Exemple #1
 private int GetSeed(NoiseConfiguration config)
     if (Seeds.TryGetValue(config.Seed, out int value))
         Seeds.Add(config.Seed, (int)Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(13 * config.Seed * config.Seed)));
Exemple #2
        public float[][] GetNoiseValues(NoiseConfiguration config, double zoom, Area area, double maxDistanceInMeters, int imageWidth, int imageHeight)
            if (imageWidth == 0 || imageHeight == 0)

            //float factor = Math.Max(imageWidth / 256f, imageHeight / 256f);
            float factor     = 1;
            int   calcWidth  = (int)(imageWidth / factor);
            int   calcHeight = (int)(imageHeight / factor);

            float[][] result = new float[calcWidth][];
            for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
                result[i] = new float[calcHeight];

            FastNoise noiseGenerator = new FastNoise(GetSeed(config));

            double xMovementPerPixel = (area.XEnd - area.XStart) / calcWidth;
            double yMovementPerPixel = (area.YEnd - area.YStart) / calcHeight;

            //Optimisation possibility: we don't have to calculate haversine for each pixel.
            //Calculate the rectangle that needs to be calculated and set all the other cells to
            //Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0)
            //i.e. start in the middle and move to the right and left. Stop calculating when the calculationborder is reached

            bool allPointsIncluded = maxDistanceInMeters == 0 || WSG84Math.GetDistanceInMeters(area.Center, area.TopLeftCorner) < maxDistanceInMeters;

            for (int x = 0; x < calcWidth; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < calcHeight; y++)
                    double pixelX = area.XStart + xMovementPerPixel * x;
                    double pixelY = area.YStart + yMovementPerPixel * y;

                    result[x][y] = 0;
                    if (allPointsIncluded || WSG84Math.GetDistanceInMeters(pixelY, pixelX, area.YCenter, area.XCenter) < maxDistanceInMeters)
                        result[x][y] = GetValue(noiseGenerator, (NoiseType)config.Type, pixelX * zoom, pixelY * zoom);

Exemple #3
        public float GetNoiseValue(NoiseConfiguration config, double zoom, double latitude, double longitude)
            FastNoise noiseGenerator = new FastNoise(GetSeed(config));

            return(GetValue(noiseGenerator, (NoiseType)config.Type, longitude * zoom, latitude * zoom));