Exemple #1
        protected override void UpdateNode()
            if (DrawOcean == true)
                var t = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;


                // Perform fourier transform and record what is the current index
                IDX = Fourier.PeformFFT(FourierBuffer0, FourierBuffer1, FourierBuffer2);
                Fourier.PeformFFT(FourierBuffer3, FourierBuffer4);

                // Copy the contents of the completed fourier transform to the map textures.
                // You could just use the buffer textures (FourierBuffer0,1,2,etc) to read from for the ocean shader
                // but they need to have mipmaps and unity updates the mipmaps
                // every time the texture is renderer into. This impacts performance during fourier transform stage as mipmaps would be updated every pass
                // and there is no way to disable and then enable mipmaps on render textures in Unity at time of writting.

                Graphics.Blit(FourierBuffer0[IDX], Map0);
                Graphics.Blit(FourierBuffer1[IDX], Map1);
                Graphics.Blit(FourierBuffer2[IDX], Map2);
                Graphics.Blit(FourierBuffer3[IDX], Map3);
                Graphics.Blit(FourierBuffer4[IDX], Map4);

                OceanMaterial.SetVector("_Ocean_MapSize", new Vector2(FloatSize, FloatSize));
                OceanMaterial.SetVector("_Ocean_Choppyness", Choppyness);
                OceanMaterial.SetVector("_Ocean_GridSizes", GridSizes);
                OceanMaterial.SetFloat("_Ocean_HeightOffset", OceanLevel);
                OceanMaterial.SetTexture("_Ocean_Variance", Variance);
                OceanMaterial.SetTexture("_Ocean_Map0", Map0);
                OceanMaterial.SetTexture("_Ocean_Map1", Map1);
                OceanMaterial.SetTexture("_Ocean_Map2", Map2);
                OceanMaterial.SetTexture("_Ocean_Map3", Map3);
                OceanMaterial.SetTexture("_Ocean_Map4", Map4);

Exemple #2
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="newMaterial"></param>
		protected void SelectOceanMaterial( OceanMaterial newMaterial )
Exemple #3
 protected override void UpdateOceanNode()