private void BoxCollideWithGround(MataliPhysicsObject baseObject, MataliPhysicsObject collidingObject) { String materialName = ((IPhysicsObject)collidingObject.UserTagObj).MaterialName; if (materialName.Equals("Ground")) { // Set the collision sound volume based on the contact speed SoundEffectInstance instance = Sound.Instance.PlaySoundEffect(bounceSound); // Print a text message on the screen Notifier.AddMessage("Contact with ground"); // Create a 3D text to be rendered Text3DInfo text3d = new Text3DInfo(); text3d.Text = "BOOM!!"; // The larger the contact speed, the longer the 3D text will stay displayed text3d.Duration = 1 * 500; text3d.ElapsedTime = 0; Vector3 contactPosition = Vector3.Zero; baseObject.MainWorldTransform.GetPosition(ref contactPosition); // Scale down the vector font since it's quite large, and display the text // above the contact position text3d.Transform = Matrix.CreateScale(0.03f) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(contactPosition + Vector3.UnitY * 4); // Add this 3D text to the display list text3ds.Add(text3d); } }
public void Respawn(IntPtr body) { Notifier.AddMessage("Respawned"); Matrix mat = Matrix.CreateTranslation(0, 0, -10); Newton.NewtonBodySetMatrixRecursive(body, MatrixHelper.ToFloats(mat)); }
private void Calibrate() { string channelSeq = "RGB"; int nChannles = 3; captureDevice.GetImageTexture(null, ref imagePtr); double square_size = 22.8; // in millimeters if (ALVARDllBridge.alvar_calibrate_camera(cameraID, nChannles, channelSeq, channelSeq, imagePtr, square_size, ETALON_ROWS, ETALON_COLUMNS)) { if (useImageSequence) { Notifier.AddMessage(((NullCapture)captureDevice).StaticImageFile + " succeeded"); successCount++; } else { Notifier.AddMessage("Captured Image " + (captureCount + 1)); } captureCount++; } else if (useImageSequence) { Notifier.AddMessage(((NullCapture)captureDevice).StaticImageFile + " failed"); } }
public void prucall(IPhysicsObject physObj1, IPhysicsObject physObj2) { Vector3 vel = physObj1.InitialLinearVelocity; Vector3 vel2 = physObj2.InitialLinearVelocity; Notifier.AddMessage("Aquiiiiiii"); }
private void SaveAdjustments() { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); XmlDeclaration xmlDeclaration = xmlDoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", null); xmlDoc.InsertBefore(xmlDeclaration, xmlDoc.DocumentElement); XmlElement xmlRootNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("CameraAdjustments"); xmlDoc.AppendChild(xmlRootNode); { XmlElement xmlDataNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("LeftWidthAdjustment"); xmlDataNode.InnerText = camWidthAdjustmentLeft.ToString(); xmlRootNode.AppendChild(xmlDataNode); } { XmlElement xmlDataNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("LeftHorizontalShiftAdjustment"); xmlDataNode.InnerText = camHShiftAdjustmentLeft.ToString(); xmlRootNode.AppendChild(xmlDataNode); } { XmlElement xmlDataNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("LeftVerticalShiftAdjustment"); xmlDataNode.InnerText = camVShiftAdjustmentLeft.ToString(); xmlRootNode.AppendChild(xmlDataNode); } { XmlElement xmlDataNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("RightWidthAdjustment"); xmlDataNode.InnerText = camWidthAdjustmentRight.ToString(); xmlRootNode.AppendChild(xmlDataNode); } { XmlElement xmlDataNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("RightHorizontalShiftAdjustment"); xmlDataNode.InnerText = camHShiftAdjustmentRight.ToString(); xmlRootNode.AppendChild(xmlDataNode); } { XmlElement xmlDataNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("RightVerticalShiftAdjustment"); xmlDataNode.InnerText = camVShiftAdjustmentRight.ToString(); xmlRootNode.AppendChild(xmlDataNode); } try { xmlDoc.Save(adjustmentsFilename); Notifier.AddMessage("Saved adjustments"); } catch (Exception) { throw new GoblinException("Failed to save the adjustments: " + adjustmentsFilename); } }
public void CallbackBulletHitCar3(Vector3 contactPosition, Vector3 contactNormal, float contactSpeed, float colObj1ContactTangentSpeed, float colObj2ContactTangentSpeed, Vector3 colObj1ContactTangentDirection, Vector3 colObj2ContactTangentDirection) { // Only play sound if the collision/contact speed is above 4 if (contactSpeed > 10.1f) { Notifier.AddMessage("Pum-Pum - VEL " + contactSpeed); Players[3].PlyHealth -= 2; } }
public void CallbackCarObst(Vector3 contactPosition, Vector3 contactNormal, float contactSpeed, float colObj1ContactTangentSpeed, float colObj2ContactTangentSpeed, Vector3 colObj1ContactTangentDirection, Vector3 colObj2ContactTangentDirection) { // Only play sound if the collision/contact speed is above 4 if (contactSpeed > 10f) { Notifier.AddMessage("Nock-Nock - Contact with speed of " + contactSpeed); } SoundGame.CarCrash1.Play(); }
public void Respawn(IntPtr body) { //IPhysicsObject prueba = (IPhysicsObject)body; string dato = body.GetType().ToString(); Notifier.AddMessage("Respawned"); Matrix mat = Matrix.CreateTranslation(StartPos) * Matrix.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.ToRadians(90)); Newton.NewtonBodySetMatrixRecursive(body, MatrixHelper.ToFloats(mat)); }
private void FinalizeCalibration() { if (useImageSequence) { Notifier.AddMessage("Calibrating " + successCount + " images..."); } else { Notifier.AddMessage("Calibrating..."); } ALVARDllBridge.alvar_finalize_calibration(cameraID, calibrationFilename); Notifier.FadeOutTime = -1; Notifier.AddMessage("Finished calibration. Saved " + calibrationFilename); finalized = true; }
/// <summary> /// Shoot a box from the clicked mouse location /// </summary> /// <param name="near"></param> /// <param name="far"></param> private void ShootBox(Matrix globalTransform) { //Notifier.AddMessage("paddle = " + paddle); //Notifier.AddMessage("wall = " + wall); //paddleNode.Physics.PhysicsWorldTransform = Matrix.Invert(Matrix.CreateTranslation(wall)); //paddleNode.Physics.PhysicsWorldTransform = globalTransform.Translation; //Notifier.AddMessage("OBJECT WORLD TRANS = "+ globalTransform.Translation); paddleNode.Physics.PhysicsWorldTransform = Matrix.Invert(globalTransform); //Notifier.AddMessage("Translation = " + globalTransform.Translation); //Notifier.AddMessage("Paddle Pos = " + paddleNode.WorldTransformation.Translation); Notifier.AddMessage("Paddle: " + paddleNode.WorldTransformation.Translation); Notifier.AddMessage("Ball:" + ball.WorldTransformation.Translation); }
private void CameraInitialized(object sender, Microsoft.Devices.CameraOperationCompletedEventArgs e) { cameraReady = e.Succeeded; if (cameraReady) { if (camera.PreviewResolution.Width != cameraWidth || camera.PreviewResolution.Height != cameraHeight) { throw new GoblinException(cameraWidth + "x" + cameraHeight + " is not supported. The supported resolutions is: " + camera.PreviewResolution.Width + "x" + camera.PreviewResolution.Height); } luminance = new byte[cameraWidth * cameraHeight]; } else { Notifier.AddMessage(e.Exception.Message); } }
private void CalibrateStereo() { calibrating = true; // get the left and right camera iamges leftCaptureDevice.GetImageTexture(null, ref leftImagePtr); rightCaptureDevice.GetImageTexture(null, ref rightImagePtr); markerTracker.DetectorID = 0; markerTracker.CameraID = 0; markerTracker.ProcessImage(leftCaptureDevice, leftImagePtr); bool markerFoundOnLeftVideo = markerTracker.FindMarker(markerID); if (markerFoundOnLeftVideo) { Matrix leftEyeTransform = markerTracker.GetMarkerTransform(); markerTracker.DetectorID = 1; markerTracker.CameraID = 1; markerTracker.ProcessImage(rightCaptureDevice, rightImagePtr); bool markerFoundOnRightVideo = markerTracker.FindMarker(markerID); if (markerFoundOnRightVideo) { Matrix rightEyeTransform = markerTracker.GetMarkerTransform(); leftEyeTransform = Matrix.Invert(leftEyeTransform); rightEyeTransform = Matrix.Invert(rightEyeTransform); Matrix relativeTransform = rightEyeTransform * Matrix.Invert(leftEyeTransform); Vector3 rawScale, rawPos; Quaternion rawRot; relativeTransform.Decompose(out rawScale, out rawRot, out rawPos); float xGap = Math.Abs(rawPos.X); float yGap = Math.Abs(rawPos.Y); float zGap = Math.Abs(rawPos.Z); float xyRatio = yGap / xGap; float xzRatio = zGap / xGap; if (xyRatio < 0.2 && xzRatio < 0.2 && rawPos.Length() > EXPECTED_GAP_MIN && rawPos.Length() < EXPECTED_GAP_MAX) { relativeTransforms.Add(relativeTransform); Console.WriteLine("Completed calculation " + (captureCount + 1)); Notifier.AddMessage("Completed calculation: " + (captureCount + 1) + "/" + CALIB_COUNT_MAX); rawScale = Vector3Helper.QuaternionToEulerAngleVector3(rawRot); rawScale = Vector3Helper.RadiansToDegrees(rawScale); Console.WriteLine("Pos: " + rawPos.ToString() + ", Length: " + rawPos.Length() + ", Yaw: " + rawScale.X + ", Pitch: " + rawScale.Y + ": Roll, " + rawScale.Z); Console.WriteLine(); captureCount++; } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed: Pos: " + rawPos.ToString() + ", Length: " + rawPos.Length()); Console.WriteLine(); Notifier.AddMessage("Failed. Try again"); } } } if (captureCount >= CALIB_COUNT_MAX) { SaveCalibration(); Console.WriteLine("Finished calibration. Saved " + calibrationFilename); Notifier.AddMessage("Finished calibration!!"); finalized = true; } calibrating = false; }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run. /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic /// related content. Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components /// and initialize them as well. /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); #if WINDOWS // Display the mouse cursor this.IsMouseVisible = true; #endif // Initialize the GoblinXNA framework State.InitGoblin(graphics, Content, ""); #if WINDOWS_PHONE this.Activated += Sound.Instance.GameActivated; #endif // Initialize the scene graph scene = new Scene(); // Set the background color to CornflowerBlue color. // GraphicsDevice.Clear(...) is called by Scene object with this color. scene.BackgroundColor = Color.CornflowerBlue; #if WINDOWS // We will use the Newton physics engine ( // for processing the physical simulation scene.PhysicsEngine = new NewtonPhysics(); #else scene.PhysicsEngine = new MataliPhysics(); #endif scene.PhysicsEngine.Gravity = 30; #if WINDOWS_PHONE ((MataliPhysics)scene.PhysicsEngine).SimulationTimeStep = 1 / 30f; #endif text3ds = new List <Text3DInfo>(); // Set up the lights used in the scene CreateLights(); // Set up the camera which defines the eye location and viewing frustum CreateCamera(); // Create 3D objects CreateObjects(); #if WINDOWS // Set up physics material interaction specifications between the shooting box and the ground NewtonMaterial physMat = new NewtonMaterial(); physMat.MaterialName1 = "ShootingBox"; physMat.MaterialName2 = "Ground"; physMat.Elasticity = 0.7f; physMat.StaticFriction = 0.8f; physMat.KineticFriction = 0.2f; // Define a callback function that will be called when the two materials contact/collide physMat.ContactProcessCallback = delegate(Vector3 contactPosition, Vector3 contactNormal, float contactSpeed, float colObj1ContactTangentSpeed, float colObj2ContactTangentSpeed, Vector3 colObj1ContactTangentDirection, Vector3 colObj2ContactTangentDirection) { if (contactSpeed > 2) { collisionCount++; } // When a cube box collides with the ground, it can have more than 1 contact points // depending on the collision surface, so we only play sound and add 3D texts once // every four contacts to avoid multiple sound play or text addition for one surface // contact if (collisionCount >= 4) { // Set the collision sound volume based on the contact speed SoundEffectInstance instance = Sound.Instance.PlaySoundEffect(bounceSound); //instance.Volume = contactSpeed / 50f; // Print a text message on the screen Notifier.AddMessage("Contact with speed of " + contactSpeed); // Create a 3D text to be rendered Text3DInfo text3d = new Text3DInfo(); text3d.Text = "BOOM!!"; // The larger the contact speed, the longer the 3D text will stay displayed text3d.Duration = contactSpeed * 500; text3d.ElapsedTime = 0; // Scale down the vector font since it's quite large, and display the text // above the contact position text3d.Transform = Matrix.CreateScale(0.03f) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(contactPosition + Vector3.UnitY * 4); // Add this 3D text to the display list text3ds.Add(text3d); // Reset the count collisionCount = 0; } }; // Add this physics material interaction specifications to the physics engine ((NewtonPhysics)scene.PhysicsEngine).AddPhysicsMaterial(physMat); #endif // Add a mouse click handler for shooting a box model from the mouse location MouseInput.Instance.MouseClickEvent += new HandleMouseClick(MouseClickHandler); // Show some debug information State.ShowFPS = true; // Show debugging messages on the screen State.ShowNotifications = true; // Make the debugging message fade out after 3000 ms (3 seconds) Notifier.FadeOutTime = 3000; }
public void oooocall() { Notifier.AddMessage("jodeerrr"); }
private void ServerDisconnected() { Notifier.AddMessage("Disconnected from the server"); }
private void ClientConnected(string clientIP, int portNumber) { Notifier.AddMessage("Accepted connection from " + clientIP + " at port " + portNumber); }
private void ClientDisconnected(string clientIP, int portNumber) { Notifier.AddMessage("Disconnected from " + clientIP + " at port " + portNumber); }
private void ServerConnected() { Notifier.AddMessage("Connected to the server"); }