Exemple #1
        public static MainPacket Create(PacketHeader header, byte[] bytes, int index)
            MainPacket tmpPacket = new MainPacket();
            tmpPacket.header = header;

            int offset = 0;

            tmpPacket.blocksize = BitConverter.ToUInt64(bytes, index + offset);
            offset += sizeof(UInt64);
            tmpPacket.recoverablefilecount = BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, index + offset);
            offset += sizeof(UInt32);

            tmpPacket.totalfilecount = ((uint)header.length - ((uint)header.GetSize() + sizeof(UInt64) + sizeof(UInt32))) / (16 * sizeof(byte));

            for (int i = 0; i < tmpPacket.totalfilecount; i++)
                byte[] fileid = new byte[16];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index + offset, fileid, 0, fileid.Length * sizeof(byte));
                offset += fileid.Length * sizeof(byte);

            System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew((b) =>
                //FastCRC32.FastCRC32 crc32 = new FastCRC32.FastCRC32((ulong)b);
                FastCRC32.FastCRC32 crc32 = FastCRC32.FastCRC32.GetCRC32Instance((ulong)b);
            }, tmpPacket.blocksize);

            return tmpPacket;
        public string name; // Name of the file, padded with 1 to 3 zero bytes to reach

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

        public static FileDescriptionPacket Create(PacketHeader header, byte[] bytes, int index)
            FileDescriptionPacket tmpPacket = new FileDescriptionPacket();
            tmpPacket.header = header;

            int offset = 0;

            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index + offset, tmpPacket.fileid, 0, tmpPacket.fileid.Length * sizeof(byte));
            offset += tmpPacket.fileid.Length * sizeof(byte);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index + offset, tmpPacket.hashfull, 0, tmpPacket.hashfull.Length * sizeof(byte));
            offset += tmpPacket.hashfull.Length * sizeof(byte);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index + offset, tmpPacket.hash16k, 0, tmpPacket.hash16k.Length * sizeof(byte));
            offset += tmpPacket.hash16k.Length * sizeof(byte);
            tmpPacket.length = BitConverter.ToUInt64(bytes, index + offset);
            offset += sizeof(UInt64);

            // Name is specific to read since it's dependant of packet.length
            int name_offset = index + offset;
            int name_size = (int)header.length - header.GetSize() - tmpPacket.fileid.Length * sizeof(byte) - tmpPacket.hashfull.Length * sizeof(byte) - tmpPacket.hash16k.Length * sizeof(byte) - sizeof(UInt64);

            byte[] name = new byte[name_size];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, name_offset, name, 0, name_size);

            tmpPacket.name = ToolKit.ByteArrayToString(name).TrimEnd('\0');

            return tmpPacket;
Exemple #3
 public PackerHandlerAttribute(PacketHeader methodId, string name, int size, PacketDirection direction)
     this.MethodId = (ushort)methodId;
     this.Name = name;
     this.Size = size;
     this.Direction = direction;
        public byte[] fileid = new byte[16]; // MD5hash of file_hash_16k, file_length, file_name

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

        public static FileVerificationPacket Create(PacketHeader header, byte[] bytes, int index)
            FileVerificationPacket tmpPacket = new FileVerificationPacket();
            tmpPacket.header = header;

            int offset = 0;

            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index + offset, tmpPacket.fileid, 0, tmpPacket.fileid.Length * sizeof(byte));
            offset += tmpPacket.fileid.Length * sizeof(byte);

            int nbEntries = ((int)header.length - header.GetSize() - (16 * sizeof(byte))) / FileVerificationEntry.GetSize();

            tmpPacket.entries = new List<FileVerificationEntry>();

            tmpPacket.blockcount = (ulong)((header.length - (ulong)tmpPacket.GetSize()) / (ulong)FileVerificationEntry.GetSize());

            for (int i = 0; i < nbEntries; i++)
                FileVerificationEntry entry = new FileVerificationEntry();

                Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index + offset, entry.hash, 0, entry.hash.Length * sizeof(byte));
                offset += entry.hash.Length * sizeof(byte);
                entry.crc = BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, index + offset);
                offset += sizeof(UInt32);


            return tmpPacket;
Exemple #5
 public virtual Packet CreateUpdatePacket(PacketHeader Header)
     List<object> vals = new List<object>(new object[3]);
     vals[0] = (Position!=LastPosition)?Position:null;
     return new Packet(Header) { _data = vals };
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialise a new PriorityQueueItem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="priority"></param>
        /// <param name="connection"></param>
        /// <param name="packetHeader"></param>
        /// <param name="dataStream"></param>
        /// <param name="sendReceiveOptions"></param>
        public PriorityQueueItem(QueueItemPriority priority, Connection connection, PacketHeader packetHeader, MemoryStream dataStream, SendReceiveOptions sendReceiveOptions)
            if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection", "Provided Connection parameter cannot be null.");
            if (packetHeader == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("packetHeader", "Provided PacketHeader parameter cannot be null.");
            if (dataStream == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dataStream", "Provided MemoryStream parameter cannot be null.");
            if (sendReceiveOptions == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sendReceiveOptions", "Provided sendReceiveOptions cannot be null.");

            this.Priority = priority;
            this.Connection = connection;
            this.PacketHeader = packetHeader;
            this.DataStream = dataStream;
            this.SendReceiveOptions = sendReceiveOptions;
Exemple #7
	public bool Deserialize(byte[] data, ref PacketHeader serialized)
		// 디시리얼라이즈할 데이터를 설정합니다.
		bool ret = SetDeserializedData(data);
		if (ret == false) {
			return false;
		// 데이터의 요소별로 디시리얼라이즈합니다.
		int packetId = 0;
		ret &= Deserialize(ref packetId);
		serialized.packetId = (PacketId)packetId;

		return ret;
Exemple #8
	public bool Serialize(PacketHeader data)
	// 기존 데이터를 클리어합니다.
		// 각 요소를 차례로 시리얼라이즈합니다.
		bool ret = true;
		ret &= Serialize((int)data.packetId);

		if (ret == false) {
			return false;

		return true;	
Exemple #9
	public bool Deserialize(ref PacketHeader serialized)
		// 디시리얼라이즈할 데이터를 설정합니다.
		bool ret = (GetDataSize() > 0)? true : false;
		if (ret == false) {
			return false;
		// 데이터의 요소마다 디시리얼라이즈합니다.
		int packetId = 0;
		ret &= Deserialize(ref packetId);
		serialized.packetId = (PacketId)packetId;

		return ret;
Exemple #10
        public static CreatorPacket Create(PacketHeader header, byte[] bytes, int index)
            CreatorPacket tmpPacket = new CreatorPacket();
            tmpPacket.header = header;

            int offset = 0;

            // Name is specific to read since it's dependant of packet.length
            int name_offset = index + offset;
            int name_size = (int)header.length - header.GetSize();

            byte[] name = new byte[name_size];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, name_offset, name, 0, name_size);

            tmpPacket.client = ToolKit.ByteArrayToString(name);

            return tmpPacket;
Exemple #11
        public static RecoveryPacket Create(PacketHeader header, byte[] bytes, int index, string filename, int file_offset)
            RecoveryPacket tmpPacket = new RecoveryPacket();
            tmpPacket.header = header;

            int offset = 0;

            tmpPacket.exponent = BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, index + offset);
            offset += sizeof(UInt32);

            tmpPacket.offset = index + offset + file_offset;
            tmpPacket.length = (int)header.length - header.GetSize() - sizeof(UInt32);
            tmpPacket.filename = filename;

            tmpPacket.diskfile = new DiskFile();

            tmpPacket.datablock = new DataBlock();
            // Set the data block to immediatly follow the header on disk
            tmpPacket.datablock.SetLocation(tmpPacket.diskfile, (ulong)tmpPacket.offset);

            return tmpPacket;
Exemple #12
        public static List<byte> Drain(List<byte> buffer, ConcurrentQueue<Operation> readQueue, ConcurrentQueue<Operation> processQueue)
            lock (_sync)
                //now grab the first item from the readQueue
                Operation op;
                if (!readQueue.TryDequeue(out op))
                    //no idea what to do with this error, need a generic error handler for the whole instance?
                    throw new Exception("Bytes were received from the buffer but no operations were available in the ReadQueue");

                var responseLength = 0;
                    //in memcached ordering is preserverd so the first response in the buffer
                    //should be the first item in the readQueue. I have 0 confidence this will work
                    if (buffer[0] != (byte)Magic.Response)
                        throw new Exception("Magic byte is not the first byte in the response");

                    //get the working set and send that back to the processor
                    responseLength = new PacketHeader(buffer).PacketLength;
                    op.Response = buffer.Take(responseLength).ToArray();

                    //add the response back to the ProcessQueue to be handled by the Processor thread

                    op.Process(op.Response, op.State);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    op.Error(ex, op.State);

                //create the new buffer and call drain again
                return new List<byte>(buffer.Skip(responseLength));
Exemple #13
 public void PointerUP(PacketHeader header, Connection connection, int[] Points)
     MouseEvents.DoMouseUp((uint)Points[1], (uint)Points[2]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to use the data provided in packetBuilder to recreate something useful. If we don't have enough data 
        /// yet that value is set in packetBuilder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packetBuilder">The <see cref="PacketBuilder"/> containing incoming cached data</param>
        protected void IncomingPacketHandleHandOff(PacketBuilder packetBuilder)
            int loopCounter = 0;
                if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Trace(" ... checking for completed packet with " + packetBuilder.TotalBytesCached.ToString() + " bytes read.");

                if (packetBuilder.TotalPartialPacketCount == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Executing IncomingPacketHandleHandOff when no packets exist in packetbuilder.");

                //Loop until we are finished with this packetBuilder
                while (true)
                    //If we have ended up with a null packet at the front, probably due to some form of concatenation we can pull it off here
                    //It is possible we have concatenation of several null packets along with real data so we loop until the firstByte is greater than 0
                    if (ConnectionInfo.ApplicationLayerProtocol == ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Enabled && packetBuilder.FirstByte() == 0)
                        #region Ignore Null Packet
                        if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Trace(" ... null packet removed in IncomingPacketHandleHandOff() from " + ConnectionInfo + ", loop index - " + loopCounter.ToString());


                        //Reset the expected bytes to 0 so that the next check starts from scratch
                        packetBuilder.TotalBytesExpected = 0;

                        //If we have run out of data completely then we can return immediately
                        if (packetBuilder.TotalBytesCached == 0) return;
                        int packetHeaderSize = 0;
                        PacketHeader topPacketHeader;

                        #region Set topPacketHeader
                        if (ConnectionInfo.ApplicationLayerProtocol == ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Enabled)
                            //First determine the expected size of a header packet
                            packetHeaderSize = packetBuilder.FirstByte() + 1;

                            //Do we have enough data to build a header?
                            if (packetBuilder.TotalBytesCached < packetHeaderSize)
                                if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Trace("     ... require " + packetHeaderSize + " bytes for packet header, only " + packetBuilder.TotalBytesCached + " bytes cached.");

                                //Set the expected number of bytes and then return
                                packetBuilder.TotalBytesExpected = packetHeaderSize;

                            if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Trace("     ... deserializing header using " + packetHeaderSize + " bytes, " + packetBuilder.TotalBytesCached + " bytes cached.");

                            //We have enough for a header
                            using (MemoryStream headerStream = packetBuilder.ReadDataSection(1, packetHeaderSize - 1))
                                topPacketHeader = new PacketHeader(headerStream, NetworkComms.InternalFixedSendReceiveOptions);
                            topPacketHeader = new PacketHeader(Enum.GetName(typeof(ReservedPacketType), ReservedPacketType.Unmanaged), packetBuilder.TotalBytesCached);

                        //Idiot test
                        if (topPacketHeader.PacketType == null)
                            throw new SerialisationException("packetType value in packetHeader should never be null");

                        //We can now use the header to establish if we have enough payload data
                        //First case is when we have not yet received enough data
                        if (packetBuilder.TotalBytesCached < packetHeaderSize + topPacketHeader.TotalPayloadSize)
                            if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Trace("     ... more data required for complete packet payload. Expecting " + (packetHeaderSize + topPacketHeader.TotalPayloadSize).ToString() + " total packet bytes.");

                            //Set the expected number of bytes and then return
                            packetBuilder.TotalBytesExpected = packetHeaderSize + topPacketHeader.TotalPayloadSize;
                        //Second case is we have enough data
                        else if (packetBuilder.TotalBytesCached >= packetHeaderSize + topPacketHeader.TotalPayloadSize)
                            #region Handle Packet
                            //We can either have exactly the right amount or even more than we were expecting
                            //We may have too much data if we are sending high quantities and the packets have been concatenated
                            SendReceiveOptions incomingPacketSendReceiveOptions = IncomingPacketSendReceiveOptions(topPacketHeader);
                            if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Debug("Received packet of type '" + topPacketHeader.PacketType + "' from " + ConnectionInfo + ", containing " + packetHeaderSize.ToString() + " header bytes and " + topPacketHeader.TotalPayloadSize.ToString() + " payload bytes.");

                            bool isReservedPacketType = (topPacketHeader.PacketType != Enum.GetName(typeof(ReservedPacketType), ReservedPacketType.Unmanaged) &&

                            //Get the packet sequence number if logging
                            string packetSeqNumStr = "";
                            if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled)
                                packetSeqNumStr = (topPacketHeader.ContainsOption(PacketHeaderLongItems.PacketSequenceNumber) ? ". pSeq#-" + topPacketHeader.GetOption(PacketHeaderLongItems.PacketSequenceNumber).ToString() + "." : "");

                            //Only reserved packet types get completed inline by default
                            if (isReservedPacketType)
                                QueueItemPriority priority = QueueItemPriority.Normal;
                                QueueItemPriority priority = (QueueItemPriority)Thread.CurrentThread.Priority;
                                PriorityQueueItem item = new PriorityQueueItem(priority, this, topPacketHeader, packetBuilder.ReadDataSection(packetHeaderSize, topPacketHeader.TotalPayloadSize), incomingPacketSendReceiveOptions);
                                if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Trace(" ... handling packet type '" + topPacketHeader.PacketType + "' inline. Loop index - " + loopCounter.ToString() + packetSeqNumStr);
                                QueueItemPriority itemPriority = (incomingPacketSendReceiveOptions.Options.ContainsKey("ReceiveHandlePriority") ? (QueueItemPriority)Enum.Parse(typeof(QueueItemPriority), incomingPacketSendReceiveOptions.Options["ReceiveHandlePriority"]) : QueueItemPriority.Normal);
                                PriorityQueueItem item = new PriorityQueueItem(itemPriority, this, topPacketHeader, packetBuilder.ReadDataSection(packetHeaderSize, topPacketHeader.TotalPayloadSize), incomingPacketSendReceiveOptions);

                                //QueueItemPriority.Highest is the only priority that is executed inline
                                if (itemPriority == QueueItemPriority.Highest)
                                    if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Trace(" ... handling packet type '" + topPacketHeader.PacketType + "' with priority HIGHEST inline. Loop index - " + loopCounter.ToString() + packetSeqNumStr);
                                    NetworkComms.CommsThreadPool.EnqueueItem(item.Priority, NetworkComms.CompleteIncomingItemTask, item);
                                    if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Trace(" ... added completed " + item.PacketHeader.PacketType + " packet to thread pool (Q:" + NetworkComms.CommsThreadPool.QueueCount.ToString() + ") with priority " + itemPriority.ToString() + ". Loop index=" + loopCounter.ToString() + packetSeqNumStr);
                                    int threadId = NetworkComms.CommsThreadPool.EnqueueItem(item.Priority, NetworkComms.CompleteIncomingItemTask, item);
                                    if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Trace(" ... added completed " + item.PacketHeader.PacketType + " packet to thread pool (Q:" + NetworkComms.CommsThreadPool.QueueCount.ToString() + ", T:" + NetworkComms.CommsThreadPool.CurrentNumTotalThreads.ToString() + ", I:" + NetworkComms.CommsThreadPool.CurrentNumIdleThreads.ToString() + ") with priority " + itemPriority.ToString() + (threadId > 0 ? ". Selected threadId=" + threadId.ToString() : "") + ". Loop index=" + loopCounter.ToString() + packetSeqNumStr);
                            //We clear the bytes we have just handed off
                            if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Trace("Removing " + (packetHeaderSize + topPacketHeader.TotalPayloadSize).ToString() + " bytes from incoming packet builder from connection with " + ConnectionInfo +".");
                            packetBuilder.ClearNTopBytes(packetHeaderSize + topPacketHeader.TotalPayloadSize);

                            //Reset the expected bytes to 0 so that the next check starts from scratch
                            packetBuilder.TotalBytesExpected = 0;

                            //If we have run out of data completely then we can return immediately
                            if (packetBuilder.TotalBytesCached == 0) return;
                            throw new CommunicationException("This should be impossible!");   

            catch (Exception ex)
                //Any error, throw an exception.
                if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Fatal("A fatal exception occurred in IncomingPacketHandleHandOff(), connection with " + ConnectionInfo + " be closed. See log file for more information.");

                if (this is IPConnection)
                    //Log the exception in DOS protection if enabled
                    if (IPConnection.DOSProtection.Enabled && ConnectionInfo.RemoteEndPoint.GetType() == typeof(IPEndPoint))

                LogTools.LogException(ex, "CommsError", "A fatal exception occurred in IncomingPacketHandleHandOff(), connection with " + ConnectionInfo + " be closed. Loop counter " + loopCounter.ToString() + ". Packet builder contained " + packetBuilder.TotalBytesCached + " total cached bytes.");
                CloseConnection(true, 45);
Exemple #15
 public Packet(PacketHeader Header)
     _header = Header;
        /// <summary>
        /// Store the packet for possible later resends, and fill in the header we'll use to send it (populate with
        /// sequence ID, last acknowledged ID from remote with ackmask.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Pipeline context, the reliability shared state is used here.</param>
        /// <param name="inboundBuffer">Buffer with packet data.</param>
        /// <param name="header">Packet header which will be populated.</param>
        /// <returns>Sequence ID assigned to this packet.</returns>
        public static unsafe int Write(NetworkPipelineContext context, InboundBufferVec inboundBuffer, ref PacketHeader header)
            SharedContext *reliable = (SharedContext *)context.internalSharedProcessBuffer.GetUnsafePtr();

            var sequence = (ushort)reliable->SentPackets.Sequence;

            if (!TryAquire(context.internalProcessBuffer, sequence))
                reliable->errorCode = ErrorCodes.OutgoingQueueIsFull;

            header.SequenceId      = sequence;
            header.AckedSequenceId = (ushort)reliable->ReceivedPackets.Sequence;
            header.AckMask         = reliable->ReceivedPackets.AckMask;

            reliable->ReceivedPackets.Acked = reliable->ReceivedPackets.Sequence;

            // Attach our processing time of the packet we're acknowledging (time between receiving it and sending this ack)
            header.ProcessingTime =
                CalculateProcessingTime(context.internalSharedProcessBuffer, header.AckedSequenceId, context.timestamp);

            reliable->SentPackets.Sequence = (ushort)(reliable->SentPackets.Sequence + 1);
            SetHeaderAndPacket(context.internalProcessBuffer, sequence, header, inboundBuffer, context.timestamp);

            StoreTimestamp(context.internalSharedProcessBuffer, sequence, context.timestamp);

Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes NetPacket object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bytes">Data bytes</param>
        /// <returns>Length of bytes read</returns>
        public long Deserialize(byte[] bytes)
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes))
                this._header = new PacketHeader();
                ms.Position = this._header.Deserialize(bytes);
                long len = ms.Length - ms.Position;
                int buffLen = (int)Math.Min(len, int.MaxValue);
                this._data = new byte[buffLen];

                int offset = 0;
                while (offset < len)
                    offset += ms.Read(this._data, offset, buffLen);

                return offset;
Exemple #18
        private void FinaliseOutput(BinaryWriter writer, uint frameCount)
            // Rewind the stream to the beginning and find the first RoutingID.ServerInfo message
            // and RoutingID.Control message with a ControlMessageID.FrameCount ID. These should be
            // the first and second messages in the stream.
            // We'll limit searching to the first 5 messages.
            long serverInfoMessageStart = -1;
            long frameCountMessageStart = -1;


            // Extract the stream from the writer. The first stream may be a GZip stream, in which case we must
            // extract the stream that is writing to instead as we can't rewind compression streams
            // and we wrote the header raw.

            Stream          outStream = null;
            CollationStream zipStream = writer.BaseStream as CollationStream;

            if (zipStream != null)
                outStream = zipStream.BaseStream;
                outStream = writer.BaseStream;

            // Check we are allowed to seek the stream.
            if (!outStream.CanSeek)
                // Stream does not support seeking. The frame count will not be fixed.

            // Record the initial stream position to restore later.
            long restorePos = outStream.Position;

            outStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            long streamPos = 0;

            byte[]       headerBuffer = new byte[PacketHeader.Size];
            PacketHeader header       = new PacketHeader();

            byte[] markerValidationBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(Tes.IO.Endian.ToNetwork(PacketHeader.PacketMarker));
            byte[] markerBytes           = new byte[markerValidationBytes.Length];
            bool   markerValid           = false;

            int attemptsRemaining = 5;
            int byteReadLimit     = 0;

            markerBytes[0] = 0;
            while ((frameCountMessageStart < 0 || serverInfoMessageStart < 0) && attemptsRemaining > 0 && outStream.CanRead)
                markerValid = false;

                // Limit the number of bytes we try read in each attempt.
                byteReadLimit = 1024;
                while (byteReadLimit > 0)
                    outStream.Read(markerBytes, 0, 1);
                    if (markerBytes[0] == markerValidationBytes[0])
                        markerValid = true;
                        int i = 1;
                        for (i = 1; markerValid && outStream.CanRead && i < markerValidationBytes.Length; ++i)
                            outStream.Read(markerBytes, i, 1);
                            markerValid = markerValid && markerBytes[i] == markerValidationBytes[i];

                        if (markerValid)
                            // We've failed to fully validate the maker. However, we did read and validate
                            // one byte in the marker, then continued reading until the failure. It's possible
                            // that the last byte read, the failed byte, may be the start of the actual marker.
                            // We check this below, and if so, we rewind the stream one byte in order to
                            // start validation from there on the next iteration. We can ignore the byte if
                            // it is does not match the first validation byte. We are unlikely to ever make this
                            // match though.
                            --i; // Go back to the last read byte.
                            if (markerBytes[i] == markerValidationBytes[0])
                                // Potentially the start of a new marker. Rewind the stream to attempt to validate it.
                                outStream.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current);

                if (markerValid && outStream.CanRead)
                    // Potential packet target. Record the stream position at the start of the marker.
                    streamPos = outStream.Position - markerBytes.Length;
                    outStream.Seek(streamPos, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    // Test the packet.
                    int bytesRead = outStream.Read(headerBuffer, 0, headerBuffer.Length);
                    if (bytesRead == headerBuffer.Length)
                        // Create a packet.
                        if (header.Read(new NetworkReader(new MemoryStream(headerBuffer, false))))
                            // Header is OK. Looking for RoutingID.Control
                            if (header.RoutingID == (ushort)RoutingID.ServerInfo)
                                serverInfoMessageStart = streamPos;
                            else if (header.RoutingID == (ushort)RoutingID.Control)
                                // It's control message. Complete and validate the packet.
                                // Read the header. Determine the expected size and read that much more data.
                                PacketBuffer packet = new PacketBuffer(header.PacketSize + Crc16.CrcSize);
                                packet.Emplace(headerBuffer, bytesRead);
                                packet.Emplace(outStream, header.PacketSize + Crc16.CrcSize - bytesRead);
                                if (packet.Status == PacketBufferStatus.Complete)
                                    // Packet complete. Extract the control message.
                                    NetworkReader  packetReader = new NetworkReader(packet.CreateReadStream(true));
                                    ControlMessage message      = new ControlMessage();
                                    if (message.Read(packetReader) && header.MessageID == (ushort)ControlMessageID.FrameCount)
                                        // Found the message location.
                                        frameCountMessageStart = streamPos;
                                // At this point, we've failed to find the right kind of header. We could use the payload size to
                                // skip ahead in the stream which should align exactly to the next message.
                                // Not done for initial testing.

            if (serverInfoMessageStart >= 0)
                // Found the correct location. Seek the stream to here and write a new FrameCount control message.
                outStream.Seek(serverInfoMessageStart, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                PacketBuffer packet = new PacketBuffer();

                header = PacketHeader.Create((ushort)RoutingID.ServerInfo, 0);

                BinaryWriter patchWriter = new Tes.IO.NetworkWriter(outStream);

            if (frameCountMessageStart >= 0)
                // Found the correct location. Seek the stream to here and write a new FrameCount control message.
                outStream.Seek(frameCountMessageStart, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                PacketBuffer   packet        = new PacketBuffer();
                ControlMessage frameCountMsg = new ControlMessage();

                header = PacketHeader.Create((ushort)RoutingID.Control, (ushort)ControlMessageID.FrameCount);

                frameCountMsg.ControlFlags = 0;
                frameCountMsg.Value32      = frameCount; // Placeholder. Frame count is currently unknown.
                frameCountMsg.Value64      = 0;
                BinaryWriter patchWriter = new Tes.IO.NetworkWriter(outStream);

            if (outStream.Position != restorePos)
                outStream.Seek(restorePos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        /// <summary>
        /// Write packet, packet header and tracking information to the given buffer space. This buffer
        /// should contain the reliability Context at the front, that contains the capacity of the buffer
        /// and pointer offsets needed to find the slots we can copy the packet to.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="self">Buffer space where we can store packets.</param>
        /// <param name="sequence">The sequence ID of the packet, this is used to find a slot inside the buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="header">The packet header which we'll store with the packet payload.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The packet data which we're storing.</param>
        /// <exception cref="OverflowException"></exception>
        public static unsafe void SetHeaderAndPacket(NativeSlice <byte> self, int sequence, PacketHeader header, InboundBufferVec data, long timestamp)
            byte *   ptr       = (byte *)self.GetUnsafePtr();
            Context *ctx       = (Context *)ptr;
            int      totalSize = data.buffer1.Length + data.buffer2.Length;

            if (totalSize > ctx->DataStride)
            { throw new OverflowException(); }
            { return; }
            var index = sequence % ctx->Capacity;

            PacketInformation *info = GetPacketInformation(self, sequence);
            info->SequenceId = sequence;
            info->Size       = totalSize;
            info->SendTime   = timestamp;

            Packet *packet = GetPacket(self, sequence);
            packet->Header = header;
            var   offset  = (ctx->DataPtrOffset + (index * ctx->DataStride)) + UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <PacketHeader>();
            void *dataPtr = (ptr + offset);

            if (data.buffer1.Length > 0)
                UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dataPtr, data.buffer1.GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr(), data.buffer1.Length);
            if (data.buffer2.Length > 0)
                UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(&dataPtr + data.buffer1.Length, data.buffer2.GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr(), data.buffer2.Length);
Exemple #20
 protected void WhenBetAccepted(PacketHeader packetHeader, Connection connection, Packet05Bet incomingObject)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #21
 protected void WhenShowCards(PacketHeader packetHeader, Connection connection, Packet07Deck pack)
Exemple #22
 protected void WhenWaitGameAnswer(PacketHeader packetHeader, Connection connection, Packet04WaitGameAnswer incomingObject)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #23
 protected void WhenFirstBetRequest(PacketHeader packetHeader, Connection connection, Packet05Bet incomingObject)
Exemple #24
 protected void WhenPing(PacketHeader header, Connection connection, Packet00Message packet)
Exemple #25
 private void ReplyTurnContext(PacketHeader header, Connection connection, PlayerAction incomingMessage)
     action = incomingMessage;
Exemple #26
 public void SetSize(PacketHeader header, Connection connection, List <int> rt)
     bp = new Bitmap(rt[0], rt[1], PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
Exemple #27
    public void OnReceiveData(byte[] data, IPEndPoint ipEndpoint)
        PacketHeader header = new PacketHeader();
        MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(data);

        BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(stream);

        int hash32 = binaryReader.ReadInt32();

        byte[] dataWithoutHash = new byte[data.Length - 4];
        Array.Copy(data, 4, dataWithoutHash, 0, data.Length - 4);

        if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 100f) < 0.5f)
            if (dataWithoutHash[0] != 0)
                dataWithoutHash[0] = 0;
                dataWithoutHash[0] = 1;
        int ourHash;
        using (MD5 md5Hash = MD5.Create()) {
            byte[]       hash       = md5Hash.ComputeHash(dataWithoutHash);
            MemoryStream hashStream = new MemoryStream(hash);
            BinaryReader hashReader = new BinaryReader(hashStream);
            ourHash = hashReader.ReadInt32();

        if (hash32 == ourHash)
            bool reliability = binaryReader.ReadBoolean();

            if (reliability)
                if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 100f) < 0.6f)
                    // if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) {
                uint packageAck = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
                if (ConnectionManager.Instance.isServer)
                    Client client = ConnectionManager.Instance.clients[ConnectionManager.Instance.ipToId[ipEndpoint]];

                bool hasAck = binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
                if (hasAck)
                    uint lastAck      = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
                    uint prevAckArray = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();

                    if (ConnectionManager.Instance.isServer)
                        Client client = ConnectionManager.Instance.clients[ConnectionManager.Instance.ipToId[ipEndpoint]];
                        client.ackChecker.ClearPackets(lastAck, prevAckArray);
                        ConnectionManager.Instance.OwnClient.ackChecker.ClearPackets(lastAck, prevAckArray);


            if (header.packetType == PacketType.User)
                while (stream.Length - stream.Position > 0)
                    UserPacketHeader userHeader = new UserPacketHeader();
                    InvokeCallback(userHeader.objectId, userHeader.packetType, stream);
                ConnectionManager.Instance.OnReceivePacket(ipEndpoint, header.packetType, stream);
            Debug.LogWarning("PACKAGE CORRUPTED");

Exemple #28
 private void OnRemoteEvent(PacketHeader packetHeader, Connection connection, NetworkEvent incomingObject)
     RemoteEventReceived?.Invoke(this, incomingObject.EventKey);
        private void HandleIncomingCommandManagingSystem(PacketHeader packetHeader, Connection connection, VRCommandServer vrCommandServer)
            OperationInfo opInfo = new OperationInfo()
                SourceType = Enums.SourceType.MANAGEMENT_SYSTEM, ConnectionInfo = connection.ConnectionInfo

            switch (vrCommandServer.ControlMessage)
            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.NONE:

            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.GET_SYSCONFIG:

                GetSysConfig(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.SystemConfig);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.SET_SYSCONFIG:



            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.GET_CONFIGED_CLIENT_LIST:



            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.MODIFY_CLIENT_CONFIG:

                ModifyClientConfig(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.Client);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.ADD_CLIENT_CONFIG:

                AddClientConfig(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.Client);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.DELETE_CLIENT_CONFIG:

                DeleteClientConfig(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.Client);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.GET_CONFIG_SET_LIST:



            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.MODIFY_CONFIG_SET:

                ModifyConfigSetList(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.ConfigSet);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.ADD_CONFIG_SET:

                AddConfigSetList(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.ConfigSet);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.DELETE_CONFIG_SET:

                DeleteConfigSetList(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.ConfigSet);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.GET_TILE_CONFIG:

                GetTileConfigList(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.TileConfig.TileConfigSetID);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.MODIFY_TILE_CONFIG:

                ModifyTileConfig(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.TileConfig);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.ADD_TILE_CONFIG:

                AddTileConfig(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.TileConfig);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.DELETE_TILE_CONFIG:

                DeleteTileConfig(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.TileConfig);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.REORDER_UP_TILE_CONFIG:

                ReorderUpTileConfig(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.TileConfig);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.REORDER_DOWN_TILE_CONFIG:

                ReorderDownTileConfig(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.TileConfig);


            case Enums.ControlMessage.SYNC_TILE_CONFIG:



            case Enums.ControlMessage.REINIT_CLIENT_SETTING:



            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.GET_LIVE_SYSTEM_INFO:



            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.START_TIMING:

                SendStartTiming(vrCommandServer.ClientParm, opInfo);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.START_NOW:

                SendStartNow(vrCommandServer.ClientParm, opInfo);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.END_NOW:

                SendEndNow(vrCommandServer.ClientParm, opInfo);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.REBOOT:

                SendReboot(vrCommandServer.ClientParm, opInfo);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.TURN_OFF:

                SendTurnOff(vrCommandServer.ClientParm, opInfo);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.TURN_OFF_KMU:

                SendTurnOffKMU(vrCommandServer.ClientParm, opInfo);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.TURN_ON_KMU:

                SendTurnOnKMU(vrCommandServer.ClientParm, opInfo);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.HELP_PROVIDED:

                ResetHelpRequestStatus(vrCommandServer.ClientParm, opInfo);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.CLEANING_PROVIDED:

                ResetCleaningStatus(vrCommandServer.ClientParm, opInfo);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.GET_GAME_PLAY_HISTORY:

                GetGamePlayHistory(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.ClientParm);


            case VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.GENERATE_BARCODE:

                GenerateBarcode(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.BarcodeInfo);


            case Enums.ControlMessage.GET_KEY:



            case Enums.ControlMessage.DELETE_KEY:

                DeleteKey(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.ListKeyInfo);


            case Enums.ControlMessage.ADD_KEY:

                AddKey(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.ListKeyInfo);


            case Enums.ControlMessage.GET_KEY_TYPE:



            case Enums.ControlMessage.GET_PENDING_WAIVER:



            case Enums.ControlMessage.GET_BOOKING_REF_SETTING:

                GetBookingReferenceSetting(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.BookingReference);


            case Enums.ControlMessage.DELETE_PENDING_WAIVER:

                DeletePendingWaiver(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.ListWaiverInfo);


            case Enums.ControlMessage.MARK_WAIVER_RECEIVED:

                MarkWaiverReceived(connection.ConnectionInfo, vrCommandServer.ListWaiverInfo);


Exemple #30
 private void Reply(PacketHeader header, Connection connection, string incomingMessage)
     waitPlayer = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles an incoming packet of type 'PartialFileDataInfo'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="header">Header associated with incoming packet</param>
        /// <param name="connection">The connection associated with incoming packet</param>
        /// <param name="data">The incoming data automatically converted to a SendInfo object</param>
        private void IncomingPartialFileDataInfo(PacketHeader header, Connection connection, SendInfo info)
                byte[]       data = null;
                ReceivedFile file = null;

                //Perform this in a thread safe way
                lock (syncRoot)
                    //Extract the packet sequence number from the header
                    //The header can also user defined parameters
                    long sequenceNumber = info.PacketSequenceNumber;

                    if (incomingDataCache.ContainsKey(connection.ConnectionInfo) && incomingDataCache[connection.ConnectionInfo].ContainsKey(sequenceNumber))
                        //We already have the associated data in the cache
                        data = incomingDataCache[connection.ConnectionInfo][sequenceNumber];

                        //Check to see if we have already received any files from this location
                        if (!receivedFilesDict.ContainsKey(connection.ConnectionInfo))
                            receivedFilesDict.Add(connection.ConnectionInfo, new Dictionary <string, ReceivedFile>());

                        //Check to see if we have already initialised this file
                        if (!receivedFilesDict[connection.ConnectionInfo].ContainsKey(info.Filename))
                            receivedFilesDict[connection.ConnectionInfo].Add(info.Filename, new ReceivedFile(info.Filename, connection.ConnectionInfo, info.TotalBytes));

                        file = receivedFilesDict[connection.ConnectionInfo][info.Filename];
                        //We do not yet have the necessary data corresponding with this SendInfo so we add the
                        //info to the cache
                        if (!incomingDataInfoCache.ContainsKey(connection.ConnectionInfo))
                            incomingDataInfoCache.Add(connection.ConnectionInfo, new Dictionary <long, SendInfo>());

                        incomingDataInfoCache[connection.ConnectionInfo].Add(sequenceNumber, info);

                //If we have everything we need we can add data to the ReceivedFile
                if (data != null && file != null && !file.IsCompleted)
                    file.AddData(info.BytesStart, 0, data.Length, data);

                    //Perform a little clean-up
                    file = null;
                    data = null;
                else if (data == null ^ file == null)
                    throw new Exception("Either both are null or both are set. Data is " + (data == null ? "null." : "set.") + " File is " + (file == null ? "null." : "set.") + " File is " + (file.IsCompleted ? "completed." : "not completed."));
            catch (Exception ex)
                //If an exception occurs we write to the log window and also create an error file
                AddLineToLog("Exception - " + ex.ToString());
                LogTools.LogException(ex, "IncomingPartialFileDataInfo");
 private static void PrintIncomingMessage(PacketHeader header, Connection connection, string message)
        /// <summary>
        /// Resend a packet which we have not received an acknowledgement for in time. Pipeline resume
        /// will be enabled if there are more packets which we need to resend. The send reliability context
        /// will then also be updated to track the next packet we need to resume.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Pipeline context, we'll use both the shared reliability context and send context.</param>
        /// <param name="header">Packet header for the packet payload we're resending.</param>
        /// <param name="needsResume">Indicates if a pipeline resume is needed again.</param>
        /// <returns>Buffer slice to packet payload.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ApplicationException"></exception>
        public static unsafe NativeSlice <byte> ResumeSend(NetworkPipelineContext context, out PacketHeader header, ref bool needsResume)
            SharedContext *reliable = (SharedContext *)context.internalSharedProcessBuffer.GetUnsafePtr();
            Context *      ctx      = (Context *)context.internalProcessBuffer.GetUnsafePtr();

            if (ctx->Resume == NullEntry)
                throw new ApplicationException("This function should not be called unless there is data in resume");

            var sequence = (ushort)ctx->Resume;

            PacketInformation *information;
            information = GetPacketInformation(context.internalProcessBuffer, sequence);
            // Reset the resend timer
            information->SendTime = context.timestamp;

            Packet *packet = GetPacket(context.internalProcessBuffer, sequence);
            header = packet->Header;

            // Update acked/ackmask to latest values
            header.AckedSequenceId = (ushort)reliable->ReceivedPackets.Sequence;
            header.AckMask         = reliable->ReceivedPackets.AckMask;

            var offset = (ctx->DataPtrOffset + ((sequence % ctx->Capacity) * ctx->DataStride)) + UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <PacketHeader>();

            NativeSlice <byte> slice = new NativeSlice <byte>(context.internalProcessBuffer, offset, information->Size);

            needsResume = false;
            ctx->Resume = -1;

            // Check if another packet needs to be resent right after this one
            for (int i = sequence + 1; i < reliable->ReceivedPackets.Sequence + 1; i++)
                var timeToResend = CurrentResendTime(context.internalSharedProcessBuffer);
                information = GetPacketInformation(context.internalProcessBuffer, i);
                if (information->SequenceId >= 0 && information->SendTime + timeToResend > context.timestamp)
                    needsResume = true;
                    ctx->Resume = i;
Exemple #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 public NetPacket()
     this._data = null;
     this._header = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Read header data and update reliability tracking information in the shared context.
        /// - If the packets sequence ID is lower than the last received ID+1, then it's stale
        /// - If the packets sequence ID is higher, then we'll process it and update tracking info in the shared context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Pipeline context, the reliability shared state is used here.</param>
        /// <param name="header">Packet header of a new received packet.</param>
        /// <returns>Sequence ID of the received packet.</returns>
        public static unsafe int Read(NetworkPipelineContext context, PacketHeader header)
            SharedContext *reliable = (SharedContext *)context.internalSharedProcessBuffer.GetUnsafePtr();

            if (SequenceHelpers.StalePacket(
                    (ushort)(reliable->ReceivedPackets.Sequence + 1),

            var window = reliable->WindowSize - 1;

            if (SequenceHelpers.GreaterThan16((ushort)(header.SequenceId + 1), (ushort)reliable->ReceivedPackets.Sequence))
                int distance = SequenceHelpers.AbsDistance(header.SequenceId, (ushort)reliable->ReceivedPackets.Sequence);

                for (var i = 0; i < Math.Min(distance, window); ++i)
                    if ((reliable->ReceivedPackets.AckMask & 1 << (window - i)) == 0)

                if (distance > window)
                    reliable->stats.PacketsDropped   += distance - window;
                    reliable->ReceivedPackets.AckMask = 1;
                    reliable->ReceivedPackets.AckMask <<= distance;
                    reliable->ReceivedPackets.AckMask  |= 1;

                reliable->ReceivedPackets.Sequence = header.SequenceId;
            else if (SequenceHelpers.LessThan16(header.SequenceId, (ushort)reliable->ReceivedPackets.Sequence))
                int distance = SequenceHelpers.AbsDistance(header.SequenceId, (ushort)reliable->ReceivedPackets.Sequence);
                // If this is a resent packet the distance will seem very big and needs to be calculated again with adjustment for wrapping
                if (distance >= ushort.MaxValue - reliable->WindowSize)
                    distance = reliable->ReceivedPackets.Sequence - header.SequenceId;

                var ackBit = 1 << distance;
                if ((ackBit & reliable->ReceivedPackets.AckMask) != 0)

                reliable->ReceivedPackets.AckMask |= (uint)ackBit;

            // Store receive timestamp for remote sequence ID we just received
            StoreRemoteReceiveTimestamp(context.internalSharedProcessBuffer, header.SequenceId, context.timestamp);

            ReadAckPacket(context, header);

Exemple #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="src">Source Id</param>
 /// <param name="dest">Destination Id</param>        
 /// <param name="data">Data bytes</param>
 public NetPacket(int src, int dest, byte[] data)
     this._header = new PacketHeader(src, dest, PacketType.Print);
     this._data = data;
 public PacketMotionData(PacketHeader packetHeader)
     Header = packetHeader;
Exemple #38
 public void GetID(PacketHeader header, Connection connection, uint id)
     this.id = id;
Exemple #39
 public PacketHandlerAttribute(PacketHeader methodId, string name, int size, PacketDirection direction) {
     this.MethodId = (ushort) methodId;
     this.Name = name;
     this.Size = size;
     this.Direction = direction;
 void DoDefualutHandler(PacketHeader header, C2PayloadVector payload, C2Session session)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 internal ClientProtocol(Connection dtc) : base(dtc)
     _packet = new PacketHeader();
     _output = new StorageWriter(null);
     _source = new StorageReader(null);
 /// <summary>
 /// The handler that we wish to execute when we receive a message packet.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="header">The associated packet header.</param>
 /// <param name="connection">The connection used for the incoming packet</param>
 /// <param name="incomingString">The incoming data converted to a string</param>
 private static void HandleIncomingMessagePacket(PacketHeader header, Connection connection, string incomingString)
     Console.WriteLine("\n  ... Incoming message from " + connection.ToString() + " saying '" + incomingString + "'.");
Exemple #43
 private static void PrintIncomingMessage(PacketHeader header, Connection connection, string message)
     Console.WriteLine(connection.ToString() + " said '" + message + "'.");
 private void PrintIncomingMessage(PacketHeader header, Connection connection, string message)
     MessageString = message;
     Tokennum      = header.PacketType;
Exemple #45
 public PendingPacket(PacketHeader header)
     this.header            = header;
     this.buffer            = new ByteArray();
     this.buffer.Compressed = header.Compressed;
Exemple #46
 public PacketAttribute(PacketHeader header)
     Header = header;
Exemple #47
        private void AddLineToPacketHeaderDataGridView(DataGridView dataGridView, DataGridViewRow row, PacketHeader header, string magic)
            int counter = 3;

            foreach (var field in header.GetType().GetFields())
                bool magicField = field.Name.Equals("h_magic", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (magicField)
                    row.Cells[counter].Value = magic;
                    string value = field.GetValue(header).ToString();
                    row.Cells[counter].Value = value;
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
 private int ReadChunkImpl(long pos, byte[] buf, int offset, int len, byte[] checksumBuf
     lock (this)
         // Read one chunk.
         if (eos)
             // Already hit EOF
         // Read one DATA_CHUNK.
         long chunkOffset = lastChunkOffset;
         if (lastChunkLen > 0)
             chunkOffset += lastChunkLen;
         // pos is relative to the start of the first chunk of the read.
         // chunkOffset is relative to the start of the block.
         // This makes sure that the read passed from FSInputChecker is the
         // for the same chunk we expect to be reading from the DN.
         if ((pos + firstChunkOffset) != chunkOffset)
             throw new IOException("Mismatch in pos : " + pos + " + " + firstChunkOffset + " != "
                                   + chunkOffset);
         // Read next packet if the previous packet has been read completely.
         if (dataLeft <= 0)
             //Read packet headers.
             PacketHeader header = new PacketHeader();
             if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
                 Log.Debug("DFSClient readChunk got header " + header);
             // Sanity check the lengths
             if (!header.SanityCheck(lastSeqNo))
                 throw new IOException("BlockReader: error in packet header " + header);
             lastSeqNo = header.GetSeqno();
             dataLeft  = header.GetDataLen();
             if (header.GetDataLen() > 0)
                 IOUtils.ReadFully(@in, ((byte[])checksumBytes.Array()), 0, checksumBytes.Limit());
         // Sanity checks
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(len >= bytesPerChecksum);
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(checksum != null);
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(checksumSize == 0 || (checksumBuf.Length % checksumSize
                                                               == 0));
         int checksumsToRead;
         int bytesToRead;
         if (checksumSize > 0)
             // How many chunks left in our packet - this is a ceiling
             // since we may have a partial chunk at the end of the file
             int chunksLeft = (dataLeft - 1) / bytesPerChecksum + 1;
             // How many chunks we can fit in databuffer
             //  - note this is a floor since we always read full chunks
             int chunksCanFit = Math.Min(len / bytesPerChecksum, checksumBuf.Length / checksumSize
             // How many chunks should we read
             checksumsToRead = Math.Min(chunksLeft, chunksCanFit);
             // How many bytes should we actually read
             bytesToRead = Math.Min(checksumsToRead * bytesPerChecksum, dataLeft);
             // full chunks
             // in case we have a partial
             // no checksum
             bytesToRead     = Math.Min(dataLeft, len);
             checksumsToRead = 0;
         if (bytesToRead > 0)
             // Assert we have enough space
             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(bytesToRead <= len);
             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(checksumBytes.Remaining() >= checksumSize * checksumsToRead
             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(checksumBuf.Length >= checksumSize * checksumsToRead
             IOUtils.ReadFully(@in, buf, offset, bytesToRead);
             checksumBytes.Get(checksumBuf, 0, checksumSize * checksumsToRead);
         dataLeft -= bytesToRead;
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(dataLeft >= 0);
         lastChunkOffset = chunkOffset;
         lastChunkLen    = bytesToRead;
         // If there's no data left in the current packet after satisfying
         // this read, and we have satisfied the client read, we expect
         // an empty packet header from the DN to signify this.
         // Note that pos + bytesToRead may in fact be greater since the
         // DN finishes off the entire last chunk.
         if (dataLeft == 0 && pos + bytesToRead >= bytesNeededToFinish)
             // Read header
             PacketHeader hdr = new PacketHeader();
             if (!hdr.IsLastPacketInBlock() || hdr.GetDataLen() != 0)
                 throw new IOException("Expected empty end-of-read packet! Header: " + hdr);
             eos = true;
         if (bytesToRead == 0)