public IActionResult Index() { if (HybridSupport.IsElectronActive) { Electron.IpcMain.On("select-directory", async(args) => { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var options = new OpenDialogOptions { Properties = new OpenDialogProperty[] { OpenDialogProperty.openFile } }; string[] files = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); string csv = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(files[0]); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); using (var p = ChoCSVReader.LoadText(csv) .WithFirstLineHeader() ) { using (var w = new ChoJSONWriter(sb)) w.Write(p); } string json = sb.ToString(); Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "select-directory-reply", json); }); } return(View()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> SetBlobSpecialValue([FromBody] SetSpecialValueRequest request) { if (!SpecialValues.ContainsKey(request.Key)) { SpecialValues.Add(request.Key, null); } var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var options = new OpenDialogOptions { Properties = new OpenDialogProperty[] { OpenDialogProperty.openFile } }; request.Value = (await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options)).FirstOrDefault(); if (System.IO.File.Exists(request.Value)) { SpecialValues[request.Key] = Convert.ToBase64String(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(request.Value)); BroadcastValueChanged(request.Key); return(Json(true)); } else { // Show dialog return(Json(false)); } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public async Task ExportAsync() { var openDialogOptions = new OpenDialogOptions { Title = Translator.Translate("Please choose the Export location"), Properties = new[] { OpenDialogProperty.openDirectory } }; var exportPath = (await ElectronHelper.ShowOpenDialogAsync(ElectronHelper.GetBrowserWindow(), openDialogOptions)).FirstOrDefault(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exportPath)) { ExportStatus = ExportStatus.Exporting; // this is really not nice, but otherwise, // the UI won't be refreshed and no status message is displayed. ElectronHelper.ReloadBrowserWindow(); CurrentProject.ExportImages(exportPath, i => ElectronHelper.SetProgressBar(i)); ExportStatus = ExportStatus.ExportSuccessful; ElectronHelper.SetProgressBar(-1); // remove progress bar // this is really not nice, but otherwise, // the UI won't be refreshed and no status message is displayed. ElectronHelper.ReloadBrowserWindow(); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> ImportWorlds() { try { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var options = new OpenDialogOptions { Title = "Install Datapack", Filters = new FileFilter[] { new FileFilter { Name = "Zip Files", Extensions = new string[] { "zip" } } }, Properties = new OpenDialogProperty[] { OpenDialogProperty.openDirectory } }; var res = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); var file = res[0]; Startup.ImportWorlds(file); Startup.Save(); } catch { } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddDatapack(string id) { try { var world = Worlds.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == id); if (world == null || !Directory.Exists(world.Path + "/datapacks")) { return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } var index = Worlds.IndexOf(world); Worlds.Remove(world); var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var options = new OpenDialogOptions { Title = "Install Datapack", Filters = new FileFilter[] { new FileFilter { Name = "Zip Files", Extensions = new string[] { "zip" } } } }; var res = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); var file = res[0]; await AddDatapack(world, file); Worlds.Insert(index, world); Startup.Save(); } catch { } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); }
public async Task <string[]> SelectDirectory([FromBody] SelectDirectoryDTO selectDirectoryDTO) { try { OpenDialogOptions options = new OpenDialogOptions { Properties = new OpenDialogProperty[2] }; if (selectDirectoryDTO.SelectDirectory) { options.Properties[0] = OpenDialogProperty.openDirectory; } else if (selectDirectoryDTO.SelectFiles) { options.Properties[0] = OpenDialogProperty.openFile; } options.Properties[1] = OpenDialogProperty.multiSelections; return(await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(Startup.MainWindow, options)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } return(new string[] { }); }
/// <summary> /// Note: On Windows and Linux an open dialog can not be both a file selector /// and a directory selector, so if you set properties to ['openFile', 'openDirectory'] /// on these platforms, a directory selector will be shown. /// </summary> /// <param name="browserWindow">The browserWindow argument allows the dialog to attach itself to a parent window, making it modal.</param> /// <param name="options"></param> /// <returns>An array of file paths chosen by the user</returns> public Task <string[]> ShowOpenDialogAsync(BrowserWindow browserWindow, OpenDialogOptions options) { var taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <string[]>(); string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); BridgeConnector.Socket.On("showOpenDialogComplete" + guid, (filePaths) => { BridgeConnector.Socket.Off("showOpenDialogComplete" + guid); var result = ((JArray)filePaths).ToObject <string[]>(); var list = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in result) { list.Add(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(item)); } taskCompletionSource.SetResult(list.ToArray()); }); BridgeConnector.Socket.Emit("showOpenDialog", JObject.FromObject(browserWindow, _jsonSerializer), JObject.FromObject(options, _jsonSerializer), guid); return(taskCompletionSource.Task); }
private static void demo_Window_ShowOpenDialog() { OpenDialogOptions opts = default; opts = new OpenDialogOptions(); opts.OpenLabel = "Note: won't actually read from specified file path(s)"; opts.Filters = new Dictionary <string, string[]>(2); opts.Filters["All"] = new[] { "*" }; opts.Filters["Dummy Filter"] = new[] { "dummy", "demo" }; { opts.CanSelectFiles = true; opts.CanSelectFolders = false; opts.CanSelectMany = true; } logLn("Showing File-Open dialog..."); vsc.Window.ShowOpenDialog(opts)((string[] filepaths) => { if ((null == filepaths)) { vsc.Window.ShowWarningMessage(logLn("Cancelled File-Open dialog, chicken?"), null); } else { vsc.Window.ShowInformationMessage(logLn(strFmt("Selected {0} file path(s), excellent!", filepaths.Length)), null); } }); }
async void handleDestination(object sender, EventArgs args) { var dialog = await Dialog.Instance(); // Create an OpenDialogOptions reference with custom Properties var openOptions = new OpenDialogOptions() { PropertyFlags = OpenDialogProperties.OpenDirectory | OpenDialogProperties.CreateDirectory }; // Now show the open dialog passing in the options created previously // and a call back function when a file is selected. // If a call back function is not specified then the ShowOpenDialog function // will return an array of the selected file(s) or an empty array if no // files are selected. var destDirectory = await dialog.ShowOpenDialog(await BrowserWindow.GetFocusedWindow(), openOptions ); if (destDirectory != null && destDirectory.Length > 0) { await destination.SetProperty("value", destDirectory[0]); await destination.DispatchEvent(changeEvent); } }
private static void ListenForAddNewBook() { Electron.IpcMain.On("select-file", async(args) => { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var options = new OpenDialogOptions { Properties = new OpenDialogProperty[] { OpenDialogProperty.openFile }, Filters = new FileFilter[] { new FileFilter { Extensions = new string[] { "*.epub" }, Name = "Archivos en formato Epub (*.epub)" } } }; string[] files = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); if (files.Any()) { AddBookToLibrary(files.First()); Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "select-file-reply"); } }); }
public IActionResult Index() { if (HybridSupport.IsElectronActive) { Electron.IpcMain.On("select-directory", async(args) => { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var options = new OpenDialogOptions { Properties = new OpenDialogProperty[] { OpenDialogProperty.openFile, //OpenDialogProperty.openDirectory } }; string[] files = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "select-directory-reply", files); }); Electron.IpcMain.On("error-dialog", (args) => { Electron.Dialog.ShowErrorBox("An Error Message", "Demonstrating an error message."); }); Electron.IpcMain.On("information-dialog", async(args) => { var options = new MessageBoxOptions("This is an information dialog. Isn't it nice?") { Type =, Title = "Information", Buttons = new string[] { "Yes", "No" } }; var result = await Electron.Dialog.ShowMessageBoxAsync(options); var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "information-dialog-reply", result.Response); }); Electron.IpcMain.On("save-dialog", async(args) => { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var options = new SaveDialogOptions { Title = "Save an Image", Filters = new FileFilter[] { new FileFilter { Name = "Images", Extensions = new string[] { "jpg", "png", "gif" } } } }; var result = await Electron.Dialog.ShowSaveDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "save-dialog-reply", result); }); } return(View()); }
public IActionResult Index() { if (!HybridSupport.IsElectronActive || saveAdded) { return(Ok()); } Electron.IpcMain.On("save-dialog", async(args) => { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var options = new SaveDialogOptions { Title = "Export Keys as JSON file", Filters = new FileFilter[] { new FileFilter { Name = "JSON", Extensions = new string[] { "json" } } } }; var result = await Electron.Dialog.ShowSaveDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "save-dialog-reply", result); }); Electron.IpcMain.On("open-dialog", async(args) => { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var options = new OpenDialogOptions { Title = "Import Keys as JSON file", Filters = new FileFilter[] { new FileFilter { Name = "JSON", Extensions = new string[] { "json" } } } }; var result = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "open-dialog-reply", result); }); saveAdded = true; return(Ok()); }
private async void SelectDirectory(string ipc) { var options = new OpenDialogOptions { Properties = new OpenDialogProperty[] { OpenDialogProperty.openFile, OpenDialogProperty.openDirectory } }; var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); string[] files = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); Reply(ipc, files); }
public async Task ImportConfig() { var openoptions = new OpenDialogOptions() { Title = "导入配置", Message = "请选择配置文件", Filters = new FileFilter[] { new FileFilter() { Extensions = new string[] { "json" }, Name = "JSON配置文件" } }, }; var paths = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, openoptions); if (paths != null && paths.Length > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paths[0])) { try { var local = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "maps.json"); var remote = paths[0]; if (File.Exists(local)) { var msgoptions = new MessageBoxOptions("是否覆盖当前的配置文件?") { Buttons = new string[] { "是", "否" }, }; var result = await Electron.Dialog.ShowMessageBoxAsync(mainWindow, msgoptions); if (result.Response == 0) { File.Delete(local); } else { return; } } File.Copy(remote, local); } catch (Exception) { } } }
public async Task <string> OnSelectExportFolder() { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); OpenDialogOptions options = new OpenDialogOptions() { Properties = new ElectronNET.API.Entities.OpenDialogProperty[] { ElectronNET.API.Entities.OpenDialogProperty.openDirectory } }; var folders = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); if (folders.Length > 0) { return(folders[0]); } return(String.Empty); }
public static async Task <string> GetSelectPath() { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var options = new OpenDialogOptions { Properties = new OpenDialogProperty[] { OpenDialogProperty.openFile, OpenDialogProperty.openDirectory } }; string[] files = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); return(string.Join("", files)); }
public static async Task NewFileAsync() { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var options = new OpenDialogOptions { Title = "New File", Properties = new OpenDialogProperty[] { OpenDialogProperty.openFile, OpenDialogProperty.promptToCreate, } }; var files = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); var filePath = files.FirstOrDefault(); if (filePath == default) { return; } if (ApplicationState.Instance.FileHandlerInstance.GetOpenFilePaths().Contains(filePath)) { Electron.Dialog.ShowErrorBox("File Error", "File already exists."); return; } var task = new Task(() => { try { ApplicationState.Instance.FileHandlerInstance.NewFile(filePath); ApplicationState.Instance.FileHandlerInstance.GetFileBuffer(filePath).FillBufferFromFile(); var handler = OpenFilesChanged; handler?.Invoke(ApplicationState.Instance.FileHandlerInstance.GetOpenFilePaths(), EventArgs.Empty); } catch (Exception e) { Electron.Dialog.ShowErrorBox("File Error", "File already exists."); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } }); task.Start(); await task; }
/// <summary> /// Note: On Windows and Linux an open dialog can not be both a file selector /// and a directory selector, so if you set properties to ['openFile', 'openDirectory'] /// on these platforms, a directory selector will be shown. /// </summary> /// <param name="browserWindow"></param> /// <param name="options"></param> /// <returns>An array of file paths chosen by the user</returns> public Task <string[]> ShowOpenDialogAsync(BrowserWindow browserWindow, OpenDialogOptions options) { var taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <string[]>(); BridgeConnector.Socket.On("showOpenDialogComplete", (filePaths) => { BridgeConnector.Socket.Off("showOpenDialogComplete"); var result = ((JArray)filePaths).ToObject <string[]>(); taskCompletionSource.SetResult(result); }); BridgeConnector.Socket.Emit("showOpenDialog", JObject.FromObject(browserWindow, _jsonSerializer), JObject.FromObject(options, _jsonSerializer)); return(taskCompletionSource.Task); }
public void OnGet() { Electron.IpcMain.On("assemblyPathBtn-selectDirectory", async(args) => { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var options = new OpenDialogOptions { Properties = new OpenDialogProperty[] { OpenDialogProperty.openFile } }; string[] files = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "assemblyPath-reply", files); }); Electron.IpcMain.On("destinationPathBtn-selectDirectory", async(args) => { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var options = new OpenDialogOptions { Properties = new OpenDialogProperty[] { OpenDialogProperty.openDirectory } }; string[] files = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "destinationPathBtn-reply", files); }); Electron.IpcMain.On("generate-schema", async(args) => { dynamic arguments = args; var assemblyFilePath = arguments.paths[0].Value; var destinationPath = arguments.paths[1].Value; var protoFileGenerator = new ProtoFileGenerator(); protoFileGenerator.SaveProtoFile(assemblyFilePath, destinationPath); var options = new MessageBoxOptions("Successfull generated!") { Type =, Title = "Information" }; await Electron.Dialog.ShowMessageBoxAsync(options); }); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public async Task LoadImagesAsync() { var openDialogOptions = new OpenDialogOptions { Title = Translator.Translate("Please choose your Images"), Properties = new[] { OpenDialogProperty.openFile, OpenDialogProperty.multiSelections }, Filters = new[] { new FileFilter { Extensions = new[] { "jpg", "png", "gif" }, Name = Translator.Translate("Images") } } }; var imageFilePaths = await ElectronHelper.ShowOpenDialogAsync(ElectronHelper.GetBrowserWindow(), openDialogOptions); if (imageFilePaths != null && imageFilePaths.Any()) { await CurrentProject.AddImagesAsync(imageFilePaths); } }
/// <summary> /// Note: On Windows and Linux an open dialog can not be both a file selector /// and a directory selector, so if you set properties to ['openFile', 'openDirectory'] /// on these platforms, a directory selector will be shown. /// </summary> /// <param name="browserWindow">The browserWindow argument allows the dialog to attach itself to a parent window, making it modal.</param> /// <param name="options"></param> /// <returns>An array of file paths chosen by the user</returns> public Task <string[]> ShowOpenDialogAsync(BrowserWindow browserWindow, OpenDialogOptions options) { var taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <string[]>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously); string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); BridgeConnector.On <string[]>("showOpenDialogComplete" + guid, (filePaths) => { BridgeConnector.Off("showOpenDialogComplete" + guid); var list = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in filePaths) { list.Add(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(item)); } taskCompletionSource.SetResult(list.ToArray()); }); BridgeConnector.Emit("showOpenDialog", browserWindow, options, guid); return(taskCompletionSource.Task); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public async Task LoadProjectAsync() { var openDialogOptions = new OpenDialogOptions { Title = Translator.Translate("Please choose your Project File"), Properties = new[] { OpenDialogProperty.openFile }, Filters = new[] { new FileFilter { Extensions = new[] { "json" }, Name = Translator.Translate("Project File") } } }; var projectFilePath = (await ElectronHelper.ShowOpenDialogAsync(ElectronHelper.GetBrowserWindow(), openDialogOptions)) .FirstOrDefault(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(projectFilePath)) { await CurrentProject.LoadAsync(projectFilePath); } }
public IActionResult Index() { if (HybridSupport.IsElectronActive) { Electron.IpcMain.On("start-hoosthook", async(args) => { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var options = new OpenDialogOptions { Properties = new OpenDialogProperty[] { OpenDialogProperty.openDirectory } }; var folderPath = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); var resultFromTypeScript = await Electron.HostHook.CallAsync <string>("create-excel-file", folderPath); Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "excel-file-created", resultFromTypeScript); }); } return(View()); }
async void handleSource(object sender, EventArgs args) { var dialog = await Dialog.Instance(); // Create an OpenDialogOptions reference with custom FileFilters var openOptions = new OpenDialogOptions() { Filters = new FileFilter[] { //new FileFilter() { Name = "All Files", Extensions = new string[] {"*"} }, new FileFilter() { Name = "Movies", Extensions = new string[] { "mkv", "avi" } }, } }; // Now show the open dialog passing in the options created previously // and a call back function when a file is selected. // If a call back function is not specified then the ShowOpenDialog function // will return an array of the selected file(s) or an empty array if no // files are selected. var sourceFile = await dialog.ShowOpenDialog(await BrowserWindow.GetFocusedWindow(), openOptions ); if (sourceFile != null && sourceFile.Length > 0) { await source.SetProperty("value", sourceFile[0]); await name.SetProperty("value", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sourceFile[0]) + ".m4v"); await source.DispatchEvent(changeEvent); await ipcRenderer.Send("getMetaData", sourceFile[0]); } }
public IActionResult Index() { Electron.IpcMain.On("SayHello", async(args) => { Electron.Notification.Show(new NotificationOptions("Hallo Robert", "Nachricht von ASP.NET Core App")); Electron.IpcMain.Send(Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(), "Goodbye", "Elephant!"); var currentBrowserWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var openDialogOptions = new OpenDialogOptions { Title = "Wuhuuu", ButtonLabel = "Mhh Okay", DefaultPath = await Electron.App.GetPathAsync(, Message = "Hello World", Properties = new OpenDialogProperty[] { OpenDialogProperty.openDirectory } }; var filePaths = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(currentBrowserWindow, openDialogOptions); }); Electron.IpcMain.On("GetPath", async(args) => { var currentBrowserWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); string pathName = await Electron.App.GetPathAsync(; Electron.IpcMain.Send(currentBrowserWindow, "GetPathComplete", pathName); currentBrowserWindow.Minimize(); await Electron.WindowManager.CreateWindowAsync(new BrowserWindowOptions { Title = "My second Window", AutoHideMenuBar = true }, ""); }); return(View()); }
private static async void SelectDirectory(dynamic args) { string id =; string functionName = args.functionName.ToString(); OpenDialogOptions options = new OpenDialogOptions { Properties = new[] { OpenDialogProperty.openDirectory } }; string[] directory = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(MainWindow, options); dynamic directoryReply = new JObject(); = id; = directory.Length > 0 ? directory.First() : string.Empty; directoryReply.functionName = functionName; Electron.IpcMain.Send(MainWindow, Messages.DIRECTORY_SELECTED, directoryReply); }
/// <summary> /// Default entry into managed code. /// </summary> /// <param name="input"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <object> Invoke(object input) { if (console == null) { console = await WebSharpJs.NodeJS.Console.Instance(); } try { // Since we are executing from the Renderer process we have to use // dialog remote process. dialog = await Dialog.Instance(); var page = new HtmlPage(); document = await page.GetDocument(); // Get the HtmlElement with the id of "openFile" var openFile = await document.GetElementById("openFile"); // Attach a "click" event handler to the openFile HtmlElement await openFile.AttachEvent("click", new EventHandler(async(sender, evt) => { // Create an OpenDialogOptions reference with custom FileFilters var openOptions = new OpenDialogOptions() { Filters = new FileFilter[] { new FileFilter() { Name = "text", Extensions = new string[] { "txt" } }, new FileFilter() { Name = "All Files", Extensions = new string[] { "*" } } } }; // Now show the open dialog passing in the options created previously // and a call back function when a file is selected. // If a call back function is not specified then the ShowOpenDialog function // will return an array of the selected file(s) or an empty array if no // files are selected. await dialog.ShowOpenDialog( openOptions, openFileCallback ); } )); // Get the HtmlElement with the id of "saveFile" var saveFile = await document.GetElementById("saveFile"); // Attach a "click" event handler to the saveFile HtmlElement await saveFile.AttachEvent("click", new EventHandler(async(sender, evt) => { // Create an OpenDialogOptions reference with custom FileFilters var saveOptions = new SaveDialogOptions() { Filters = new FileFilter[] { new FileFilter() { Name = "text", Extensions = new string[] { "txt" } }, new FileFilter() { Name = "All Files", Extensions = new string[] { "*" } } } }; // Now show the save dialog passing in the options created previously // and a call back function to be called when the save button is clicked. // If a call back function is not specified then the ShowSaveDialog function // will return a string or an empty string if no file was specified. await dialog.ShowSaveDialog( saveOptions, saveFileCallback ); } )); } catch (Exception exc) { await dialog.ShowErrorBox("There was an error: ", exc.Message); } return(null); }
public IActionResult Index() { try { if (HybridSupport.IsElectronActive) { //Responds to user selecting a directory Electron.IpcMain.On("select-directory", async(args) => { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); //creates a seperate window for choosing the directory path var options = new OpenDialogOptions { Properties = new OpenDialogProperty[] { OpenDialogProperty.openFile, OpenDialogProperty.openDirectory } }; //the result is saved as a string[] string[] files = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); //the result is then converted to a string string path = String.Join("", files); //if the path is valid and contains content... if (BEP.CheckIfPathValid(path) && BEP.CheckIfPathContainsContent(path)) { //index it, it's the new corpus BEP.GetIndex(path); //send message to the view Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "select-directory-reply", "true"); } //otherwise, if the path does not exist... else if (!BEP.CheckIfPathValid(path)) { //send a message to the view Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "select-directory-reply", "invalidPath"); } else { //sends a message to the view Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "select-directory-reply", "emptyFile"); } }); //Responds to user choosing to stem a term Electron.IpcMain.On("stemTerm", (args) => { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); //turns argument into a string string term = args.ToString(); //stems the argument string stemmedTerm = BEP.StemTerm(term); //sends result back to the view Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "stemmedTerm", stemmedTerm); }); //Responds to user desiring to get info on Habeas Electron.IpcMain.On("info-dialog", async(args) => { //set details of message box var options = new MessageBoxOptions ( "Habeas supports" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "1. single query" + Environment.NewLine + "2. boolean query -> put a space between keywords for AND queries, put a '+' for OR queries" + Environment.NewLine + "3. phrase query -> \"term1 term2...\"" + Environment.NewLine + "4. near query -> [term1 NEAR/k term2]" + Environment.NewLine + "5. wildcard query -> colo*r" + Environment.NewLine + "6. soundex for author name" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "To STEM a word, select 'stem' on the dropdown to the left of the search field. Then type the word you wish to stem into the search field and click the enter button." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "To view the VOCAB list for an index, click the 'Vocab' label on the navigation bar." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "To INDEX a new directory, click the 'Index' label on the navigation bar." ) { Type =, Title = "Information" }; //creates message box from options var result = await Electron.Dialog.ShowMessageBoxAsync(options); var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); //sends message box to the main window Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "information-dialog-reply", result.Response); }); //Responds to user attempting to get the vocab list from the corpus Electron.IpcMain.On("chooseVocab", (args) => { //has backend get 1000 vocab terms List <String> result = BEP.PrintVocab(1000); var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); //send list to view Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "vocabList", result); }); //Responds to user searching the corpus Electron.IpcMain.On("searchText", (args) => { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); //terms argument into string string term = args.ToString(); //gets list of posting titles from backend List <string> Postings = BEP.SearchQuery(term); foreach (string item in Postings) { Console.WriteLine(item); } //sends results to view Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "searchText", Postings); }); //Responds to user doing a soundex search Electron.IpcMain.On("soundexText", (args) => { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); //turns argument into string string term = args.ToString(); //gets list of strings from backend List <string> Postings = BEP.SearchSoundexQuery(term); //sends results to view Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "soundexText", Postings); }); // Electron.IpcMain.On("RetType", async(args) => { //set details of message box var options = new MessageBoxOptions ( "Select Ranked Retrieval type" + Environment.NewLine ) { Type =, Title = "RetrievalType", Buttons = new string[] { "Default", "Tf-Idf", "Okapi", "Wacky" } }; //creates message box from options var result = await Electron.Dialog.ShowMessageBoxAsync(options); switch (result.Response) { case 0: BEP.selectRetrieval("Default"); break; case 1: BEP.selectRetrieval("Tf-idf"); break; case 2: BEP.selectRetrieval("Okapi"); break; case 3: BEP.selectRetrieval("Wacky"); break; } }); //Responds to user attempting to read a document Electron.IpcMain.On("readDoc", (args) => { //argument is turned into string string term = args.ToString(); //content of document retrieved from backend string Content = BEP.GetDocContent(term); //creates message box out of document content var options = new MessageBoxOptions( Content ) { Type = MessageBoxType.none, Title = BEP.GetDocTitle(term) }; var result = Electron.Dialog.ShowMessageBoxAsync(options); var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); }); Electron.IpcMain.On("modeSwitch", (args) => { BEP.switchMode(); }); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } return(View()); }
public IActionResult Index() { if (HybridSupport.IsElectronActive) { Electron.IpcMain.On("select-file-path", async(args) => { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var options = new OpenDialogOptions { Properties = new OpenDialogProperty[] { OpenDialogProperty.openFile, } }; string[] files = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "select-file-path-reply", files); }); Electron.IpcMain.On("select-schema-path", async(args) => { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var options = new OpenDialogOptions { Properties = new OpenDialogProperty[] { OpenDialogProperty.openFile }, Filters = new FileFilter[] { new FileFilter { Name = "Json schema", Extensions = new string[] { "json" } } } }; string[] files = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "select-schema-path-reply", files); }); Electron.IpcMain.On("validate-file-btn", (args) => { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); try { args = args.ToString().Replace(@"\", @"\\"); var arguments = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FileDefinition>(args.ToString()); var filePath = arguments.FilePath; var schemaPath = arguments.SchemaFilePath; var fileType = arguments.FileType; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) { Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "results", $"<div class='alert alert-danger' role='alert'>Invalid file {filePath}</div>"); return; } if (!System.IO.File.Exists(schemaPath)) { Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "results", $"<div class='alert alert-danger' role='alert'>Invalid file {schemaPath}</div>"); return; } var schemaData = string.Empty; var schemaParser = new SchemaParser(); try { using (var sr = new StreamReader(System.IO.File.OpenRead(schemaPath))) { schemaData = sr.ReadToEnd(); } } catch (Exception ex) { var errorMsg = String.Format(null, SharedResources.SchemaError, ex.Message); Console.WriteLine($"{errorMsg}"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schemaData)) { Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "results", "<div class='alert alert-danger' role='alert'>Schema file is empty.</div>"); return; } var parsedSchema = schemaParser.ParseSchema(schemaData); var schemaValidator = new FluentSchemaValidator(); var schemaValidationResults = schemaValidator.Validate(parsedSchema); if (!schemaValidationResults.IsValid && schemaValidationResults.Errors.Any()) { var results = _viewRenderService.RenderToStringAsync("Partial/_SchemaFileValidationResult", schemaValidationResults.Errors); if (results.IsCompletedSuccessfully && !results.IsFaulted) { Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "results", results.Result); return; } else { Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "results", "<div class='alert alert-danger' role='alert'>An Error has occurred while processing the file. Please contact your administrator.</div>"); return; } } if (parsedSchema.FileFormat.ToLower() == "fixed") { var validator = new FixedLengthFileValidator(filePath, schemaPath, parsedSchema); var result = validator.ValidateFile(); result.Results = result.Results.Take(50).ToList(); var results = _viewRenderService.RenderToStringAsync("Partial/_FixedLengthFileValidationResult", result); if (results.IsCompletedSuccessfully && !results.IsFaulted) { Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "results", results.Result); return; } else { Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "results", "<div class='alert alert-danger' role='alert'>An Error has occurred while processing the file. Please contact your administrator.</div>"); return; } } else if (parsedSchema.FileFormat.ToLower() == "separated") { var validator = new SeparatedFileValidator(filePath, schemaPath, parsedSchema); var result = validator.ValidateFile(); result.Results = result.Results.Take(50).ToList(); var results = _viewRenderService.RenderToStringAsync("Partial/_SeparatedFileValidationResult", result); if (results.IsCompletedSuccessfully && !results.IsFaulted) { Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "results", results.Result); return; } else { Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "results", "<div class='alert alert-danger' role='alert'>An Error has occurred while processing the file. Please contact your administrator.</div>"); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "results", $"<div class='alert alert-danger' role='alert'>{ex.Message.ToString()}</div>"); return; } }); Electron.IpcMain.On("create-html-file", async(args) => { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var options = new OpenDialogOptions { Properties = new OpenDialogProperty[] { OpenDialogProperty.openDirectory, } }; string[] directories = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); var directory = directories[0]; var pathString = Path.Combine(directory, "Validation_Result.html"); var file = System.IO.File.Create(pathString); file.Close(); Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "created-html-file-reply", pathString); }); } return(View()); }
public IActionResult Index() { if (HybridSupport.IsElectronActive) { var menu = new MenuItem[] { new MenuItem { Label = "File", Submenu = new MenuItem[] { new MenuItem { Label = "Open HTML", Accelerator = "CmdOrCtrl+O", Click = async() => { // Open file HTML var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); var options = new OpenDialogOptions { Title = "Open HTML file", Filters = new FileFilter[] { new FileFilter { Name = "HTML", Extensions = new string[] { "html", "htm" } } } }; var result = await Electron.Dialog.ShowOpenDialogAsync(mainWindow, options); if (result.Count() != 0) { string OpenfilePath = result.First(); string strContent = FileOperation.openRead(OpenfilePath); //Call Render JS var mainWindow1 = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow1, "setContent", strContent); mainWindow.SetTitle(OpenfilePath); } } }, new MenuItem { Label = "Save HTML", Accelerator = "CmdOrCtrl+S", Click = async() => { var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First(); Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "saveContent"); } }, new MenuItem { Type = MenuType.separator }, new MenuItem { Label = "Exit", Accelerator = "CmdOrCtrl+X", Click = () => { // Exit app Electron.App.Exit(); } }, } }, new MenuItem { Label = "Help", Submenu = new MenuItem[] { new MenuItem { Label = "About", Accelerator = "CmdOrCtrl+R", Click = async() => { // open native message windows var options = new MessageBoxOptions("This is a demo application for Electron.NEt and .NET CORE 3."); options.Type =; options.Title = "About HTMLEditor"; await Electron.Dialog.ShowMessageBoxAsync(options); } } } } }; Electron.Menu.SetApplicationMenu(menu); } return(View()); }