Exemple #1
    public void addToInvo(GameObject obj)
        if (inventory.checkIfWeCanAdd(obj.GetComponent <ItemPickup>().item))
            ItemPickup ip = obj.GetComponent <ItemPickup>();
            tempItem      = ip.item;
            tempItemCount = ip.count;
            inventory.Add(tempItem, tempItemCount);
            objPoolManager.DropTable(obj, transform.position);

        /*  tempItemGameobject = obj;
         * Debug.Log(tempItemGameobject.name);
         * if (tempItemCount <= 0)
         * {
         *    Debug.LogError(tempItemGameobject.name + " item pickup count is 0 or less then");
         * }
         *    objPoolManager.ReturnFromPool(obj);*/
Exemple #2
    //pick up items

    //incomplete - need to add to inventory etc/ also need pickup item button and current node check function at the end of control function to see if there is something we can pick up

    public void pickUp()
        if (currentNode.stack.Count > 0)
            tempItemGameobject = currentNode.stack.Peek().gameObject;

            if (tempItemGameobject == null)
                Debug.LogError("Player is picking up an empty gameobject somehow");

            if (!inventory.checkIfWeCanAdd(tempItemGameobject.GetComponent <ItemPickup>().item))

            //check if we have enough inventory space
            //if true do this

            //check to see if we either consume it(dew), or add it to vial in inventory if health full? or add to invo

            //remove it from stack

            ////decrement nodes index for sprite rendering order

            //check if there are still any items left on my node


            //Add to inventoy Here

            if (tempItemGameobject.GetComponent <ItemPickup>() == null)
                Debug.Log(tempItemGameobject.name + "Error, Item Pickup Is not implimented onto this object");
            if (tempItemGameobject.GetComponent <ItemPickup>().item == null)
                Debug.Log(tempItemGameobject.name + "Error, The Item in Item Pickup component is null on this prefab object");

            tempItem      = tempItemGameobject.GetComponent <ItemPickup>().item;
            tempItemCount = tempItemGameobject.GetComponent <ItemPickup>().count;
            if (tempItemCount <= 0)
                Debug.LogError(tempItemGameobject.name + " item pickup count is 0 or less then");

            inventory.Add(tempItem, tempItemCount);

            //pass control to other entities if we picked something up?