Exemple #1
        private void CancelAppointment()
            if (SelectedIndex == null) //shouldnt be able to happen but to prevent crash --> return.
            int index         = int.Parse(SelectedIndex.ToString(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            int appointmentID = int.Parse(FilteredAppointments.Rows[index][0].ToString(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            string reason = CancellationReason("Reason For Appointment Cancellation?");

            if (reason == "")   // If user closes dialog box, operation is cancelled and appointment remains active

            PatientDBConverter.DeleteAppointment(appointmentID, reason); // Appointment Moved To Cancelled Schema
            Success("Success!", "Patient appointment has been cancelled.");
            InitialiseDataTable();                                       // To refresh table after adjustments --> triggering onpropertychange