Exemple #1
        public void TestSourceCaching()
            var src = new CachedResolver(new MultiResolver(ZipSource.CreateValidationSource(), new WebResolver()));

            Stopwatch sw1 = new Stopwatch();

            // Ensure looking up a failed endpoint repeatedly does not cost much time

            var sw2 = new Stopwatch();


            Debug.WriteLine("sw2 {0}, sw1 {1}", sw2.ElapsedMilliseconds, sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            Assert.IsTrue(sw2.ElapsedMilliseconds <= sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds && sw2.ElapsedMilliseconds < 100);

            // Now try an existing artifact


            Assert.IsTrue(sw2.ElapsedMilliseconds < sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds && sw2.ElapsedMilliseconds < 100);
Exemple #2
        public void SetupSource()
            // Ensure the FHIR extensions are registered

            // Prepare the artifact resolvers (cache to reduce complexity)
            _source = new CachedResolver(
                new MultiResolver(
                    // Use the specification zip that is local (from the NuGet package)
                    new ZipSource("specification.zip"),
                    // Try using the fixed content
                    new AustralianFhirProfileResolver(),
                    // Then look to a specific FHIR Registry Server
                    new WebResolver(id => new FhirClient("http://sqlonfhir-stu3.azurewebsites.net/fhir"))

            var ctx = new ValidationSettings()
                ResourceResolver    = _source,
                GenerateSnapshot    = true,
                EnableXsdValidation = true,
                Trace = false,
                ResolveExteralReferences = true

            // until we have a local terminology service ready, here is the remote implementation
            // ctx.TerminologyService = new ExternalTerminologyService(new FhirClient("http://test.fhir.org/r3"));
            ctx.TerminologyService = new LocalTerminologyServer(_source);

            _validator = new Validator(ctx);
        protected TypeDefinition GetTypeDef <T> ()
            var type             = typeof(T);
            var path             = type.Module.Assembly.Location;
            var assemblyResolver = new MDocResolver();

            var projPath       = typeof(CecilBaseTest).Module.Assembly.Location;
            var dependencyPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(projPath), "..", "..", "..", "..", "external", "Windows");

            var cachedResolver = new CachedResolver(assemblyResolver);

            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(dependencyPath))
                throw new System.Exception($"The path '{dependencyPath}' doesn't seem to exist ... did project files get moved around?");

            var resolver = new MDocMetadataResolver(cachedResolver);
            var assembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(path, new ReaderParameters {
                AssemblyResolver = cachedResolver, MetadataResolver = resolver

            var typeref = assembly.MainModule.GetAllTypes().FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == type.Name);

        static void InitUserProfiles()
            Console.WriteLine($"Fetch profiles in target location...");
            var src = _dirSource = new DirectorySource(_targetPath, includeSubDirs);

            _cachedDirSource = new CachedResolver(src);

            var userProfiles = _userProfiles = src.ListResourceUris().ToList();

            Console.WriteLine($"Found {userProfiles.Count} profiles.");

            Console.WriteLine($"Determine mappings...");
            foreach (var profile in userProfiles)
                var sd = _cachedDirSource.FindStructureDefinition(profile, false);
                if (EnsureSnapshot(sd))
                    var key = ModelInfo.CanonicalUriForFhirCoreType(sd.Type);
                    if (!_mappings.TryGetValue(key, out string existing))
                        Console.WriteLine($"Map references of type '{sd.Type}' to user profile '{sd.Url}'");
                        _mappings.Add(key, sd.Url);
                        Console.WriteLine($"Warning! Ignore duplicate user profile '{sd.Url}' for reference target type '{sd.Type}'");
Exemple #5
        public void Setup()
            var assembly      = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            var location      = new Uri(assembly.GetName().CodeBase);
            var directoryInfo = new FileInfo(location.AbsolutePath).Directory;

            Debug.Assert(directoryInfo != null, "directoryInfo != null");
            Debug.Assert(directoryInfo.FullName != null, "directoryInfo.FullName != null");

            var structureDefinitions  = directoryInfo.FullName + @"\Resources\StructureDefinitions";
            var includeSubDirectories = new DirectorySourceSettings {
                IncludeSubDirectories = true
            var directorySource = new DirectorySource(structureDefinitions, includeSubDirectories);

            var cachedResolver = new CachedResolver(directorySource);
            var coreSource     = new CachedResolver(ZipSource.CreateValidationSource());
            var combinedSource = new MultiResolver(cachedResolver, coreSource);
            var settings       = new ValidationSettings
                EnableXsdValidation = true,
                GenerateSnapshot    = true,
                Trace                    = true,
                ResourceResolver         = combinedSource,
                ResolveExteralReferences = true,
                SkipConstraintValidation = false
            var validator = new Validator(settings);

            _profileValidator = new ProfileValidator(validator);
Exemple #6
        public void FullRoundtripOfAllExamplesJsonNavSdProvider()
            var source = new CachedResolver(ZipSource.CreateValidationSource());

            FullRoundtripOfAllExamples("examples-json.zip", "FHIRRoundTripTestJson",
                                       "Roundtripping json->xml->json", usingPoco: false, provider: new StructureDefinitionSummaryProvider(source));
Exemple #7
        int validate()
            int returncode = 0;

            // Example from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53399139/fhir-net-api-stu3-validating

            // https://www.devdays.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/DD18-US-Validation-in-NET-and-Java-Ewout-Kramer-James-Agnew-2018-06-19.pdf

            // https://blog.fire.ly/2016/10/27/validation-and-other-new-features-in-the-net-api-stack/

            // setup the resolver to use specification.zip, and a folder with custom profiles
            var source = new CachedResolver(new MultiResolver(
                                                new DirectorySource(@"C:\Users\dag\source\repos\FhirTool\SfmFhir\Profiles\"),

            // prepare the settings for the validator
            var ctx = new ValidationSettings()
                ResourceResolver          = source,
                GenerateSnapshot          = true,
                Trace                     = false,
                EnableXsdValidation       = true,
                ResolveExternalReferences = false

            var validator = new Validator(ctx);

            // validate the resource; optionally enter a custom profile url as 2nd parameter
            var result = validator.Validate(this);

        public void CannotCreateNestedSnapshotSource()
            var orgSource    = ZipSource.CreateValidationSource();
            var cachedSource = new CachedResolver(orgSource);
            var src          = new SnapshotSource(cachedSource);

            // Verify that SnapshotSource ctor rejects SnapshotSource arguments
            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => new SnapshotSource(src));
Exemple #9
        protected override IResourceResolver GetResourceResolver()
            var includeSubDirectories = new DirectorySourceSettings {
                IncludeSubDirectories = true
            var directorySource = new DirectorySource(_structureDefinitionsFolder, includeSubDirectories);
            var cachedResolver  = new CachedResolver(directorySource);

        static void InitCoreProfiles()
            Console.WriteLine("Load FHIR core resource definitions...");

            var src = _coreSource = ZipSource.CreateValidationSource();

            _cachedCoreSource = new CachedResolver(src);
            var profiles = _coreProfiles = src.ListResourceUris(ResourceType.StructureDefinition).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine($"Found {profiles.Count} core definitions.");
        public async void RunSnapshotMultiThreaded()
            // Arrange
            var source    = new CachedResolver(new ZipSource("specification.zip"));
            var generator = new SnapshotGenerator(source);

            OperationOutcome GenerateSnapshot(StructureDefinition sd)
                return(generator.Outcome ?? new OperationOutcome());

            var nrOfParrallelTasks = 100;
            var results            = new ConcurrentBag <OperationOutcome>();
            var buffer             = new BufferBlock <StructureDefinition>();
            var processor          = new ActionBlock <StructureDefinition>(sd =>
                // Act
                var outcome = ProfilePreprocessor.GenerateSnapshots(new[] { sd }, GenerateSnapshot, "unittest");
                                                                           new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 100

            buffer.LinkTo(processor, new DataflowLinkOptions {
                PropagateCompletion = true

            var patientSD = source.ResolveByCanonicalUri("http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient") as StructureDefinition;

            // Clear snapshots after initial load
            // This will force the validator to regenerate all snapshots
            if (patientSD.HasSnapshot)
                patientSD.Snapshot = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < nrOfParrallelTasks; i++)
            await processor.Completion;

            // Assert
            var nrOfSuccess = results.Count(r => r.Success);

            Assert.Equal(nrOfParrallelTasks, nrOfSuccess);
        public void SetupSource()
            source = new CachedResolver(
                new MultiResolver(
                    new TestProfileArtifactSource(),
                    new ZipSource("specification.zip")));

            var ctx = new ValidationSettings()
                ResourceResolver = source, GenerateSnapshot = true, Trace = false

            validator = new Validator(ctx);
Exemple #13
        public MainForm()

            btnErrors.Tag   = "OFF";
            btnWarnings.Tag = "OFF";
            btnMessages.Tag = "OFF";

            btnError_Click(btnErrors, null);
            btnWarning_Click(btnWarnings, null);
            btnMessage_Click(btnMessages, null);
            // Create a resource resolver that searches for the core resources in 'specification.zip', which comes with the .NET FHIR Specification NuGet package
            // We create a source that takes its contents from a ZIP file (in this case the default 'specification.zip'). We decorate that source by encapsulating
            // it in a CachedResolver, which speeds up access by caching conformance resources once we got them from the large files in the ZIP.
            CoreSource = new CachedResolver(ZipSource.CreateValidationSource());
Exemple #14
        public async Task TestCacheOnSyncAsync()
            var sync = new SyncResolver(new AResource {
                Data = 1
            var c1 = new CachedResolver(sync);

            await test(c1);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, sync.ByUri);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, sync.ByCanonical);

            var async = new AsyncResolver(new AResource {
                Data = 1
            var c2 = new CachedResolver(async);

            await test(c2);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, async.ByUriAsync);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, async.ByCanonicalAsync);

            var sasync = new SyncAsyncResolver(new AResource {
                Data = 1
            var c3 = new CachedResolver(sasync);

            await test(c3);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, sasync.ByUri);       // cache will always prefer the async
            Assert.AreEqual(0, sasync.ByCanonical); // cache will always prefer the async
            Assert.AreEqual(1, sasync.ByUriAsync);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, sasync.ByCanonicalAsync);

            async Task test(CachedResolver r)
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
                var result = r.ResolveByUri("t") as AResource;
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
                Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Data);

                result = await r.ResolveByCanonicalUriAsync("t") as AResource;

                Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Data);
Exemple #15
 public ScanResources(string existingSDpath, string newSDpath, string outputProfileBaseUri, string publisher)
     _publisher            = publisher;
     _outputProfileBaseUri = outputProfileBaseUri;
     _outputProfilePath    = newSDpath;
     ds = new DirectorySource(_outputProfilePath, new DirectorySourceSettings()
         IncludeSubDirectories = true
     sourceSD = new CachedResolver(
         new MultiResolver(
             new DirectorySource(existingSDpath, new DirectorySourceSettings()
         IncludeSubDirectories = true
             new ZipSource(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "specification.zip"))
        public void SetupSource()
            _source = new CachedResolver(
                new MultiResolver(
                    new BundleExampleResolver(@"TestData\validation"),
                    new DirectorySource(@"TestData\validation"),
                    new TestProfileArtifactSource(),
                    new ZipSource("specification.zip")));

            var ctx = new ValidationSettings()
                ResourceResolver    = _source,
                GenerateSnapshot    = true,
                EnableXsdValidation = true,
                Trace = false,
                ResolveExteralReferences = true

            _validator = new Validator(ctx);
Exemple #17
        public void TestCacheInvalidation()
            var src = new CachedResolver(new MultiResolver(ZipSource.CreateValidationSource()));

            CachedResolver.LoadResourceEventArgs    eventArgs = null;
            CachedResolver.LoadResourceEventHandler handler   = (sender, args) => { eventArgs = args; };
            src.Load += handler;

            // Verify that the Load event is fired on the initial load
            const string resourceUri = "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/v2-0292";
            var          resource    = src.ResolveByUri(resourceUri);

            Assert.AreEqual(resourceUri, eventArgs.Url);
            Assert.AreEqual(resource, eventArgs.Resource);

            // Verify that the Load event is not fired on subsequent load
            eventArgs = null;
            resource  = src.ResolveByUri(resourceUri);

            // Verify that we can remove the cache entry
            var result = src.InvalidateByUri(resourceUri);


            // Verify that the cache entry has been removed
            result = src.InvalidateByUri(resourceUri);

            // Verify that the Load event is fired again on the next load
            var resource2 = src.ResolveByUri(resourceUri);

            Assert.AreEqual(resourceUri, eventArgs.Url);
            Assert.AreEqual(resource2, eventArgs.Resource);

            // Verify that the cache returned a new instance with exact same value
            Assert.AreNotEqual(resource2.GetHashCode(), resource.GetHashCode());
Exemple #18
        public ValidationFixture()
            Resolver = new CachedResolver(
                new MultiResolver(
                    new BasicValidationTests.BundleExampleResolver(Path.Combine("TestData", "validation")),
                    new DirectorySource(Path.Combine("TestData", "validation")),
                    new TestProfileArtifactSource(),
                    new ZipSource("specification.zip")));

            var ctx = new ValidationSettings()
                ResourceResolver    = Resolver,
                GenerateSnapshot    = true,
                EnableXsdValidation = true,
                Trace = false,
                ResolveExteralReferences = true

            Validator = new Validator(ctx);
Exemple #19
        public Validator GetValidator()
            if (!IsValidationOn())

            var zipSource      = ZipSource.CreateValidationSource();
            var coreSource     = new CachedResolver(zipSource);
            var combinedSource = new MultiResolver(GetResourceResolver(), coreSource);
            var settings       = new ValidationSettings
                EnableXsdValidation = true,
                GenerateSnapshot    = true,
                Trace                    = true,
                ResourceResolver         = combinedSource,
                ResolveExteralReferences = true,
                SkipConstraintValidation = false

            return(new Validator(settings));
Exemple #20
        public ValidationFixture()
            var zip = ZipSource.CreateValidationSource();

            Resolver = new CachedResolver(
                new MultiResolver(
                    new TestProfileArtifactSource(),
                    new DirectorySource(@"TestData\validation"),

            var ctx = new ValidationSettings()
                ResourceResolver    = Resolver,
                GenerateSnapshot    = true,
                EnableXsdValidation = true,
                Trace = false,
                ResolveExteralReferences = true

            Validator = new Validator(ctx);
Exemple #21
        public ProfileValidator(bool validateXsd, bool showTrace, bool reloadValidator, string profileFolder)
            if (_validator != null && !reloadValidator)
            var coreSource     = new CachedResolver(ZipSource.CreateValidationSource());
            var cachedResolver = new CachedResolver(new DirectorySource(profileFolder, new DirectorySourceSettings {
                IncludeSubDirectories = true
            var combinedSource = new MultiResolver(cachedResolver, coreSource);
            var settings       = new ValidationSettings
                EnableXsdValidation = validateXsd,
                GenerateSnapshot    = true,
                Trace                    = showTrace,
                ResourceResolver         = combinedSource,
                ResolveExteralReferences = true,
                SkipConstraintValidation = false

            _validator = new Validator(settings);
        public void SetupSource()
            // Ensure the FHIR extensions are registered

            _source = new CachedResolver(
                new MultiResolver(
                    new BundleExampleResolver(@"TestData\validation"),
                    new DirectorySource(@"TestData\validation"),
                    new TestProfileArtifactSource(),
                    new ZipSource("specification.zip")));

            var ctx = new ValidationSettings()
                ResourceResolver    = _source,
                GenerateSnapshot    = true,
                EnableXsdValidation = true,
                Trace = false,
                ResolveExteralReferences = true

            _validator = new Validator(ctx);
        public static Validator GetValidator()
            var structureDefinitions  = GetStructureDefinitionsPath();
            var includeSubDirectories = new DirectorySourceSettings {
                IncludeSubDirectories = true
            var directorySource = new DirectorySource(structureDefinitions, includeSubDirectories);

            var cachedResolver = new CachedResolver(directorySource);
            var coreSource     = new CachedResolver(ZipSource.CreateValidationSource());
            var combinedSource = new MultiResolver(cachedResolver, coreSource);
            var settings       = new ValidationSettings
                EnableXsdValidation = true,
                GenerateSnapshot    = true,
                Trace                     = true,
                ResourceResolver          = combinedSource,
                ResolveExternalReferences = true,
                SkipConstraintValidation  = false
            var validator = new Validator(settings);

Exemple #24
        public void TestCacheLoadingStrategy()
            const string resourceUri = "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/v2-0292";

            // Create empty in-memory resolver
            var mem   = new InMemoryProfileResolver();
            var cache = new CachedResolver(mem);

            // Load on demand should return null
            var resource = cache.ResolveByCanonicalUri(resourceUri);


            // Resolve core resource from ZIP and refresh in-memory resolver
            var zipSource = ZipSource.CreateValidationSource();
            var original  = zipSource.ResolveByUri(resourceUri) as ValueSet;


            // Load on demand should still return null
            resource = cache.ResolveByCanonicalUri(resourceUri);

            // Invalidate the cache, delete existing cache entry

            // Load from cache should still return null
            resource = cache.ResolveByCanonicalUri(resourceUri, CachedResolverLoadingStrategy.LoadFromCache);

            // Load on demand should now resolve instance and update cache
            resource = cache.ResolveByCanonicalUri(resourceUri);
            Assert.AreEqual(original, resource);

            // Update in-memory resolver with new, modified instance (same url)
            var modified = (ValueSet)original.DeepCopy();

            modified.Name = "MODIFIED";

            // Load on demand should still return the original, unmodified instance from cache
            // As the cache is unaware that the internal source has changed
            resource = cache.ResolveByCanonicalUri(resourceUri);
            Assert.AreEqual(original, resource);

            // Forced load should update cache and return new, modified instance
            resource = cache.ResolveByCanonicalUri(resourceUri, CachedResolverLoadingStrategy.LoadFromSource);
            Assert.AreEqual(modified, resource);

            // Clear in-memory resolver; i.e. simulate delete file from disk

            // Load on demand should still return the modified instance from cache
            // As the cache is unaware that the internal source has changed
            resource = cache.ResolveByCanonicalUri(resourceUri);
            Assert.AreEqual(modified, resource);

            // Forced load should update cache and now return null
            resource = cache.ResolveByCanonicalUri(resourceUri, CachedResolverLoadingStrategy.LoadFromSource);
        public void TestElementSnapshot()
            // Request core Element snapshot; verify recursion handling

            var orgSource    = ZipSource.CreateValidationSource();
            var cachedSource = new CachedResolver(orgSource);

            // Assumption: source provides Element structure
            var sdCached = cachedSource.FindStructureDefinitionForCoreType(FHIRDefinedType.Element);

            var elemCnt = sdCached.Differential.Element.Count;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, elemCnt); // Element | Element.id | Element.extension

            // Generate snapshot by calling SnapshotSource
            // Important! Specify flag to force re-generation (don't trust existing core snapshots...)
            var snapSource = new SnapshotSource(cachedSource, true);

            var sd = snapSource.FindStructureDefinitionForCoreType(FHIRDefinedType.Element);

            Assert.AreEqual(sdCached, sd);   // Expecting same (cached) object reference, with updated Snapshot component

            var elems = sd.Snapshot.Element;

            Assert.AreEqual(elemCnt, elems.Count);

            void assert_ele1(ElementDefinition eld)
                Assert.AreEqual("ele-1", eld.Constraint.FirstOrDefault()?.Key);
                Assert.AreEqual("ele-1", eld.Condition.FirstOrDefault());

            // Assumption: differential introduces constraint "ele-1" on root element (only)
            var diffElems = sd.Differential.Element;

            for (int i = 1; i < elemCnt; i++)
                var elem = diffElems[i];

            // Verify explicit inheritance of recursive constraints in snapshot
            // [0] Element
            // [1] Element.id        : id < string < Element
            // [2] Element.extension : Extension < Element
            // Verify that the "ele-1" constraint & condition, introduced by diff root element [0],
            // is correctly propagated to snapshot child elements [1] and [2]
            foreach (var elem in elems)
        public void TestPatientWithOrganization()
            // DirectorySource (and ResourceStreamScanner) does not support json...
            // var source = new DirectorySource(@"TestData\validation");
            // var res = source.ResolveByUri("Patient/pat1"); // cf. "Patient/Levin"

            var jsonPatient = File.ReadAllText(@"TestData\validation\patient-ck.json");
            var parser      = new FhirJsonParser();
            var patient     = parser.Parse <Patient>(jsonPatient);


            var jsonOrganization = File.ReadAllText(@"TestData\validation\organization-ck.json");
            var organization     = parser.Parse <Organization>(jsonOrganization);


            var resources   = new Resource[] { patient, organization };
            var memResolver = new InMemoryResourceResolver(resources);

            // [WMR 20161220] Validator always uses existing snapshots if present
            // ProfilePreprocessor.GenerateSnapshots:
            // if (!sd.HasSnapshot) { ... snapshotGenerator(sd) ... }

            // Create custom source to properly force snapshot expansion
            // Run validator on instance
            // Afterwards, verify that instance profile has been expanded

            var source = new CachedResolver(
                // Clear snapshots after initial load
                // This will force the validator to regenerate all snapshots
                new ClearSnapshotResolver(
                    new MultiResolver(
                        // new BundleExampleResolver(@"TestData\validation"),
                        // new DirectorySource(@"TestData\validation"),
                        // new TestProfileArtifactSource(),
                        new ZipSource("specification.zip"))));

            var ctx = new ValidationSettings()
                ResourceResolver    = source,
                GenerateSnapshot    = true,
                EnableXsdValidation = true,
                Trace = false,
                ResolveExteralReferences = true

            var validator = new Validator(ctx);

            var report = validator.Validate(patient);


            // Assert.AreEqual(4, report.Warnings);

            // To check for ele-1 constraints on expanded Patient snapshot:
            // source.FindStructureDefinitionForCoreType(FHIRDefinedType.Patient).Snapshot.Element.Select(e=>e.Path + " : " + e.Constraint.FirstOrDefault()?.Key ?? "").ToArray()
            var patientStructDef = source.FindStructureDefinitionForCoreType(FHIRDefinedType.Patient);

Exemple #27
        protected override IResourceResolver GetResourceResolver()
            var cachedResolver = new CachedResolver(new DirectorySource(_structureDefinitionsFolder, true));
