private void openCmdLine(Phidget p, String pass) { int serial = -1; String logFile = null; int port = 5001; String host = null; bool remote = false, remoteIP = false; string[] args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); String appName = args[0]; try { //if (logFile != null) // Phidget.enableLogging(Phidget.LogLevel.PHIDGET_LOG_INFO, logFile); if (remoteIP) {, host, port, pass); } else if (remote) {, host, pass); } else {; } return; //success } catch { throw (new SystemException("error")); } }
public ErrorEventLogViewModel(Phidget phidget) { this.phidget = phidget; this.phidget.Error += (o, e) => { if (lastErrorMessage != e.Description) { repeatedLastErrorMessageCount = 0; ErrorMessages += $"{DateTime.Now:MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss tt} - {e.Description}{Environment.NewLine}"; } else { repeatedLastErrorMessageCount++; if (repeatedLastErrorMessageCount % 100 == 0) { ErrorMessages += $"last message repeated {repeatedLastErrorMessageCount} times{Environment.NewLine}"; } } lastErrorMessage = e.Description; ErrorCount++; }; Close = new RelayCommand <Window>((window) => { this.phidget.Error += null; window.Close(); }); ClearLogs = new RelayCommand(() => { lastErrorMessage = ""; ErrorCount = 0; ErrorMessages = ""; }); }
//Error event handler void ifKit_Error(object sender, ErrorEventArgs e) { Phidget phid = (Phidget)sender; switch (e.Type) { case PhidgetException.ErrorType.PHIDGET_ERREVENT_BADPASSWORD: break; case PhidgetException.ErrorType.PHIDGET_ERREVENT_PACKETLOST: //Ignore this error - it's not useful in this context. break; case PhidgetException.ErrorType.PHIDGET_ERREVENT_OVERRUN: //Ignore this error - it's not useful in this context. break; } if (m_errorEvent != null) { m_phidgetError = e.Type.ToString(); m_eventCode[PhidgetCallbackCode.ERROR]++; m_errorEvent.Set(); } }
void rfid_Error(object sender, ErrorEventArgs e) { Phidget phid = (Phidget)sender; DialogResult result; switch (e.Type) { case PhidgetException.ErrorType.PHIDGET_ERREVENT_BADPASSWORD: phid.close(); TextInputBox dialog = new TextInputBox("Error Event", "Authentication error: This server requires a password.", "Please enter the password, or cancel."); result = dialog.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { openCmdLine(phid, dialog.password); } else { Environment.Exit(0); } break; default: if (!errorBox.Visible) { errorBox.Show(); } break; } errorBox.addMessage(DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + ": " + e.Description); }
public IPhidgetViewModel Create(Phidget phidget, bool makeFourTimesThermocouplePhidgetViewModel) { if (makeFourTimesThermocouplePhidgetViewModel) { return(CreateViewModel((dynamic)phidget)); } return(CreateThermoPhidgetViewModelViewModel((dynamic)phidget)); }
void OnApplicationQuit() { if (Application.isEditor) { Phidget.ResetLibrary(); } else { Phidget.FinalizeLibrary(0); } }
void OnApplicationQuit() { Debug.Log("QUIT"); if (Application.isEditor) { Phidget.ResetLibrary(); } else { Phidget.FinalizeLibrary(0); } }
protected virtual void openCmdLine(Phidget p, String pass) { int serial = -1; try {; } catch (Exception err) { throw (new SystemException(err.Message)); } }
private void OnApplicationQuit() { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sensors[i].Close(); sensors[i] = null; } if (Application.isEditor) { Phidget.ResetLibrary(); } else { Phidget.FinalizeLibrary(0); } }
void rfid_Error(object sender, ErrorEventArgs e) { Phidget phid = (Phidget)sender; switch (e.Type) { case PhidgetException.ErrorType.PHIDGET_ERR_BADPASSWORD: phid.close(); break; default: if (!errorBox.Visible) { errorBox.Show(); } break; } errorBox.addMessage(DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " : " + e.Description); }
public void openCmdLine(Phidget p) { string[] args = commandLine; String appName = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName; int channel = 0; int serialNumber = Phidget.AnySerialNumber; String label = Phidget.AnyLabel; int hubPort = Phidget.AnyHubPort; bool isHubPort = false; String networkServerName = null; String password = null; Debug.WriteLine(serialNumber); String logFile = null; try { //Parse the command line flags for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].EndsWith(appName)) { continue; } if (args[i].StartsWith("-")) { switch (args[i].Remove(0, 1).ToLower()) { case "v": hubPort = int.Parse(args[++i]); break; case "c": channel = int.Parse(args[++i]); break; case "l": logFile = (args[++i]); break; case "L": label = args[++i]; break; case "n": serialNumber = int.Parse(args[++i]); break; case "h": isHubPort = true; break; case "s": p.IsRemote = true; //force open to look for "remote" devices only if (i == args.Length - 1) //check if we are at the end of the args list implying no ssid provided { break; } if (args[++i] != null && !args[i].StartsWith("-")) //check for an ssid assuming we aren't at the end of the args list { networkServerName = args[i]; } break; case "p": password = args[++i]; break; default: goto usage; } } else { goto usage; } } if (logFile != null) { Phidget22.Log.Enable(LogLevel.Info, logFile); } p.Channel = channel; p.DeviceSerialNumber = serialNumber; p.DeviceLabel = label; p.HubPort = hubPort; p.IsHubPortDevice = isHubPort; p.ServerName = networkServerName; if (p.IsRemote) { Net.EnableServerDiscovery(ServerType.Device); //turn on network scan if (password != null && networkServerName != null) { Net.SetServerPassword(networkServerName, password); //set the password if there is one } } else { p.IsLocal = true; //force open to search local devices only } p.Open(); return; //success } catch (PhidgetException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.Busy) { MessageBox.Show("This hub port is in use - hub ports can only be opened in one mode at a time.", "Port In Use", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else if (ex.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.Duplicate) { MessageBox.Show("This channel is already open - channels can only be opened once.", "Already Opened", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("Phidget Exception: " + ex.Message, "Phidget Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } form.Close(); return; } catch { } usage: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Invalid Command line arguments." + Environment.NewLine); sb.AppendLine("Usage: " + appName + " [Flags...]"); sb.AppendLine("Flags:\t-n serialNumber: Serial Number, omit for any serial"); sb.AppendLine("\t-l logFile: Enable phidget21 logging to logFile."); sb.AppendLine("\t-v Port: Select the Port that the device is connected to. 0 by default"); sb.AppendLine("\t-c deviceChannel: Select the specific channel of the device you want. 0 by default."); sb.AppendLine("\t-h HubPort?: The device is connected to a hub port."); sb.AppendLine("\t-s serverID\tServer Name, omit for any server"); sb.AppendLine("\t-i ipAddress:port\tIp Address and Port. Port is optional, defaults to 5000"); sb.AppendLine("\t-p password\tPassword, omit for no password" + Environment.NewLine); sb.AppendLine("Examples: "); sb.AppendLine(appName + " -n 50098 -h"); sb.AppendLine(appName + " -n 1234567 -v 1 -c 0"); sb.AppendLine(appName + " -r"); sb.AppendLine(appName + " -s myphidgetserver"); sb.AppendLine(appName + " -n 45670 -i -p password"); MessageBox.Show(sb.ToString(), "Argument Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Application.Exit(); }
public void OpenCommandLine(Phidget phidget) { string[] args = CommandLine; string appName = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Name; int channel = 0; int serialNumber = Phidget.AnySerialNumber; string label = Phidget.AnyLabel; int hubPort = Phidget.AnyHubPort; bool isHubPort = false; string networkServerName = null; string password = null; string logFile = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].EndsWith(appName)) { continue; } if (args[i].StartsWith("-")) { string flag = args[i].Remove(0, 1); switch (flag) { case "n": isHubPort = true; break; case "l": if (args.Length <= i + 1) { ShowInvalidCommandLineMessage(appName); return; } logFile = args[++i]; break; case "v": if (args.Length <= i + 1) { ShowInvalidCommandLineMessage(appName); return; } hubPort = int.Parse(args[++i]); break; case "c": if (args.Length <= i + 1) { ShowInvalidCommandLineMessage(appName); return; } channel = int.Parse(args[++i]); break; case "h": isHubPort = true; break; case "s": phidget.IsRemote = true; if (i == args.Length - 1) { break; } if (args.Length <= i + 1) { ShowInvalidCommandLineMessage(appName); return; } if (args[++i] != null && !args[i].StartsWith("-")) { networkServerName = args[i]; } break; case "p": if (args.Length <= i + 1) { ShowInvalidCommandLineMessage(appName); return; } password = args[++i]; break; default: ShowInvalidCommandLineMessage(appName); break; } } else { ShowInvalidCommandLineMessage(appName); } } if (logFile != null) { Phidget22.Log.Enable(LogLevel.Info, logFile); } phidget.Channel = channel; phidget.DeviceSerialNumber = serialNumber; phidget.DeviceLabel = label; phidget.HubPort = hubPort; phidget.IsHubPortDevice = isHubPort; phidget.ServerName = networkServerName; if (phidget.IsRemote) { Net.EnableServerDiscovery(ServerType.Device); if (password != null && networkServerName != null) { Net.SetServerPassword(networkServerName, password); } } else { phidget.IsLocal = true; } phidget.Open(); } catch (PhidgetException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.Busy) { if (ex.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.Busy) { MessageBox.Show("This hub port is in use - hub ports can only be opened in one mode at a time.", "Port in use", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } else if (ex.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.Duplicate) { MessageBox.Show("This channel is already open - channels can only be opened once.", "Already open", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("Phidget exception: " + ex.Message, "Phidget Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } } }
public void OpenCmdLine(Phidget phidget) { string[] args = CommandLine; string appName = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName; int channel = 0; int serialNumber = Phidget.AnySerialNumber; string label = Phidget.AnyLabel; int hubPort = Phidget.AnyHubPort; bool isHubPort = false; string networkServerName = null; string password = null; string logFile = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].EndsWith(appName)) { continue; } if (args[i].StartsWith("-")) { switch (args[i].Remove(0, 1).ToLower()) { case "v": hubPort = int.Parse(args[++i]); break; case "c": channel = int.Parse(args[++i]); break; case "l": logFile = (args[++i]); break; case "L": label = args[++i]; break; case "n": isHubPort = true; break; case "s": phidget.IsRemote = true; if (i == args.Length - 1) { break; } if (args[++i] != null && !args[i].StartsWith("-")) { networkServerName = args[i]; } break; case "p": password = args[++i]; break; default: goto usage; } } else { goto usage; } } if (logFile != null) { Phidget22.Log.Enable(LogLevel.Info, logFile); } phidget.Channel = channel; phidget.DeviceSerialNumber = serialNumber; phidget.DeviceLabel = label; phidget.HubPort = hubPort; phidget.IsHubPortDevice = isHubPort; phidget.ServerName = networkServerName; if (phidget.IsRemote) { Net.EnableServerDiscovery(ServerType.Device); if (password != null && networkServerName != null) { Net.SetServerPassword(networkServerName, password); } } else { phidget.IsLocal = true; } phidget.Open(); return; } catch (PhidgetException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.Busy) { return; } } usage: StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Invalid Command line arguments." + Environment.NewLine); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Usage: " + appName + " [Flags...]"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Flags:\t-n serialNumber: Serial Number, omit for any serial"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("\t-l logFile: Enable phidget21 logging to logFile"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("\t-v Port: Select the Port that the device is connected to. 0 by default"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("\t-c deviceChannel: Select the specific channel of the device you want. 0 by default"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("\t-h HubPort?: The device is connected to a hub port"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("\t-s serverID\tServer Name, omit for any server"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("\t-i ipAdress:port\tIp Address and Port. Port is optional, defaults to 5000"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("\t-p password\tPassword, omit for no password" + Environment.NewLine); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Examples: "); stringBuilder.AppendLine(appName + " -n 50098 -h"); stringBuilder.AppendLine(appName + " -n 1234567 -v 1 -c 0"); stringBuilder.AppendLine(appName + "-r"); stringBuilder.AppendLine(appName + " -s myphidgetserver"); stringBuilder.AppendLine(appName + "-n 45670 -i -p password"); }
public AddressingInformationViewModel(Phidget phidget) { this.phidget = phidget; }
private void openCmdLine(Phidget p) { openCmdLine(p, null); }
// コマンドラインから Parses command line arguments and calls the appropriate open #region Command line open functions private void OpenCmdLine(Phidget p) { OpenCmdLine(p, null); }
IPhidgetViewModel CreateViewModel(Phidget phidget) { return(new GenericPhidgetViewModel(phidget)); }
protected virtual void openCmdLine(Phidget p) { openCmdLine(p, null); }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); errorBox = new ErrorEventBox(); Phidget.enableLogging(Phidget.LogLevel.PHIDGET_LOG_VERBOSE, null); }
void rfid_Error(object sender, ErrorEventArgs e) { Phidget p = (Phidget)sender; }
//Reference: public IPhidgetViewModel Create(Phidget phidget) { return(CreateViewModel((dynamic)phidget)); }
private void openCmdLine(Phidget p, String pass) { int serial = -1; String logFile = null; int port = 5001; String host = null; bool remote = false, remoteIP = false; string[] args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); String appName = args[0]; try { //Parse the flags for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].StartsWith("-")) { switch (args[i].Remove(0, 1).ToLower()) { case "l": logFile = (args[++i]); break; case "n": serial = int.Parse(args[++i]); break; case "r": remote = true; break; case "s": remote = true; host = args[++i]; break; case "p": pass = args[++i]; break; case "i": remoteIP = true; host = args[++i]; if (host.Contains(":")) { port = int.Parse(host.Split(':')[1]); host = host.Split(':')[0]; } break; default: goto usage; } } else { goto usage; } } if (logFile != null) { Phidget.enableLogging(Phidget.LogLevel.PHIDGET_LOG_INFO, logFile); } if (remoteIP) {, host, port, pass); } else if (remote) {, host, pass); } else {; } return; //success } catch { } usage: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Invalid Command line arguments." + Environment.NewLine); sb.AppendLine("Usage: " + appName + " [Flags...]"); sb.AppendLine("Flags:\t-n serialNumber\tSerial Number, omit for any serial"); sb.AppendLine("\t-l logFile\tEnable phidget21 logging to logFile."); sb.AppendLine("\t-r\t\tOpen remotely"); sb.AppendLine("\t-s serverID\tServer ID, omit for any server"); sb.AppendLine("\t-i ipAddress:port\tIp Address and Port. Port is optional, defaults to 5001"); sb.AppendLine("\t-p password\tPassword, omit for no password" + Environment.NewLine); sb.AppendLine("Examples: "); sb.AppendLine(appName + " -n 50098"); sb.AppendLine(appName + " -r"); sb.AppendLine(appName + " -s myphidgetserver"); sb.AppendLine(appName + " -n 45670 -i -p paswrd"); MessageBox.Show(sb.ToString(), "Argument Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Application.Exit(); }
public PhidgetsDevice(Phidget phidget) { m_Phidget = phidget; m_Device = buildDevice(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { Phidget.enableLogging(Phidget.LogLevel.PHIDGET_LOG_VERBOSE, null); ir = new IR(); //Basic event handlers ir.Attach += new Phidgets.Events.AttachEventHandler(ir_Attach); ir.Detach += new Phidgets.Events.DetachEventHandler(ir_Detach); ir.Error += new Phidgets.Events.ErrorEventHandler(ir_Error); //Specific event handlers ir.Code += new Phidgets.Events.IRCodeEventHandler(ir_Code); ir.Learn += new Phidgets.Events.IRLearnEventHandler(ir_Learn); ir.RawData += new Phidgets.Events.IRRawDataEventHandler(ir_RawData); //Open the device; //Wait for attachment Console.WriteLine("Waiting for PhidgetIR to be attached..."); ir.waitForAttachment(); //demonstrate sending a code Console.WriteLine("Press any key to send a code..."); Console.ReadLine(); //send the code for Apple remote Volume UP (Standard NEC encoding) IRCodeInfo codeInfo = new IRCodeInfo( IRCodeInfo.IREncoding.Space, //encoding 32, //bit count new int[] { 9078, 4610 }, //header new int[] { 593, 581 }, //zero new int[] { 593, 1701 }, //one 593, //trail 108729, //gap new int[] { 9078, 2345, 593 } //repeat code ); ir.transmit(new IRCode("0x77e1d0f0", 32), codeInfo); //demonstrate sending RAW data Console.WriteLine("Press any key to send RAW data..."); Console.ReadLine(); //example of sending RAW Data - this was captured from an Apple remote Volume UP command int[] data = { 9040, 4590, 540, 630, 550, 1740, 550, 1750, 550, 1740, 550, 620, 550, 1750, 550, 1740, 550, 1750, 550, 1740, 550, 1740, 560, 1740, 540, 630, 550, 620, 550, 620, 540, 630, 550, 1750, 550, 1740, 560, 1740, 550, 620, 550, 1740, 550, 620, 550, 620, 560, 610, 550, 620, 550, 1750, 550, 1740, 550, 620, 550, 1740, 550, 1750, 550, 620, 550, 620, 550, 620, 540 }; ir.transmitRaw(data, 108729); //end Console.WriteLine("Press any key to end..."); Console.ReadLine(); //User input was rad so we'll terminate the program, so close the object ir.close(); //set the object to null to get it out of memory ir = null; //If no expcetions where thrown at this point it is safe to terminate //the program Console.WriteLine("Done."); } catch (PhidgetException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Description); } }
/* private void writeBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) * { * try * { * RFID.RFIDTagProtocol proto = (RFID.RFIDTagProtocol)Enum.Parse(typeof(RFID.RFIDTagProtocol), writeProtoCmb.SelectedItem.ToString()); * rfid.write(writeTagTxt.Text, proto, writeLockChk.Checked); * } * catch (PhidgetException ex) * { * MessageBox.Show("Error writing tag: " + ex.Message); * } * } */ //Parses command line arguments and calls the appropriate open #region Command line open functions private void openCmdLine(Phidget p) { openCmdLine(p, null); }
public void FillPhidgetInfo(Phidget phidget) { channelTxt.Text = phidget.Channel.ToString(); versionTxt.Text = phidget.DeviceVersion.ToString(); if (phidget.IsHubPortDevice) { attachedDeviceNameTxt.Text = phidget.Hub.DeviceSKU + " - " + phidget.Hub.DeviceName; } else { attachedDeviceNameTxt.Text = phidget.DeviceSKU + " - " + phidget.DeviceName; } if (phidget.DeviceClass == DeviceClass.VINT) { serialNumberLbl.Text = "Hub Serial Number:"; serialNumberTxt.Text = phidget.DeviceSerialNumber.ToString(); hubPortLbl.Visible = true; hubPortTxt.Visible = true; hubPortTxt.Text = phidget.HubPort.ToString(); } else { serialNumberTxt.Text = phidget.DeviceSerialNumber.ToString(); } try { String sku; if (phidget.IsHubPortDevice) { sku = phidget.Hub.DeviceSKU.Split(new char[] { '/' })[0]; } else { sku = phidget.DeviceSKU.Split(new char[] { '/' })[0]; } //Special attention to the 1018 because it's so common if (phidget.DeviceSKU.Contains("1018")) { sku = "1018"; } Assembly _assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); String imageName = _assembly.GetManifestResourceNames().Where(img => img.EndsWith(sku + ".png")).FirstOrDefault(); if (imageName != null) { pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(_assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(imageName)); line1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(groupBox1.Size.Width - 101, 1); pictureBox1.Visible = true; } if (phidget.IsRemote) { remoteLbl.Visible = true; } else { remoteLbl.Visible = false; } } catch { } Control par = this.Parent; while (!(par is Form)) { par = par.Parent; } ((Form)par).Text = phidget.ChannelName; }
private void OnEncoderAttach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e) { Phidget phidget = sender as Phidget; Version = phidget.DeviceVersion.ToString(); Channel = phidget.Channel.ToString(); if (phidget.IsHubPortDevice) { DeviceName = phidget.Hub.DeviceSKU + " - " + phidget.Hub.DeviceName; } else { DeviceName = phidget.DeviceSKU + " - " + phidget.DeviceName; } SerialNumber = phidget.DeviceSerialNumber.ToString(); if (phidget.DeviceClass == DeviceClass.VINT) { SerialNumberName = "Hub Serial Number:"; HubPortVisible = Visibility.Visible; HubPort = phidget.HubPort.ToString(); } else { SerialNumberName = "Serial Number:"; HubPortVisible = Visibility.Visible; } try { String StockKeepingUnit; if (phidget.IsHubPortDevice) { StockKeepingUnit = phidget.Hub.DeviceSKU.Split(new char[] { '/' })[0]; } else { StockKeepingUnit = phidget.DeviceSKU.Split(new char[] { '/' })[0]; } if (phidget.DeviceSKU.Contains("1018")) { StockKeepingUnit = "1018"; } Assembly _assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); String imageName = _assembly.GetManifestResourceNames().Where(img => img.EndsWith(StockKeepingUnit + ".png")).FirstOrDefault(); if (imageName != null) { ImageSource = BitmapFrame.Create(_assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(imageName)); ImageVisible = Visibility.Visible; } if (phidget.IsRemote) { RemoteVisible = Visibility.Visible; } else { RemoteVisible = Visibility.Collapsed; } } catch { } //Control par = this.Parent; //while (!(par is Form)) // par = par.Parent; //((Form)par).Text = phidget.ChannelName; Phidget22.Encoder attachedDevice = (Phidget22.Encoder)sender; if (_encoder.DeviceClass == DeviceClass.VINT) { try { DataIntervalUnitText = "ms"; DataIntervalMinText = attachedDevice.MinDataInterval.ToString(); DataIntervalMinimum = attachedDevice.MinDataInterval; DataIntervalMaxText = attachedDevice.MaxDataInterval.ToString(); DataIntervalMaximum = attachedDevice.MaxDataInterval; DataIntervalValue = attachedDevice.DataInterval; if (attachedDevice.MaxDataInterval == attachedDevice.MinDataInterval) { DataIntervalEnable = false; } ChangeTriggerUnitText = "ticks"; ChangeTriggerMinText = attachedDevice.MinPositionChangeTrigger.ToString(); ChangeTriggerMinimum = attachedDevice.MinPositionChangeTrigger; ChangeTriggerMaximum = attachedDevice.MaxPositionChangeTrigger; ChangeTriggerMaxText = attachedDevice.MaxPositionChangeTrigger.ToString(); ChangeTriggerValue = attachedDevice.PositionChangeTrigger; //ChangeTriggerMinText = attachedDevice.PositionChangeTrigger.ToString("F0"); } catch (PhidgetException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error setting data interval or change trigger: ", ex.Message); } } else { DataIntervalEnable = false; ChangeTriggerEnable = false; IoModeEnable = false; } _dataInterval = attachedDevice.MinDataInterval; PositionChangeText = "N/A"; TimeChangeText = "N/A"; PositionText = "N/A"; IndexPositionText = "N/A"; switch (((Phidget)sender).DeviceID) { case DeviceID.PN_1047: DeviceEnable = true; IsEncoderChecked = true; IoModeEnable = true; break; case DeviceID.PN_HIN1101: DeviceEnable = true; IsEncoderChecked = true; IoModeEnable = true; break; case DeviceID.PN_ENC1000: foreach (EncoderIOMode ioMode in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EncoderIOMode))) { IOModes.Add(ioMode); } SelectedIOMode = IOModes.FirstOrDefault(); break; case DeviceID.PN_DCC1000: foreach (EncoderIOMode ioMode in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EncoderIOMode))) { IOModes.Add(ioMode); } SelectedIOMode = IOModes.FirstOrDefault(); break; } GroupBoxSettingsEnable = true; DataEnable = true; }
private void openCmdLine(Phidget p, String pass) { int serial = -1; String logFile = null; int port = 5001; String host = null; bool remote = false, remoteIP = false; string[] args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); String appName = args[0]; try { //Parse the flags for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].StartsWith("-")) switch (args[i].Remove(0, 1).ToLower()) { case "l": logFile = (args[++i]); break; case "n": serial = int.Parse(args[++i]); break; case "r": remote = true; break; case "s": remote = true; host = args[++i]; break; case "p": pass = args[++i]; break; case "i": remoteIP = true; host = args[++i]; if (host.Contains(":")) { port = int.Parse(host.Split(':')[1]); host = host.Split(':')[0]; } break; default: goto usage; } else goto usage; } if (logFile != null) Phidget.enableLogging(Phidget.LogLevel.PHIDGET_LOG_INFO, logFile); if (remoteIP), host, port, pass); else if (remote), host, pass); else; return; //success } catch { } usage: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Invalid Command line arguments." + Environment.NewLine); sb.AppendLine("Usage: " + appName + " [Flags...]"); sb.AppendLine("Flags:\t-n serialNumber\tSerial Number, omit for any serial"); sb.AppendLine("\t-l logFile\tEnable phidget21 logging to logFile."); sb.AppendLine("\t-r\t\tOpen remotely"); sb.AppendLine("\t-s serverID\tServer ID, omit for any server"); sb.AppendLine("\t-i ipAddress:port\tIp Address and Port. Port is optional, defaults to 5001"); sb.AppendLine("\t-p password\tPassword, omit for no password" + Environment.NewLine); sb.AppendLine("Examples: "); sb.AppendLine(appName + " -n 50098"); sb.AppendLine(appName + " -r"); sb.AppendLine(appName + " -s myphidgetserver"); sb.AppendLine(appName + " -n 45670 -i -p paswrd"); MessageBox.Show(sb.ToString(), "Argument Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Application.Exit(); }
public static void ShowErrorEventLogWindow(this IMaintainableViewModel viewmodel, Phidget phidget) { App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate { var window = new ErrorEventLogWindow() { DataContext = new ErrorEventLogViewModel(phidget) }; window.Activate(); window.Topmost = true; window.Show(); }); }