handleSetTrans(object obj, cpSpaceHash *hash)
	if(hash.pooledHandles.num == 0){
		// handle pool is exhausted, make more
		int count = CP_BUFFER_BYTES/sizeof(cpHandle);
		// cpAssertHard(count, "Internal Error: Buffer size is too small.");
		cpHandle *buffer = (cpHandle *)cpcalloc(1, CP_BUFFER_BYTES);
		cpArrayPush(hash.allocatedBuffers, buffer);
		for(int i=0; i<count; i++) cpArrayPush(hash.pooledHandles, buffer + i);
	cpHandle *hand = cpHandleInit((cpHandle *)cpArrayPop(hash.pooledHandles), obj);
	return hand;
cpSpaceHashRemove(cpSpaceHash *hash, object obj, cpHashValue hashid)
	cpHandle *hand = (cpHandle *)cpHashSetRemove(hash.handleSet, hashid, obj);
		hand.obj = null;
		cpHandleRelease(hand, hash.pooledHandles);
rehash_helper(cpHandle *hand, cpSpaceHash *hash)
	hashHandle(hash, hand, hash.spatialIndex.bbfunc(hand.obj));
cpSpaceHashRehash(cpSpaceHash *hash)
	cpHashSetEach(hash.handleSet, (cpHashSetIteratorFunc)rehash_helper, hash);
hashHandle(cpSpaceHash *hash, cpHandle *hand, cpBB bb)
	// Find the dimensions in cell coordinates.
	double dim = hash.celldim;
	int l = floor_int(bb.l/dim); // Fix by ShiftZ
	int r = floor_int(bb.r/dim);
	int b = floor_int(bb.b/dim);
	int t = floor_int(bb.t/dim);
	int n = hash.numcells;
	for(int i=l; i<=r; i++){
		for(int j=b; j<=t; j++){
			cpHashValue idx = hash_func(i,j,n);
			cpSpaceHashBin *bin = hash.table[idx];
			// Don't add an object twice to the same cell.
			if(containsHandle(bin, hand)) continue;

			// Insert a new bin for the handle in this cell.
			cpSpaceHashBin *newBin = getEmptyBin(hash);
			newBin.handle = hand;
			newBin.next = bin;
			hash.table[idx] = newBin;
cpSpaceHashInsert(cpSpaceHash *hash, object obj, cpHashValue hashid)
	cpHandle *hand = (cpHandle *)cpHashSetInsert(hash.handleSet, hashid, obj, hash, (cpHashSetTransFunc)handleSetTrans);
	hashHandle(hash, hand, hash.spatialIndex.bbfunc(obj));
cpSpaceHashInit(cpSpaceHash *hash, double celldim, int numcells, cpSpatialIndexBBFunc bbfunc, cpSpatialIndex *staticIndex)
	cpSpatialIndexInit((cpSpatialIndex *)hash, Klass(), bbfunc, staticIndex);
	cpSpaceHashAllocTable(hash, next_prime(numcells));
	hash.celldim = celldim;
	hash.handleSet = cpHashSetNew(0, (cpHashSetEqlFunc)handleSetEql);
	hash.pooledHandles = cpArrayNew(0);
	hash.pooledBins = null;
	hash.allocatedBuffers = cpArrayNew(0);
	hash.stamp = 1;
	return (cpSpatialIndex *)hash;
cpSpaceHashDestroy(cpSpaceHash *hash)
	if(hash.table) clearTable(hash);
	cpArrayFreeEach(hash.allocatedBuffers, cpfree);
cpSpaceHashAllocTable(cpSpaceHash *hash, int numcells)
	hash.numcells = numcells;
	hash.table = (cpSpaceHashBin **)cpcalloc(numcells, sizeof(cpSpaceHashBin *));
getEmptyBin(cpSpaceHash *hash)
	cpSpaceHashBin *bin = hash.pooledBins;
		hash.pooledBins = bin.next;
		return bin;
	} else {
		// Pool is exhausted, make more
		int count = CP_BUFFER_BYTES/sizeof(cpSpaceHashBin);
		// cpAssertHard(count, "Internal Error: Buffer size is too small.");
		cpSpaceHashBin *buffer = (cpSpaceHashBin *)cpcalloc(1, CP_BUFFER_BYTES);
		cpArrayPush(hash.allocatedBuffers, buffer);
		// push all but the first one, return the first instead
		for(int i=1; i<count; i++) recycleBin(hash, buffer + i);
		return buffer;
clearTable(cpSpaceHash *hash)
	for(int i=0; i<hash.numcells; i++) clearTableCell(hash, i);
clearTableCell(cpSpaceHash *hash, int idx)
	cpSpaceHashBin *bin = hash.table[idx];
		cpSpaceHashBin *next = bin.next;
		cpHandleRelease(bin.handle, hash.pooledHandles);
		recycleBin(hash, bin);
		bin = next;
	hash.table[idx] = null;
recycleBin(cpSpaceHash *hash, cpSpaceHashBin *bin)
	bin.next = hash.pooledBins;
	hash.pooledBins = bin;