Exemple #1
    public static void CreateHip(GameObject pelvis, GameObject upperLeg, out PhysicsJoint jointData0, out PhysicsJoint jointData1)
        float upperLegHeight = 2.0f * upperLeg.transform.localScale.y;

        var pelvisTransform   = new RigidTransform(pelvis.transform.rotation, pelvis.transform.position);
        var upperLegTransform = new RigidTransform(upperLeg.transform.rotation, upperLeg.transform.position);

        float3 pivotLeg    = new float3(0, upperLegHeight / 2.0f, 0);
        float3 pivotPelvis = math.transform(math.inverse(pelvisTransform), math.transform(upperLegTransform, pivotLeg));

        float3 twistAxis         = new float3(0, -1, 0);
        float3 perpendicularAxis = new float3(1, 0, 0);

        float3 twistAxisLeg    = math.rotate(math.inverse(upperLegTransform), twistAxis);
        float3 twistAxisPelvis = math.rotate(math.inverse(pelvisTransform), twistAxis);

        float3 perpendicularAxisLeg    = math.rotate(math.inverse(upperLegTransform), perpendicularAxis);
        float3 perpendicularAxisPelvis = math.rotate(math.inverse(pelvisTransform), perpendicularAxis);

        float coneAngle          = math.PI / 4.0f;
        var   perpendicularAngle = new FloatRange(math.PI / 3f, math.PI * 2f / 3f);
        var   twistAngle         = new FloatRange(-0.2f, 0.2f);

        var jointFramePelvis = new BodyFrame {
            Axis = twistAxisPelvis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicularAxisPelvis, Position = pivotPelvis
        var jointFrameLeg = new BodyFrame {
            Axis = twistAxisLeg, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicularAxisLeg, Position = pivotLeg

        PhysicsJoint.CreateRagdoll(jointFramePelvis, jointFrameLeg, coneAngle, perpendicularAngle, twistAngle, out jointData0, out jointData1);
Exemple #2
    public static void CreateNeck(GameObject torso, GameObject head, out PhysicsJoint jointData0, out PhysicsJoint jointData1)
        var   headTransform = head.GetComponent <Transform>();
        float headRadius    = 0.5f * headTransform.localScale.x;

        float3 pivotHead           = new float3(0, -headRadius, 0);
        var    torsoTransform      = torso.GetComponent <Transform>();
        var    torsoRigidTransform = new RigidTransform(torsoTransform.rotation, torsoTransform.position);

        var headRigidTransform = new RigidTransform(headTransform.rotation, headTransform.position);

        float3 pivotTorso         = math.transform(math.inverse(torsoRigidTransform), math.transform(headRigidTransform, pivotHead));
        float3 axis               = new float3(0, 1, 0);
        float3 perpendicular      = new float3(0, 0, 1);
        float  coneAngle          = math.PI / 5.0f;
        var    perpendicularAngle = new FloatRange {
            Max = math.PI
        var twistAngle = new FloatRange(-math.PI / 3f, math.PI / 3f);

        var jointFrameTorso = new BodyFrame {
            Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotTorso
        var jointFrameHead = new BodyFrame {
            Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotHead

        PhysicsJoint.CreateRagdoll(jointFrameTorso, jointFrameHead, coneAngle, perpendicularAngle, twistAngle, out jointData0, out jointData1);
Exemple #3
    public static void CreateWaist(GameObject torso, GameObject pelvis, out PhysicsJoint jointData0, out PhysicsJoint jointData1)
        float3 pivotTorso = float3.zero;

        RigidTransform pelvisTransform = new RigidTransform(pelvis.transform.rotation, pelvis.transform.position);
        RigidTransform torsoTransform  = new RigidTransform(torso.transform.rotation, torso.transform.position);

        float3 pivotPelvis = math.transform(math.inverse(pelvisTransform), math.transform(torsoTransform, pivotTorso));
        float3 axisPelvis  = new float3(0, 0, -1);
        float3 axisTorso   = axisPelvis;

        float3 axisPerpendicular = new float3(1, 0, 0);

        float3 perpendicularPelvis = math.rotate(math.inverse(pelvisTransform), axisPerpendicular);
        float3 perpendicularTorso  = math.rotate(math.inverse(torsoTransform), axisPerpendicular);

        float coneAngle          = 0.0872665f;
        var   perpendicularAngle = new FloatRange {
            Max = math.PI
        var twistAngle = new FloatRange(-0.01f, 0.1f);

        var jointFrameTorso = new BodyFrame {
            Axis = axisTorso, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicularTorso, Position = pivotTorso
        var jointFramePelvis = new BodyFrame {
            Axis = axisPelvis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicularPelvis, Position = pivotPelvis

        PhysicsJoint.CreateRagdoll(jointFrameTorso, jointFramePelvis, coneAngle, perpendicularAngle, twistAngle, out jointData0, out jointData1);
        public override void Create(EntityManager entityManager, GameObjectConversionSystem conversionSystem)
                new BodyFrame {
                Axis = TwistAxisLocal, PerpendicularAxis = PerpendicularAxisLocal, Position = PositionLocal
                new BodyFrame {
                Axis = TwistAxisInConnectedEntity, PerpendicularAxis = PerpendicularAxisInConnectedEntity, Position = PositionInConnectedEntity
                math.radians(new FloatRange(MinPerpendicularAngle, MaxPerpendicularAngle)),
                math.radians(new FloatRange(MinTwistAngle, MaxTwistAngle)),
                out var primaryCone,
                out var perpendicularCone

            conversionSystem.World.GetOrCreateSystem <EndJointConversionSystem>().CreateJointEntities(
                new NativeArray <PhysicsJoint>(2, Allocator.Temp)
                [0] = primaryCone, [1] = perpendicularCone
    protected override void Start()

        // Enable the joint viewer
        SetDebugDisplay(new Unity.Physics.Authoring.PhysicsDebugDisplayData
            DrawJoints = 1

        BlobAssetReference <Unity.Physics.Collider> collider = Unity.Physics.BoxCollider.Create(new BoxGeometry
            Center      = float3.zero,
            Orientation = quaternion.identity,
            Size        = new float3(0.2f, 1.0f, 0.2f),
            BevelRadius = 0.0f

        // Make some ragdoll joints
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            // Create a body
            Entity body = CreateDynamicBody(
                new float3((i - 4.5f) * 1.0f, 0, 0), quaternion.identity, collider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 1.0f);

            // Create the ragdoll joint
            float3 pivotLocal         = new float3(0, 0.5f, 0);
            float3 pivotInWorld       = math.transform(GetBodyTransform(body), pivotLocal);
            float3 axisLocal          = new float3(0, 1, 0);
            float3 perpendicularLocal = new float3(0, 0, 1);

            quaternion worldFromLocal     = Quaternion.AngleAxis((i - 4.5f) * 20.0f, new float3(0, 0, 1));
            float3     axisWorld          = math.mul(worldFromLocal, axisLocal);
            float3     perpendicularWorld = math.mul(worldFromLocal, perpendicularLocal);

            float maxConeAngle       = (float)math.PI / 4.0f;
            var   perpendicularAngle = new FloatRange(-math.PI / 2f, math.PI / 2f);
            var   twistAngle         = new FloatRange(-math.PI / 8f, math.PI / 8f);

            var localFrame = new BodyFrame {
                Axis = axisLocal, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicularLocal, Position = pivotLocal
            var worldFrame = new BodyFrame {
                Axis = axisWorld, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicularWorld, Position = pivotInWorld
            PhysicsJoint.CreateRagdoll(localFrame, worldFrame, maxConeAngle, perpendicularAngle, twistAngle, out var ragdoll0, out var ragdoll1);
            CreateJoint(ragdoll0, body, Entity.Null);
            CreateJoint(ragdoll1, body, Entity.Null);
Exemple #6
    public static void CreateShoulder(GameObject torso, GameObject upperArm, out PhysicsJoint jointData0, out PhysicsJoint jointData1)
        float armLength = 2 * upperArm.transform.localScale.y;

        float sign = math.sign(-upperArm.transform.position.x);

        var torsoRigidTransform    = new RigidTransform(torso.transform.rotation, torso.transform.position);
        var upperArmRigidTransform = new RigidTransform(upperArm.transform.rotation, upperArm.transform.position);

        float3 pivotArm = new float3(sign * armLength / 2.0f, 0, 0);

        pivotArm = math.rotate(math.inverse(upperArmRigidTransform.rot), pivotArm);
        float3 pivotBody = math.transform(math.inverse(torsoRigidTransform), math.transform(upperArmRigidTransform, pivotArm));

        float3 twistAxis         = new float3(-1.0f * sign, 0, 0);
        float3 perpendicularAxis = new float3(0, 0, 1);

        float3 twistAxisArm   = math.rotate(math.inverse(upperArmRigidTransform), twistAxis);
        float3 twistAxisTorso = math.rotate(math.inverse(torsoRigidTransform), twistAxis);

        float3 perpendicularAxisArm   = math.rotate(math.inverse(upperArmRigidTransform), perpendicularAxis);
        float3 perpendicularAxisTorso = math.rotate(math.inverse(torsoRigidTransform), perpendicularAxis);

        float coneAngle          = math.PI / 4.0f;
        var   perpendicularAngle = new FloatRange(math.PI / 6f, math.PI * 5f / 6f);
        var   twistAngle         = new FloatRange(-0.0872665f, 0.0872665f);

        var jointFrameBody = new BodyFrame {
            Axis = twistAxisTorso, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicularAxisTorso, Position = pivotBody
        var jointFrameArm = new BodyFrame {
            Axis = twistAxisArm, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicularAxisArm, Position = pivotArm

        PhysicsJoint.CreateRagdoll(jointFrameBody, jointFrameArm, coneAngle, perpendicularAngle, twistAngle, out jointData0, out jointData1);
Exemple #7
    private void CreateRagdoll(Mesh torsoMesh, Mesh renderMesh,
                               float3 positionOffset, quaternion rotationOffset, float3 initialVelocity,
                               int ragdollIndex = 1, bool internalCollisions = false, float rangeGain = 1.0f)
        var entities      = new NativeList <Entity>(Allocator.Temp);
        var rangeModifier = new float2(math.max(0, math.min(rangeGain, 1)));

        // Head
        float  headRadius   = 0.1f;
        float3 headPosition = new float3(0, 1.8f, headRadius);
        Entity head;

            CollisionFilter filter = internalCollisions ? layerFilter(layer.Head, layer.Torso) : groupFilter(-ragdollIndex);
            BlobAssetReference <Collider> headCollider = Unity.Physics.CapsuleCollider.Create(new CapsuleGeometry
                Vertex0 = new float3(0, 0, 0),
                Vertex1 = new float3(0, 0, headRadius / 4),
                Radius  = headRadius
            }, filter);
            head = CreateDynamicBody(headPosition, quaternion.identity, headCollider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 5.0f);

        // Torso
        float3 torsoSize;
        float3 torsoPosition;
        Entity torso;

            //UnityEngine.Mesh torsoMesh = (UnityEngine.Mesh)Resources.Load("torso", typeof(UnityEngine.Mesh));
            torsoSize     = torsoMesh.bounds.size;
            torsoPosition = headPosition - new float3(0, headRadius * 3.0f / 4.0f + torsoSize.y, 0);

            CollisionFilter filter = internalCollisions ? layerFilter(layer.Torso, layer.Thigh | layer.Head | layer.UpperArm | layer.Pelvis) : groupFilter(-ragdollIndex);

            NativeArray <float3> points = new NativeArray <float3>(torsoMesh.vertices.Length, Allocator.TempJob);
            for (int i = 0; i < torsoMesh.vertices.Length; i++)
                points[i] = torsoMesh.vertices[i];
            BlobAssetReference <Collider> collider = ConvexCollider.Create(
                points, ConvexHullGenerationParameters.Default, CollisionFilter.Default
            collider.Value.Filter = filter;
            torso = CreateDynamicBody(torsoPosition, quaternion.identity, collider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 20.0f);

        // Neck
            float3     pivotHead          = new float3(0, -headRadius, 0);
            float3     pivotTorso         = math.transform(math.inverse(GetBodyTransform(torso)), math.transform(GetBodyTransform(head), pivotHead));
            float3     axisHead           = new float3(0, 0, 1);
            float3     perpendicular      = new float3(1, 0, 0);
            FloatRange coneAngle          = new FloatRange(math.radians(0), math.radians(45)) * rangeModifier;
            FloatRange perpendicularAngle = new FloatRange(math.radians(-30), math.radians(+30)) * rangeModifier;
            FloatRange twistAngle         = new FloatRange(math.radians(-5), math.radians(5)) * rangeModifier;

            var axisTorso = math.rotate(math.inverse(GetBodyTransform(torso).rot), math.rotate(GetBodyTransform(head).rot, axisHead));
            axisTorso = math.rotate(quaternion.AxisAngle(perpendicular, math.radians(10)), axisTorso);

            var headFrame = new BodyFrame {
                Axis = axisHead, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotHead
            var torsoFrame = new BodyFrame {
                Axis = axisTorso, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotTorso

            PhysicsJoint.CreateRagdoll(headFrame, torsoFrame, coneAngle.Max, perpendicularAngle, twistAngle, out var ragdoll0, out var ragdoll1);
            CreateJoint(ragdoll0, head, torso);
            CreateJoint(ragdoll1, head, torso);

        // Arms
            float           armLength      = 0.25f;
            float           armRadius      = 0.05f;
            CollisionFilter armUpperFilter = internalCollisions ? layerFilter(layer.UpperArm, layer.Torso | layer.Forearm) : groupFilter(-ragdollIndex);
            CollisionFilter armLowerFilter = internalCollisions ? layerFilter(layer.Forearm, layer.UpperArm | layer.Hand) : groupFilter(-ragdollIndex);

            BlobAssetReference <Collider> upperArmCollider = Unity.Physics.CapsuleCollider.Create(new CapsuleGeometry
                Vertex0 = new float3(-armLength / 2, 0, 0),
                Vertex1 = new float3(armLength / 2, 0, 0),
                Radius  = armRadius
            }, armUpperFilter);
            BlobAssetReference <Collider> foreArmCollider = Unity.Physics.CapsuleCollider.Create(new CapsuleGeometry
                Vertex0 = new float3(-armLength / 2, 0, 0),
                Vertex1 = new float3(armLength / 2, 0, 0),
                Radius  = armRadius
            }, armLowerFilter);

            float           handLength = 0.025f;
            float           handRadius = 0.055f;
            CollisionFilter handFilter = internalCollisions ? layerFilter(layer.Hand, layer.Forearm) : groupFilter(-ragdollIndex);

            BlobAssetReference <Collider> handCollider = Unity.Physics.CapsuleCollider.Create(new CapsuleGeometry
                Vertex0 = new float3(-handLength / 2, 0, 0),
                Vertex1 = new float3(handLength / 2, 0, 0),
                Radius  = handRadius
            }, handFilter);


            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                float s = i * 2 - 1.0f;

                float3 upperArmPosition = torsoPosition + new float3(s * (torsoSize.x + armLength) / 2.0f, 0.9f * torsoSize.y - armRadius, 0.0f);
                Entity upperArm         = CreateDynamicBody(upperArmPosition, quaternion.identity, upperArmCollider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 10.0f);
                float3 foreArmPosition  = upperArmPosition + new float3(armLength * s, 0, 0);
                Entity foreArm          = CreateDynamicBody(foreArmPosition, quaternion.identity, foreArmCollider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 5.0f);
                float3 handPosition     = foreArmPosition + new float3((armLength + handLength) / 2.0f * s, 0, 0);
                Entity hand             = CreateDynamicBody(handPosition, quaternion.identity, handCollider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 2.0f);


                // shoulder
                    float3     pivotArm           = new float3(-s * armLength / 2.0f, 0, 0);
                    float3     pivotTorso         = math.transform(math.inverse(GetBodyTransform(torso)), math.transform(GetBodyTransform(upperArm), pivotArm));
                    float3     axisArm            = new float3(-s, 0, 0);
                    float3     perpendicularArm   = new float3(0, 1, 0);
                    FloatRange coneAngle          = new FloatRange(math.radians(0), math.radians(80)) * rangeModifier;
                    FloatRange perpendicularAngle = new FloatRange(math.radians(-70), math.radians(20)) * rangeModifier;
                    FloatRange twistAngle         = new FloatRange(math.radians(-5), math.radians(5)) * rangeModifier;

                    var axisTorso = math.rotate(math.inverse(GetBodyTransform(torso).rot), math.rotate(GetBodyTransform(upperArm).rot, axisArm));
                    axisTorso = math.rotate(quaternion.AxisAngle(perpendicularArm, math.radians(-s * 45.0f)), axisTorso);

                    var armFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axisArm, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicularArm, Position = pivotArm
                    var bodyFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axisTorso, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicularArm, Position = pivotTorso

                    PhysicsJoint.CreateRagdoll(armFrame, bodyFrame, coneAngle.Max, perpendicularAngle, twistAngle, out var ragdoll0, out var ragdoll1);
                    CreateJoint(ragdoll0, upperArm, torso);
                    CreateJoint(ragdoll1, upperArm, torso);

                // elbow
                    float3 pivotUpper    = new float3(s * armLength / 2.0f, 0, 0);
                    float3 pivotFore     = -pivotUpper;
                    float3 axis          = new float3(0, -s, 0);
                    float3 perpendicular = new float3(-s, 0, 0);

                    var lowerArmFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotFore
                    var upperArmFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotUpper
                    var hingeRange = new FloatRange(math.radians(0), math.radians(100));
                    hingeRange = (hingeRange - new float2(hingeRange.Mid)) * rangeModifier + hingeRange.Mid;
                    PhysicsJoint hinge = PhysicsJoint.CreateLimitedHinge(lowerArmFrame, upperArmFrame, hingeRange);
                    CreateJoint(hinge, foreArm, upperArm);

                // wrist
                    float3 pivotFore     = new float3(s * armLength / 2.0f, 0, 0);
                    float3 pivotHand     = new float3(-s * handLength / 2.0f, 0, 0);
                    float3 axis          = new float3(0, 0, -s);
                    float3 perpendicular = new float3(0, 0, 1);

                    var handFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotHand
                    var forearmFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotFore
                    var          hingeRange = new FloatRange(math.radians(0), math.radians(135)) * rangeModifier;
                    PhysicsJoint hinge      = PhysicsJoint.CreateLimitedHinge(handFrame, forearmFrame, hingeRange);
                    CreateJoint(hinge, hand, foreArm);

        // Pelvis
        float  pelvisRadius   = 0.08f;
        float  pelvisLength   = 0.22f;
        float3 pelvisPosition = torsoPosition - new float3(0, pelvisRadius * 0.75f, 0.0f);
        Entity pelvis;

            CollisionFilter filter = internalCollisions ? layerFilter(layer.Pelvis, layer.Torso | layer.Thigh) : groupFilter(-ragdollIndex);
            BlobAssetReference <Collider> collider = Unity.Physics.CapsuleCollider.Create(new CapsuleGeometry
                Vertex0 = new float3(-pelvisLength / 2, 0, 0),
                Vertex1 = new float3(pelvisLength / 2, 0, 0),
                Radius  = pelvisRadius
            }, filter);
            pelvis = CreateDynamicBody(pelvisPosition, quaternion.identity, collider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 15.0f);

        // Waist
            float3     pivotTorso         = float3.zero;
            float3     pivotPelvis        = math.transform(math.inverse(GetBodyTransform(pelvis)), math.transform(GetBodyTransform(torso), pivotTorso));
            float3     axis               = new float3(0, 1, 0);
            float3     perpendicular      = new float3(0, 0, 1);
            FloatRange coneAngle          = new FloatRange(math.radians(0), math.radians(5)) * rangeModifier;
            FloatRange perpendicularAngle = new FloatRange(math.radians(-5), math.radians(90)) * rangeModifier;
            FloatRange twistAngle         = new FloatRange(-math.radians(-5), math.radians(5)) * rangeModifier;

            var pelvisFrame = new BodyFrame {
                Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotPelvis
            var torsoFrame = new BodyFrame {
                Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotTorso
            PhysicsJoint.CreateRagdoll(pelvisFrame, torsoFrame, coneAngle.Max, perpendicularAngle, twistAngle, out var ragdoll0, out var ragdoll1);
            CreateJoint(ragdoll0, pelvis, torso);
            CreateJoint(ragdoll1, pelvis, torso);

        // Legs
            float           thighLength = 0.32f;
            float           thighRadius = 0.08f;
            CollisionFilter thighFilter = internalCollisions ? layerFilter(layer.Thigh, layer.Pelvis | layer.Calf) : groupFilter(-ragdollIndex);
            BlobAssetReference <Collider> thighCollider = Unity.Physics.CapsuleCollider.Create(new CapsuleGeometry
                Vertex0 = new float3(0, -thighLength / 2, 0),
                Vertex1 = new float3(0, thighLength / 2, 0),
                Radius  = thighRadius
            }, thighFilter);

            float           calfLength = 0.32f;
            float           calfRadius = 0.06f;
            CollisionFilter calfFilter = internalCollisions ? layerFilter(layer.Calf, layer.Thigh | layer.Foot) : groupFilter(-ragdollIndex);
            BlobAssetReference <Collider> calfCollider = Unity.Physics.CapsuleCollider.Create(new CapsuleGeometry
                Vertex0 = new float3(0, -calfLength / 2, 0),
                Vertex1 = new float3(0, calfLength / 2, 0),
                Radius  = calfRadius
            }, calfFilter);

            float           footLength = 0.08f;
            float           footRadius = 0.06f;
            CollisionFilter footFilter = internalCollisions ? layerFilter(layer.Foot, layer.Calf) : groupFilter(-ragdollIndex);
            BlobAssetReference <Collider> footCollider = Unity.Physics.CapsuleCollider.Create(new CapsuleGeometry
                Vertex0 = new float3(0),
                Vertex1 = new float3(0, 0, footLength),
                Radius  = footRadius
            }, footFilter);


            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                float s = i * 2 - 1.0f;

                float3 thighPosition = pelvisPosition + new float3(s * pelvisLength / 2.0f, -thighLength / 2.0f, 0.0f);
                Entity thigh         = CreateDynamicBody(thighPosition, quaternion.identity, thighCollider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 10.0f);
                float3 calfPosition  = thighPosition + new float3(0, -(thighLength + calfLength) / 2.0f, 0);
                Entity calf          = CreateDynamicBody(calfPosition, quaternion.identity, calfCollider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 5.0f);
                float3 footPosition  = calfPosition + new float3(0, -calfLength / 2.0f, 0);
                Entity foot          = CreateDynamicBody(footPosition, quaternion.identity, footCollider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 2.0f);


                // hip
                    float3     pivotThigh         = new float3(0, thighLength / 2.0f, 0);
                    float3     pivotPelvis        = math.transform(math.inverse(GetBodyTransform(pelvis)), math.transform(GetBodyTransform(thigh), pivotThigh));
                    float3     axisLeg            = new float3(0, -1, 0);
                    float3     perpendicularLeg   = new float3(-s, 0, 0);
                    FloatRange coneAngle          = new FloatRange(math.radians(0), math.radians(60)) * rangeModifier;
                    FloatRange perpendicularAngle = new FloatRange(math.radians(-10), math.radians(40)) * rangeModifier;
                    FloatRange twistAngle         = new FloatRange(-math.radians(5), math.radians(5)) * rangeModifier;

                    var axisPelvis = math.rotate(math.inverse(GetBodyTransform(pelvis).rot), math.rotate(GetBodyTransform(thigh).rot, axisLeg));
                    axisPelvis = math.rotate(quaternion.AxisAngle(perpendicularLeg, math.radians(s * 45.0f)), axisPelvis);

                    var upperLegFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axisLeg, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicularLeg, Position = pivotThigh
                    var pelvisFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axisPelvis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicularLeg, Position = pivotPelvis

                    PhysicsJoint.CreateRagdoll(upperLegFrame, pelvisFrame, coneAngle.Max, perpendicularAngle, twistAngle, out var ragdoll0, out var ragdoll1);
                    CreateJoint(ragdoll0, thigh, pelvis);
                    CreateJoint(ragdoll1, thigh, pelvis);

                // knee
                    float3 pivotThigh    = new float3(0, -thighLength / 2.0f, 0);
                    float3 pivotCalf     = math.transform(math.inverse(GetBodyTransform(calf)), math.transform(GetBodyTransform(thigh), pivotThigh));
                    float3 axis          = new float3(-1, 0, 0);
                    float3 perpendicular = new float3(0, 0, 1);

                    var lowerLegFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotCalf
                    var upperLegFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotThigh
                    var hingeRange = new FloatRange(math.radians(-90), math.radians(0));
                    hingeRange = (hingeRange - new float2(hingeRange.Mid)) * rangeModifier + hingeRange.Mid;
                    PhysicsJoint hinge = PhysicsJoint.CreateLimitedHinge(lowerLegFrame, upperLegFrame, hingeRange);
                    CreateJoint(hinge, calf, thigh);

                // ankle
                    float3 pivotCalf     = new float3(0, -calfLength / 2.0f, 0);
                    float3 pivotFoot     = float3.zero;
                    float3 axis          = new float3(-1, 0, 0);
                    float3 perpendicular = new float3(0, 0, 1);

                    var footFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotFoot
                    var lowerLegFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotCalf
                    var          hingeRange = new FloatRange(math.radians(-5), math.radians(5)) * rangeModifier;
                    PhysicsJoint hinge      = PhysicsJoint.CreateLimitedHinge(footFrame, lowerLegFrame, hingeRange);
                    CreateJoint(hinge, foot, calf);

        // reposition with offset information
        if (entities.Length > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
                var e = entities[i];

                bool isTorso = (i == 1);
                SwapRenderMesh(e, isTorso, torsoMesh, renderMesh);

                Translation     positionComponent = EntityManager.GetComponentData <Translation>(e);
                Rotation        rotationComponent = EntityManager.GetComponentData <Rotation>(e);
                PhysicsVelocity velocityComponent = EntityManager.GetComponentData <PhysicsVelocity>(e);

                float3     position = positionComponent.Value;
                quaternion rotation = rotationComponent.Value;

                float3 localPosition = position - pelvisPosition;
                localPosition = math.rotate(rotationOffset, localPosition);

                position = localPosition + pelvisPosition + positionOffset;
                rotation = math.mul(rotation, rotationOffset);

                positionComponent.Value = position;
                rotationComponent.Value = rotation;

                velocityComponent.Linear = initialVelocity;

                EntityManager.SetComponentData <PhysicsVelocity>(e, velocityComponent);
                EntityManager.SetComponentData <Translation>(e, positionComponent);
                EntityManager.SetComponentData <Rotation>(e, rotationComponent);
    private void CreateRagdoll(float3 positionOffset, quaternion rotationOffset, int ragdollIndex = 1, bool internalCollisions = false)
        var entities = new NativeList <Entity>(Allocator.Temp);

        // Head
        float  headRadius   = 0.1f;
        float3 headPosition = new float3(0, 1.8f, 0);
        Entity head;

            CollisionFilter filter = internalCollisions ? layerFilter(layer.Head, layer.Torso) : groupFilter(-ragdollIndex);
            BlobAssetReference <Unity.Physics.Collider> collider = Unity.Physics.SphereCollider.Create(new SphereGeometry
                Center = float3.zero,
                Radius = headRadius
            }, filter);
            head = CreateDynamicBody(headPosition, quaternion.identity, collider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 5.0f);

        // Torso
        float3 torsoSize;
        float3 torsoPosition;
        Entity torso;

            //UnityEngine.Mesh torsoMesh = (UnityEngine.Mesh)Resources.Load("torso", typeof(UnityEngine.Mesh));
            torsoSize     = torsoMesh.bounds.size;
            torsoPosition = headPosition - new float3(0, headRadius * 3.0f / 4.0f + torsoSize.y, 0);

            CollisionFilter filter = internalCollisions ? layerFilter(layer.Torso, layer.Thigh | layer.Head | layer.UpperArm | layer.Pelvis) : groupFilter(-ragdollIndex);

            NativeArray <float3> points = new NativeArray <float3>(torsoMesh.vertices.Length, Allocator.TempJob);
            for (int i = 0; i < torsoMesh.vertices.Length; i++)
                points[i] = torsoMesh.vertices[i];
            BlobAssetReference <Unity.Physics.Collider> collider = ConvexCollider.Create(
                points, ConvexHullGenerationParameters.Default, CollisionFilter.Default
            collider.Value.Filter = filter;
            torso = CreateDynamicBody(torsoPosition, quaternion.identity, collider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 20.0f);

        // Neck
            float3 pivotHead          = new float3(0, -headRadius, 0);
            float3 pivotBody          = math.transform(math.inverse(GetBodyTransform(torso)), math.transform(GetBodyTransform(head), pivotHead));
            float3 axis               = new float3(0, 1, 0);
            float3 perpendicular      = new float3(0, 0, 1);
            float  coneAngle          = (float)math.PI / 5.0f;
            var    perpendicularAngle = new FloatRange {
                Max = math.PI
            };                                                         // unlimited
            var twistAngle = new FloatRange(-math.PI / 3f, math.PI / 3f);

            var headFrame = new BodyFrame {
                Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotHead
            var bodyFrame = new BodyFrame {
                Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotBody
            PhysicsJoint.CreateRagdoll(headFrame, bodyFrame, coneAngle, perpendicularAngle, twistAngle, out var ragdoll0, out var ragdoll1);
            CreateJoint(ragdoll0, head, torso);
            CreateJoint(ragdoll1, head, torso);

        // Arms
            float           armLength      = 0.25f;
            float           armRadius      = 0.05f;
            CollisionFilter armUpperFilter = internalCollisions ? layerFilter(layer.UpperArm, layer.Torso | layer.Forearm) : groupFilter(-ragdollIndex);
            CollisionFilter armLowerFilter = internalCollisions ? layerFilter(layer.Forearm, layer.UpperArm | layer.Hand) : groupFilter(-ragdollIndex);

            BlobAssetReference <Unity.Physics.Collider> upperArmCollider = Unity.Physics.CapsuleCollider.Create(new CapsuleGeometry
                Vertex0 = new float3(-armLength / 2, 0, 0),
                Vertex1 = new float3(armLength / 2, 0, 0),
                Radius  = armRadius
            }, armUpperFilter);
            BlobAssetReference <Unity.Physics.Collider> foreArmCollider = Unity.Physics.CapsuleCollider.Create(new CapsuleGeometry
                Vertex0 = new float3(-armLength / 2, 0, 0),
                Vertex1 = new float3(armLength / 2, 0, 0),
                Radius  = armRadius
            }, armLowerFilter);

            float           handLength = 0.025f;
            float           handRadius = 0.055f;
            CollisionFilter handFilter = internalCollisions ? layerFilter(layer.Hand, layer.Forearm) : groupFilter(-ragdollIndex);

            BlobAssetReference <Unity.Physics.Collider> handCollider = Unity.Physics.CapsuleCollider.Create(new CapsuleGeometry
                Vertex0 = new float3(-handLength / 2, 0, 0),
                Vertex1 = new float3(handLength / 2, 0, 0),
                Radius  = handRadius
            }, handFilter);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                float s = i * 2 - 1.0f;

                float3 upperArmPosition = torsoPosition + new float3(s * (torsoSize.x + armLength) / 2.0f, 0.9f * torsoSize.y - armRadius, 0.0f);
                Entity upperArm         = CreateDynamicBody(upperArmPosition, quaternion.identity, upperArmCollider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 10.0f);
                float3 foreArmPosition  = upperArmPosition + new float3(armLength * s, 0, 0);
                Entity foreArm          = CreateDynamicBody(foreArmPosition, quaternion.identity, foreArmCollider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 5.0f);
                float3 handPosition     = foreArmPosition + new float3((armLength + handLength) / 2.0f * s, 0, 0);
                Entity hand             = CreateDynamicBody(handPosition, quaternion.identity, handCollider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 2.0f);


                // shoulder
                    float3 pivotArm           = new float3(-s * armLength / 2.0f, 0, 0);
                    float3 pivotBody          = math.transform(math.inverse(GetBodyTransform(torso)), math.transform(GetBodyTransform(upperArm), pivotArm));
                    float3 axis               = new float3(s, 0, 0);
                    float3 perpendicular      = new float3(0, 0, 1);
                    float  coneAngle          = (float)math.PI / 2.0f;
                    var    perpendicularAngle = new FloatRange {
                        Max = math.PI / 2f
                    var twistAngle = new FloatRange(-math.PI / 4f, math.PI / 4f);

                    var armFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotArm
                    var bodyFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotBody
                    PhysicsJoint.CreateRagdoll(armFrame, bodyFrame, coneAngle, perpendicularAngle, twistAngle, out var ragdoll0, out var ragdoll1);
                    CreateJoint(ragdoll0, upperArm, torso);
                    CreateJoint(ragdoll1, upperArm, torso);

                // elbow
                    float3 pivotUpper    = new float3(s * armLength / 2.0f, 0, 0);
                    float3 pivotFore     = -pivotUpper;
                    float3 axis          = new float3(0, -s, 0);
                    float3 perpendicular = new float3(s, 0, 0);

                    var lowerArmFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotFore
                    var upperArmFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotUpper
                    PhysicsJoint hinge =
                        PhysicsJoint.CreateLimitedHinge(lowerArmFrame, upperArmFrame, new FloatRange {
                        Max = 3f
                    CreateJoint(hinge, foreArm, upperArm);

                // wrist
                    float3 pivotFore     = new float3(s * armLength / 2.0f, 0, 0);
                    float3 pivotHand     = new float3(-s * handLength / 2.0f, 0, 0);
                    float3 axis          = new float3(0, -s, 0);
                    float3 perpendicular = new float3(s, 0, 0);

                    var handFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotHand
                    var forearmFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotFore
                    PhysicsJoint hinge =
                        PhysicsJoint.CreateLimitedHinge(handFrame, forearmFrame, new FloatRange(-0.3f, 0.6f));
                    CreateJoint(hinge, hand, foreArm);

        // Pelvis
        float  pelvisRadius   = 0.08f;
        float  pelvisLength   = 0.22f;
        float3 pelvisPosition = torsoPosition - new float3(0, pelvisRadius * 0.75f, 0.0f);
        Entity pelvis;

            CollisionFilter filter = internalCollisions ? layerFilter(layer.Pelvis, layer.Torso | layer.Thigh) : groupFilter(-ragdollIndex);
            BlobAssetReference <Unity.Physics.Collider> collider = Unity.Physics.CapsuleCollider.Create(new CapsuleGeometry
                Vertex0 = new float3(-pelvisLength / 2, 0, 0),
                Vertex1 = new float3(pelvisLength / 2, 0, 0),
                Radius  = pelvisRadius
            }, filter);
            pelvis = CreateDynamicBody(pelvisPosition, quaternion.identity, collider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 15.0f);

        // Waist
            float3 pivotTorso         = float3.zero;
            float3 pivotPelvis        = math.transform(math.inverse(GetBodyTransform(pelvis)), math.transform(GetBodyTransform(torso), pivotTorso));
            float3 axis               = new float3(0, -1, 0);
            float3 perpendicular      = new float3(0, 0, 1);
            float  coneAngle          = 0.1f;
            var    perpendicularAngle = new FloatRange(-0.1f, math.PI);
            var    twistAngle         = new FloatRange(-0.1f, 0.1f);

            var pelvisFrame = new BodyFrame {
                Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotPelvis
            var torsoFrame = new BodyFrame {
                Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotTorso
            PhysicsJoint.CreateRagdoll(pelvisFrame, torsoFrame, coneAngle, perpendicularAngle, twistAngle, out var ragdoll0, out var ragdoll1);
            CreateJoint(ragdoll0, pelvis, torso);
            CreateJoint(ragdoll1, pelvis, torso);

        // Legs
            float           thighLength = 0.32f;
            float           thighRadius = 0.08f;
            CollisionFilter thighFilter = internalCollisions ? layerFilter(layer.Thigh, layer.Pelvis | layer.Calf) : groupFilter(-ragdollIndex);
            BlobAssetReference <Unity.Physics.Collider> thighCollider = Unity.Physics.CapsuleCollider.Create(new CapsuleGeometry
                Vertex0 = new float3(0, -thighLength / 2, 0),
                Vertex1 = new float3(0, thighLength / 2, 0),
                Radius  = thighRadius
            }, thighFilter);

            float           calfLength = 0.32f;
            float           calfRadius = 0.06f;
            CollisionFilter calfFilter = internalCollisions ? layerFilter(layer.Calf, layer.Thigh | layer.Foot) : groupFilter(-ragdollIndex);
            BlobAssetReference <Unity.Physics.Collider> calfCollider = Unity.Physics.CapsuleCollider.Create(new CapsuleGeometry
                Vertex0 = new float3(0, -calfLength / 2, 0),
                Vertex1 = new float3(0, calfLength / 2, 0),
                Radius  = calfRadius
            }, calfFilter);

            float           footLength = 0.08f;
            float           footRadius = 0.06f;
            CollisionFilter footFilter = internalCollisions ? layerFilter(layer.Foot, layer.Calf) : groupFilter(-ragdollIndex);
            BlobAssetReference <Unity.Physics.Collider> footCollider = Unity.Physics.CapsuleCollider.Create(new CapsuleGeometry
                Vertex0 = new float3(0),
                Vertex1 = new float3(0, 0, footLength),
                Radius  = footRadius
            }, footFilter);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                float s = i * 2 - 1.0f;

                float3 thighPosition = pelvisPosition + new float3(s * pelvisLength / 2.0f, -thighLength / 2.0f, 0.0f);
                Entity thigh         = CreateDynamicBody(thighPosition, quaternion.identity, thighCollider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 10.0f);
                float3 calfPosition  = thighPosition + new float3(0, -(thighLength + calfLength) / 2.0f, 0);
                Entity calf          = CreateDynamicBody(calfPosition, quaternion.identity, calfCollider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 5.0f);
                float3 footPosition  = calfPosition + new float3(0, -calfLength / 2.0f, 0);
                Entity foot          = CreateDynamicBody(footPosition, quaternion.identity, footCollider, float3.zero, float3.zero, 2.0f);


                // hip
                    float3 pivotThigh    = new float3(0, thighLength / 2.0f, 0);
                    float3 pivotBody     = math.transform(math.inverse(GetBodyTransform(torso)), math.transform(GetBodyTransform(thigh), pivotThigh));
                    float3 axis          = new float3(0, -1, 0);
                    float3 perpendicular = new float3(s, 0, 0);
                    float  coneAngle     = (float)math.PI / 4.0f;

                    var perpendicularAngle = new FloatRange {
                        Max = 0.2f + math.PI / 2.0f
                    var twistAngle = new FloatRange(-0.2f, 0.2f);

                    var upperLegFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotThigh
                    var bodyFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotBody
                    PhysicsJoint.CreateRagdoll(upperLegFrame, bodyFrame, coneAngle, perpendicularAngle, twistAngle, out var ragdoll0, out var ragdoll1);
                    CreateJoint(ragdoll0, thigh, torso);
                    CreateJoint(ragdoll1, thigh, torso);

                // knee
                    float3 pivotThigh    = new float3(0, -thighLength / 2.0f, 0);
                    float3 pivotCalf     = math.transform(math.inverse(GetBodyTransform(calf)), math.transform(GetBodyTransform(thigh), pivotThigh));
                    float3 axis          = new float3(-1, 0, 0);
                    float3 perpendicular = new float3(0, 0, 1);

                    var lowerLegFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotCalf
                    var upperLegFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotThigh
                    PhysicsJoint hinge =
                        PhysicsJoint.CreateLimitedHinge(lowerLegFrame, upperLegFrame, new FloatRange {
                        Min = -1.2f
                    CreateJoint(hinge, calf, thigh);

                // ankle
                    float3 pivotCalf     = new float3(0, -calfLength / 2.0f, 0);
                    float3 pivotFoot     = float3.zero;
                    float3 axis          = new float3(-1, 0, 0);
                    float3 perpendicular = new float3(0, 0, 1);

                    var footFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotFoot
                    var lowerLegFrame = new BodyFrame {
                        Axis = axis, PerpendicularAxis = perpendicular, Position = pivotCalf
                    PhysicsJoint hinge =
                        PhysicsJoint.CreateLimitedHinge(footFrame, lowerLegFrame, new FloatRange(-0.4f, 0.1f));
                    CreateJoint(hinge, foot, calf);

        var entityManager = BasePhysicsDemo.DefaultWorld.EntityManager;

        // reposition with offset information
        if (entities.Length > 0)
            float3 center = float3.zero;
            for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
                var e = entities[i];
                center += entityManager.GetComponentData <Translation>(e).Value;
            center /= entities.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
                var         e = entities[i];
                Translation positionComponent = entityManager.GetComponentData <Translation>(e);
                Rotation    rotationComponent = entityManager.GetComponentData <Rotation>(e);

                float3     position = positionComponent.Value;
                quaternion rotation = rotationComponent.Value;

                float3 localPosition = position - center;
                localPosition = math.rotate(rotationOffset, localPosition);

                position = localPosition + center + positionOffset;
                rotation = math.mul(rotation, rotationOffset);

                positionComponent.Value = position;
                rotationComponent.Value = rotation;

                entityManager.SetComponentData <Translation>(e, positionComponent);
                entityManager.SetComponentData <Rotation>(e, rotationComponent);