public frmReports(int report) { InitializeComponent(); _userBLL = new UserBLL(); _roleBLL = new UserRoleBLL(); _dictionaryBLL = new DictionaryBLL(); _paymentBLL = new PaymentBLL(); _poolBLL = new PoolBLL(); if (report == 1) { lastDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); firstDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } else if (report == 2) { lastDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); firstDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } else { firstDate = dtpStartDate.Value.ToShortDateString(); lastDate = dtpEndDate.Value.ToShortDateString(); groupDate.Visible = true; } }
public void doStartPoolChecking() { new Thread(() => { isPoolChecking = true; while (this != null && isPoolChecking && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.configAccount)) { Pool mPool = new PoolBLL().get(Config.configPool); if (mPool != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mPool.poolApiUrl)) { int indexOfDot = Config.configAccount.IndexOf("."); ResultPoolApiWallet mResultPoolApiWallet = new PoolApi().getWallet( mPool.poolApiUrl, indexOfDot > -1 ? Config.configAccount.Substring(0, Config.configAccount.IndexOf(".")) : Config.configAccount, Config.configCoin ); if (mResultPoolApiWallet != null) { BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { lbUnpaidCount.Text = mResultPoolApiWallet.unpaid; lbPaidIn24hCount.Text = mResultPoolApiWallet.paid24h; lbEarnedCount.Text =; })); } } else { isPoolChecking = false; } Thread.Sleep(120 * 1000); } }).Start(); }
private void ddlPool_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strPoolNameCurrent = ddlPool.SelectedItem != null ? ((Pool)ddlPool.SelectedItem).poolName : null; Pool mPool = new PoolBLL().get(strPoolNameCurrent); if (mPool == null) { mPool = new Pool(); } if (strPoolNameCurrent.Equals("Add")) { txtPoolName.Text = "pool's name"; txtStratumUrl.Text = "url and port"; txtApiUrl.Text = "pool that powered by yiimp"; txtPoolName.ReadOnly = false; btnDelete.Visible = false; } else { txtPoolName.Text = mPool.poolName; txtStratumUrl.Text = mPool.poolStratumUrl; txtApiUrl.Text = mPool.poolApiUrl; txtPoolName.ReadOnly = true; btnDelete.Visible = true; } }
public frmTransferWord(User user) { InitializeComponent(); currentUser = user; _poolBLL = new PoolBLL(); wordIDList = new List <int>(); _dictBLL = new DictionaryBLL(); }
public frmNewPool(User user) { InitializeComponent(); _allwords = new List <MyDictionary>(); _exerciseBLL = new ExerciseBLL(); _dictBLL = new DictionaryBLL(); _currentUser = user; _poolBLL = new PoolBLL(); }
public frmExerciseScene(User user, int poolID) { InitializeComponent(); _poolBLL = new PoolBLL(); _exerciseBLL = new ExerciseBLL(); _dictBLL = new DictionaryBLL(); _currentUser = user; _currentPool = _poolBLL.GetPool(poolID); index = 0; results = new int[3]; words = new List <MyDictionary>(); }
public void loadConfig() { txtAccount.Text = Config.configAccount; List <Pool> mPools = new PoolBLL().getAll(); List <Pool> myPools = new List <Pool>(); if (mPools != null) { mPools.ForEach(i => myPools.Add(i)); } ddlPool.DataSource = myPools; ddlPool.ValueMember = "poolName"; ddlPool.DisplayMember = "poolName"; ddlPool.SelectedValue = Config.configPool; ddlGPU.SelectedIndex = Config.configGPUType; cbStartUp.Checked = Config.configStartUp; }
public void initData() { //ddlPool.Items.Clear(); List <Pool> mPools = new PoolBLL().getAll(); List <Pool> myPools = new List <Pool>(); if (mPools != null) { mPools.ForEach(i => myPools.Add(i)); } myPools.Insert(0, new Pool() { poolName = "Add" }); ddlPool.DataSource = myPools; ddlPool.ValueMember = "poolName"; ddlPool.DisplayMember = "poolName"; if (loadConfigDelegate != null) { loadConfigDelegate(); } }