Exemple #1
    public IEnumerator RespawnPlayerCo()
        // Create instance of DeathParticle
        Instantiate(deathParticle, player.transform.position, player.transform.rotation);

        // Disable the Player and hide them on death
        player.enabled = false;
        player.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;
        cameraController.isFollowing             = false;
        gravityStore = player.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().gravityScale;
        player.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().gravityScale = 0f;
        player.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity     = Vector2.zero;


        // printf to make sure it works
        Debug.Log("Player Respawn");

        // Wait for respawnDelay seconds before continuing
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(respawnDelay));

        // Move Player to the position of currentCheckpoint
        player.transform.position = currentCheckpoint.transform.position;

        player.knockbackCount = 0;
        // Re-enable Player and make them visible again
        player.enabled = true;
        player.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().gravityScale = gravityStore;
        player.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled         = true;
        healthManager.isDead         = false;
        cameraController.isFollowing = true;

        // Create instance of SpawnParticle at currentCheckpoint
        Instantiate(spawnParticle, currentCheckpoint.transform.position, currentCheckpoint.transform.rotation);