public override void LogicTick()
            if (!CanMove)
            // Check the current block after moving for a trigger or for the behavior
            if (_shouldRunTriggers)
                _shouldRunTriggers = false; // #12 - Do not return before setting FinishedMoving to false
                Position playerPos = Pos;
                // Warp
                foreach (Map.Events.WarpEvent warp in Map.MapEvents.Warps)
                    if (playerPos.X == warp.X && playerPos.Y == warp.Y && playerPos.Elevation == warp.Elevation)
                // Battle
                if (Overworld.CheckForWildBattle(false))

            if (InputManager.IsPressed(Key.A))
                // TODO: This does not consider sideways stairs or countertops when fetching the target block
                // TODO: Stuff like surf and signs
                // TODO: Block behaviors that start scripts (like bookshelves, tvs, and the PC)
                Position p = Pos;
                int      x = p.X;
                int      y = p.Y;
                switch (Facing)
                case FacingDirection.South: y++; break;

                case FacingDirection.Southwest: x--; y++; break;

                case FacingDirection.Southeast: x++; y++; break;

                case FacingDirection.North: y--; break;

                case FacingDirection.Northwest: x--; y--; break;

                case FacingDirection.Northeast: x++; y--; break;

                case FacingDirection.West: x--; break;

                case FacingDirection.East: x++; break;
                Map.GetXYMap(x, y, out x, out y, out Map map);
                //BlocksetBlockBehavior beh = map.GetBlock_InBounds(x, y).BlocksetBlock.Behavior;
                foreach (EventObj o in map.GetObjs_InBounds(x, y, p.Elevation, this))
                    string script = o.Script;
                    if (script != string.Empty)

            bool down  = InputManager.IsDown(Key.Down);
            bool up    = InputManager.IsDown(Key.Up);
            bool left  = InputManager.IsDown(Key.Left);
            bool right = InputManager.IsDown(Key.Right);

            if (!down && !up && !left && !right)
            FacingDirection facing;

            if (down)
                if (left)
                    facing = FacingDirection.Southwest;
                else if (right)
                    facing = FacingDirection.Southeast;
                    facing = FacingDirection.South;
            else if (up)
                if (left)
                    facing = FacingDirection.Northwest;
                else if (right)
                    facing = FacingDirection.Northeast;
                    facing = FacingDirection.North;
            else if (left)
                facing = FacingDirection.West;
                facing = FacingDirection.East;
            bool run = InputManager.IsDown(Key.B);

            Move(facing, run, false);
            _shouldRunTriggers = true;