Exemple #1
        private void DrawPath(IList <Vector2Int> path)
            if (path == null)
            // Raw path drawing
            foreach (var cell in path)
                DrawPathPoint(cell, Color.Blue, 1);

            Debug.WriteLine($"Raw path length: {path.Count}");

            PathSmoother smoother = new PathSmoother();

            smoother.OnObstacleDetectedEvent += OnSmootherObstacleDetected;
            IList <Vector2Int> smoothedPath = smoother.GetSmoothedPath(_cellMap, path);

            foreach (var cell in smoothedPath)
                DrawPathPoint(cell, Color.DarkCyan, 3);

            Debug.WriteLine($"Smoothed path length: {path.Count}");
    private void OnPathRequestSucceeded(IPathRequestQuery request)
        Vector3[] roughPath    = request.GetSolutionPath(m_pathAgent.PathManager.PathTerrain);
        Vector3[] steeringPath = roughPath;

        if (m_usePathSmoothing)
            // Smooth the path
            Vector3[] aLeftPortalEndPts;
            Vector3[] aRightPortalEndPts;
            m_pathAgent.PathManager.PathTerrain.ComputePortalsForPathSmoothing(roughPath, out aLeftPortalEndPts, out aRightPortalEndPts);
            steeringPath = PathSmoother.Smooth(roughPath, request.GetStartPos(), request.GetGoalPos(), aLeftPortalEndPts, aRightPortalEndPts);

        if (sFinded != null)

        if (m_pathGroup != null)
//			Debug.Log("steeringPath=" + steeringPath.Length);
            m_pathGroup.SetPath(steeringPath, false);
            // Begin steering along this path
            m_steeringAgent.SteerAlongPath(steeringPath, m_pathAgent.PathManager.PathTerrain);
 public PathPlanner()
     this.Options         = PathSmoother.GetDefaultOptions();
     this.Options.alpha_s = 100;
     this.Options.alpha_d = 100;
     this.Options.alpha_w = 0;
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="owner">The owner entity of the PathManager</param>
 /// <param name="graph">The graph where the pathfinding searches are going to happen</param>
 /// <param name="search">Search algorithm used by the planner</param>
 /// <param name="neighboursSearchRange">
 /// The maximum distance the PathPlanner will use to search a neighbour-walkable
 /// node to a given position
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="smoothAlgorithm">Smooth algorithm for the path</param>
 public PathPlanner(MovingEntity owner, Graph <NavigationNode, T> graph, GraphSearchAlgorithm <NavigationNode, T> search, float neighboursSearchRange, PathSmoother smoothAlgorithm)
     this.owner  = owner;
     this.graph  = graph;
     this.search = search;
     this.neighboursSearchRange = neighboursSearchRange;
     this.smoothAlgorithm       = smoothAlgorithm;
Exemple #5
 public PlanningSettings()
     Options            = PathSmoother.GetDefaultOptions();
     Options.alpha_s    = 100;
     Options.alpha_d    = 100;
     Options.alpha_w    = 0;
     Options.num_passes = 2;
     Options.reverse    = false;
Exemple #6
        public IList <Vector2Int> GetSmoothedPath(ICellMap map, Vector2Int start, Vector2Int stop, NeighbourMode neighbourMode)
            var rawPath = GetPath(map, start, stop, neighbourMode);

            if (rawPath == null)
            PathSmoother smoother = new PathSmoother();
            var          path     = smoother.GetSmoothedPath(map, rawPath);

Exemple #7
    private void OnPathRequestSucceeded(IPathRequestQuery request)
        Vector3[] roughPath    = request.GetSolutionPath(m_pathAgent.PathManager.PathTerrain);
        Vector3[] steeringPath = roughPath;

        if (m_usePathSmoothing)
            // Smooth the path
            Vector3[] aLeftPortalEndPts;
            Vector3[] aRightPortalEndPts;
            m_pathAgent.PathManager.PathTerrain.ComputePortalsForPathSmoothing(roughPath, out aLeftPortalEndPts, out aRightPortalEndPts);
            steeringPath = PathSmoother.Smooth(roughPath, request.GetStartPos(), request.GetGoalPos(), aLeftPortalEndPts, aRightPortalEndPts);

        // Begin steering along this path
        m_steeringAgent.SteerAlongPath(steeringPath, m_pathAgent.PathManager.PathTerrain);
        private void ConstructPath()

            _currentNodeIndex = 0;

            if (!_target.isSet)

            NavGrid navGrid = Map.instance.navGrid;

            // We first try to see if we can reach the target straightly without
            // needed a pathfinding

            // to see that, we look for a clear line between the character and the target
            if (CanReachTargetDirectly())

            _coordPath = Pathfinder.A_Star(_character.position, _target.position);

            for (int i = 0; i < _coordPath.Count; i++)

            _smoothCoordPath = PathSmoother.SmoothPath(_coordPath);

            for (int i = 0; i < _smoothCoordPath.Count; i++)
Exemple #9
        private void SmoothIt()
            Stopwatch s = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            SmootherOptions opt = PathSmoother.GetDefaultOptions();

            if (optIPOPT.Checked)
                opt.alg = SmoothingAlgorithm.Ipopt;
                opt.alg = SmoothingAlgorithm.Loqo;

            opt.alpha_w           = getW();
            opt.alpha_d           = getD1();
            opt.set_init_velocity = true;
            opt.init_velocity     = getV();

            opt.set_init_heading = true;
            opt.init_heading     = Math.Atan2(pathPoints[1].Y - pathPoints[0].Y, pathPoints[1].X - pathPoints[0].X);

            opt.set_final_heading = true;
            opt.final_heading     = Math.Atan2(pathPoints[pathPoints.Count - 1].Y - pathPoints[pathPoints.Count - 2].Y, pathPoints[pathPoints.Count - 1].X - pathPoints[pathPoints.Count - 2].X);

            opt.set_final_offset = true;

            List <PathPoint> path = new List <PathPoint>();

            Boundary ub = new Boundary();

            ub.Coords         = ubPoints;
            ub.DesiredSpacing = 1;
            ub.MinSpacing     = 0.25;
            ub.Polygon        = false;
            List <Boundary> ub_bounds = new List <Boundary>();


            Boundary lb = new Boundary();

            lb.Coords         = lbPoints;
            lb.DesiredSpacing = 0.5;
            lb.MinSpacing     = 0;
            lb.Polygon        = false;
            List <Boundary> lb_bounds = new List <Boundary>();


            LineList basePath = new LineList();


            SmoothResult sr = SmoothResult.Error;

            try {
                sr = PathSmoother.SmoothPath(basePath, ub_bounds, lb_bounds, opt, path);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                MessageBox.Show("exception: " + ex.Message);

            smoothedPoints = path.ConvertAll <Coordinates>(delegate(PathPoint p) { return(new Coordinates(p.x, p.y)); });


            long ms = s.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            if (sr != SmoothResult.Sucess)
                MessageBox.Show("Path smooth result: " + sr.ToString());

            MessageBox.Show("Elapsed MS: " + ms);

        private bool TrimPath(Path path)
            //Make sure that the path was resolved before moving too far from where it was requested.
            var nn = _pathSettings.nextNodeDistance;

            if (_unit.position.DirToXZ(path.Peek().position).sqrMagnitude < nn * nn)

            //First thing to do is to remove any waypoints that have already been reached.
            //Since the actual waypoints may differ from the requested ones (if they were corrected to allow the unit to access them)
            //we cannot remove them by comparison.
            //Since the last point is now always a waypoint (but not a via point), we skip that as obviously the last point cannot be pruned.
            int currentWaypointCount = _wayPoints.viaPointsCount;
            int pathCount            = path.count;
            int encounteredWaypoints = 0;

            for (int i = pathCount - 2; i >= 0; i--)
                var node = path[i];
                if (node is Waypoint)
                    if (encounteredWaypoints == currentWaypointCount)
                        path.Truncate(i + 1);


            //Next find the last node on the path to which we can move directly, i.e. skipping nodes already reached.
            var gridBounds   = _currentGrid.bounds;
            var matrix       = _currentGrid.cellMatrix;
            var costStrategy = GameServices.cellCostStrategy;

            int firstNodeIdx = -1;

            pathCount = path.count;
            for (int i = 0; i < pathCount; i++)
                //If we haven't yet found an accessible node move on if the inspected node is outside the current grid or is a portal.
                //Otherwise stop, we do not move past portals.
                var node = path[i];
                if (node is IPortalNode || !gridBounds.Contains(node.position))
                    if (firstNodeIdx < 0)


                if (PathSmoother.CanReducePath(node, _unit, _unit, matrix, costStrategy))
                    firstNodeIdx = i;
                else if (firstNodeIdx >= 0)

                //We must visit waypoint so they cannot be smoothed away
                if (node is Waypoint)

            if (firstNodeIdx < 0)

        public SmoothingResult PlanPath(PlanningSettings settings)
            SmootherOptions opts = settings.Options;
            // for now, just run the smoothing
            opts.init_heading = settings.initHeading;
            opts.set_init_heading = true;

            opts.min_init_velocity = settings.startSpeed*0.5;
            opts.set_min_init_velocity = true;

            opts.max_init_velocity = Math.Max(settings.maxSpeed, settings.startSpeed);
            opts.set_max_init_velocity = true;

            opts.min_velocity = 0.1;
            opts.max_velocity = Math.Max(opts.min_velocity+0.1, settings.maxSpeed);

            opts.k_max = Math.Min(TahoeParams.CalculateCurvature(-TahoeParams.SW_max, settings.startSpeed), TahoeParams.CalculateCurvature(TahoeParams.SW_max, settings.startSpeed)) * 0.97;

            opts.generate_details = true;// GenerateDetails;

            if (settings.endingHeading != null) {
                opts.set_final_heading = true;
                opts.final_heading = settings.endingHeading.Value;
            else {
                opts.set_final_heading = false;

            opts.set_final_offset = settings.endingPositionFixed;
            opts.final_offset_min = settings.endingPositionMin;
            opts.final_offset_max = settings.endingPositionMax;

            if (settings.maxEndingSpeed != null) {
                opts.set_final_velocity_max = true;
                opts.final_velocity_max = Math.Max(opts.min_velocity+0.1, settings.maxEndingSpeed.Value);
            else {
                opts.set_final_velocity_max = false;

            opts.a_lat_max = 6;

            // create the boundary list
            List<UrbanChallenge.PathSmoothing.PathPoint> ret = new List<UrbanChallenge.PathSmoothing.PathPoint>();
            smoother = new PathSmoother();
            OperationalTrace.WriteVerbose("calling smooth path");
            SmoothResult result = smoother.SmoothPath(settings.basePath, settings.targetPaths, settings.leftBounds, settings.rightBounds, opts, ret);

            if (result != SmoothResult.Sucess) {
                OperationalTrace.WriteWarning("smooth path result: {0}", result);
            else {
                OperationalTrace.WriteVerbose("smooth path result: {0}", result);

            AvoidanceDetails details = null;
            if (opts.generate_details) {
                details = new AvoidanceDetails();
                details.leftBounds = settings.leftBounds;
                details.rightBounds = settings.rightBounds;
                details.smoothingDetails = smoother.GetSmoothingDetails();
                LastAvoidanceDetails = details;

                // push out the points
                Coordinates[] leftPoints = new Coordinates[details.smoothingDetails.leftBounds.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < leftPoints.Length; i++) {
                    leftPoints[i] = details.smoothingDetails.leftBounds[i].point;

                Coordinates[] rightPoints = new Coordinates[details.smoothingDetails.rightBounds.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < rightPoints.Length; i++) {
                    rightPoints[i] = details.smoothingDetails.rightBounds[i].point;

                Services.UIService.PushPoints(leftPoints, settings.timestamp, "left bound points", true);
                Services.UIService.PushPoints(rightPoints, settings.timestamp, "right bound points", true);

            //if (result == SmoothResult.Sucess) {
                Coordinates[] points = new Coordinates[ret.Count];
                double[] speeds = new double[ret.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < ret.Count; i++) {
                    points[i] = new Coordinates(ret[i].x, ret[i].y);
                    speeds[i] = ret[i].v;

                SmoothedPath path = new SmoothedPath(settings.timestamp, points, speeds);

                return new SmoothingResult(result, path, details);
            else {
                SmoothedPath path = new SmoothedPath(settings.timestamp, settings.basePath, null);

                return new SmoothingResult(result, path);
        public SmoothingResult PlanPath(PlanningSettings settings)
            SmootherOptions opts = settings.Options;

            // for now, just run the smoothing
            opts.init_heading     = settings.initHeading;
            opts.set_init_heading = true;

            opts.min_init_velocity     = settings.startSpeed * 0.5;
            opts.set_min_init_velocity = true;

            opts.max_init_velocity     = Math.Max(settings.maxSpeed, settings.startSpeed);
            opts.set_max_init_velocity = true;

            opts.min_velocity = 0.1;
            opts.max_velocity = Math.Max(opts.min_velocity + 0.1, settings.maxSpeed);

            opts.k_max = Math.Min(TahoeParams.CalculateCurvature(-TahoeParams.SW_max, settings.startSpeed), TahoeParams.CalculateCurvature(TahoeParams.SW_max, settings.startSpeed)) * 0.97;

            opts.generate_details = true;            // GenerateDetails;

            if (settings.endingHeading != null)
                opts.set_final_heading = true;
                opts.final_heading     = settings.endingHeading.Value;
                opts.set_final_heading = false;

            opts.set_final_offset = settings.endingPositionFixed;
            opts.final_offset_min = settings.endingPositionMin;
            opts.final_offset_max = settings.endingPositionMax;

            if (settings.maxEndingSpeed != null)
                opts.set_final_velocity_max = true;
                opts.final_velocity_max     = Math.Max(opts.min_velocity + 0.1, settings.maxEndingSpeed.Value);
                opts.set_final_velocity_max = false;

            opts.a_lat_max = 6;

            // create the boundary list
            List <UrbanChallenge.PathSmoothing.PathPoint> ret = new List <UrbanChallenge.PathSmoothing.PathPoint>();

            smoother = new PathSmoother();
            OperationalTrace.WriteVerbose("calling smooth path");
            SmoothResult result = smoother.SmoothPath(settings.basePath, settings.targetPaths, settings.leftBounds, settings.rightBounds, opts, ret);

            if (result != SmoothResult.Sucess)
                OperationalTrace.WriteWarning("smooth path result: {0}", result);
                OperationalTrace.WriteVerbose("smooth path result: {0}", result);

            AvoidanceDetails details = null;

            if (opts.generate_details)
                details                  = new AvoidanceDetails();
                details.leftBounds       = settings.leftBounds;
                details.rightBounds      = settings.rightBounds;
                details.smoothingDetails = smoother.GetSmoothingDetails();
                LastAvoidanceDetails     = details;

                // push out the points
                Coordinates[] leftPoints = new Coordinates[details.smoothingDetails.leftBounds.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < leftPoints.Length; i++)
                    leftPoints[i] = details.smoothingDetails.leftBounds[i].point;

                Coordinates[] rightPoints = new Coordinates[details.smoothingDetails.rightBounds.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < rightPoints.Length; i++)
                    rightPoints[i] = details.smoothingDetails.rightBounds[i].point;

                Services.UIService.PushPoints(leftPoints, settings.timestamp, "left bound points", true);
                Services.UIService.PushPoints(rightPoints, settings.timestamp, "right bound points", true);

            //if (result == SmoothResult.Sucess) {
            Coordinates[] points = new Coordinates[ret.Count];
            double[]      speeds = new double[ret.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < ret.Count; i++)
                points[i] = new Coordinates(ret[i].x, ret[i].y);
                speeds[i] = ret[i].v;

            SmoothedPath path = new SmoothedPath(settings.timestamp, points, speeds);

            return(new SmoothingResult(result, path, details));

             * else {
             *      SmoothedPath path = new SmoothedPath(settings.timestamp, settings.basePath, null);
             *      return new SmoothingResult(result, path);
             * }*/
Exemple #13
        public void ComputePath(IReadOnlyList <Cell> cells, bool smoothPath)
            // Remove previous path visualization
            foreach (var cell in cells.Where(c => Cell.ReplayCellStates.Contains(c.CellState)))
                cell.CellState = CellState.Normal;

            var lookup = new Dictionary <Position, Cell>();

            var grid  = new Grid(10, 10);
            var start = new Position(0, 0);
            var end   = new Position(9, 9);

            // Take the properties of the cells and translate them
            // to properties on the right positions in the grid
            foreach (var cell in cells)
                var position = new Position(cell.X, cell.Y);
                lookup.Add(position, cell);

                switch (cell.CellState)
                case CellState.Normal:
                    grid.SetCellCost(position, cell.Cost);

                case CellState.Start:
                    start = position;

                case CellState.End:
                    end = position;

                case CellState.Blocked:

                case CellState.Current:
                case CellState.Open:
                case CellState.Closed:
                case CellState.OnPath:
                case CellState.Replaced:

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            var path = grid.GetPath(start, end);

            if (smoothPath)
                PathSmoother.SmoothPath(grid, path, MovementPatterns.Full, 10);

            // Visualize the path in the cells, skip the start and end node, we already
            // have those in the visualization
            foreach (var p in path.Skip(1).Take(path.Length - 2))
                var cell = lookup[p];
                cell.CellState = CellState.OnPath;