public override void update(GameTime time) { if (!didModeSelect) { return; } if (readyToLoad) { Multiplayer.lobby = false; NewSaveGame.Load(path); Game1.exitActiveMenu(); } else if (Multiplayer.mode == Mode.Client && modeInit != null && modeInit.ThreadState != ThreadState.Running) { readyToLoad = true; } }
public override void update(GameTime time) { if (pendingClient != null) { pendingClient.update(); if ( != 255) { readyToLoad = true; } else { return; } } if (!didModeSelect || Multiplayer.problemStarting) { return; } if (readyToLoad) { if (pendingClient != null) { Multiplayer.client = pendingClient; } Multiplayer.lobby = false; NewSaveGame.Load(path); Game1.exitActiveMenu(); } else if (Multiplayer.mode == Mode.Client && modeInit != null && modeInit.ThreadState != ThreadState.Running) { readyToLoad = true; } else if (modeInit == null && Multiplayer.mode == Mode.Client) { if (showingFriends && friends != null) { friends.update(time); } else if (showingLan) { lan.update(time); } } }
//////////////////////////////////////// public override void update(GameTime time) { base.update(time); if (this.timerToLoad > 0) { this.timerToLoad -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (this.timerToLoad <= 0) { //////////////////////////////////////// this.timerToLoad = 1; pendingSelected = saveGames[selected]; if (didModeSelect) { if (modeInit == null) { if (portBox == null) { if (Multiplayer.mode == Mode.Client) { ipBox = new TextBox(Game1.content.Load <Texture2D>("LooseSprites\\textBox"), null, Game1.smallFont, Game1.textColor); ipBox.Width *= 3; ipBox.X = buttonX + buttonW / 2 - (SpriteText.getWidthOfString("IP Address:") + ipBox.Width + 20) / 2 + SpriteText.getWidthOfString("IP Address:") + 20; ipBox.Y = buttonY1 + buttonH / 2 - ipBox.Height / 2; ipBox.Text = Multiplayer.ipStr; } portBox = new TextBox(Game1.content.Load <Texture2D>("LooseSprites\\textBox"), null, Game1.smallFont, Game1.textColor); portBox.Width *= 3; portBox.X = buttonX + buttonW / 2 - (SpriteText.getWidthOfString("IP Address:") + portBox.Width + 20) / 2 + SpriteText.getWidthOfString("IP Address:") + 20; portBox.Y = buttonY2 + buttonH / 2 - portBox.Height / 2; portBox.Text = Multiplayer.portStr; } } else { if (Multiplayer.mode == Mode.Client && Multiplayer.client != null) { readyToLoad = true; } } } if (Multiplayer.problemStarting) { /*didModeSelect = false; * this.loading = false; * this.timerToLoad = 0; * this.selected = -1; * Util.SetInstanceField(typeof(TitleMenu), Game1.activeClickableMenu, "subMenu", new NewLoadMenu()); */ return; } if (!readyToLoad) { return; } if (!NewSaveGame.Load(this.saveGames[this.selected].favoriteThing)) { didModeSelect = false; this.loading = false; this.timerToLoad = 0; this.selected = -1; Util.SetInstanceField(typeof(TitleMenu), Game1.activeClickableMenu, "subMenu", new NewLoadMenu()); return; } Multiplayer.lobby = false; this.timerToLoad = 0; //////////////////////////////////////// for (int i = 0; i < this.saveGames.Count; i++) { if (i != this.selected) { this.saveGames[i].unload(); } } //if (Multiplayer.mode == Mode.Singleplayer) //////////////////////////////////////// Game1.exitActiveMenu(); } } }
public override void update(GameTime time) { if (this.quit) { if (Game1.currentLoader.Current < 100) { Game1.currentLoader.MoveNext(); } else { Game1.exitActiveMenu(); } return; } //////////////////////////////////////// if (Multiplayer.mode == Mode.Client) {"Reloading world for next day"); // Yes, it is necessary to do this again (previously done when the next day packet was sent before the fade) // This time newDayAfterFade has run, and so mail and stuff has changed var it = NewSaveGame.Save(true); while (it.Current < 100) { it.MoveNext(); Thread.Sleep(5); } Multiplayer.client.processDelayedPackets(); NewSaveGame.Load("MEOW", true); quit = true; return; } //////////////////////////////////////// if (!Game1.saveOnNewDay) { this.quit = true; if (Game1.activeClickableMenu.Equals(this)) { Game1.player.checkForLevelTenStatus(); Game1.exitActiveMenu(); } return; } if (this.loader != null) { this.loader.MoveNext(); if (this.loader.Current >= 100) { this.margin -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (this.margin <= 0) { Game1.playSound("money"); this.completePause = 1500; this.loader = null; Game1.game1.IsSaving = false; } } this._ellipsisDelay -= (float)time.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; if (this._ellipsisDelay <= 0f) { this._ellipsisDelay += 0.75f; this._ellipsisCount++; if (this._ellipsisCount > 3) { this._ellipsisCount = 1; } } } else if (this.hasDrawn && this.completePause == -1) { //////////////////////////////////////// if (Multiplayer.mode == Mode.Host) { foreach (Server.Client client in Multiplayer.server.clients) { // They should have sent their farmer data again. // We can update their stuff before the new day. client.processDelayedPackets(); } } //////////////////////////////////////// Game1.game1.IsSaving = true; this.loader = NewSaveGame.Save(); // SaveGame -> NewSaveGame } if (this.completePause >= 0) { this.completePause -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; this.saveText.update(time); if (this.completePause < 0) { this.quit = true; this.completePause = -9999; if (Game1.activeClickableMenu.Equals(this)) { Game1.player.checkForLevelTenStatus(); Game1.exitActiveMenu(); } Game1.currentLocation.resetForPlayerEntry(); } } }