private void configurePickerRanges()
     if (mIs24HourView)
         mHourPicker.MinValue = (0);
         mHourPicker.MaxValue = (23);
         mAmPmButton.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone;
         mHourPicker.MinValue = (1);
         mHourPicker.MaxValue = (12);
         mAmPmButton.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
Exemple #2

        //Adding a new product.
        private void ListForChoosingProducts_ItemClick(object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e)
            //Creating a new layout for entering a number of grams.
            AlertDialog.Builder Object   = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
            LayoutInflater      inflater = LayoutInflater.From(this);
            LinearLayout        layout   = new LinearLayout(this);
            View product_Quantity        = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.product_Quantity, layout);


            //Elements from the layout.
            NumberPicker ProductAmount = product_Quantity.FindViewById <NumberPicker>(Resource.Id.AmountPicker);

            ProductAmount.MinValue = 1;
            ProductAmount.MaxValue = 1000;

            ProductAmount.SetFormatter(new HelpclassNumberPickerFormatter());

            //Action on pressing positive button.
            Object.SetPositiveButton(Resource.String.OK, new EventHandler <DialogClickEventArgs>(delegate(object Sender, DialogClickEventArgs e1)
                //Creating a new product and adding it to the user's list of products.
                Product TempProduct = DatabaseProducts.GetProduct(ListForProducts.ElementAt(e.Position));
                TempProduct.Setter(ProductAmount.Value * 10, DateTime.Now);

                User TempUser = DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser);

            //Action on pressing negative button.
            Object.SetNegativeButton(Resource.String.Cancel, new EventHandler <DialogClickEventArgs>(delegate(object Sender, DialogClickEventArgs e1){}));

            //Showing the form.
        public TimePicker(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) : base(context, attrs, defStyle)
            LayoutInflater inflater =

            inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.time_picker_widget, this, true);

            // hour
            mHourPicker = (NumberPicker)FindViewById(Resource.Id.hour);
            mHourPicker.SetOnValueChangedListener(new OnValueChangeListener()
                OnValueChanged = (NumberPicker picker, int oldVal, int newVal) =>
                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                    mCurrentHour = newVal;
                    if (!mIs24HourView)
                        // adjust from [1-12] to [0-11] internally, with the times
                        // written "12:xx" being the start of the half-day
                        if (mCurrentHour == 12)
                            mCurrentHour = 0;
                        if (!mIsAm)
                            // PM means 12 hours later than nominal
                            mCurrentHour += 12;

            // digits of minute
            mMinutePicker          = (NumberPicker)FindViewById(Resource.Id.minute);
            mMinutePicker.MinValue = 0;

            mMinutePicker.MaxValue = 59;
            mMinutePicker.SetOnValueChangedListener(new Droid.OnValueChangeListener()
                OnValueChanged = (NumberPicker spinner, int oldVal, int newVal) =>
                    mCurrentMinute = newVal;

            // digits of seconds
            mSecondPicker          = (NumberPicker)FindViewById(Resource.Id.seconds);
            mSecondPicker.MinValue = 0;

            mSecondPicker.MaxValue = 59;
            mSecondPicker.SetOnValueChangedListener(new Droid.OnValueChangeListener()
                OnValueChanged = (NumberPicker spinner, int oldVal, int newVal) =>
                    mCurrentSeconds = newVal;

            mAmPmButton = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.amPm);

            // now that the hour/minute picker objects have been initialized, set
            // the hour range properly based on the 12/24 hour display mode.

            // initialize to current time
            Calendar cal = Calendar.GetInstance(ULocale.English);


            // by default we're not in 24 hour mode



            mIsAm = (mCurrentHour < 12);

            /* Get the localized am/pm strings and use them in the spinner */
            DateFormatSymbols dfs = new DateFormatSymbols();

            string[] dfsAmPm = dfs.GetAmPmStrings();
            mAmText = dfsAmPm[Calendar.Am];
            mPmText = dfsAmPm[Calendar.Pm];
            mAmPmButton.SetText(mIsAm ? mAmText : mPmText, TextView.BufferType.Normal);
            mAmPmButton.SetOnClickListener(new OnClickListener()
                Clicked = (View v) =>
                    if (mIsAm)
                        // Currently AM switching to PM
                        if (mCurrentHour < 12)
                            mCurrentHour += 12;
                        // Currently PM switching to AM
                        if (mCurrentHour >= 12)
                            mCurrentHour -= 12;
                    mIsAm = !mIsAm;
                    mAmPmButton.SetText(mIsAm ? mAmText : mPmText, TextView.BufferType.Normal);

Exemple #4
        public TimeSpanPickerDialog(Context context, EventHandler <TimeSpan> callback, TimeSpan time, TimeSpan minTime, TimeSpan maxTime) : base(context)
            _callback = callback;

            _minTime = minTime;
            _maxTime = maxTime;


            SetButton((int)DialogButtonType.Negative, "Cancel", OnCancelClicked);
            SetButton((int)DialogButtonType.Positive, "OK", OnOkClicked);

            var dialogContent = new LinearLayout(Context);

            dialogContent.SetPadding(20, 20, 20, 0);

            var numberFormatter = new NumberPickerFormatter();

            _hoursPicker = new NumberPicker(Context)
                MinValue          = 0,
                MaxValue          = 23,
                WrapSelectorWheel = false,
            _hoursPicker.Value         = time.Hours;
            _hoursPicker.ValueChanged += HourPicker_ValueChanged;

            _minutesPicker = new NumberPicker(Context)
                MinValue          = 0,
                MaxValue          = 59,
                WrapSelectorWheel = false,
            _minutesPicker.Value         = time.Minutes;
            _minutesPicker.ValueChanged += MinutePicker_ValueChanged;

            _secondsPicker = new NumberPicker(Context)
                MinValue          = 0,
                MaxValue          = 59,
                WrapSelectorWheel = false,
            _secondsPicker.Value = time.Seconds;

            dialogContent.AddView(new TextView(Context)
                Text = ":"
            dialogContent.AddView(new TextView(Context)
                Text = ":"


Exemple #5

        //Adding a new product.
        private void ListForChoosingAlcohols_ItemClick(object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e)
            //Creating a new layout for entering a number of grams.
            AlertDialog.Builder Object   = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
            LayoutInflater      inflater = LayoutInflater.From(this);
            LinearLayout        layout   = new LinearLayout(this);
            View alcohol_Quantity        = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.alcohol_Quantity, layout);


            //Elements from the layout.
            NumberPicker AlcoholAmount = alcohol_Quantity.FindViewById <NumberPicker>(Resource.Id.AmountPicker);

            AlcoholAmount.MinValue = 1;
            AlcoholAmount.MaxValue = 1000;

            //Setting a formatter to a number picker.
            AlcoholAmount.SetFormatter(new HelpclassNumberPickerFormatter());

            //Action on pressing positive button.
            Object.SetPositiveButton(Resource.String.OK, new EventHandler <DialogClickEventArgs>(delegate(object Sender, DialogClickEventArgs e1)
                //Creating a new product and adding it to the user's list of products.
                Alcohol TempAlcohol = DatabaseAlcohol.GetAlcohol(ListForAlcohols.ElementAt(e.Position));
                TempAlcohol.Setter(AlcoholAmount.Value * 10, DateTime.Now);

                User TempUser = DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser);

                //Variables for counting alcohol parameters.
                double amountOfAlcohol    = 0;
                String forAmountOfAlcohol = "";
                String forWarning         = "";

                //If there is no info about weight of the user.
                if (DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Parameters.Count == 0)
                    forAmountOfAlcohol = Resources.GetString(Resource.String.MessageAlcohol_NoWeightInfo);

                //If there is info, counting.
                    //For each alcohol of the user.
                    foreach (Alcohol Temp in DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Alcohols)
                        //If the date matches the choosed date.
                        if ((DateTime.Now.DayOfYear - Temp.Date.DayOfYear) <= 1)
                            //Counting the amount of alcohol in blood.
                            double dodamountOfAlcohol = 0;

                            double coef;
                            if (DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Sex == ENSex.Male)
                                coef = 0.68;
                                coef = 0.55;

                            TimeSpan X = DateTime.Now - Temp.Date;

                            dodamountOfAlcohol = Math.Round((Temp.PercentageOfAlchol / (DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Parameters.Last().Weight *coef) - (X.Hours * 0.1)), 2);

                            if (dodamountOfAlcohol > 0)
                                amountOfAlcohol += dodamountOfAlcohol;

                        //Setting the amount of alcohol to the string.
                        forAmountOfAlcohol = Resources.GetString(Resource.String.MessageGeneral_YouHave) + " " + amountOfAlcohol + " " + Resources.GetString(Resource.String.MessageAlcohol_ppmOfAlcohol);

                    //If it's bigger than can be according to the licence and the user has a licence.
                    if (DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).DrivingLicence == true &&
                        (DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Ukraine && amountOfAlcohol > 0.2 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Russia && amountOfAlcohol > 0.35 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Albania && amountOfAlcohol > 0.1 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Andorra && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Armenia && amountOfAlcohol > 0 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Austria && amountOfAlcohol > 0.49 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Azerbaijan && amountOfAlcohol > 0.29 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Belarus && amountOfAlcohol > 0.3 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Belgium && amountOfAlcohol > 0.49 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.BosniaAndHerzegovina && amountOfAlcohol > 0.3 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Bulgaria && amountOfAlcohol > 0.49 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Croatia && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Cyprus && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.CzechRepublic && amountOfAlcohol > 0 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Denmark && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Estonia && amountOfAlcohol > 0.2 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Finland && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.France && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Georgia && amountOfAlcohol > 0.3 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Germany && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Greece && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Hungary && amountOfAlcohol > 0 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Iceland && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Ireland && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Italy && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Latvia && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Liechtenstein && amountOfAlcohol > 0.8 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Lithuania && amountOfAlcohol > 0.4 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Luxembourg && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Macedonia && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Malta && amountOfAlcohol > 0.8 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Moldova && amountOfAlcohol > 0 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Montenegro && amountOfAlcohol > 0.3 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Netherlands && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Norway && amountOfAlcohol > 0.2 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Poland && amountOfAlcohol > 0.2 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Portugal && amountOfAlcohol > 0.49 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Romania && amountOfAlcohol > 0 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Serbia && amountOfAlcohol > 0.3 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Slovakia && amountOfAlcohol > 0 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Slovenia && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Spain && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Sweden && amountOfAlcohol > 0.2 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Switzerland && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.Turkey && amountOfAlcohol > 0.5 ||
                         DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country == ENCountry.UK && amountOfAlcohol > 0.8))
                        forWarning = Resources.GetString(Resource.String.MessageAlcohol_WarningAlcohol) + " " + DatabaseUser.GetUser(User.CurrentUser).Country + ". " + Resources.GetString(Resource.String.MessageAlcohol_WarningAlcoholTime) + " " + Math.Ceiling(amountOfAlcohol / 1.15) + " " + Resources.GetString(Resource.String.other_Hours) + " ";

                    //If the amount of alcohol is too big.
                    if (amountOfAlcohol >= 3.5)
                        forWarning += Resources.GetString(Resource.String.MessageAlcohol_WarningAlcoholDeath);

                //Showing warnings.
                View view          = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.message_AlcoholWarnings, null);
                var TextForLevel   = view.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.TextForLevel);
                var TextForWarning = view.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.TextForWarning);

                TextForLevel.Text   = forAmountOfAlcohol;
                TextForWarning.Text = forWarning;

                var toast = new Toast(Plugin.CurrentActivity.CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity)
                    Duration = ToastLength.Long,
                    View     = view


            //Action on pressing negative button.
            Object.SetNegativeButton(Resource.String.Cancel, new EventHandler <DialogClickEventArgs>(delegate(object Sender, DialogClickEventArgs e1){}));

            //Showing the form.