// public async Task<ActionResult<MemberFileDto>> GetUserPrintJobs(string username)
        public async Task <ActionResult <PrinterDto> > AddPrinter(PrinterDto printer)
            // var sourceUserId = User.GetUserId();

            // var sourceUser = await this.unitOfWork.PrinterRepository.GetUserByIdPrintJobAsync(sourceUserId);

            // var sourceUser = await this.unitOfWork.UserRepository.GetUserByIdPrintJobAsync(sourceUserId);
            // var sourceUser = await this.unitOfWork.UserRepository.GetUserByUsernamePrintJobAsync(username);

            var addPrinter = new Printer {
                Id           = printer.Id,
                PrinterName  = printer.PrinterName,
                URL          = printer.URL,
                Port         = printer.port,
                SshUsername  = printer.SshUsername,
                SshPassword  = printer.SshPassword,
                SshHostname  = printer.SshHostname,
                SshPublicKey = printer.SshPublicKey

            // Add a printer
            // var addPrinter2 = new Printer{
            //     Id = 1,
            //     PrinterName = "Test",
            //     URL = "None",
            //     port = 631,
            //     SshUsername = "******",
            //     SshPassword = "******",
            //     SshHostname = "localhost",
            //     SshPublicKey = "none"
            // };

            this.context.Printers.Add(addPrinter); // .Printers.Add(printer);       // Just tracking in EF
            // await this.context.SaveChangesAsync();  // Saves changes to Entity Framework

            if (await unitOfWork.Complete())
                return(mapper.Map <PrinterDto>(addPrinter));
                // return CreatedAtRoute("GetPrinters", mapper.Map<PrinterDto>(addPrinter));

                // Now we're return the route to get the photos and the photo object
                //return CreatedAtRoute("GetUser", mapper.Map<PhotoDto>(photo));
                //return CreatedAtRoute("GetUser", new {username = user.UserName}, mapper.Map<PhotoDto>(photo));
                // return CreatedAtRoute("GetPrinters", new {}, mapper.Map<PrinterDto>(addPrinter));
                // return CreatedAtRoute("GetPrinters", mapper.Map<PrinterDto>(addPrinter));

            return(BadRequest("Problem adding printer"));
 public async Task <ActionResponse <PrinterDto> > Update(PrinterDto entityDto)
         var entityToUpdate = mapper.Map <PrinterDto, Printer>(entityDto);
         unitOfWork.GetGenericRepository <Printer>().Update(entityToUpdate);
         return(await ActionResponse <PrinterDto>
                .ReturnSuccess(mapper.Map <Printer, PrinterDto>(entityToUpdate)));
     catch (Exception)
         return(await ActionResponse <PrinterDto> .ReturnError("Greška prilikom ažuriranja printera."));
 public async Task <ActionResponse <PrinterDto> > Update([FromBody] PrinterDto entityDto)
     return(await printerService.Update(entityDto));