         * HostToFirmware
         * Returns: true on success, false on failure
         * Arguments:
         *   packet: Packet to be sent
         *   simCtl: PrinterControl variable that gets passed around to everything
         *   (optional) maxRetries: Maximum number of retries before faliure is returned
         *   (internal) currentRetry: Used internally to track the current retry count

        static bool HostToFirmware(byte[] packet, PrinterControl simCtl, int maxRetries = 10, int currentRetry = 0) // MAKE COPIES OF ALL THE THINGS
            if (currentRetry >= maxRetries)

            //Console.Write("+++++++++++++++NEXT COMMAND++++++++++++++++ \n");
            //        Host-to-Firmware Communication Procedure
            const int header_size   = 4;    // 4 is header size
            int       response_size = 1;    // So it reads one byte at a time
            int       ACK_NAK_size  = 1;    // size of both ACK and NAK bytes
            byte      null_byte     = 0x30; // Null byte
            const int max_size      = 20;

            byte[] ACK     = { 0xA5 }; // ACK byte
            byte[] NAK     = { 0xFF }; // ACK byte
            string success = "SUCCESS";

            //      Send 4-byte header consisting of command byte, length, and 16-bit checksum
            byte[] checksummed_packet = Checksum(packet);
            byte[] header             = checksummed_packet.Skip(0).Take(header_size).ToArray(); // array substring from Skip and Take, 0 to 4
            var    header_copy        = header.ToArray();                                       // making a copy for header to go in so it doesn't change it

            printByteArray(header_copy, "Host sending header");
            int header_bytes_sent = simCtl.WriteSerialToFirmware(header_copy, header_size);

            //      Read header bytes back from firmware to verify correct receipt of command header
            byte[] possible_header = new byte[header_size];
            // int header_bytes_recieved = simCtl.ReadSerialFromFirmware(possible_header, header_size);

            while (simCtl.ReadSerialFromFirmware(possible_header, header_size) < header_size) // function inside returns header_bytes_recieved
                ;                                                                             // wait for four bytes to be recieved // 4 bytes
            int test = 0;

            printByteArray(possible_header, "Host received header response");

            //      If header is correct
            if (header.SequenceEqual(possible_header))  // header == possible_header
                //      Send ACK(0xA5) to firmware
                byte[] ACK_to_send = ACK.ToArray();
                printByteArray(ACK_to_send, "Host sending ack");
                int ACK_send = simCtl.WriteSerialToFirmware(ACK_to_send, ACK_NAK_size);    // 1 is the size of the ACK and NAK bytes

                //      Send rest of packet not including the 4-byte header
                byte[] rest_bytes_send = checksummed_packet.Skip(header_size).Take(checksummed_packet.Length - header_size).ToArray(); // array substring
                printByteArray(rest_bytes_send, "Host sending remaining bytes");
                int rest_bytes_sent = simCtl.WriteSerialToFirmware(rest_bytes_send, packet.Length - header_size);                      // change last argument to parameter data length in the 4th byte

                //      Wait for first byte of response to be received
                byte[] response_byte  = new byte[response_size];
                byte[] response_bytes = new byte[max_size];
                int    num_received   = 0;
                int    i = 0;
                //int response_bytes_recieved = simCtl.ReadSerialFromFirmware(response_bytes, response_size);
                //      Continue reading rest of response until null byte (0) is received
                while (true)    // might get hung up here
                    num_received = simCtl.ReadSerialFromFirmware(response_byte, 1);
                    if (num_received == 1)
                        i++;                                                         // ++'s the number of bytes received
                        response_bytes[i] = response_byte[response_byte.Length - 1]; // fills the byte[] with the bytes starting at 1 for some reason
                        num_received      = 0;                                       // resets num_received

                    if (response_bytes[i] == null_byte) // should I use .SequenceEqual()?
                        break;                          // exit the wait loop
                    else if (i >= max_size)
                        Console.Write("Broke when trying to read response \n");
                var    new_response    = response_bytes.Skip(1).Take(i - 1).ToArray();       // i - 1 to take off the null and skip 1 to get rid of the 0 in first
                string response_string = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(new_response); // converts from byte[] to string
                printByteArray(response_bytes, "Host received response string " + response_string);

                //      Verify that response string equals “SUCCESS” or “VERSION n.n” (If not, re-send entire command)
                if (response_string == success)    //  || response_bytes == "VERSION n.n"
                    Console.Write("retry NO SUCCESS  \n");
                    //      retry command
                    return(HostToFirmware(packet, simCtl, maxRetries, currentRetry + 1));  // this retries the command and returns the result of that command
            //      else if header is not received correctly
                //      Send NAK(0xFF)
                byte[] NAK_to_send = NAK.ToArray();
                printByteArray(NAK_to_send, "Host sending nak :(");
                int NAK_send = simCtl.WriteSerialToFirmware(NAK_to_send, ACK_NAK_size);
                Console.Write("retry NAK \n");
                //      Retry command
                return(HostToFirmware(packet, simCtl, maxRetries, currentRetry + 1));  // this retries the command and returns the result of that command
        private void OnConfirmarImpresion(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Variables Auxiliares
            String    ConsultaSQL = "";
            DataTable SerialesImprimir;
            String    unidad_almacenamiento = "";
            String    codigoEmp             = View.CodigoEmpaque.Text.ToString();
            String    destino = "";

            //Evaluo que haya sido seleccionado un registro
            if (View.ListadoEquiposAProcesar.SelectedIndex == -1)
                Util.ShowMessage("Debe seleccionar al menos un registro");

            //Evaluo que haya seleccionado laexport plain text  nueva clasificacion
            if (View.Ubicacion.SelectedIndex == -1)
                Util.ShowError("Por favor seleccionar la nueva clasificacion.");
                destino = ((DataRowView)View.Ubicacion.SelectedItem).Row["UbicacionDestino"].ToString();

            if (String.Compare("", codigoEmp) == 0)
                Util.ShowError("Por favor generar un código de empaque");

            //Creo la base de la consulta para traer los seriales respectivos
            ConsultaSQL = "SELECT idPallet,Posicion,serial,Mac,Codigo_SAP,ProductoID,fecha_ingreso FROM dbo.EquiposCLARO WHERE serial IN (''";

            //Recorro el listado de registros seleccionados para obtener los seriales e imprimirlos
            foreach (DataRowView Registros in View.ListadoEquiposAProcesar.SelectedItems)
                //Creo la consulta para cambiar la ubicacion de la estiba

                ConsultaSQL += ",'" + Registros.Row["Serial"] + "'";

            //Completo la consulta
            ConsultaSQL += ")";

            //Elimino la basura en la cadena
            ConsultaSQL = ConsultaSQL.Replace("'',", "");

            //Ejecuto la consulta
            SerialesImprimir = service.DirectSQLQuery(ConsultaSQL, "", "dbo.EquiposCLARO", Local);

            if (View.UnidadAlmacenamiento.SelectedIndex != -1)
                unidad_almacenamiento = ((ComboBoxItem)View.UnidadAlmacenamiento.SelectedItem).Content.ToString();
                Util.ShowError("Selecciona una unidad de empaque");

            //Imprimo los registros
            PrinterControl.PrintMovimientosBodega(this.userName, SerialesImprimir, unidad_almacenamiento, codigoEmp, destino, "CLARO", "CONFIRMACIÓN - DIAGNOSTICO", "DAÑADOS", "");
Exemple #3
 public FirmwareController(PrinterControl printer)
     this.printer = printer;
        static void PrintFile(PrinterControl simCtl)
            Console.WriteLine("\nDefault file will be used unless alternate file is given");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue");
            OpenFileDialog filePath = new OpenFileDialog();
            string         path     = "";

            if (filePath.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                path = filePath.FileName;
            if (path == "")
                path = "..\\..\\..\\SampleSTLs\\F-35_Corrected.gcode";
            StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(path);

            Stopwatch swTimer = new Stopwatch();


            // Parse the GCode file
            var parser       = new GenericGCodeParser();
            var instructions = parser.Parse(file);

             * Commands to note:
             * G28: Home all axes
             * G28 X0: Home x axis

            double currentX     = 0;
            double currentY     = 0;
            double currentZ     = 0;
            bool   isLaserOn    = false;
            bool   oldIsLaserOn = false;

            int instructionCount = 0;

            foreach (var line in instructions.AllLines())
                if (line.parameters != null)
                    if (line.code == 1)
                        bool containsX = false;
                        bool containsY = false;
                        bool containsZ = false;
                        bool containsE = false;
                        foreach (var parameter in line.parameters)
                            if (parameter.identifier.ToUpper() == "X")
                                currentX  = parameter.doubleValue;
                                containsX = true;

                            if (parameter.identifier.ToUpper() == "Y")
                                currentY  = parameter.doubleValue;
                                containsY = true;

                            if (parameter.identifier.ToUpper() == "Z")
                                currentZ  = parameter.doubleValue;
                                containsZ = true;

                            if (parameter.identifier.ToUpper() == "E")
                                isLaserOn = parameter.doubleValue > 0;
                                containsE = true;

                        // Command number: 0x00
                        // Format: X (4 bytes), Y (4 bytes)
                        if (containsX && containsY)
                            var bytesToSend = new byte[12];
                            bytesToSend[0] = 0x00; // Command number
                            bytesToSend[1] = 0x08; // Data length
                            bytesToSend[2] = 0x00; // Blank (for checksum)
                            bytesToSend[3] = 0x00; // Blank (for checksum)

                            // Convert x position and y position to a byte array
                            var xBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((float)currentX);
                            var yBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((float)currentY);

                            // Insert x position
                            for (int i = 0; i < xBytes.Length; i++)
                                bytesToSend[i + 4] = xBytes[i];

                            // Insert y position
                            for (int i = 0; i < yBytes.Length; i++)
                                bytesToSend[i + 8] = yBytes[i];

                            // Send data
                            if (!HostToFirmware(bytesToSend, simCtl))   // NOTE: the first byte here is 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!=============
                                Console.WriteLine("Print failed - command failed to send.");

                        // Command number: 0x01
                        // Format: Z (4 bytes)
                        else if (containsZ)
                            var bytesToSend = new byte[8];
                            bytesToSend[0] = 0x01; // Command number
                            bytesToSend[1] = 0x04; // Data length   // changed from 04
                            bytesToSend[2] = 0x00; // Blank (for checksum)
                            bytesToSend[3] = 0x00; // Blank (for checksum)

                            // Convert z position to a byte array
                            var zBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((float)currentZ);

                            // Insert z position
                            for (int i = 0; i < zBytes.Length; i++)
                                bytesToSend[i + 4] = zBytes[i];

                            // Send data
                            if (!HostToFirmware(bytesToSend, simCtl))
                                Console.WriteLine("Print failed - command failed to send.");
                        else if (containsX || containsY)
                            throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid GCode command - command contains one X/Y command without the other.");

                        // Separately, if it contains an E
                        // Command number: 0x02
                        // Format: isLaserOn (1 byte)
                        if (containsE && (isLaserOn != oldIsLaserOn))
                            oldIsLaserOn = isLaserOn;
                            var bytesToSend = new byte[8];
                            bytesToSend[0] = 0x02; // Command number
                            bytesToSend[1] = 0x01; // Data length
                            bytesToSend[2] = 0x00; // Blank (for checksum)
                            bytesToSend[3] = 0x00; // Blank (for checksum)

                            // Convert z position to a byte array
                            var isLaserOnBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(isLaserOn);

                            // Insert isLaserOn
                            for (int i = 0; i < isLaserOnBytes.Length; i++)
                                bytesToSend[i + 4] = isLaserOnBytes[i];

                            // Send data
                            if (!HostToFirmware(bytesToSend, simCtl))
                                Console.WriteLine("Print failed - command failed to send.");

            Console.WriteLine("Host: There were " + instructionCount.ToString() + " instructions sent by the host.");

            long elapsedMS = swTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("Total Print Time: {0}", elapsedMS / 1000.0);
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue");
Exemple #5
 public Z_RailFunction(PrinterControl Printer)
     printer     = Printer;
     initialized = false;
Exemple #6
 public Command(PrinterControl printer)
     this.printer = printer;
 public HostHandler(PrinterThread thread)
     this.printer = thread.GetPrinterSim();
        public static void SendPacket(PrinterControl printer, Packet packet)
            byte[] header     = packet.GetHeader();
            byte[] headerCopy = new byte[4];
            header.CopyTo(headerCopy, 0);

            int result = 0;

            //Console.WriteLine("\nHost sending to firmware: ");
            //for (int i = 0; i < header.Length; i++)
            //    Console.Write(" ");
            //    Console.Write(header[i]);
            result = printer.WriteSerialToFirmware(headerCopy, header.Length);

            byte[] responseHeader = ReadPacket(printer, header.Length);

            if (SameHead(header, responseHeader) == true)
                //Console.WriteLine("\nHost sent ACK to firmware: ");
                printer.WriteSerialToFirmware(new byte[] { 0xA5 }, 1);

                //Console.WriteLine("\nHost sending packet to firmware: ");
                //for (int i = 0; i < packet.data.Length; i++)
                //    Console.Write(" ");
                //    Console.Write(packet.data[i]);
                byte[] packetDataCopy = new byte[packet.data.Length];
                packet.data.CopyTo(packetDataCopy, 0);

                printer.WriteSerialToFirmware(packetDataCopy, packet.data.Length);

                byte[] character = ReadPacket(printer, 1);
                string response  = "";
                while (character[0] != 0)
                    response += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(new byte[] { character[0] });
                    character = ReadPacket(printer, 1);
                //Console.WriteLine("\nResponse: " + response);
                if (response == "SUCCESS")
                else if (response.Contains("VERSION"))
                    SendPacket(printer, packet);
                printer.WriteSerialToFirmware(new byte[] { 0xFF }, 1);
                SendPacket(printer, packet);
Exemple #9
        private void OnImprimirEtiqueta_Individual(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Boolean       validacion          = false;
            List <String> codAuxiliares       = new List <String>();
            String        serial              = View.GetMacImpre_Individual.Text;
            String        mac                 = View.GetSerialImpre_Individual.Text;
            Int32         cantidadImpresiones = 1;

            if (serial != "" || mac != "")
                if (View.Get_StackCodigosAdicionales.Children.Count > 0)
                { //Si el stackpanel tiene controles adicionales para codigos aparte de serial y mac
                    // Se recorre todo el stackpanel en busca de Textbox, especificamente del valor que tengan estos
                    foreach (var child in View.Get_StackCodigosAdicionales.Children)
                        var textBox = child as TextBox;
                        if (textBox == null)

                        if (textBox.Text == "")
                            textBox.BorderBrush = Brushes.Red;
                            textBox.KeyUp      += new KeyEventHandler(KeyUp_CodigoAdicional);
                            validacion          = true;
                            textBox.BorderBrush = Brushes.AliceBlue;

                if (validacion)
                    Util.ShowError("Todos los campo deben estar completos.");
                    System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog pd = new System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog();
                    pd.PrinterSettings = new PrinterSettings();
                    Int32.TryParse(View.GetCantidad_Impresiones.Text, out cantidadImpresiones);

                    //try {
                    if (System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK == pd.ShowDialog())
                        PrinterControl.EtiquetadoEquipoIndividual(serial, mac, this.rutaEtiqueta, this.ipservidor, codAuxiliares, cantidadImpresiones, pd.PrinterSettings.PrinterName);
                    // catch(Exception ex){
                    //     Util.ShowError("Error en la impresión, por favor verifique la conexión a la impresora Zebra "+ex.Message);
                    // }
                Util.ShowError("Todos los campo deben estar completos.");
Exemple #10
 public FirmwareController(PrinterControl printer)
     this.printer    = printer;
     zRailController = new ZRailController(printer);
Exemple #11
        private void startHttpThread()
            using (HttpListener listerner = new HttpListener())
                listerner.AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Anonymous;//指定身份验证 Anonymous匿名访问
                listerner.Prefixes.Add("" + port + "/report/");


                log.Info("WebServer Start Successed.......");
                PrinterControl printerControl = new PrinterControl();
                var            reportTemplate = string.Empty;
                while (true)

                    HttpListenerContext ctx = listerner.GetContext();
                    string callback         = string.Empty;
                        log.Info("开始处理请求…… ");
                        Uri url = ctx.Request.Url;
                        ctx.Response.StatusCode  = 200;//设置返回给客服端http状态代码
                        ctx.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
                        Dictionary <string, string> parm = getData(ctx);
                        if (parm.Count > 0)
                            var printUrl = parm["url"].ToString().Trim();
                            callback = parm["callback"].ToString().Trim();
                            log.Info(printUrl + ":   " + printUrl);
                            var postData = parm["postData"].ToString().Trim();
                            log.Info(postData + ":   " + postData);
                            var cookieStr = parm["cookieStr"].ToString().Trim();
                            log.Info(cookieStr + ":   " + cookieStr);
                            var printerParams = parm["printerParams"].ToString().Trim();
                            log.Info(printerParams + ":   " + printerParams);
                            var charset = parm["charset"].ToString().Trim();
                            log.Info(charset + ":   " + charset);
                            reportTemplate = parm["_report"].ToString().Trim();
                            log.Info(reportTemplate + ":   " + reportTemplate);
                            SetPrint(sysIniPath, reportTemplate);
                            PrinterSettings settings = new PrinterSettings();
                            //settings.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Kind= System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind.Custom;
                            settings.PrinterName = INIHepler.INIGetStringValue(sysIniPath, reportTemplate, reportTemplate, null);
                            settings.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = Convert.ToBoolean(INIHepler.INIGetStringValue(sysIniPath, reportTemplate, "SetLandscape", null));

                            //settings.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.PaperName = INIHepler.INIGetStringValue(sysIniPath, reportTemplate, "SetPaperName", null);

                            var SetPaperHeight = INIHepler.INIGetStringValue(sysIniPath, reportTemplate, "SetPaperHeight", 0 + "");
                            var SetPaperWidth = INIHepler.INIGetStringValue(sysIniPath, reportTemplate, "SetPaperWidth", 0 + "");

                            PaperSize paperSize = new PaperSize(reportTemplate, Convert.ToInt32(SetPaperWidth), Convert.ToInt32(SetPaperHeight));
                            settings.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = paperSize;

                            var SetMarginsBottom = INIHepler.INIGetStringValue(sysIniPath, reportTemplate, "SetMarginsBottom", 0 + "");
                            var SetMarginsTop = INIHepler.INIGetStringValue(sysIniPath, reportTemplate, "SetMarginsTop", 0 + "");
                            var SetMarginsLeft = INIHepler.INIGetStringValue(sysIniPath, reportTemplate, "SetMarginsLeft", 0 + "");
                            var SetMarginsRight = INIHepler.INIGetStringValue(sysIniPath, reportTemplate, "SetMarginsRight", 0 + "");
                            Margins margins = new Margins();
                            margins.Bottom = Convert.ToInt32(SetMarginsBottom);
                            margins.Top    = Convert.ToInt32(SetMarginsTop);
                            margins.Left   = Convert.ToInt32(SetMarginsLeft);
                            margins.Right  = Convert.ToInt32(SetMarginsRight);
                            settings.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = margins;
                            var result = printerControl.SilentPrint(printUrl, postData, cookieStr, printerParams, charset, settings);
                            log.Info("本地打印服务调用打印操作:" + result);
                            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(ctx.Response.OutputStream))
                                // writer.WriteLine(result);
                                writeJS(writer, result.ToString(), callback);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (ctx != null)
                            ctx.Response.StatusCode = 500;//设置返回给客服端http状态代码
                            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(ctx.Response.OutputStream))
                                writeJS(writer, "{status:'error',msg:'" + e.StackTrace + "'}", callback);
                                log.Info("调用本地打印服务出现异常" + e.StackTrace + "*******" + e.Message + "*******" + e.InnerException.StackTrace);
Exemple #12
        static void PrintFile(string fileName, Command command, PrinterControl simCtl)
            string Cmd;
            float  X, Y, Z, E;
            bool   fLaserOn = false;

            command.SendSingleCommand((byte)FWCommands.CMD_RETRACT_PLATE); // Retract plate

            Stopwatch swTimer = new Stopwatch();


            command.SendCommandParam1((byte)FWCommands.CMD_REMOVE_MODEL, 0); // Set Z axis
            command.SendCommandParam1((byte)FWCommands.CMD_SET_Z, 0);        // Set Z axis


            GCode coder = new GCode(fileName);

            Cmd = ""; X = 0; Y = 0; Z = 0; E = 0;

            while (coder.GetNextLine(ref Cmd, ref X, ref Y, ref Z, ref E))
                if (Z != 0)

                if (E != 0)  // Turn on laser
                    if (!fLaserOn)

                        fLaserOn = true;
                else  // Turn OFF laser
                    if (fLaserOn)

                        fLaserOn = false;

                if (X != 0 || Y != 0)
                    command.Add(X * 0.025f);
                    command.Add(Y * 0.025f);

                if (command.Count() > CMD_SEND_THRESHOLD)
                if (Z != 0)
                    command.SendCommandParam1((byte)FWCommands.CMD_SET_Z, Z); // Set Z axis
                if (E != 0)                                                   // Set laser
                    if (!fLaserOn)
                        command.SendCommandParam1((byte)FWCommands.CMD_SET_LASER, 1);

                        fLaserOn = true;
                else  // Turn OFF laser
                    if (fLaserOn)
                        command.SendCommandParam1((byte)FWCommands.CMD_SET_LASER, 0);

                        fLaserOn = false;

                if (X != 0 || Y != 0)
                    command.SendCommandParam2((byte)FWCommands.CMD_MOVE_GALVOS, X * 0.025f, Y * 0.025f);
                Cmd = ""; X = 0; Y = 0; Z = 0; E = 0;

            command.SendSingleCommand((byte)FWCommands.CMD_RETRACT_PLATE); // Retract plate


            long elapsedMS = swTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("Total Print Time: {0}", elapsedMS / 1000.0);
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue");
 public ZRailController(PrinterControl printer)
     positionHistory = new List <double>();
     this.printer    = printer;