Exemple #1
 private void ReceiveLoginMessage(StaffUser userAccount)
     if (userAccount.isReceptionist())
         string firstname = userAccount.getFirstname();
         CurrentToolbarViewModel = ReceptionistToolbarVM;
         CurrentViewModel        = ReceptionistVM;
         MessengerInstance.Send <NotificationMessage>(new NotificationMessage(firstname));  // FROM: MainVM TO: ReceptionistToolbarVM ~ sends logged in users first name.
     else if (userAccount.isDoctor())
         UserID = StaffDBConverter.GetAccountIDByUsername(userAccount.getUsername());
         CurrentToolbarViewModel = DoctorToolbarVM;
         if (PatientDBConverter.DoctorIsInAppointment(UserID))
             CurrentViewModel = DoctorAppointmentVM;
             MessengerInstance.Send <int>(UserID);
             CurrentViewModel = DoctorVM;
             MessengerInstance.Send <int>(UserID);
        // Interacts with Data Layer Model to book appointment
        public void BookAppointment()
            if (TimeslotIndex.Equals(-1))
                Alert("No timeslot selected.", "Please select a timeslot for your appointment");
            if (PatientDBConverter.PatientHasAppointment(patientID, SelectedDate.ToShortDateString()))
                Alert("Appointment Not Booked.",
                      "You already have a GP appointment for this day. Please speak to the receptionist for details on your appointment or select another day.");
            string selectedTimeslot    = AvaliableTimes.Rows[(int)TimeslotIndex][1].ToString();
            int    reservationDoctorID = int.Parse(AvaliableTimes.Rows[(int)TimeslotIndex][0].ToString());

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Comment))
                Comment = "";

            PatientDBConverter.BookAppointment(selectedTimeslot, reservationDoctorID, patientID, true, Comment, SelectedDate.ToShortDateString());

            // Sends email Success
            EmailConfirmation.ReservationConfirmationEmail(patientID, SelectedDate, selectedTimeslot);

            var dialog = new SuccessBoxViewModel("Appointment Booked.",      //MOVE THIS
                                                 "Appointment has been successfully booked. Please keep an eye on your emails for updates on when we can see you.");
            var result = _dialogService.OpenDialog(dialog);

            MessengerInstance.Send <string>("DecideHomeView");
        public void BookAppointment()
            if (Timeslot == null)
                Alert("No Avaliability.", "No appointments are avaliable today. Please book a reservation appointment to be seen on another day.");

            int    doctorID = int.Parse(Timeslot[0].ToString());
            string timeslot = Timeslot[1].ToString();

            if (PatientDBConverter.PatientHasAppointment(patientID))
                Alert("Appointment not booked", "You already have an appointment booked today. Please check your emails for notificaitons or speak to the receptionist.");
                MessengerInstance.Send <string>("DecideHomeView");

            PatientDBConverter.BookAppointment(timeslot, doctorID, patientID, false);
            AppointmentLogic.ScheduleWalkInNotification(TimeSpan.Parse(timeslot), patientID);

            var dialog = new SuccessBoxViewModel("Appointment Booked.",      //MOVE THIS
                                                 "Appointment has been successfully booked. Please keep an eye on your emails for updates on when we can see you.");
            var result = _dialogService.OpenDialog(dialog);

            MessengerInstance.Send <string>("DecideHomeView");
        public static void AlmostReadyEmail(int patientID)
            _dialogService = new DialogBoxService();

            // Modifies email html to input date and time in email.
            string text = File.ReadAllText("Assets\\appointment_email.html");

            text = text.Replace("InsertDate1", DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString());
            text = text.Replace("HEADING", "The doctor will see you now.");
            text = text.Replace("MAINBODY", "We're almost ready to see you, please return to the GP within 10 minutes.");
            text = text.Replace("InsertDate2", "");
            File.WriteAllText("appointment_email.html", text);

            string patientEmail = PatientDBConverter.GetEmail(patientID);

                using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText("appointment_email.html"))
                    SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com");

                    MailMessage message = new MailMessage("*****@*****.**", patientEmail);

                    message.IsBodyHtml           = true;
                    message.Body                 = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    message.Subject              = "We're ready for you.";
                    client.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
                    client.Credentials           = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "mitsig-applepie-lambda2000");
                    client.Host           = "smtp.gmail.com";
                    client.Port           = 587;
                    client.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
                    client.EnableSsl      = true;

            catch (Exception ex)
                // Saves error to error log
                string exePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
                string logPath = exePath + @"\\logs\\log.txt";
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(logPath, true))
                    writer.WriteLine("Date : " + DateTime.Now.ToString());

                    while (ex != null)
                        writer.WriteLine("Message : " + ex.Message);
                        writer.WriteLine("StackTrace : " + ex.StackTrace);

                        ex = ex.InnerException;
        private void StartAppointment()
            DataTable CheckedInPatients = PatientDBConverter.GetCheckedInAppointments();

            if (CheckedInPatients.Rows.Count == 0)
                Alert("No avaliable appointments.", "No patients are checked in. There are no appointments avalaible to be seen.");

            int averageDuration         = AppointmentLogic.GetAverage();
            int remainingShiftInMinutes = StaffDBConverter.GetRemainingShiftInMinutes(DoctorID);

            if (remainingShiftInMinutes < averageDuration)
                if (Confirmation("Are you sure?", "There may not be enough time in your schedule to finish the next appointment. Are you sure you would like to proceed?") == "NO")

            DataRow selectedAppointment = null;

            // check if any patients are waiting first.

            if (Convert.ToBoolean(CheckedInPatients.Rows[0]["isEmergency"]) == true)
                selectedAppointment = CheckedInPatients.Rows[0];

            foreach (DataRow dr in CheckedInPatients.Rows)
                if (selectedAppointment == null)
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(dr["isReservation"]) == false)
                        selectedAppointment = dr;
                    else if (Convert.ToBoolean(dr["isReservation"]) == true && DoctorID.Equals(int.Parse(dr["AppointmentDoctorID"].ToString())))
                        selectedAppointment = dr;
                    TimeSpan selectedAppointmentTime = TimeSpan.Parse(selectedAppointment["AppointmentTime"].ToString());
                    TimeSpan drAppointmentTime       = TimeSpan.Parse(dr["AppointmentTime"].ToString());

                    if (drAppointmentTime.Subtract(selectedAppointmentTime).TotalMinutes <= 10 && (Convert.ToBoolean(dr["isReservation"]) == false))
                        selectedAppointment = dr;

            PatientDBConverter.StartAppointment(selectedAppointment, DoctorID);
            MessengerInstance.Send <string>("DoctorAppointmentView");
Exemple #6
        private void BookAppointment()
            if (RequiredNotComplete())

            PatientUser patient = new PatientUser(Firstname, Middlename, Lastname, (DateTime)DOB, int.Parse(DoorNumber), Postcode);
            int         patientID;

            // Verifies if patient records existing in patient DB, if multiple records are found, below situation is handelled using
            // appropirate dialog boxes.
            string verifiedExistance = VerifyPatientDetails(patient);

            if (verifiedExistance.Equals("NoRecord"))
            // If multiple records are found, user is asked to input their patient ID to uniquely identify them.
            // If incorrect input format is detected i.e. non-numerical, or a patient ID not corrosponding to inputted details is entered,
            // the user is shown an alert message and redirected to partner with a receptionist for assistance.
            else if (verifiedExistance.Equals("MultipleRecords"))
                Alert("Multiple Records Found.",
                      "Multple Records were found with your details. Please type in your Patient ID or speak to the receptionist for assistance with booking an appointment.");
                string inputtedID = PatientIDBox();
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inputtedID) || !inputtedID.All(char.IsDigit))
                    Alert("Incorrect ID.", "Patient ID must be numerical. Please speak to a receptionist.");
                verifiedExistance = VerifyPatientDetails(patient, int.Parse(inputtedID));
                if (verifiedExistance.Equals("FoundRecord"))
                    patientID = int.Parse(inputtedID);
                    Alert("Could Not Find record.", "Could not find record matching details under inputted ID, please speak to a receptionist for assistance.");
                patientID = PatientDBConverter.GetPatientID(patient);

            if (PatientDBConverter.PatientHasAppointment(patientID))
                Alert("Appointment Found!", "An existing appointment was found. Please cancel or check-in for your existing appointment to proceed.");

            Success("Appointment Booked.", "Emergency appointment has been booked. Please ask patient to be seated, the next avaliable doctor will take the session.");
            MessengerInstance.Send <string>("ReceptionistHomeView");
        public void SetDoctorDetails(int msg)
            DoctorID = msg;

            ActiveAppointment = PatientDBConverter.GetDoctorActiveAppointment(DoctorID);
            AppointmentTime   = ActiveAppointment[2].ToString();
            PatientName       = PatientDBConverter.GetPatientName(int.Parse(ActiveAppointment[3].ToString()));
            AppointmentNotes  = ActiveAppointment[4].ToString();
Exemple #8
        public void ShowReservationView()
            if (RequiredNotComplete())

            PatientUser patient = new PatientUser(Firstname, Middlename, Lastname, (DateTime)DOB, int.Parse(StreetNo), Postcode);
            int         patientID;

            // Verifies if patient records existing in patient DB, if multiple records are found, below situation is handelled using
            // appropirate dialog boxes.
            string verifiedExistance = VerifyPatientDetails(patient);

            if (verifiedExistance.Equals("NoRecord"))
            // If multiple records are found, user is asked to input their patient ID to uniquely identify them.
            // If incorrect input format is detected i.e. non-numerical, or a patient ID not corrosponding to inputted details is entered,
            // the user is shown an alert message and redirected to partner with a receptionist for assistance.
            else if (verifiedExistance.Equals("MultipleRecords"))
                Alert("Multiple Records Found.",
                      "Multple Records were found with your details. Please type in your Patient ID or speak to the receptionist for assistance with booking an appointment.");
                string inputtedID = PatientIDBox();
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inputtedID) || !inputtedID.All(char.IsDigit))
                    Alert("Incorrect ID.", "Patient ID must be numerical. Please speak to a receptionist.");
                verifiedExistance = VerifyPatientDetails(patient, int.Parse(inputtedID));
                if (verifiedExistance.Equals("FoundRecord"))
                    patientID = int.Parse(inputtedID);
                    Alert("Could Not Find record.", "Could not find record matching details under inputted ID, please speak to a receptionist for assistance.");
                patientID = PatientDBConverter.GetPatientID(patient);

            PatientDBConverter.UpdateEmail(patientID, Email);
            // Shows the booking view after patient details & desired reservation type verified
            // sends patient user details as message to view
            AppointmentTypeView   = ReservationView;
            IsBookingVisible      = true;
            BookingSubviewVisible = "Visible";
            PatientCaptureWidth   = "0";
            MessengerInstance.Send <double>(patientID);
Exemple #9
        // Retrieves patient email and time until they need to be notified before notifying them, process triggers
        // PatientContactSchedular which is a script running in a seperate process/thread in the background unavaliable
        // to the user. Should the current session be effected, by outsourcing patient contact to another process, this will
        // have no reprecussions on patients waiting to be called back.
        public static void ExecuteSchedular(int patientID, double minutes)
            string email = PatientDBConverter.GetEmail(patientID);

            ProcessStartInfo processInf = new ProcessStartInfo("netcoreapp3.1\\PatientContactSchedular.exe");

            processInf.Arguments   = string.Format(email + " " + minutes);
            processInf.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
            Process run = Process.Start(processInf);
Exemple #10
        private void CheckInPatient()
            if (SelectedIndex == null) //shouldnt be able to happen but to prevent crash --> return.
            int index         = int.Parse(SelectedIndex.ToString(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            int appointmentID = int.Parse(FilteredAppointments.Rows[index][0].ToString(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            Success("Success!", "Patient has been checked-in.");
            InitialiseDataTable(); // To refresh table after adjustments --> triggering onpropertychange
Exemple #11
        public void SaveToDB()
            //  Validation applies before changes are executted to Data Layer
            if (!EntryValidation())
            // Refreshes DataGrid view

            Success("Database Updated.", "Changes to the database were successfully updated.");
Exemple #12
        public DeletePatientViewModel()
            _dialogService = new DialogBoxService();

            Patients = PatientDBConverter.GetPatients();
            Messenger.Default.Register <NotificationMessage>(
                message =>
            DeleteCommand = new RelayCommand(DeleteFromDB);
        private void CheckIn()
            if (RequiredNotComplete())
                Alert("Complete Required Fields!", "Please complete all fields to check in.");

            DataTable patientRecords = PatientDBConverter.GetAwaitingCheckIn((DateTime)DOB, Firstname, DoorNo, Postcode);

            if (patientRecords.Rows.Count > 1)
                Alert("Could not check in!", "More than one patient has an appointment with the same details provided. Please enter you patient ID or ask a recpetionist" +
                      " for assistance with check-in.");
                string input = PatientIDBox();
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input) || !input.All(char.IsDigit))
                    Alert("Incorrect ID.", "Patient ID must be numerical. Please speak to a receptionist.");
                DataRow[] foundPatient = patientRecords.Select("PatientID = '" + input + "'");
                if (foundPatient.Length != 0)
                    foreach (DataRow row in foundPatient)
                        int appointmentID = int.Parse(row["AppointmentID"].ToString());
                    Alert("Could not check in!", "Incorrect Patient ID has been inputted. Please speak to the receptions for assitance with check-in.");
            else if (patientRecords.Rows.Count == 0)
                Alert("Could not check in!", "Unable to find appointment with details provided. Please confirm details or speak to receptionist. " +
                      "If you are late another appointment may be required.");
                int appointmentID = int.Parse(patientRecords.Rows[0][0].ToString());
            Success("Checked-In Successfully", "Please take a seat. Your doctor will see you soon.");
Exemple #14
        public void DeleteFromDB()
            // If no row was selected
            if (SelectedRow == null)
                Alert("No Row Selected!", "No record selected. Please select a record before attempting to delete a patient record.");
            int patientID = int.Parse(Patients.Rows[(int)SelectedRow][0].ToString(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // Refreshes DataGrid view, Resets selected row to null
            SelectedRow = null;
            Success("Database Updated.", "Changes to the database were successfully updated.");
Exemple #15
 public void InitialiseDataTable()
     if (CancelledFilter == "True")
         AllAppointments        = PatientDBConverter.GetCancelledAppointments().Copy();
         CancellationVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
         EditOptionsVisibility  = Visibility.Collapsed;
         AllAppointments        = PatientDBConverter.GetBookedAppointments().Copy();
         CancellationVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
         EditOptionsVisibility  = Visibility.Visible;
     FilteredAppointments = AllAppointments.Copy();
Exemple #16
        private void CancelAppointment()
            if (SelectedIndex == null) //shouldnt be able to happen but to prevent crash --> return.
            int index         = int.Parse(SelectedIndex.ToString(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            int appointmentID = int.Parse(FilteredAppointments.Rows[index][0].ToString(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            string reason = CancellationReason("Reason For Appointment Cancellation?");

            if (reason == "")   // If user closes dialog box, operation is cancelled and appointment remains active

            PatientDBConverter.DeleteAppointment(appointmentID, reason); // Appointment Moved To Cancelled Schema
            Success("Success!", "Patient appointment has been cancelled.");
            InitialiseDataTable();                                       // To refresh table after adjustments --> triggering onpropertychange
Exemple #17
 private void UpdateDB()
     Patients = PatientDBConverter.GetPatients();
        public static void WalkInConfirmationEmail(int patientID)
            _dialogService = new DialogBoxService();

            // Modifies email html to input date and time in email.
            string text = File.ReadAllText("Assets\\appointment_email.html");

            text = text.Replace("InsertDate1", DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString());
            text = text.Replace("HEADING", "Your appointment has been booked.");
            text = text.Replace("MAINBODY", "Please keep an eye on your emails for updates on your wait. Should you wish to alter or cancel your appointment please contact the GP.");
            text = text.Replace("InsertDate2", "");

            File.WriteAllText("appointment_email.html", text);

            string patientEmail = PatientDBConverter.GetEmail(patientID);

                using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText("appointment_email.html"))
                    SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com");

                    MailMessage message = new MailMessage("*****@*****.**", patientEmail);

                    message.IsBodyHtml           = true;
                    message.Body                 = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    message.Subject              = "Your Upcoming GP Appointment.";
                    client.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
                    client.Credentials           = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "mitsig-applepie-lambda2000");
                    client.Host           = "smtp.gmail.com";
                    client.Port           = 587;
                    client.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
                    client.EnableSsl      = true;

            catch (Exception ex)
                // Saves error to error log
                string exePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
                string logPath = exePath + @"\\logs\\log.txt";
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(logPath, true))
                    writer.WriteLine("Date : " + DateTime.Now.ToString());

                    while (ex != null)
                        writer.WriteLine("Message : " + ex.Message);
                        writer.WriteLine("StackTrace : " + ex.StackTrace);

                        ex = ex.InnerException;
 public void InitialiseDataTable()
     AllAppointments      = PatientDBConverter.GetCheckedInAppointments();
     FilteredAppointments = AllAppointments.Copy();