor5 Ran"; Next(); }
public void Run(PropertyContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { pipelineContext.Context = new TestOutput3().As <TestOutput3>(); Next(); }
public void Run(ModelContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { Next(); }
public void Run(ModelContext pipelineContext, ProcessorSchema processorContext) { try { if (!pipelineContext.Faulted) { Field contextField = null; switch (pipelineContext.Context) { case Item item: if (processorContext.TryGetOption(FieldId, out ID fieldId)) { contextField = item.Fields[fieldId]; } else if (pipelineContext is PropertyContext propertyContext) { contextField = item.Fields[propertyContext.PropertyInfo.Name]; } break; case Field field: contextField = field; break; case CustomField customField: contextField = customField.InnerField; break; } switch (contextField) { case null: break; case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Checkbox", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): pipelineContext.Context = new CheckboxField(contextField); break; case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Date", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Datetime", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): pipelineContext.Context = new DateField(contextField); break; case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "File", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): pipelineContext.Context = new FileField(contextField); break; case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Image", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): pipelineContext.Context = new ImageField(contextField); break; case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Single-Line Text", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Multi-Line Text", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Countable Edit", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): pipelineContext.Context = new TextField(contextField); break; case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Rich Text", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): pipelineContext.Context = new HtmlField(contextField); break; case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Word Document", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): pipelineContext.Context = new WordDocumentField(contextField); break; case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Campaign Tree", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Droptree", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): pipelineContext.Context = new ReferenceField(contextField); break; case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Droplist", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): pipelineContext.Context = new ValueLookupField(contextField); break; case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Grouped Droplink", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): pipelineContext.Context = new GroupedDroplinkField(contextField); break; case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Grouped Droplist", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): pipelineContext.Context = new GroupedDroplistField(contextField); break; case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Multilist", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Multilist with Search", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Accounts Multilist", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Checklist", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Treelist", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "TreelistEx", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): pipelineContext.Context = new MultilistField(contextField); break; case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Name Lookup Value List", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Name Value List", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): pipelineContext.Context = new NameValueListField(contextField); break; case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Droplink", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): pipelineContext.Context = new LookupField(contextField); break; case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "General Link", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "General Link with Search", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): pipelineContext.Context = new LinkField(contextField); break; case var _ when string.Equals(contextField.Type, "Version Link", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): pipelineContext.Context = new VersionLinkField(contextField); break; default: pipelineContext.Context = contextField; break; } } } catch { pipelineContext.Faulted = true; throw; } finally { Next(); } }