        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // c h e c k S i m p l e S e q                                        //
        //                                                                    //
        // Searches the PCL Simple sequence table for an entry identified by  //
        // the I_char value.                                                  //
        //                                                                    //
        // If found, the description and option flags of the sequence are     //
        // returned.                                                          //
        //                                                                    //

        public static Boolean checkSimpleSeq(
            Int32 macroLevel,
            Byte iChar,
            ref Boolean optObsolete,
            ref Boolean optResetHPGL2,
            ref PrnParseConstants.eOvlAct makeOvlAct,
            ref String description)
            Boolean seqKnown;

            PCLSimpleSeq seq;

            if (_seqs.IndexOfKey(iChar) != -1)
                seqKnown = true;
                seq      = _seqs[iChar];
                seqKnown = false;
                seq      = _seqUnknown;

            optObsolete   = seq.FlagObsolete;
            optResetHPGL2 = seq.FlagResetHPGL2;
            description   = seq.Description;
            makeOvlAct    = seq.makeOvlAct;

            seq.incrementStatisticsCount(macroLevel);   // Statistical data

Exemple #2
        //                                              C o n s t r u c t o r //
        // P C L X L A t t r i b u t e                                        //
        //                                                                    //

        public PCLXLAttribute(Int32 tagLen,
                              Byte tagA,
                              Byte tagB,
                              Boolean flagReserved,
                              Boolean flagAttrEnum,
                              Boolean flagOperEnum,
                              Boolean flagUbyteTxt,
                              Boolean flagUintTxt,
                              Boolean flagValIsLen,
                              Boolean flagValIsPCL,
                              PrnParseConstants.eActPCLXL actionType,
                              PrnParseConstants.eOvlAct makeOvlAct,
                              String description)
            _tagLen       = tagLen;
            _tagA         = tagA;
            _tagB         = tagB;
            _flagReserved = flagReserved;
            _flagAttrEnum = flagAttrEnum;
            _flagOperEnum = flagOperEnum;
            _flagUbyteTxt = flagUbyteTxt;
            _flagUintTxt  = flagUintTxt;
            _flagValIsLen = flagValIsLen;
            _flagValIsPCL = flagValIsPCL;
            _actionType   = actionType;
            _makeOvlAct   = makeOvlAct;
            _description  = description;

            _statsCtParent = 0;
            _statsCtChild  = 0;
        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // c h e c k C o n t r o l C o d e                                    //
        //                                                                    //
        // Searches the PCL Control Codes table for an entry identified by    //
        // the specified value.                                               //
        //                                                                    //
        // If found, the description and option flags of the sequence are     //
        // returned.                                                          //
        //                                                                    //

        public static Boolean checkControlCode(
            Int32 macroLevel,
            Byte tagVal,
            ref Boolean flagLineTerm,
            ref String mnemonic,
            ref PrnParseConstants.eOvlAct makeOvlAct,
            ref String description)
            Boolean tagKnown;

            PCLControlCode tag;

            if (_tags.IndexOfKey(tagVal) != -1)
                tagKnown = true;
                tag      = _tags[tagVal];
                tagKnown = false;
                tag      = _tagUnknown;

            flagLineTerm = tag.FlagLineTerm;
            mnemonic     = tag.Mnemonic;
            description  = tag.DescExcMnemonic;

            makeOvlAct = tag.makeOvlAct;

            tag.incrementStatisticsCount(macroLevel);    // Statistical data

        //                                              C o n s t r u c t o r //
        // P C L C o m p l e x S e q                                          //
        //                                                                    //

        public PCLComplexSeq(
            Byte keyPChar,
            Byte keyGChar,
            Byte keyTChar,
            Int32 value,
            Boolean flagDiscrete,
            Boolean flagNilGChar,
            Boolean flagNilValue,
            Boolean flagValIsLen,
            Boolean flagObsolete,
            Boolean flagResetGL2,
            Boolean flagDisplayHexVal,
            PrnParseConstants.eActPCL actionType,
            PrnParseConstants.eOvlAct makeOvlAct,
            PrnParseConstants.eSeqGrp seqGrp,
            String description)
            _keyPChar = keyPChar;
            _keyGChar = keyGChar;
            _keyTChar = keyTChar;

            _value      = value;
            _actionType = actionType;

            _description = description;

            _flagDiscrete = flagDiscrete;
            _flagNilGChar = flagNilGChar;
            _flagNilValue = flagNilValue;
            _flagValIsLen = flagValIsLen;
            _flagObsolete = flagObsolete;
            _flagResetGL2 = flagResetGL2;

            _flagDisplayHexVal = flagDisplayHexVal;

            _makeOvlAct = makeOvlAct;
            _seqGrp     = seqGrp;

            if (value == PCLComplexSeqs._valueGeneric)
                _flagValGeneric = true;
                _flagValGeneric = false;

            if (value == PCLComplexSeqs._valueVarious)
                _flagValVarious = true;
                _flagValVarious = false;

            _statsCtParent = 0;
            _statsCtChild  = 0;
Exemple #5
        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // g e t D e t a i l s                                                //
        //                                                                    //

        public void getDetails(
            ref Boolean flagEndSession,
            ref Boolean flagReserved,
            ref PCLXLOperators.eEmbedDataType embedDataType,
            ref PrnParseConstants.eOvlAct makeOvlAct,
            ref String description)
            flagEndSession = _flagEndSession;
            flagReserved   = _flagReserved;
            embedDataType  = _embedDataType;
            makeOvlAct     = _makeOvlAct;
            description    = _description;
        //                                              C o n s t r u c t o r //
        // P r n P a r s e L i n k D a t a                                    //
        //                                                                    //

        public PrnParseLinkData(
            PrnParse analysisOwner,
            Int32 analysisLevel,
            Int32 macroLevel,
            PCLXLOperators.eEmbedDataType pclxlEmbedType)
            _analysisOwner  = analysisOwner;
            _analysisLevel  = analysisLevel;
            _macroLevel     = macroLevel;
            _pclxlEmbedType = pclxlEmbedType;

            _contType    = PrnParseConstants.eContType.None;
            _prefixLen   = 0;
            _dataLen     = 0;
            _downloadRem = 0;

            _entryCt  = 0;
            _entryNo  = 0;
            _entryRem = 0;
            _entrySz1 = 0;
            _entrySz2 = 0;

            _backTrack = false;
            _prefixA   = 0x00;
            _prefixB   = 0x00;

            _eof = false;

            _fileSize = 0;

            _makeOvlOffset      = 0;
            _makeOvlSkipBegin   = -1;
            _makeOvlSkipEnd     = -1;
            _makeOvlAct         = PrnParseConstants.eOvlAct.None;
            _makeOvlPos         = PrnParseConstants.eOvlPos.BeforeFirstPage;
            _makeOvlShow        = PrnParseConstants.eOvlShow.None;
            _makeOvlMacroId     = -1;
            _makeOvlStreamName  = "";
            _makeOvlPageMark    = false;
            _makeOvlXL          = false;
            _makeOvlEncapsulate = false;

            _pclComboStart    = -1;
            _pclComboSeq      = false;
            _pclComboFirst    = false;
            _pclComboLast     = false;
            _pclComboModified = false;

            _prescribeSCRC      = PrnParseConstants.prescribeSCRCDefault;
            _prescribeIntroRead = false;
Exemple #7
        //                                              C o n s t r u c t o r //
        // P C L X L O p e r a t o r                                          //
        //                                                                    //

        public PCLXLOperator(Byte tag,
                             Boolean flagEndSession,
                             Boolean flagReserved,
                             PCLXLOperators.eEmbedDataType embedDataType,
                             PrnParseConstants.eOvlAct makeOvlAct,
                             String description)
            _tag            = tag;
            _flagEndSession = flagEndSession;
            _flagReserved   = flagReserved;
            _embedDataType  = embedDataType;
            _description    = description;
            _makeOvlAct     = makeOvlAct;

            _statsCtParent = 0;
            _statsCtChild  = 0;
        //                                              C o n s t r u c t o r //
        // P C L C o n t r o l C o d e                                        //
        //                                                                    //

        public PCLControlCode(
            Byte value,
            Boolean flagLineTerm,
            String mnemonic,
            PrnParseConstants.eOvlAct makeOvlAct,
            PrnParseConstants.eSeqGrp seqGrp,
            String description)
            _value        = value;
            _mnemonic     = mnemonic;
            _description  = description;
            _flagLineTerm = flagLineTerm;
            _makeOvlAct   = makeOvlAct;
            _seqGrp       = seqGrp;

            _statsCtParent = 0;
            _statsCtChild  = 0;
Exemple #9
        //                                              C o n s t r u c t o r //
        // P C L S i m p l e S e q                                            //
        //                                                                    //

        public PCLSimpleSeq(
            Byte keySChar,
            Boolean flagObsolete,
            Boolean flagResetHPGL2,
            PrnParseConstants.eOvlAct makeOvlAct,
            PrnParseConstants.eSeqGrp seqGrp,
            String description)
            _keySChar    = keySChar;
            _description = description;

            _flagObsolete   = flagObsolete;
            _flagResetHPGL2 = flagResetHPGL2;

            _makeOvlAct = makeOvlAct;
            _seqGrp     = seqGrp;

            _statsCtParent = 0;
            _statsCtChild  = 0;
Exemple #10
        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // g e t D e t a i l s                                                //
        //                                                                    //

        public void getDetails(
            ref Boolean flagReserved,
            ref Boolean flagAttrEnum,
            ref Boolean flagOperEnum,
            ref Boolean flagUbyteTxt,
            ref Boolean flagUintTxt,
            ref Boolean flagValIsLen,
            ref Boolean flagValIsPCL,
            ref PrnParseConstants.eActPCLXL actionType,
            ref PrnParseConstants.eOvlAct makeOvlAct,
            ref String description)
            flagReserved = _flagReserved;
            flagAttrEnum = _flagAttrEnum;
            flagOperEnum = _flagOperEnum;
            flagUbyteTxt = _flagUbyteTxt;
            flagUintTxt  = _flagUintTxt;
            flagValIsLen = _flagValIsLen;
            flagValIsPCL = _flagValIsPCL;
            makeOvlAct   = _makeOvlAct;
            description  = _description;