private void IncludeEntityKey(bool doAttach)
            ObjectStateManager objectStateManager = this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager;
            bool        flag1       = false;
            bool        flag2       = false;
            EntityEntry entityEntry = objectStateManager.FindEntityEntry(this.DetachedEntityKey);

            if (entityEntry == null)
                flag2 = true;
                flag1 = true;
            else if (entityEntry.IsKeyEntry)
                if (this.FromEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity != RelationshipMultiplicity.Many)
                    foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.FindRelationshipsByKey(this.DetachedEntityKey))
                        if (relationshipEntry.IsSameAssociationSetAndRole((AssociationSet)this.RelationshipSet, (AssociationEndMember)this.ToEndMember, this.DetachedEntityKey) && relationshipEntry.State != EntityState.Deleted)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.ObjectStateManager_EntityConflictsWithKeyEntry);
                flag1 = true;
                IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity = entityEntry.WrappedEntity;
                if (entityEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.RelatedEnd_UnableToAddRelationshipWithDeletedEntity);
                RelatedEnd relatedEndInternal = wrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(this.RelationshipName, this.RelationshipNavigation.From);
                if (this.FromEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity != RelationshipMultiplicity.Many && !relatedEndInternal.IsEmpty())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.ObjectStateManager_EntityConflictsWithKeyEntry);
                this.Add(wrappedEntity, true, doAttach, false, true, true);
            if (!flag1 || this.IsForeignKey)
            if (flag2)
                EntitySet entitySet = this.DetachedEntityKey.GetEntitySet(this.ObjectContext.MetadataWorkspace);
                objectStateManager.AddKeyEntry(this.DetachedEntityKey, entitySet);
            EntityKey entityKey = this.WrappedOwner.EntityKey;

            if ((object)entityKey == null)
                throw Error.EntityKey_UnexpectedNull();
            RelationshipWrapper wrapper = new RelationshipWrapper((AssociationSet)this.RelationshipSet, this.RelationshipNavigation.From, entityKey, this.RelationshipNavigation.To, this.DetachedEntityKey);

            objectStateManager.AddNewRelation(wrapper, doAttach ? EntityState.Unchanged : EntityState.Added);
        private void IncludeEntityKey(bool doAttach)
            ObjectStateManager manager = this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager;

            bool        addNewRelationship = false;
            bool        addKeyEntry        = false;
            EntityEntry existingEntry      = manager.FindEntityEntry(DetachedEntityKey);

            if (existingEntry == null)
                // add new key entry and create a relationship with it
                addKeyEntry        = true;
                addNewRelationship = true;
                if (existingEntry.IsKeyEntry)
                    // We have an existing key entry, so just need to add a relationship with it

                    // We know the target end of this relationship is 1..1 or 0..1 since it is a reference, so if the source end is also not Many, we have a 1-to-1
                    if (FromEndProperty.RelationshipMultiplicity != RelationshipMultiplicity.Many)
                        // before we add a new relationship to this key entry, make sure it's not already related to something else
                        // We have to explicitly do this here because there are no other checks to make sure a key entry in a 1-to-1 doesn't end up in two of the same relationship
                        foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.FindRelationshipsByKey(DetachedEntityKey))
                            // only care about relationships in the same AssociationSet and where the key is playing the same role that it plays in this EntityReference
                            if (relationshipEntry.IsSameAssociationSetAndRole((AssociationSet)RelationshipSet, (AssociationEndMember)ToEndMember, DetachedEntityKey) &&
                                relationshipEntry.State != EntityState.Deleted)
                                throw EntityUtil.EntityConflictsWithKeyEntry();

                    addNewRelationship = true;
                    IEntityWrapper wrappedTarget = existingEntry.WrappedEntity;

                    // Verify that the target entity is in a valid state for adding a relationship
                    if (existingEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted)
                        throw EntityUtil.UnableToAddRelationshipWithDeletedEntity();

                    // We know the target end of this relationship is 1..1 or 0..1 since it is a reference, so if the source end is also not Many, we have a 1-to-1
                    RelatedEnd relatedEnd = wrappedTarget.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(RelationshipName, RelationshipNavigation.From);
                    if (FromEndProperty.RelationshipMultiplicity != RelationshipMultiplicity.Many && !relatedEnd.IsEmpty())
                        // Make sure the target entity is not already related to something else.
                        // devnote: The call to Add below does *not* do this check for the fixup case, so if it's not done here, no failure will occur
                        //          and existing relationships may be deleted unexpectedly. RelatedEnd.Include should not remove existing relationships, only add new ones.
                        throw EntityUtil.EntityConflictsWithKeyEntry();

                    // We have an existing entity with the same key, just hook up the related ends
                             applyConstraints: true,
                             addRelationshipAsUnchanged: doAttach,
                             relationshipAlreadyExists: false,
                             allowModifyingOtherEndOfRelationship: true,
                             forceForeignKeyChanges: true);

                    // add to the list of promoted key references so we can cleanup if a failure occurs later

            // For FKs, don't create a key entry and don't create a relationship
            if (addNewRelationship && !IsForeignKey)
                // devnote: If we add any validation here, it needs to go here before adding the key entry,
                //          otherwise we have to clean up that entry if the validation fails

                if (addKeyEntry)
                    EntitySet targetEntitySet = DetachedEntityKey.GetEntitySet(this.ObjectContext.MetadataWorkspace);
                    manager.AddKeyEntry(DetachedEntityKey, targetEntitySet);

                EntityKey ownerKey = WrappedOwner.EntityKey;
                RelationshipWrapper wrapper = new RelationshipWrapper((AssociationSet)RelationshipSet,
                                                                      RelationshipNavigation.From, ownerKey, RelationshipNavigation.To, DetachedEntityKey);
                manager.AddNewRelation(wrapper, doAttach ? EntityState.Unchanged : EntityState.Added);
        public IEntityWrapper HandleRelationshipSpan(
            IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity,
            EntityKey targetKey,
            AssociationEndMember targetMember)
            if (wrappedEntity.Entity == null)
            EntityKey            entityKey           = wrappedEntity.EntityKey;
            AssociationEndMember otherAssociationEnd = MetadataHelper.GetOtherAssociationEnd(targetMember);

            this.CheckClearedEntryOnSpan((object)targetKey, wrappedEntity, entityKey, targetMember);
            if ((object)targetKey != null)
                EntitySet          endEntitySet;
                AssociationSet     cspaceAssociationSet = this.Context.MetadataWorkspace.MetadataOptimization.FindCSpaceAssociationSet((AssociationType)targetMember.DeclaringType, targetMember.Name, targetKey.EntitySetName, targetKey.EntityContainerName, out endEntitySet);
                ObjectStateManager objectStateManager   = this.Context.ObjectStateManager;
                EntityState        newEntryState;
                if (!ObjectStateManager.TryUpdateExistingRelationships(this.Context, this.MergeOption, cspaceAssociationSet, otherAssociationEnd, entityKey, wrappedEntity, targetMember, targetKey, true, out newEntryState))
                    EntityEntry entityEntry = objectStateManager.GetOrAddKeyEntry(targetKey, endEntitySet);
                    bool        flag        = true;
                    switch (otherAssociationEnd.RelationshipMultiplicity)
                    case RelationshipMultiplicity.ZeroOrOne:
                    case RelationshipMultiplicity.One:
                        flag = !ObjectStateManager.TryUpdateExistingRelationships(this.Context, this.MergeOption, cspaceAssociationSet, targetMember, targetKey, entityEntry.WrappedEntity, otherAssociationEnd, entityKey, true, out newEntryState);
                        if (entityEntry.State == EntityState.Detached)
                            entityEntry = objectStateManager.AddKeyEntry(targetKey, endEntitySet);
                    if (flag)
                        if (entityEntry.IsKeyEntry || newEntryState == EntityState.Deleted)
                            RelationshipWrapper wrapper = new RelationshipWrapper(cspaceAssociationSet, otherAssociationEnd.Name, entityKey, targetMember.Name, targetKey);
                            objectStateManager.AddNewRelation(wrapper, newEntryState);
                        else if (entityEntry.State != EntityState.Deleted)
                            ObjectStateManager.AddEntityToCollectionOrReference(this.MergeOption, wrappedEntity, otherAssociationEnd, entityEntry.WrappedEntity, targetMember, true, false, false);
                            RelationshipWrapper wrapper = new RelationshipWrapper(cspaceAssociationSet, otherAssociationEnd.Name, entityKey, targetMember.Name, targetKey);
                            objectStateManager.AddNewRelation(wrapper, EntityState.Deleted);
                RelatedEnd relatedEnd;
                if (this.TryGetRelatedEnd(wrappedEntity, (AssociationType)targetMember.DeclaringType, otherAssociationEnd.Name, targetMember.Name, out relatedEnd))
                    this.SetIsLoadedForSpan(relatedEnd, false);
        internal void SetEntityKey(EntityKey value, bool forceFixup)
            if (value != null && value == EntityKey && (ReferenceValue.Entity != null || (ReferenceValue.Entity == null && !forceFixup)))
                // "no-op" -- this is not really no-op in the attached case, because at a minimum we have to do a key lookup,
                // worst case we have to review all relationships for the owner entity
                // However, if we don't do this, we can get into a scenario where we are setting the key to the same thing it's already set to
                // and this could have side effects, especially with RI constraints and cascade delete. We don't want to delete something
                // and then add it back, if that deleting could have additional unexpected effects. Don't bother doing this check if value is
                // null, because EntityKey could be null even if there are Added/Unchanged relationships, if the target entity has a temporary key.
                // In that case, we still need to delete that existing relationship, so it's not a no-op

            if (this.ObjectContext != null && !UsingNoTracking)
                Debug.Assert(this.WrappedOwner.Entity != null, "Unexpected null Owner on EntityReference attached to a context");

                // null is a valid value for the EntityKey, but temporary and special keys are not
                // devnote: Can't check this on detached references because this property could be set to a temp key during deserialization,
                //          if the key hasn't finished deserializing yet.
                if (value != null && !IsValidEntityKeyType(value))
                    throw EntityUtil.CannotSetSpecialKeys();

                if (value == null)
                    if (AttemptToNullFKsOnRefOrKeySetToNull())
                        DetachedEntityKey = null;
                        ReferenceValue = EntityWrapperFactory.NullWrapper;
                    // Verify that the key has the right EntitySet for this RelationshipSet
                    EntitySet targetEntitySet = value.GetEntitySet(ObjectContext.MetadataWorkspace);
                    value.ValidateEntityKey(ObjectContext.MetadataWorkspace, targetEntitySet, true /*isArgumentException */, "value");

                    ObjectStateManager manager = this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager;

                    // If we already have an entry with this key, we just need to create a relationship with it
                    bool addNewRelationship = false;
                    // If we don't already have any matching entries for this key, we'll have to create a new entry
                    bool        addKeyEntry = false;
                    EntityEntry targetEntry = manager.FindEntityEntry(value);
                    if (targetEntry != null)
                        // If it's not a key entry, just use the entity to set this reference's Value
                        if (!targetEntry.IsKeyEntry)
                            // Delegate to the Value property to clear any existing relationship
                            // and to add the new one. This will fire the appropriate events and
                            // ensure that the related ends are connected.

                            // It has to be a TEntity since we already verified that the EntitySet is correct above
                            this.ReferenceValue = targetEntry.WrappedEntity;
                            // if the existing entry is a key entry, we just need to
                            // add a new relationship between the source entity and that key
                            addNewRelationship = true;
                        // no entry exists, so we'll need to add a key along with the relationship
                        addKeyEntry        = !IsForeignKey;
                        addNewRelationship = true;

                    if (addNewRelationship)
                        EntityKey ownerKey = ValidateOwnerWithRIConstraints(targetEntry == null ? null : targetEntry.WrappedEntity, value, checkBothEnds: true);

                        // Verify that the owner is in a valid state for adding a relationship

                        if (addKeyEntry)
                            manager.AddKeyEntry(value, targetEntitySet);

                        // First, clear any existing relationships
                        manager.TransactionManager.EntityBeingReparented = WrappedOwner.Entity;
                            ClearCollectionOrRef(null, null, /*doCascadeDelete*/ false);
                            manager.TransactionManager.EntityBeingReparented = null;

                        // Then add the new one
                        if (IsForeignKey)
                            DetachedEntityKey = value;
                            // Update the FK values in this entity
                            if (IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(false))
                                UpdateForeignKeyValues(WrappedOwner, value);
                            RelationshipWrapper wrapper = new RelationshipWrapper((AssociationSet)RelationshipSet, RelationshipNavigation.From, ownerKey, RelationshipNavigation.To, value);
                            // Add the relationship in the unchanged state if
                            EntityState relationshipState = EntityState.Added;

                            // If this is an unchanged/modified dependent end of a relationship and we are allowing the EntityKey to be set
                            // create the relationship in the Unchanged state because the state must "match" the dependent end state
                            if (!ownerKey.IsTemporary && IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(false))
                                relationshipState = EntityState.Unchanged;
                            manager.AddNewRelation(wrapper, relationshipState);
                // Just set the field for detached object -- during Attach/Add we will make sure this value
                // is not in conflict if the EntityReference contains a real entity. We cannot always determine the
                // EntityKey for any real entity in the detached state, so we don't bother to do it here.
                DetachedEntityKey = value;
Exemple #5
 internal void SetEntityKey(EntityKey value, bool forceFixup)
     if (value != (EntityKey)null && value == this.EntityKey && (this.ReferenceValue.Entity != null || this.ReferenceValue.Entity == null && !forceFixup))
     if (this.ObjectContext != null && !this.UsingNoTracking)
         if (value != (EntityKey)null && !RelatedEnd.IsValidEntityKeyType(value))
             throw new ArgumentException(Strings.EntityReference_CannotSetSpecialKeys, nameof(value));
         if (value == (EntityKey)null)
             if (this.AttemptToNullFKsOnRefOrKeySetToNull())
                 this.DetachedEntityKey = (EntityKey)null;
                 this.ReferenceValue = NullEntityWrapper.NullWrapper;
             EntitySet entitySet = value.GetEntitySet(this.ObjectContext.MetadataWorkspace);
             value.ValidateEntityKey(this.ObjectContext.MetadataWorkspace, entitySet, true, nameof(value));
             ObjectStateManager objectStateManager = this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager;
             bool        flag1       = false;
             bool        flag2       = false;
             EntityEntry entityEntry = objectStateManager.FindEntityEntry(value);
             if (entityEntry != null)
                 if (!entityEntry.IsKeyEntry)
                     this.ReferenceValue = entityEntry.WrappedEntity;
                     flag1 = true;
                 flag2 = !this.IsForeignKey;
                 flag1 = true;
             if (!flag1)
             EntityKey key0 = this.ValidateOwnerWithRIConstraints(entityEntry == null ? (IEntityWrapper)null : entityEntry.WrappedEntity, value, true);
             if (flag2)
                 objectStateManager.AddKeyEntry(value, entitySet);
             objectStateManager.TransactionManager.EntityBeingReparented = this.WrappedOwner.Entity;
                 this.ClearCollectionOrRef((IEntityWrapper)null, (RelationshipNavigation)null, false);
                 objectStateManager.TransactionManager.EntityBeingReparented = (object)null;
             if (this.IsForeignKey)
                 this.DetachedEntityKey = value;
                 if (!this.IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(false))
                 this.UpdateForeignKeyValues(this.WrappedOwner, value);
                 RelationshipWrapper wrapper      = new RelationshipWrapper((AssociationSet)this.RelationshipSet, this.RelationshipNavigation.From, key0, this.RelationshipNavigation.To, value);
                 EntityState         desiredState = EntityState.Added;
                 if (!key0.IsTemporary && this.IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(false))
                     desiredState = EntityState.Unchanged;
                 objectStateManager.AddNewRelation(wrapper, desiredState);
         this.DetachedEntityKey = value;