Exemple #1
        private void CurveEnd(PointFP control1, PointFP control2, PointFP curveEnd)
            _drawingCurve = false;
            if (_needDrawStartCap)
                _startCapP1       = new PointFP(_curveBegin);
                _startCapP2       = new PointFP(control1);
                _needDrawStartCap = false;
            var head = new LineFP();
            var tail = new LineFP();

            CalcHeadTail(_curveBegin, control1, head, new LineFP());
            CalcHeadTail(control2, curveEnd, new LineFP(), tail);
            _outline.ExtendIfNeeded(_curvePath1._cmdsSize, _curvePath1._pntsSize);
            int j = _curvePath2._pntsSize - 1;

            for (int i = _curvePath2._cmdsSize - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            _curvePath1    = null;
            _curvePath2    = null;
            _lastCurveTail = null;
            _lastPoint     = new PointFP(control2);
            _drawingCurve  = false;
Exemple #2
 public LineMask(PointFP p0, FPInt dw, FPInt dh)
     _type = MaskType.Line;
     _p0 = p0;
     _w = dw;
     _h = dh;
Exemple #3
 public AABBMask(PointFP p, FPInt width, FPInt height)
     _type = MaskType.AABB;
     _point = p;
     _w = width;
     _h = height;
Exemple #4
 public LineMask(PointFP p0, PointFP p1)
     _type = MaskType.Line;
     _p0 = p0;
     _w = p1.X - p0.X;
     _h = p1.Y - p0.Y;
Exemple #5
        private void AddLineCap(PointFP p1, PointFP p2, int lineCap)
            if (lineCap == PenFP.LINECAP_BUTT || p1.Equals(p2))
            var dx  = p2.X - p1.X;
            var dy  = p2.Y - p1.Y;
            var len = PointFP.Distance(dx, dy);
            var cap = lineCap == PenFP.LINECAP_ROUND
                    ? GraphicsPathFP.ROUNDCAP : GraphicsPathFP.SQUARECAP;

            dx = MathFP.Mul(_ffRad, MathFP.Div(dx, len));
            dy = MathFP.Mul(_ffRad, MathFP.Div(dy, len));

            var m = new MatrixFP(dx, dx, dy, -dy, p2.X, p2.Y);

            _outline.AddMoveTo(new PointFP(0, GraphicsPathFP.ONE).Transform(m));
            for (var i = 0; i < cap.Length; i++)
                _outline.AddLineTo(new PointFP(cap[i]).Transform(m));
            _outline.AddLineTo(new PointFP(0, -GraphicsPathFP.ONE).Transform(m));
Exemple #6
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 15JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * Strokes the outline of a IShape using the settings of the current
         * Graphics2D context.
         * @param brush the brush used to fill the shape.
         * @param shape the IShape to be rendered.
        public void Fill(Brush brush, IShape shape)
            if (brush != null)
                _defaultBrush = brush;

            PathIterator pathIterator = shape.GetPathIterator(null);

            int[]          coords         = new int[6];
            GraphicsPathFP graphicsPathFP = new GraphicsPathFP();
            PointFP        pointFP1       = new PointFP();
            PointFP        pointFPCtl1    = new PointFP();
            PointFP        pointFPCtl2    = new PointFP();

            while (!pathIterator.IsDone())
                int type = pathIterator.CurrentSegment(coords);
                switch (type)
                case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:
                    pointFP1.Reset(coords[0] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS,
                                   coords[1] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS);

                case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE:

                case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
                    pointFP1.Reset(coords[0] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS,
                                   coords[1] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS);

                case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO:
                    pointFPCtl1.Reset(coords[0] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS,
                                      coords[1] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS);
                    pointFP1.Reset(coords[2] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS,
                                   coords[3] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS);
                    graphicsPathFP.AddQuadTo(pointFPCtl1, pointFP1);

                case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO:
                    pointFPCtl1.Reset(coords[0] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS,
                                      coords[1] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS);
                    pointFPCtl2.Reset(coords[2] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS,
                                      coords[3] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS);
                    pointFP1.Reset(coords[4] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS,
                                   coords[5] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS);
                    graphicsPathFP.AddCurveTo(pointFPCtl1, pointFPCtl2, pointFP1);
Exemple #7
 public override void MoveTo(PointFP point)
     _needDrawStartCap = true;
     _closed           = false;
     _startCapP1       = _startCapP2 = null;
Exemple #8
 private void CurveBegin(PointFP control)
     AddLineJoin(_lastPoint, _currPoint, control);
     _drawingCurve = true;
     _curvePath1   = new GraphicsPathFP();
     _curvePath2   = new GraphicsPathFP();
     _curveBegin   = new PointFP(_currPoint);
Exemple #9
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * return the union of the rectangle and the given point.
         * @param p
         * @return
        public RectangleFP Union(PointFP p)
            if (!IsEmpty())
                Reset(MathFP.Min(_ffXmin, p.X), MathFP.Max(_ffXmax, p.X),
                      MathFP.Min(_ffYmin, p.Y), MathFP.Max(_ffYmax, p.Y));
Exemple #10
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * Get the head outline.
         * @param ff_rad
         * @return
        public LineFP GetHeadOutline(int ffRad)
            var p   = new PointFP(Pt1.X - Pt2.X, Pt1.Y - Pt2.Y);
            var len = GetLength();

            p.Reset(MathFP.Div(-p.Y, len), MathFP.Div(p.X, len));
            p.Reset(MathFP.Mul(p.X, ffRad), MathFP.Mul(p.Y, ffRad));
            return(new LineFP(Pt1.X - p.X, Pt1.Y - p.Y, Pt1.X + p.X, Pt1.Y + p.Y));
Exemple #11
 internal static PointFP[] ToPointFPArray(Point[] pnts)
     PointFP[] result = new PointFP[pnts.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < pnts.Length; i++)
         result[i] = ToPointFP(pnts[i]);
Exemple #12
        internal PointFP ClosestPoint(PointFP p)
            if (p.X <= _x1) {
                return new PointFP(_x1, _y);
            else if (p.X >= _x2) {
                return new PointFP(_x2, _y);

            return new PointFP(p.X, _y);
Exemple #13
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 15JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * Strokes the outline of a IShape using the settings of the current
         * Graphics2D context.
         * @param pen the pen used to stroke the shape.
         * @param shape the IShape to be rendered.
        public void Draw(Pen pen, IShape shape)
            PathIterator pathIterator = shape.GetPathIterator(null);

            int[]          coords         = new int[6];
            GraphicsPathFP graphicsPathFP = new GraphicsPathFP();
            PointFP        pointFP1       = new PointFP();
            PointFP        pointFPCtl1    = new PointFP();
            PointFP        pointFPCtl2    = new PointFP();

            while (!pathIterator.IsDone())
                int type = pathIterator.CurrentSegment(coords);
                switch (type)
                case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:
                    pointFP1.Reset(coords[0] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS,
                                   coords[1] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS);

                case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE:

                case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
                    pointFP1.Reset(coords[0] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS,
                                   coords[1] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS);

                case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO:
                    pointFPCtl1.Reset(coords[0] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS,
                                      coords[1] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS);
                    pointFP1.Reset(coords[2] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS,
                                   coords[3] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS);
                    graphicsPathFP.AddQuadTo(pointFPCtl1, pointFP1);

                case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO:
                    pointFPCtl1.Reset(coords[0] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS,
                                      coords[1] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS);
                    pointFPCtl2.Reset(coords[2] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS,
                                      coords[3] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS);
                    pointFP1.Reset(coords[4] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS,
                                   coords[5] << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS);
                    graphicsPathFP.AddCurveTo(pointFPCtl1, pointFPCtl2, pointFP1);
Exemple #14
        public AABBMask(PointFP p0, PointFP p1)
            _type = MaskType.AABB;

            FPInt minx = (p0.X < p1.X) ? p0.X : p1.X;
            FPInt miny = (p0.Y < p1.Y) ? p0.Y : p1.Y;

            _point = new PointFP(minx, miny);
            _w = FPMath.Abs(p1.X - p0.X);
            _h = FPMath.Abs(p1.Y - p0.Y);
Exemple #15
        private void CalcHeadTail(PointFP p1, PointFP p2, LineFP head,
                                  LineFP tail)
            var curr = new LineFP(p1, p2);

            var dx = p2.X - p1.X;
            var dy = p2.Y - p1.Y;

            tail.Reset(head.Pt1.X + dx, head.Pt1.Y + dy,
                       head.Pt2.X + dx, head.Pt2.Y + dy);
Exemple #16
        private void AddLineJoin(PointFP lastPoint, PointFP currPoint,
                                 PointFP nextPoint)
            if (lastPoint == null || currPoint == null || nextPoint == null ||
                nextPoint.Equals(currPoint) || lastPoint.Equals(currPoint))

            PointFP p1 = null, p2 = null;
            LineFP  head, tail, lastHead, lastTail;

            CalcHeadTail(currPoint, nextPoint,
                         head = new LineFP(), tail = new LineFP());
            CalcHeadTail(lastPoint, currPoint,
                         lastHead = new LineFP(), lastTail = new LineFP());
            var needLineJoin = false;
            var pi1          = new PointFP();
            var pi2          = new PointFP();

            var cross1 = LineFP.Intersects(new LineFP(head.Pt1, tail.Pt1),
                                           new LineFP(lastHead.Pt1, lastTail.Pt1), pi1);
            var cross2 = LineFP.Intersects(new LineFP(head.Pt2, tail.Pt2),
                                           new LineFP(lastHead.Pt2, lastTail.Pt2), pi2);

            if (cross1 && !cross2 && pi1.X != SingleFP.NOT_A_NUMBER)
                p1           = lastTail.Pt2;
                p2           = head.Pt2;
                needLineJoin = true;
            else if (!cross1 && cross2 && pi2.X != SingleFP.NOT_A_NUMBER)
                p1           = lastTail.Pt1;
                p2           = head.Pt1;
                needLineJoin = true;
            if (needLineJoin)
                _outline.AddMoveTo(cross1 ? pi1 : pi2);
                _outline.AddLineTo(cross1 ? p2 : p1);
                if (_lineJoin == PenFP.LINEJOIN_MITER)
                    _outline.AddLineTo(cross1 ? pi2 : pi1);
                _outline.AddLineTo(cross1 ? p1 : p2);
                if (_lineJoin == PenFP.LINEJOIN_ROUND)
                    AddLineCap(cross2 ? pi2 : pi1, currPoint, PenFP.LINECAP_ROUND);
Exemple #17
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * get the tail outline.
         * @param ff_rad
         * @return
        public LineFP GetTailOutline(int ffRad)
            var c = GetCenter();
            var p = new PointFP(Pt2.X - c.X, Pt2.Y - c.Y);

            p.Reset(p.Y, -p.X);
            var dis = PointFP.Distance(PointFP.Origin, p);

            if (dis == 0)
                dis = 1;
            p.Reset(MathFP.Div(MathFP.Mul(p.X, ffRad), dis),
                    MathFP.Div(MathFP.Mul(p.Y, ffRad), dis));
            return(new LineFP(Pt2.X - p.X, Pt2.Y - p.Y, Pt2.X + p.X, Pt2.Y + p.Y));
Exemple #18
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * @param distance
         * @return
        internal PointFP GetPointAtDistance(int distance)
            var lineLength = GetLength();

            if (distance > lineLength)
            if (distance == lineLength)
                return(new PointFP(Pt2));
            var scale   = MathFP.Div(distance, lineLength);
            var pointFP = new PointFP();

            pointFP.Reset(Pt1.X + MathFP.Mul(Pt2.X - Pt1.X, scale),
                          Pt1.Y + MathFP.Mul(Pt2.Y - Pt1.Y, scale));
Exemple #19
        public override void LineTo(PointFP point)
            if (point.Equals(_currPoint))

            LineFP head, tail;

            CalcHeadTail(_currPoint, point,
                         head = new LineFP(), tail = new LineFP());

            if (_drawingCurve)
                if (_lastCurveTail != null)
                _lastCurveTail = new LineFP(tail);
                if (_needDrawStartCap)
                    _startCapP1       = new PointFP(_currPoint);
                    _startCapP2       = new PointFP(point);
                    _needDrawStartCap = false;
                AddLineJoin(_lastPoint, _currPoint, point);

                _lastPoint = new PointFP(_currPoint);
Exemple #20
        public TriangleMask(PointFP p0, PointFP p1, PointFP p2)
            _type = MaskType.Triangle;
            _p0 = p0;
            _p1 = p1;
            _p2 = p2;

            VectorFP a = (VectorFP)_pos + _p0;
            VectorFP b = (VectorFP)_pos + _p1;
            VectorFP c = (VectorFP)_pos + _p2;

            _det = (b.Y - c.Y) * (a.X - c.X) + (c.X - b.X) * (a.Y - c.Y);
            //_det = 1 / _det;

            FPInt minx = FPMath.Min(_p0.X, FPMath.Min(_p1.X, _p2.X));
            FPInt maxx = FPMath.Max(_p0.X, FPMath.Max(_p1.X, _p2.X));
            FPInt miny = FPMath.Min(_p0.Y, FPMath.Min(_p1.Y, _p2.Y));
            FPInt maxy = FPMath.Max(_p0.Y, FPMath.Max(_p1.Y, _p2.Y));

            _bound = new RectangleFP(minx, miny, maxx - minx, maxy - miny);
Exemple #21
        internal bool IntersectsLine(PointFP c, PointFP d)
            // Check that given line is on both sides of AXLine
            FPLong yf = _x2 - _x1;
            FPLong t = _y * yf;

            FPLong f1 = yf * c.Y - t;
            FPLong f2 = yf * d.Y - t;

            if (f1 * f2 >= 0) {
                return false;

            // Check that AXLine is on both sides of given line
            FPLong xf = d.Y - c.Y;
            t = (d.X - c.X) * _y - (d.X * c.Y - c.X * d.Y);

            f1 = xf * _x1 - t;
            f2 = xf * _x2 - t;

            return (f1 * f2 < 0);
Exemple #22
        public static Entity Create(Engine engine, SystemManager sysManager, PointFP location)
            RenderSystem renderSys = sysManager.GetSystem(typeof(RenderSystem)) as RenderSystem;
            if (renderSys == null)
                return new Entity();

            Entity ent = sysManager.World.EntityManager.Create();

            Amphibian.Systems.Rendering.Spatial spat = new DebugCueSpatial();
            Amphibian.Systems.Rendering.SpatialRef potSR = renderSys.SpatialManager.Add(spat);

            Renderable entRC = new Renderable();
            entRC.SpatialRef = potSR;
            entRC.RenderX = location.X;
            entRC.RenderY = location.Y;

            RemovalTimeout entRT = new RemovalTimeout(0.5f);

            sysManager.World.EntityManager.AddComponent(ent, entRC);
            sysManager.World.EntityManager.AddComponent(ent, entRT);

            return ent;
 private void CurveBegin(PointFP control)
     AddLineJoin(_lastPoint, _currPoint, control);
     _drawingCurve = true;
     _curvePath1 = new GraphicsPathFP();
     _curvePath2 = new GraphicsPathFP();
     _curveBegin = new PointFP(_currPoint);
 public override void CurveTo(PointFP control1, PointFP control2, PointFP point)
     base.CurveTo(control1, control2, point);
     CurveEnd(control1, control2, point);
 public override void QuadTo(PointFP control, PointFP point)
     base.QuadTo(control, point);
     CurveEnd(control, control, point);
        private void AddLineJoin(PointFP lastPoint, PointFP currPoint,
                PointFP nextPoint)
            if (lastPoint == null || currPoint == null || nextPoint == null
                    || nextPoint.Equals(currPoint) || lastPoint.Equals(currPoint))

            PointFP p1 = null, p2 = null;
            LineFP head, tail, lastHead, lastTail;
            CalcHeadTail(currPoint, nextPoint,
                    head = new LineFP(), tail = new LineFP());
            CalcHeadTail(lastPoint, currPoint,
                    lastHead = new LineFP(), lastTail = new LineFP());
            var needLineJoin = false;
            var pi1 = new PointFP();
            var pi2 = new PointFP();

            var cross1 = LineFP.Intersects(new LineFP(head.Pt1, tail.Pt1),
                                            new LineFP(lastHead.Pt1, lastTail.Pt1), pi1);
            var cross2 = LineFP.Intersects(new LineFP(head.Pt2, tail.Pt2),
                                            new LineFP(lastHead.Pt2, lastTail.Pt2), pi2);
            if (cross1 && !cross2 && pi1.X != SingleFP.NOT_A_NUMBER)
                p1 = lastTail.Pt2;
                p2 = head.Pt2;
                needLineJoin = true;
            else if (!cross1 && cross2 && pi2.X != SingleFP.NOT_A_NUMBER)
                p1 = lastTail.Pt1;
                p2 = head.Pt1;
                needLineJoin = true;
            if (needLineJoin)
                _outline.AddMoveTo(cross1 ? pi1 : pi2);
                _outline.AddLineTo(cross1 ? p2 : p1);
                if (_lineJoin == PenFP.LINEJOIN_MITER)
                    _outline.AddLineTo(cross1 ? pi2 : pi1);
                _outline.AddLineTo(cross1 ? p1 : p2);
                if (_lineJoin == PenFP.LINEJOIN_ROUND)
                    AddLineCap(cross2 ? pi2 : pi1, currPoint, PenFP.LINECAP_ROUND);
Exemple #27
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * Copy constructor.
         * @param p
        public PointFP(PointFP p)
        public override void LineTo(PointFP point)
            if (point.Equals(_currPoint))

            LineFP head, tail;
            CalcHeadTail(_currPoint, point,
                    head = new LineFP(), tail = new LineFP());

            if (_drawingCurve)
                if (_lastCurveTail != null)
                _lastCurveTail = new LineFP(tail);
                if (_needDrawStartCap)
                    _startCapP1 = new PointFP(_currPoint);
                    _startCapP2 = new PointFP(point);
                    _needDrawStartCap = false;
                AddLineJoin(_lastPoint, _currPoint, point);

                _lastPoint = new PointFP(_currPoint);
Exemple #29
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * Constructor.
         * @param p1
         * @param p2
        public LineFP(PointFP p1, PointFP p2)
            Reset(p1, p2);
Exemple #30
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * Add given point the location to this point.
         * @param p
         * @return
        public PointFP Add(PointFP p)
            Reset(X + p.X, Y + p.Y);
Exemple #31
 public override void QuadTo(PointFP control, PointFP point)
     base.QuadTo(control, point);
     CurveEnd(control, control, point);
 public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, PointFP position)
     _anims[(int)_currentDirection].Draw(spriteBatch, position);
Exemple #33
 public override void CurveTo(PointFP control1, PointFP control2, PointFP point)
     base.CurveTo(control1, control2, point);
     CurveEnd(control1, control2, point);
Exemple #34
        internal PointFP ClosestPoint(PointFP p)
            VectorFP a = (VectorFP)_pos + _p0;
            VectorFP b = (VectorFP)_pos + _p1;
            VectorFP c = (VectorFP)_pos + _p2;

            // Check if P in region outside A
            VectorFP ab = b - a;
            VectorFP ac = c - a;
            VectorFP ap = p - a;
            FPInt d1 = VectorFP.Dot(ab, ap);
            FPInt d2 = VectorFP.Dot(ac, ap);
            if (d1 <= 0 && d2 <= 0) {
                return a;

            // Check if P in region outside B
            VectorFP bp = p - b;
            FPInt d3 = VectorFP.Dot(ab, bp);
            FPInt d4 = VectorFP.Dot(ac, bp);
            if (d3 >= 0 && d4 <= d3) {
                return b;

            // Check if P in edge region of AB
            FPInt vc = d1 * d4 - d3 * d2;
            if (vc <= 0 && d1 >= 0 && d3 <= 0) {
                FPInt v = d1 / (d1 - d3);
                return a + v * ab;

            // Check if P in region outside C
            VectorFP cp = p - c;
            FPInt d5 = VectorFP.Dot(ab, cp);
            FPInt d6 = VectorFP.Dot(ac, cp);
            if (d6 >= 0 && d5 <= d6) {
                return c;

            // Check if P in edge region of AC
            FPInt vb = d5 * d2 - d1 * d6;
            if (vb <= 0 && d2 >= 0 && d6 <= 0) {
                FPInt w = d2 / (d2 - d6);
                return a + w * ac;

            // Check if P in edge region of BC
            FPInt va = d3 * d6 - d5 * d4;
            if (va <= 0 && (d4 - d3) >= 0 && (d5 - d6) >= 0) {
                FPInt w = (d4 - d3) / ((d4 - d3) + (d5 - d6));
                return b + w * (c - b);

            // P inside region
            return p;
Exemple #35
        /*public override TestResult TestOverlapExt (Mask mask)
            switch (mask._type) {
                case MaskType.Point:
                    return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(mask as PointMask, this);
                case MaskType.Line:
                    return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(mask as LineMask, this);
                case MaskType.Circle:
                    return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(mask as CircleMask, this);
                case MaskType.AABB:
                    return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(mask as AABBMask, this);
                case MaskType.Triangle:
                    return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(this, mask as TriangleMask);

            return TestResult.None;

        public TestResult TestOverlapExt (PointMask mask)
            return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(mask, this);

        public TestResult TestOverlapExt (LineMask mask)
            return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(mask, this);

        public TestResult TestOverlapExt (CircleMask mask)
            return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(mask, this);

        public TestResult TestOverlapExt (AABBMask mask)
            return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(mask, this);

        public TestResult TestOverlapExt (TriangleMask mask)
            return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(this, mask);
        internal PointFP Barycentric(PointFP p)
            //Vector2 a = _pos + _p0;
            //Vector2 b = _pos + _p1;
            //Vector2 c = _pos + _p2;

            PointFP a = _p0;
            PointFP b = _p1;
            PointFP c = _p2;
            p = (VectorFP)p - _pos;

            FPInt v = (b.Y - c.Y) * (p.X - c.X) + (c.X - b.X) * (p.Y - c.Y);
            FPInt u = (c.Y - a.Y) * (p.X - c.X) + (a.X - c.X) * (p.Y - c.Y);

            return new PointFP(v / _det, u / _det);
 //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
 // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
 // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
 // 13JUN2009  James Shen                 	          Initial Creation
  * fill a polygon.
  * @param points
 public void FillPolygon(PointFP[] points)
Exemple #37
        /*public override TestResult TestOverlapExt (Mask mask)
            return TestResult.None;
        internal PointFP ClosestPoint(PointFP p)
            FPInt py = _pos.Y + _p.Y;
            FPInt px1 = _pos.X + _p.X;
            FPInt px2 = px1 + _w;

            if (p.X <= px1) {
                return _p;
            else if (p.X >= px2) {
                return new PointFP(px2, py);

            return new PointFP(p.X, py);
Exemple #38
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * the distance between 2 points.
         * @param p1
         * @param p2
         * @return
        static public int Distance(PointFP p1, PointFP p2)
            return(Distance(p1.X - p2.X, p1.Y - p2.Y));
Exemple #39
        internal bool IntersectsLineEdge(PointFP c, PointFP d)
            FPInt py = _pos.Y + _p.Y;
            FPInt px1 = _pos.X + _p.X;
            FPInt px2 = px1 + _w;

            // Check that given line is on both sides of AXLine
            FPLong yf = px2 - px1;
            FPLong t = py * yf;

            FPLong f1 = yf * c.Y - t;
            FPLong f2 = yf * d.Y - t;

            if (f1 * f2 > 0) {
                return false;

            // Check that AXLine is on both sides of given line
            FPLong xf = d.Y - c.Y;
            t = (d.X - c.X) * py - (d.X * c.Y - c.X * d.Y);

            f1 = xf * px1 - t;
            f2 = xf * px2 - t;

            return (f1 * f2 <= 0);
Exemple #40
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * substract given distance (x,y) to this point.
         * @param p
         * @return
        public PointFP Sub(PointFP p)
            Reset(X - p.X, Y - p.Y);
Exemple #41
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * get the lenght of the line.
        public int GetLength()
            return(PointFP.Distance(Pt1, Pt2));
Exemple #42
 public CircleMask(PointFP center, FPInt radius)
     _type = MaskType.Circle;
     _p = center;
     _radius = radius;
Exemple #43
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * check to see if two line intects and return the the intersction point.
         * @param l1
         * @param l2
         * @param intersection
         * @return
        public static bool Intersects(LineFP l1, LineFP l2, PointFP intersection)
            var x = SingleFP.NOT_A_NUMBER;
            var y = SingleFP.NOT_A_NUMBER;

            if (intersection != null)
                intersection.Reset(x, y);

            var ax0 = l1.Pt1.X;
            var ax1 = l1.Pt2.X;
            var ay0 = l1.Pt1.Y;
            var ay1 = l1.Pt2.Y;
            var bx0 = l2.Pt1.X;
            var bx1 = l2.Pt2.X;
            var by0 = l2.Pt1.Y;
            var by1 = l2.Pt2.Y;

            var adx = (ax1 - ax0);
            var ady = (ay1 - ay0);
            var bdx = (bx1 - bx0);
            var bdy = (by1 - by0);

            if (IsZero(adx) && IsZero(bdx))
                return(IsEqual(ax0, bx0));
            if (IsZero(ady) && IsZero(bdy))
                return(IsEqual(ay0, by0));
            if (IsZero(adx))
                // A  vertical
                x = ax0;
                y = IsZero(bdy) ? by0 : MathFP.Mul(MathFP.Div(bdy, bdx), x - bx0) + by0;
            else if (IsZero(bdx))
                // B vertical
                x = bx0;
                y = IsZero(ady) ? ay0 : MathFP.Mul(MathFP.Div(ady, adx), x - ax0) + ay0;
            else if (IsZero(ady))
                y = ay0;
                x = MathFP.Mul(MathFP.Div(bdx, bdy), y - by0) + bx0;
            else if (IsZero(bdy))
                y = by0;
                x = MathFP.Mul(MathFP.Div(adx, ady), y - ay0) + ax0;
                var xma = MathFP.Div(ady, adx);         // slope segment A
                var xba = ay0 - (MathFP.Mul(ax0, xma)); // y intercept of segment A

                var xmb = MathFP.Div(bdy, bdx);         // slope segment B
                var xbb = by0 - (MathFP.Mul(bx0, xmb)); // y intercept of segment B

                // parallel lines?
                if (xma == xmb)
                    // Need trig functions
                    return(xba == xbb);
                // Calculate points of intersection
                // At the intersection of line segment A and B,
                //XA=XB=XINT and YA=YB=YINT
                x = MathFP.Div((xbb - xba), (xma - xmb));
                y = (MathFP.Mul(xma, x)) + xba;

            // After the point or points of intersection are calculated, each
            // solution must be checked to ensure that the point of intersection lies
            // on line segment A and B.

            var minxa = MathFP.Min(ax0, ax1);
            var maxxa = MathFP.Max(ax0, ax1);

            var minya = MathFP.Min(ay0, ay1);
            var maxya = MathFP.Max(ay0, ay1);

            var minxb = MathFP.Min(bx0, bx1);
            var maxxb = MathFP.Max(bx0, bx1);

            var minyb = MathFP.Min(by0, by1);
            var maxyb = MathFP.Max(by0, by1);

            if (intersection != null)
                intersection.Reset(x, y);
            return((x >= minxa) && (x <= maxxa) && (y >= minya) && (y <= maxya) &&
                   (x >= minxb) && (x <= maxxb) && (y >= minyb) && (y <= maxyb));
 public override void MoveTo(PointFP point)
     _needDrawStartCap = true;
     _closed = false;
     _startCapP1 = _startCapP2 = null;
Exemple #45
 public static Point ToPoint(PointFP pnt)
     return(new Point(SingleFP.ToInt(pnt.X), SingleFP.ToInt(pnt.Y)));
        private void AddLineCap(PointFP p1, PointFP p2, int lineCap)
            if (lineCap == PenFP.LINECAP_BUTT || p1.Equals(p2))
            var dx = p2.X - p1.X;
            var dy = p2.Y - p1.Y;
            var len = PointFP.Distance(dx, dy);
            var cap = lineCap == PenFP.LINECAP_ROUND
                    ? GraphicsPathFP.ROUNDCAP : GraphicsPathFP.SQUARECAP;

            dx = MathFP.Mul(_ffRad, MathFP.Div(dx, len));
            dy = MathFP.Mul(_ffRad, MathFP.Div(dy, len));

            var m = new MatrixFP(dx, dx, dy, -dy, p2.X, p2.Y);
            _outline.AddMoveTo(new PointFP(0, GraphicsPathFP.ONE).Transform(m));
            for (var i = 0; i < cap.Length; i++)
                _outline.AddLineTo(new PointFP(cap[i]).Transform(m));
            _outline.AddLineTo(new PointFP(0, -GraphicsPathFP.ONE).Transform(m));
Exemple #47
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * reset the line the to given points.
         * @param p1
         * @param p2
        public void Reset(PointFP p1, PointFP p2)
 private void CalcHeadTail(PointFP p1, PointFP p2, LineFP head,
         LineFP tail)
     var curr = new LineFP(p1, p2);
     var dx = p2.X - p1.X;
     var dy = p2.Y - p1.Y;
     tail.Reset(head.Pt1.X + dx, head.Pt1.Y + dy,
             head.Pt2.X + dx, head.Pt2.Y + dy);
Exemple #49
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * Check to see if the point is empty one.
         * @param p
         * @return
        public static bool IsEmpty(PointFP p)
 private void CurveEnd(PointFP control1, PointFP control2, PointFP curveEnd)
     _drawingCurve = false;
     if (_needDrawStartCap)
         _startCapP1 = new PointFP(_curveBegin);
         _startCapP2 = new PointFP(control1);
         _needDrawStartCap = false;
     var head = new LineFP();
     var tail = new LineFP();
     CalcHeadTail(_curveBegin, control1, head, new LineFP());
     CalcHeadTail(control2, curveEnd, new LineFP(), tail);
     _outline.ExtendIfNeeded(_curvePath1._cmdsSize, _curvePath1._pntsSize);
     int j = _curvePath2._pntsSize - 1;
     for (int i = _curvePath2._cmdsSize - 1; i >= 0; i--)
     _curvePath1 = null;
     _curvePath2 = null;
     _lastCurveTail = null;
     _lastPoint = new PointFP(control2);
     _drawingCurve = false;
Exemple #51
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * reset the point to the same location as the given point.
         * @param p
         * @return
        public PointFP Reset(PointFP p)
            return(Reset(p.X, p.Y));
Exemple #52
        /*public override TestResult TestOverlapExt (Mask mask)
            switch (mask._type) {
                case MaskType.Point:
                    return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(mask as PointMask, this);
                case MaskType.Line:
                    return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(mask as LineMask, this);
                case MaskType.Circle:
                    return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(mask as CircleMask, this);
                case MaskType.AABB:
                    return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(this, mask as AABBMask);
                case MaskType.Triangle:
                    return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(this, mask as TriangleMask);

            return TestResult.None;

        public TestResult TestOverlapExt (PointMask mask)
            return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(mask, this);

        public TestResult TestOverlapExt (LineMask mask)
            return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(mask, this);

        public TestResult TestOverlapExt (CircleMask mask)
            return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(mask, this);

        public TestResult TestOverlapExt (AABBMask mask)
            return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(this, mask);

        public TestResult TestOverlapExt (TriangleMask mask)
            return CollisionTR.TestOverlap(this, mask);
        internal PointFP ClosestPoint(PointFP p)
            VectorFP r = (VectorFP)_pos + _point;
            PointFP q = p;

            if (q.X <= r.X) {
                q.X = r.X;
            else {
                FPInt mx = r.X + _w;
                if (q.X >= mx) {
                    q.X = mx;

            if (q.Y <= r.Y) {
                q.Y = r.Y;
            else {
                FPInt my = r.Y + _h;
                if (q.Y >= my) {
                    q.Y = my;

            return q;
Exemple #53
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * Check to see if this rectangle contains given point.
         * @param p
         * @return
        public bool Contains(PointFP p)
            return(_ffXmin <= p.X && p.X <= _ffXmax &&
                   _ffYmin <= p.Y && p.Y <= _ffYmax);
Exemple #54
        /*internal TestResult LineIntersect (PointFP p0, PointFP p1)
            VectorFP r = (VectorFP)_pos + _point;

            FPInt rw = r.X + _w;
            FPInt rh = r.Y + _h;

            if (p0.X == p1.X) {
                // Parallel to Y
                if (p0.X < r.X || p0.X > r.X + _w) {
                    return TestResult.None;

                FPInt pmin = FPMath.Min(p0.Y, p1.Y);
                FPInt pmax = p0.Y + p1.Y - pmin;
                if (pmin > rh || pmax < r.Y) {
                    return TestResult.None;

                if (p0.X == r.X || p0.X == rw) {
                    return TestResult.Overlapping | TestResult.Edge;
                if (pmin == rh || pmax == r.Y) {
                    return TestResult.Overlapping | TestResult.Edge;

                return TestResult.Overlapping;
            else if (p0.Y == p1.Y) {
                // Parallel to X
                if (p0.Y < r.Y || p0.Y > rh) {
                    return TestResult.None;

                FPInt pmin = FPMath.Min(p0.X, p1.X);
                FPInt pmax = p0.X + p1.X - pmin;
                if (pmin > rw || pmax < r.X) {
                    return TestResult.None;

                if (p0.Y == r.Y || p0.Y == rh) {
                    return TestResult.Overlapping | TestResult.Edge;
                if (pmin == rw || pmax == r.X) {
                    return TestResult.Overlapping | TestResult.Edge;

                return TestResult.Overlapping;

            FPInt m = (p0.Y - p1.Y) / (p0.X - p1.X);
            FPInt c = p0.Y - (m * p0.X);

            FPInt topIntersect = c;
            FPInt botIntersect = c;

            if (m > 0) {
                // Slope descending left to right
                topIntersect += (m * r.X);          // t = mL + c
                botIntersect += (m * rw);           // b = mR + c
            else {
                // Slope descending right to left
                topIntersect += (m * rw);           // t = mR + c
                botIntersect += (m * r.X);          // b = mL + c

            FPInt topTriPoint = p0.Y;
            FPInt botTriPoint = p1.Y;

            if (p0.Y > p1.Y) {
                // P0 is actually lower
                topTriPoint = p1.Y;
                botTriPoint = p0.Y;

            FPInt topOver = (topIntersect > topTriPoint) ? topIntersect : topTriPoint;
            FPInt botOver = (botIntersect < botTriPoint) ? botIntersect : botTriPoint;

            // Test ranges
            if (topOver > botOver || botOver < r.Y || topOver > rh) {
                return TestResult.None;

            // Test edges
            if (topOver == botOver || botOver == r.Y || topOver == rh) {
                return TestResult.Overlapping | TestResult.Edge;

            return TestResult.Overlapping;
        internal bool IntersectsLine(PointFP p0, PointFP p1)
            VectorFP r = (VectorFP)_pos + _point;

            FPInt rw = r.X + _w;
            FPInt rh = r.Y + _h;

            if (p0.X == p1.X) {
                // Parallel to Y
                if (p0.X < r.X || p0.X > r.X + _w) {
                    return false;

                FPInt pmin = FPMath.Min(p0.Y, p1.Y);
                FPInt pmax = p0.Y + p1.Y - pmin;

                return !(pmin > rh || pmax < r.Y);
            else if (p0.Y == p1.Y) {
                // Parallel to X
                if (p0.Y < r.Y || p0.Y > rh) {
                    return false;

                FPInt pmin = FPMath.Min(p0.X, p1.X);
                FPInt pmax = p0.X + p1.X - pmin;

                return !(pmin > rw || pmax < r.X);

            FPInt m = (p0.Y - p1.Y) / (p0.X - p1.X);
            FPInt c = p0.Y - (m * p0.X);

            FPInt topIntersect = c;
            FPInt botIntersect = c;

            if (m > 0) {
                // Slope descending left to right
                topIntersect += (m * r.X);          // t = mL + c
                botIntersect += (m * rw);           // b = mR + c
            else {
                // Slope descending right to left
                topIntersect += (m * rw);           // t = mR + c
                botIntersect += (m * r.X);          // b = mL + c

            FPInt topTriPoint = p0.Y;
            FPInt botTriPoint = p1.Y;

            if (p0.Y > p1.Y) {
                // P0 is actually lower
                topTriPoint = p1.Y;
                botTriPoint = p0.Y;

            FPInt topOver = (topIntersect > topTriPoint) ? topIntersect : topTriPoint;
            FPInt botOver = (botIntersect < botTriPoint) ? botIntersect : botTriPoint;

            return !(topOver > botOver || botOver < r.Y || topOver > rh);
Exemple #55
 public static PointF ToPointF(PointFP pnt)
     return(new PointF(SingleFP.ToFloat(pnt.X), SingleFP.ToFloat(pnt.Y)));
Exemple #56
 public AABBMask(PointFP[] pointFP)
     : this(pointFP[0],pointFP[1])
Exemple #57
        public AXLineMask(PointFP p, FPInt w)
            _type = MaskType.AXLine;

            if (w > 0) {
                _p = p;
                _w = w;
            else {
                _p = new PointFP(p.X - w, p.Y);
                _w = 0 - w;
Exemple #58
 public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, PointFP position)
     _definition.Draw(spriteBatch, position, SpriteInfo);
Exemple #59
 public AXLine(PointFP origin, FPInt length)
     _y = origin.Y;
     _x1 = origin.X;
     _x2 = origin.X + length;