static void Main(string[] args) { if (args[0] == "help") { Console.WriteLine("runner.exe [pdf|doc|excel|ppt] options \n"); Console.WriteLine("runner.exe pdf htmlFile pdfFile \n"); Console.WriteLine("runner.exe docx wordFile str url"); } //string pdffile_path = args[0]; //pdfChecker pdf = new pdfChecker(); //pdf.ReadPdfFile(pdffile_path); //if (pdf.SameAsExpected("a.txt")) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Same"); //} //else { // Console.WriteLine("not same"); //} //runner.exe htmlTemp pdfFIle if (args[0] == "pdf") { string html = args[1]; string pdfPath = args[2]; PdfOperation pdf = new PdfOperation(); pdf.CreatePdf(html, pdfPath); } if (args[0] == "docx") { string wordFile = args[1]; string url = args[3]; string targetStr = args[2]; OfficeOperation officeDoc = new OfficeOperation(); officeDoc.Word2007SearchAndReplace(wordFile, targetStr, url); } if (args[0] == "xlsx") { string excelFile = args[1]; string url = args[3]; string targetStr = args[2]; OfficeOperation officeDoc = new OfficeOperation(); officeDoc.Excel2007SearchAndReplace(excelFile, targetStr, url); } if (args[0] == "pptx") { string pptFile = args[1]; string url = args[3]; string targetStr = args[2]; OfficeOperation pptDoc = new OfficeOperation(); pptDoc.PPT2007SearchAndReplace(pptFile, targetStr, url); } }
public async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <IMessageActivity> result) { var msg = await result; string[] options = new string[] { "Image", "Paragraph" }; string prompt = $"I see you are running the Clippy Bot in Word. Which of the following would you like me to insert into Word:"; PromptDialog.Choice(context, async(IDialogContext choiceContext, IAwaitable <string> choiceResult) => { var selection = await choiceResult; OfficeOperation op = (OfficeOperation)Enum.Parse(typeof(OfficeOperation), selection); // Send the operation through the backchannel using Event activity var reply = choiceContext.MakeMessage() as IEventActivity; reply.Type = "event"; reply.Name = "officeOperation"; reply.Value = op.ToString(); await choiceContext.PostAsync((IMessageActivity)reply); }, options, prompt); }
public async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <IMessageActivity> result) { var msg = await result; string[] options = new string[] { "Chart", "Range" }; string prompt = $"I see you are running the Clippy Bot in Excel. Select something and I'll insert it into a *NEW* worksheet:"; PromptDialog.Choice(context, async(IDialogContext choiceContext, IAwaitable <string> choiceResult) => { var selection = await choiceResult; OfficeOperation op = (OfficeOperation)Enum.Parse(typeof(OfficeOperation), selection); // Send the operation through the backchannel using Event activity var reply = choiceContext.MakeMessage() as IEventActivity; reply.Type = "event"; reply.Name = "officeOperation"; reply.Value = op.ToString(); await choiceContext.PostAsync((IMessageActivity)reply); }, options, prompt); }
public async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <IMessageActivity> result) { var msg = await result; string[] options = new string[] { "Reply", "Reply All" }; var user = context.UserData.Get <string>("user"); string prompt = $"Hey {user}, I see you are running the Clippy Bot in Outlook. For this mail, I can help you with the following:"; PromptDialog.Choice(context, async(IDialogContext choiceContext, IAwaitable <string> choiceResult) => { var selection = await choiceResult; OfficeOperation op = (OfficeOperation)Enum.Parse(typeof(OfficeOperation), selection.Replace(" ", "")); // Send the operation through the backchannel using Event activity var reply = choiceContext.MakeMessage() as IEventActivity; reply.Type = "event"; reply.Name = "officeOperation"; reply.Value = op.ToString(); await choiceContext.PostAsync((IMessageActivity)reply); }, options, prompt); }