public override void Update(float fDeltaTime)

            m_fLiveTime += fDeltaTime;

            // If the target is no longer enabled, that means it hit the base,
            // which means this projectile should just go away.
            if (!m_Target.Enabled)
                GameState.Get().RemoveGameObject(this, true);

            // Move towards target
            Position = Vector3.Lerp(Position, m_Target.Position,
                                    m_fLiveTime / Balance.ProjectileTower[m_Level - 1].ReloadTime);

            // Once we reach the target, deal damage
            // Don't check against bounding sphere because otherwise really big enemies will quickly intersect
            if (Vector3.Distance(Position, m_Target.Position) < 0.05f)
                GameState.Get().RemoveGameObject(this, true);
                m_Target.TakeDamage(m_Level * Balance.ProjectileTower[m_Level - 1].Damage);